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Papers are referred to as articles when appearing in our magazines, although references to other work may refer to papers.


Single spaces are used between sentences.


Titles and Headers  

Feature Topic parts shall be “Feature Topic Title: Part 1” (or 2 etc.) using a colon and an Arabic numeral in both editorials and Tables of Contents.


Titles should be clear and (hopefully) not overlong. If there are two parts to a title, a colon should be used (e.g., ATM over IP: The Future of the Web),

not an em dash.

译文:标题应该是清晰的,并且(希望)不要太长。如果标题有两个部分,则应该使用冒号(例如,ATM/IP:Web的未来),而不是em dash

We do not use section/subsection numbers; hence, references within an article to material in separate sections/subsections are preferably indicated as appearing “earlier/later” or “above/below.” If necessary, section titles can be used.


Never define an acronym in a title or section head/subhead; use either the acronym or the definition, but not both. If an author has done so, remove the acronym and define it in the body of the text.


The levels of headers are referred to as follows: 译文:标题的级别如下:


Header 2: section title 标题2:章节

Header 3: subsection title 标题3:子部分标题

Run-in: header within a subtitle 运行:标题下的副标题

Sub-run-ins: the next level down. 译文:下一层。

Author Affiliations

Author affiliations appear in a footnote on the first page of each article. They are to appear in italics. Each author’s name will be spelled out in full (i.e., no initials unless we only have initials for a given author). However, it is all right to indicate that they are all with “the same [university, company, etc.]” when that is the case; for example, “The authors are with Carleton University.” There is a line space between each affiliation.




Trademark and Registered Trademark译文:商标和注册商标

These must appear only once: at the very first appearance of the item in the article. They are not simply superscripts. No other appearances of the item should have either of those symbols apart from reference titles. The trademark information (i.e., “Blah is a trademark of …”) should appear in an unnum­bered footnote on the page in which the first instance appears.

Preferred Spelling and Form译文:首选的拼写和形式

American, not British, spelling: signaling, modeling, traveling; focused, buses; in general, one letter is better than two when either is correct


Wherever possible, do not hyphenate; however, when two vowels are involved, hyphenate most of the time: multimedia, interoffice, intranetwork, multihop



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本文标签: 英文为例通用版期刊模板