


#Full Journal Title2019 IF2018 IF
1IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine9.6594.932
2Remote Sensing of Environment8.2186.457
3ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing6.9425.994
4IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing5.6304.662
5International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation4.8464.003
6Remote Sensing4.1183.406
7International Journal of Digital Earth3.9852.746
8Giscience & Remote Sensing3.5882.852
9IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters3.5342.892
10IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing3.3922.777
11Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing2.5532.000
12International Journal of Remote Sensing2.4931.782
13Remote Sensing Letters2.0241.524
14European Journal of Remote Sensing1.9041.122
15Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing1.3673.150
16Journal of Applied Remote Sensing1.3440.976


#Full Journal Title 2019 IF2018 IF
1Nature Climate Change21.72219.181
2Nature Geoscience14.48014.391
3Global Environmental Change10.4276.371
4Economic Geography6.8616.438
5Progress in Human Geography6.5766.885
6Landscape and Urban Planning5.1444.994
7Geophysical Research Letters4.5784.339
8Progress in Physical Geography4.3294.177
9Journal of Geophysical Research - Earth Surface4.2533.337
10Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers3.7893.207
12Earth Surface Processes and Landforms3.5983.722
13Urban Geography3.5672.307
14Journal of Transport Geography3.5602.699
15International Journal of Geographical Information Science3.5452.370
16Computers, Environment and Urban Systems3.3933.724
17Journal of Economic Geography3.3593.453
18Applied Geography3.0683.117
19Political Geography3.0583.495
20Annals of the Association of American Geographers3.0373.810
21Permafrost and Periglacial Processes3.0003.529
22Computers & Geosciences2.7212.567
23Geographical Journal2.3572.563
24Journal of Geographical Sciences2.3471.623
25Cartography and Geographic Information Science2.2711.785
26Transactions in GIS2.1881.910
27Social & Cultural Geography2.0431.573
28Geographical Analysis1.9551.860
29Isprs International Journal of Geo-Information1.8401.723
30Professional Geographer1.5551.347
31Chinese Geographical Science1.4641.114
32Frontiers of Earth Science1.2051.096


#Full Journal Title2019 IF2018 IF
1Water Research7.9137.051
2Hydrology and Earth System Sciences4.9364.256
3Environmental Modelling & Software4.5524.177
4Journal of Hydrology4.4053.727
5Journal of Hydrometeorology4.1583.790
6Water Resources Research4.1424.361
7Advances in Water Resources3.6733.512
8Vadose Zone Journal3.6342.710
9Agricultural Water Management3.5423.182
10Freshwater Biology3.4043.767
11Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management3.4043.197
12Hydrological Processes3.1893.181
13Water Resources Management2.9872.644
14Journal of Contaminant Hydrology2.6502.284
16Journal of Hydro-Environment Research2.5482.087
17Journal of the American Water Resources Association2.4622.160
18Hydrogeology Journal2.4012.071
19Freshwater Science2.3442.486
21Hydrological Sciences Journal-Journal Des Sciences Hydrologiques2.1802.061
22Journal of Soil and Water Conservation2.1752.258
23Urban Water Journal2.0832.744
24Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics2.0231.714
25Journal of Hydrologic Engineering1.4381.576


#Full Journal Title2019 IF2018 IF
1Landscape Ecology4.3493.833
2Wetlands Ecology and Management2.2501.581

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