


对于lecure3的如何参加国际会议,如何做好reviewer, editor, session chair等等, 以及lecture4的写项目申请书,感觉这些暂时用不到(逃


1.1 一般性的说明和建议(General Instructions and Advices)

科学态度 (Scientific attitude): Theoretic investigation, experiment, numerical testing or simulation( 模拟 )

逻辑 (Logics):  logical presentation, language flow

结构化和清晰(Structure and Clarity)

明白你的读者想要什么( Know your readers who want to)

    Abstract: know the result of the paper to determine to read on

    Introduction: know intuitively the key ideas behind this paper, how it is derived, whate are the significance and implications

    whole paper: know all the details

用英文和中文写论文有所不同(Diiferences between writing papers in English and Chinese)


        modesty in Chinese, confidence in Englisth

        delivery menas how much the readers can understand you

        Chinese believe that it's the responsibility of the readers, however, the "responsibility of delivery" is usually on the writer's side.

    语言差异: 直接翻译通常是不行的(Language: Direction transloations often do not work)

        博士后流动站 Postdoctoral program rather than post-doctor mobile station

        抓紧时间完成 make every effort to finish rather than take my time to finish

        第一教学楼 Lecture Hall One or Lecure Building One rather than No.1 teaching building

        投诉电话 phone number for complaining rather than law suit phone number

客观的介绍事实,理论,证明,实验,测试(Present facts, theories, proof, experiments, testing objectively)

    avoid unnecessary political, religious, emotional, comments   

    avoid bias and discrimination related to race, gender, age, etc.

    sensitive to the comments possibly explained as against the current social ethnics( 伦理 ) and convention


1.2 论文的内容(Content of A Research Paper)


    Best representation of the paper: contributions and unique features and so on 

    不要用句子,不要用动词(Generally not a sentence, we don't have to use verb)

    Importance of right word order    

    不要用多余的词 No waste of words. ( we don't have to say study on sth, investigation on sth, because every scientific paper is study on sth )


    Summary in a few hundreds of words

    Very important to attract readers


    Motivations and problem descriptions 

    Academic and/or industrial impact of the problem

    Literature reviews( 文献综述 )

        Show the state of art(目前的技术现状)

        Cite references available to general public

        Avoid offensive remarks

        Use the most recent results

        Do ont cite too many "home-made" references

    Summary of the major contributions of the paper

    Organization of the paper( optional )

问题描述与构想Problem Descriptions or Formulation )

    可能包含系统配置和实验环境等等(System configuration, environment, etc)    

    所有变量,符号等等对应的记号的定义(Definations of all notation for variables, symbols, etc)    

    数学模型和公式化(Mathematical models and formulations)

方法(Methodology: make readers understand what are the contributions of the paper )

    解决问题的主要思路(Main ideas to solve the problem )

    解决问题的原理和依据(Theorems and proofs )

    方法或者算法的描述(Descriptions of the approach or algorithm  )

    表现分析(Performance analysis if you have )

    独有的特点(Unique features of the method) 

应用,实验或者测试得到的结果(Results of applications, experiment or testing)

    实验环境的描述(Description of the practical or experiment system)

    数据以及相关系统的描述(Description of the data and the associated system)

    计算系统的描述(Description of the computer system)

    结果的展示(Presentation of the results: tables, figures, etc)

    成果应用和有益之处(Applications and benefits)


    Summary of your findings ( not a repeat of abstract )

    Concluding remarks ( what can we conclude based on the findings and results we get )


    感谢提供经费的赞助方(Acknowledge funding agencies)

    感谢个人(Thank individuals )


    List references in appropriate format (要符合期刊的要求,比如作者名字的写法,看这个期刊之前发表的论文; Sometimes we think that format is not important but actually here it is very important )

    Have recent reference if possible (the readers may wonder what are the most recent developments of problem )

    Give complete information ( 给出充足的信息,如果作者有五个,列出所有,不要只列第一作者et al. )

    List appropriate numbers of references (列出适当数量的references,比如你的论文只有6页,却列出了3页的reference)

    Do not list anything that is not referred to

    Do not list too many home made references 不要列太多自己的论文


1.3 投稿论文的过程(The Procedure to Submit A paper)

Submit abstract ( required only some conferences )

Submit manuscript    

Modify based on reviewers' comments ( possibly several rounds 可能要来回几个回合)

Submit final electronic copy

Proof reading( 校对 )

    After publisher decied to publish, they sent you your proof ( 清样,校样)

    For 48 hours to check your proof, do the proof reading( 校对 ), and return it promptly( 迅速地 )

 建议(Advices )

    A large number of papers from Chinese authors are rejected simply because the papers are not well written. 

    A strong basis for rejecting a paper: " the paper is poorly written; there are many spelling and grammatical errors. I have to guess what the authors mean, and therefore it is difficult to judge the contribution of the paper."

    不要直译 Avoid direct translation

    Write simple sentences with present tense( 现在时 )

    Use spelling(拼写) check to make sure that all words spelled correctly

    检查语法(Use grammar check to find out inconsistency)

    Pay particular attention to the spellings of the names in references( if it's wrong, the reviewer may think you are sloppy 草率的 of the author )

    全文保持各种一致 Professionalism in writing( keep consistency in presentation throughout )

        格式一致 consistency in format: font size, space, paragraph, etc

        标点一致 consistency in punctuations

        方程式的格式一致 consistency in equations

        参考文献的格式一致 consistency in references


    不要太多的符号和方程式 Balance in using mathematical symbols and equations -> only serve as shorthand( do not use too many equations )


1.4 评审的过程和回复(Review Process and Response)

评审过程(Reviewing Procedure)

    Anonymous peer review system( 匿名的审查体系 )

    Frank( 坦白的 ), brutal( 残忍的 ), sarcastic( 讥讽的 ), or even occasionally wrong criticisms 

    被要求修改甚至拒绝不代表什么,评审就是这样,请保持良好的心态(Request for revision or even rejection doesn't mean personal attack, "losing face" or "discrimination". That's the style of this scientific paper review process. )

    你可以会收到批判性的意见,这很正确,不要诧异(If you receive a critical comment on your manuscript, it is very normal and do not be surprised)

关于如何回复审稿人的建议(Advice in Responding to Reviewers)

    仔细检查每一个评审意见(Examine carefully all the comments made by the reviewers and by the Associate Editor)

    搞清楚哪些是必须修改的,哪些是希望你修改的(Differentiate those comments that must be fullly addressed from those that are desirable to be addressed 解决 .)

    尽力修改必须修改的部分,在能力范围内斟酌一下希望修改的部分能不能修改(Try to fully address the former and discuss the latter within your capability)

    回复审稿人的每一条意见(Respond to each and every point raised by the reviewer / referee 审阅人,裁判员 )

    把问题和回复放在一起(If possible, respond side by side( 并排 ) with the original points raised)

    If you must disagree with the reviewer on some point, do it professionally with no rancor( 怨恨 ) or sarcasm( 讥讽 )

    A cover letter to the corresponding editor that you have responded to each of the referees in detail and that your revised paper now merits( 值得,长处) re-consideration and re-review

    对着每一条意见回复并且说明你是如何修改的(Separate and detailed point-by-point response to every one of the referee's comments and show HOW YOU REVISE THE TEXT)

    不要只解释不修改(A long list of explanations to the reviewers but no revision on the text is not acceptable)

    Never argue with reviewers and editor

    明白什么时候该放弃(Know when to give up for a particular paper)

    没必要认同所有的意见(You don't have to agree everything, If you think this comment is wrong, say in the revised version, this and this are more clarified. We clarify that this is ...We clarify means you may sound like doing that because we didn't present it very clearly. )


1.5 总结(Summary)

写论文很重要(Writing papers in English is extremely important for Chinese scholars to play a role in world arena 舞台,竞技场 )

理解文化差异很重要(Understanding cultural difference in presentation is crucial.)

实践是检验真理的唯一标准(Practice is the only way to achieve the above goal.)


本文标签: 学术报告科技英语如何用论文写作