

现象阐述型:提纲式作文或图表式作文 (1)Nowaays/Recently,_.(2)As a result/Thus,_                    (1)开门见山,描述现象(2)说明该现象造成的结果或影响

(3)Thtere are various reasons accounting/responsible for_.(4)For one thing,_.(5)For another,_.(6)In addition,_.                                                                 (3)承上启下,表明产生上述现象的原因是多方面的。(4)(5)(6)具体分析产生上述现象的各种原因                      (7)As far as I am concerned,_.(8)On the one hand, _. (9)On the other hand, _. (10)In a word, _. (7)表明自己态度和看法(8)(9)提出解决问题的方法。(10)得出结论,总结全文

对比选择型:提纲式作文或议论文体裁 (1)Nowadays,there is a hot debate on _ .(2)As for such qustion ,different people hold different views.


(3)Some people believe that _mainly because _ .(4)While others argue that _.(5)For instance,_.


(6)As for me , I am in favor of _. (7)For one thing, _(8)For another._. (6)表明自己的观点;(7)(8)分析支持自己观点的理由。

观点论证型:提纲式议论文或看图作文 (1)During recent years, _ has aroused wide/considerable public attention.(2)Undoubtedly,/There is no doubt that _


(3)As we all know,_play(s) an important part/role in_.(4)For one thing,_ (5)For another,_. (6)Meanwhile, _.


(7)Considering the above situation , measures should be taken to _,(8)First of all/In the first place,_(9)Furthermore,_(10)Only in this way can we_.


问题解决型:提纲式作文且多为议论文 (1)It is beyond reproach that _ (2)Howerer,it may go too far to _.


(3)It is not unusual to witness that _.(4)Consequently,_. (5)What's worse,_.(6)Therefore, it is high time that we took actions to _.

(7)In my opinion,on the one hand,_ (8)On the other hand, _. (9)In addition,_. (10)Only through these ways can we _.

本文标签: 星火英语四级模板