

最近写文章的时候,写到了distinct 和distincitve,突然想到这两个词都可以作形容词,意思也相近,那么区别在哪里?




Question #提问

James in China asked about the difference between distinct and distinctive.

Answer #回答

The meanings of these words are shown below.

1) clearly and noticeably different; or 2) strong and definite

1) having a quality or characteristic that makes a person or thing different from others; or 2) appealing or interesting because of an special quality or characteristic 


As you can see, the meanings are similar, which is why they are confusing. An easier way to understand the difference between these two words is to examine how they are used. 

Distinct is often used to talk about two or more different things or groups of things, as in these examples:

#distinct 用于描述两个或多个不同事物或事物群体

  • The book has three distinct parts.
  • There are two distinct ethnic groups.

Distinct is also used with words like possibility and impression to mean “clear and strong,” as in these examples:

#distinct也可以修饰possibility (可能性)或impression(印象)用以表示强烈、明显

  • A flight cancellation is a distinct possibility.
  • We had the distinct impression that they were lying.
  • The team had the distinct advantage of playing in their own stadium.

Distinctive is used to say that one person or thing has a quality that makes this person/thing noticeably different from others, as in these examples:


  • He had a distinctive walk.
  • This wine has a more distinctive flavor than that one.

Distinctive often - but not always - has a positive meaning. Something that is distinctive is often especially good, as in this example:

#distinctive 经常(但不全都)作褒义词。

  • This store sells only the most distinctive chocolates.



1. distinct在表示区别的时候,就是表示各不相同,但是没有突出或者偏好哪一个;另外还能表示程度,这一点distinctive不具备;

2. ditinctive更强调与众不同,着重于其中一个或者其中一组,且多含有褒义的情感色彩。

本文标签: 英语区别DISTINCTdistinctive