



试卷代号: 1062
文学英语赏析 试题
Information for the examinees:
● This examination consists of 3 parts. They are:
Part I: Literary Fundamentals (30 points)
Part II: Reading Comprehension (50 points)
Part III: Writing (20 points)
● The total marks for this examination are 100 points. Time allowed for completing this examination is 90 minutes.
● There will be no extra time to transfer answers to the Answer Sheet; therefore, you should write ALL your answers on the Answer Sheet as you do each task

Part I Literary Fundamentals [30 points, 2points each]
Section l. Match the works with their writers. (10 points)
1. The Importance of Being Earnest
2. A Christmas Carol
3. I Have a Dream
4. The Pearl
5. The Old Man and the Sea
A. John Steinbeck
B. Ernest Hemmingway
C. Martin Luther King
D. Robert Louis Stevenson
E. Emily Dickinson
F. Arthur Miller
G. Charles Dickens
H. Oscar Wilde
Section 2. Decide whether the following statements are True (T) or False (F). (10 points)
6. An Inspector Calls can be categorized as a tragedy.
7. Macbeth is one of the well-known comedies by William Shakespeare.
8. Walt Whitman is a famous American poet.
9. The novel The Heart of Darkness exposes the corruption, cruelty and greed of the colonial system in Africa.
10. In the poem “Futility”, the speaker expressed his distress at the death of his lover and bewilderment of the meaning of marriage.

Section 3. Choose the correct answers to complete the following sentences. (10 points)
11. _________ refers to a poem that has neither regular rhyme nor regular meter.
A. Couplet
B. Sonnet
C. Ballad
D. Free verse
12. _________ is written to commemorate someone who has died.
A. A limerick
B. A sonnet
C. An elegy
D. An epic
13 _________ is a device used by fiction writers to show something which happened before the present action, a moment earlier in time than the main story.
A. Alliteration
B. Allusion
C. Flashback
D. Coda
14.All the following were awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature except_________.
A. Emily Dickinson
B. John Steinbeck
C. William Golding
D. Harold Pinter
15. Which figure of speech is used in the following lines?
“Suspicions amongst thoughts are like bats amongst birds, they ever fly by twilight”
A. Parallelism
B. Simile
C. Metaphor
D. Pun

Part II Reading Comprehension [50 points]
Read the extracts and choose the best answer to each question (30points,3 points each).
Text l
Lady Bracknell: …What is your income?
Jack Worthing: Between seven and eight thousand a year.
Lady Bracknell (makes a note in her book): In land, or in investments?
Jack Worthing: In investments, chiefly.
Lady Bracknell: That is satisfactory. What between the duties expected of one during one’s lifetime, and the duties exacted from one after one’s death, land has ceased to be either a profit or a pleasure? It gives one position, and prevents one from keeping it up. That’s all that can be said about land.
Jack Worthing: I have a country house with some land, of course~ attached to it, about fifteen hundred acres, I believe; but I don’t depend on that for my real income. In fact, as far as I can make out, the poachers are the only people who make anything out of it.
Lady Bracknell: A country house! How many bedrooms? Well, that point can be cleared up afterwards. You have a town house, I hope? A girl with a simple, unspoiled nature, like Gwendolen, could hardly be expected to reside in the country.
Jack Worthing: Well, I own a house in Belgrave Square, but it is let by the year to Lady Bloxham. Of course, I can get it back whenever I like, at six months, notice.
Lady Bracknell: Lady Bloxham? I don’t know her.
Jack Worthing: Oh, she goes about very little. She is a lady considerably advanced in years.
Lady Bracknell: Ah, nowadays that is no guarantee of respectability of character. What number in Belgrave Square?
Jack Worthing: 149.
Lady Bracknell (shaking her head): The unfashionable side. I thought there was
something. However, that could easily be altered.
Jack Worthing: Do you mean the fashion, or the side?
Lady Bracknell (sternly): Both, if necessary, I presume.
Questions 16-19 (12 points)
16. The extract is taken from
A. An Inspector Calls
B. The Birthday Party
C. The Importance of Being Earnest
17. In this extract, Lady Bracknell is interviewing Jack Worthing on his suitability as a possible
A. husband for her daughter
B. live-in domestic helper
C. private tutor for her children
18. Which of the following statement is true according to the extract?
A. Jack Worthing uses exaggerated and formal language to impress Lady Bracknell
B. Lady Bracknell believes it is important to own land because it is a safe and continuous source of income.
C. Lady Bracknell’s questions focus on Jack Worthing’ s income, property and family connections.
19. Lady Bracknell is portrayed as _________.
A. dedicated follower of fashion
B. a terrible snob
C. shrewd businesswoman
Text 2
External heat and cold had little influence on Scrooge No warmth could warm, no wintry weather chill him. No wind that blew was bitterer than he, no falling snow was more intent upon its purpose, no pelting rain less open to entreaty. Foul weather didn’t know where to have him The heaviest rain, and snow~ and hail, and sleet, could boast of the advantage over him in only one respect. They often ‘came down’ handsomely, and Scrooge never did.
Nobody ever stopped him in the street to say, with gladsome looks, ‘My dear Scrooge, how are you? When will you come to see me?’ No beggars implored him to bestow a trifle, no children asked him what it was o’clock, no man or woman ever once in all his life inquired the way to such and such a place, of Scrooge. Even the blind men’s dogs appeared to know him; and when they saw him coming on, would tug their owners into doorways and up courts, and then would wag their tails as though they said, 'No eye at all is better than an evil eye, dark master.’
Questions 20-22 (9 points)
20. From which novel is the extract taken?
A. Heart of Darkness
B. A Christmas Carol
C. The Old Man and the Sea
21. The sentence underlined in paragraph 2 can be paragraphed as ________.
A. No beggars would ask him for money
B. No beggars would leave him alone
C. No beggars would seek his company
22. Which of the following statements best summarizes the extracts?
A. The extract creates a positive impression of Scrooge.
B. The extract describes the physical features of Scrooge.
C. The extract conveys the anti-social character of Scrooge.
Text 3
Let aeroplanes circle moaning overhead,
Scribbling on the sky the message He Is Dead,
Put the crepe bows round the white necks of the public doves,
Let the traffic policemen wear black cotton gloves.
He was my North, my South, my East and West,
My working week and my Sunday rest,
My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song;
I thought that love would last forever: I was wrong.

The stars are not wanted now: put out every one;
Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun;
Pour away the ocean and sweep up the wood.
For nothing now can ever come to any good.

Questions 23-25 (9 points)
23. These stanzas are taken from _________ by_________.
A. Ballad of Reading Gaol…Oscar Wilde
B. Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone … W.H. Auden
C. Wild Nights! Wild Nights! … Emily Dickinson
24. What’s the focus of the third stanza?
A. The celebration of the importance of the loved one to the poet.
B. The difficulties in making decisions at the crossroads of life.
C. The destructive force of despair and the healing power of nature.
25. The speaker of the poem feel
A. overwhelmed by the power of nature
B. overwhelming sadness at his own loss of sight
C. devastated by his loss of a friend /lover
Text 4
Read the extract and give brief answers to the questions 26-29 that follow.
Please note: This reading task will be relevant to the writing task in Part III.
He is waiting at the airline ticket counter when he first notices the young woman. She has glossy black hair pulled tightly into a knot at the back of her head-the man imagines it loosed and cascading to the small of her back-and carries over the shoulder of her leather coat a heavy black purse. She wears black boots of soft leather. He struggled to see her face-she is ahead of him in line-but it is not until she has bought her ticket and turns to walk away
that he realizes her beauty, which is pale and dark-eyed and full-mouthed, and which quickens his heartbeat. She seems aware that he is staring at her and lowers her gaze abruptly.
The airline clerk interrupts. The man gives up looking at the woman-he thinks she may be about twenty-five-and buys a round trip, coach class ticket to an eastern city.
His flight leaves in an hour. To kill time, the man steps into one of the airport cocktail bars and orders a scotch and water. While he sips it he watches the flow of travelers through the terminal-including a remarkable number, he thinks, of unattached pretty women dressed in fashion magazine clothes-until he catches sight of the black-haired girl in the leather coat.
She is standing near a Travelers Aid counter, deep in conversation with a second girl, a blonde in a cloth coat trimmed with gray fur. He wants somehow to attract the brunette’s attention, to invite her to have a drink with him before her own flight leaves for wherever she is traveling, but even though he believes for a moment she is looking his way he cannot catch her eye from out of the shadows of the bar. In another instant the two women separate; neither of their directions is toward him. He orders a second scotch and water.
When next he sees her, he is buying a magazine to read during the flight and becomes aware that someone is jostling him. At first he is startled that anyone would be so close as to touch him, but when he sees who it is he musters a smile.
“Busy place,” he says.
She looks up at him-ls she blushing? -and an odd grimace across her mouth and vanishes. She moves away from him and joins the crowds in the terminal.
The man is at the counter with his magazine, but when he reaches into his back pocket for his wallet the pocket is empty. When could I have lost it? he thinks. His mind begins enumerating the credit cards, the currency, the membership and identification cards; his stomach churns with something very like fear. The girl who was so near to me, he thinks-and all at once he understands that she has picked his pocket.
What is he to do? He still has his ticket, safely tucked inside his suitcoat-he reaches into ‘the jacket to feel the envelope, to make sure. He can take the flight, call someone to pick him up at his destination-since he cannot even afford the bus fare-conduct his business and fly home. But in the meantime he will have to do something about the lost credit cards-call home, have his wife get the numbers out of the top desk drawer, phone the card companies-so difficult a process, the whole thing suffocating. What should he do?
First: Find a policeman, tell what has happened, describe the young woman; damn her, he thinks, for seeming to be attentive to him, to let herself stand so close to him, blush prettily when he spoke-and all the time she wanted only to steal from him. And her blush was not shyness but the anxiety of being caught; that was most disturbing of all. Damned deceitful creatures. He will spare the policeman the details-just tell what she has done, what is in the wallet. He grits his teeth He will probably never see his wallet again.
He is trying to decide if he should save time by talking to a guard near the x-ray machine when he is appalled-and elated-to see the black-haired girl. (Ebony-Tressed Thief, the newspapers will say.) She is seated against a front window of the terminal, taxis and private cars moving sluggishly beyond her in the gathering darkness; she seems engrossed in a book. A seat beside her is empty, and the man occupies it.
“I’ve been looking for you,” he says.
She glances at him with no sort of recognition “I don’t know you,” she says.
“Sure you do”
She sighs and puts the book aside. “Is this all you characters think about-picking up girls like we were stray animals? What do you think I am?”
“You lifted my wallet,” he says. He is pleased to have said ‘lifted,’ thinking it sounds more worldly than stole or took or even ripped off.
“I beg your pardon?” the girl says.
“I know you did-at the magazine counter. If you’11 just give it back, we can forget the whole thing. If you don’t, then I’ll hand you over to the police.”
She studies him, her face serious. “A1l right,” she says. She pulls the black bag onto her lap, reaches into it and draws out a wallet.
He takes it from her. “Wait a minute,” he says. “This isn’t mine.”
The girl runs; he bolts after her. It is like a scene in a movie-bystanders scattering, the girl zigzagging to avoid collisions, the sound of his own breathing reminding him how old he is-until he hears a woman’s voice behind him.
“Stop, thief! Stop that man!”
The wallet is a woman’s, fat with money and credit cards from places like Sack’s and Peck & Peck and Lord & Taylor, and it belongs to the blonde in the fur-trimmed coat-the blonde he has earlier seen in conversation with the criminal brunette. She, too, is breathless, as is the policeman with her.
“That’s him,” the blonde girl says. “He lifted my billfold.”
It occurs to the man that he cannot even prove his own identity to the policeman.
Two weeks later-the embarrassment and rage have diminished, the family lawyer has been paid, the confusion in his household has receded-the wallet turns up without explanation in one morning’s mail. It is intact, no money is missing, all the cards are in place. Though he is relieved, the man thinks that for the rest of his life he will feel guilty around policemen, and ashamed in the presence of women.
Questions 26-29 (20 points)
26. The dark-haired woman moves about a lot at the airport. Where else does the male protagonist (主人公) see her besides the ticket counter?
27. Who do you think stole the man’s wallet? The brunette or the blonde? Support your answer with details.
28. How do you understand the title of the story? How many “thieves” are there in the story? Explain your answer briefly.
29. What do you notice about the tenses used in this story? What is the effect of this on the way we experience the events?

Part III Writing [20 Points]
30. Suppose you are the black-haired girl in the leather coat. Write your friend a letter (about 120 words) in which you retell and reflect what happened at the airport.

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