

        ___          __                      _             _
       | _ \_ _ ___ / _|___ __ __ ___ _ _   | |  __ _ _  _| |_ ___ _ _
       |  _| '_/ _ |  _/ -_(_-(_-/ _ | '_)  | |_/ _` | || |  _/ _ | ' \
       |_| |_| \___|_| \___/__/__\___|_|    |___\__,_|\_, /\__\___|_||_|
                            AND THE CURIOUS VILLAGE
                                                             v1.30 (08/11/2008)

1. Version History         [his]
2. Introduction            [int]
3. Walkthrough             [wal]
4. Layton's Challenges     [cha]
5. Hint Coins              [hnt]
6. Strange Gizmos          [giz]
7. Furniture               [fur]
8. Painting Scraps         [pan]
9. Wi-Fi Puzzles           [wif]
10. Unlockables            [unl]
11. Ending                 [end]

1. VERSION HISTORY                                                        [his]
18/02 - v0.10 -  20kb - up to start of ch2
19/02 - v0.15 -  35kb - up to middle of ch2
20/02 - v0.25 -  58kb - up to middle of ch3
21/02 - v0.30 -  73kb - up to start of ch4
22/02 - v0.40 -  96kb - up to start of ch5
23/02 - v0.65 - 136kb - up to middle of ch7
24/02 - v0.75 - 164kb - up to middle of ch8
25/02 - v0.80 - 170kb - up to start of ch9
26/02 - v0.90 - 179kb - main walkthrough finished
27/02 - v1.00 - 190kb - final edits complete, uploaded to GameFaqs
03/03 - v1.01 - 189kb - fixed up some errors
29/03 - v1.02 - 190kb - fixed up puzzle 072
03/04 - v1.03 - 190kb - added new solution to puzzle 119 and 129, took 
                        solution from other guide for puzzle 107
04/04 - v1.10 - 197kb - added all the latest wi-fi puzzles
21/07 - v1.20 - 208kb - added all the latest wi-fi puzzles
01/08 - v1.21 - 209kb - added latest wi-fi puzzle
08/11 - v1.30 - 211kb - added the last wi-fi puzzles

2. INTRODUCTION                                                           [int]
This guide is for the game "Professor Layton and the Curious Village". This 
game is a game that mainly focuses on puzzles, and requires the player to 
THINK! It's actually quite a fun game though, you might learn something aswell!

Anyways, like every other guide, this guide will contain spoilers, and it is 
recommended to only use this when you are truly stuck.

If there is anything wrong, contact me at:
  abcd9146 (at) gmail

3. WALKTHROUGH                                                            [wal]
The game starts off with the Professor and Luke driving to their next job. You 
are given an introduction to the story of the game. As you approach the town, 
you are given your first puzzle:

Puzzle No. 001 : Where's the Town?
Picarats : 10
    Hint : "My village is on a road that leads to no other towns. I look 
           forward to seeing you there."
           Use your stylus to draw a circle around the right village, and then 
           touch submit.
Solution : There are 5 towns, following the roads leading out of each city, 
           find the one with roads that all lead to dead ends.
           If you can't figure it out, it's the upper left town. Circle it and 
           press submit.

After solving the puzzle, our friends get to the outskirts of the village, and 
discover that the drawbridge into the village is raised. When given the 
chance, talk (tap) to the drawbridge operator (Franco) across the other side 
of the moat. He gives, you the next puzzle to solve.

Puzzle No. 002 : The Crank and Slot
Picarats : 15
    Hint : There's no way to lower the bridge without inserting the crank into 
           the correct slot!
           Choose the slot that fits the crank shown below.
Solution : You can tap the crank to change the viewing angle, but you don't 
           really need to. Looking at the pentagon and shapes sticking out the 
           sides, you can see that the solution is 1.

Franco lowers the bridge for you, and you enter the village.

You are now given the instructions on moving around, but before going 
anywhere, talk to the old lady (Ingrid) on the left.

Puzzle No. 003 : Strange Hats
Picarats : 10
    Hint : These four top hats are all the same height, but the length of each 
           brim is different. In other words, the hats are equally tall but 
           vary in with.
           One of these four hats has a brim and height that are of the same 
           length. Which hat is it?
Solution : An optical illusion, but easily solved with a ruler. Or if you're 
           lazy, just select hat A.

Talk to the man (Stachen) on the right side of the screen. Do as he says and 
tap on the barrel to the left of the entrance of the inn. Hint coin [HC011]! 
Tap  the other barrel in front of the third house from the right [HC012] and 
the window on the far right [HC013] for 2 more hint coins. Tap on the shoe and 
move forward, further into the village. You are taught how to save, and given 
the opportunity to save.

Tap on the window on the house with the smoke coming out of the chimney 
[HC014], the barrel to the right of the man (Percy) [HC015], and the bin on 
the left [HC016] for three hint coins. Now talk to the Percy.

Puzzle No. 004 : Where's My House?
Picarats : 20
    Hint : Can you find my house?
           Go out of the front door of my place and turn left. At the first 
           intersection you come across, take a right, Turn right again at the 
           following intersection, and you'll come face to face with the 
           morning sun.
           Circle my house.
Solution : First of all, you need to know that the sun rises in the east. And 
           then work backwards through the instructions, and you can make out 
           the following path:

               ---> facing rising sun
                  ^ house

           So the driveway out of the house must be facing north. There is 
           only one house that fits that description. The house in the middle 
           with the blue roof.

Tap on the clock of the clock tower and Layton gives you the next puzzle.

Puzzle No. 005 : Digital Digits
Picarats : 50
    Hint : Imagine the digital clock like the one shown below. How many times 
           will the clock display three or more of the same number in a row 
           over the course of one day?
           In case you were wondering, the clock in this puzzle displays time 
           on a 12-hour scale, not military time.
Solution : Get a pen and paper and just list them out (from 12:00 to 11:59):
              12:22, 01:11, 02:22, 03:33, 04:44, 05:55, 10:00, 11:10, 11:11, 
              11:12, 11:13, 11:14, 11:15, 11:16, 11:17, 11:18, 11:19
           Thats just over a 12 hour period, so over one day, the answer is 34 

Tap on the shoe and move right.

Manor Road
First of all, tap on the sack hanging from the right window [HC017], the sign 
to the left of the blue door [HC018], and the left window of the house with 
the brown door [HC019] for three hint coins. Now, talk to the man (Marco).

Puzzle No. 006 : Light Weight
Picarats : 40
    Hint : Here we have eight small weights that all look the same. However 
           one of the weights in the group is slightly lighter than the rest.
           Using this scale two times, you can find out which of these weights 
           is lighter than the rest.
           So, which weight is the light one?
Solution : 1)  Weigh three weights on each side. If:
                 > they are even (2a)
                 > they are uneven (2b)
           2a) take the remaining 2 weights and weigh for the lighter weight
           2b) take the lighter 3 weights, put one on each side of the scale, 
               and take the remaining one out. If:
                 > they are even (3a)
                 > they are uneven (3b)
           3a) the weight you took out is the lighter one
           3b) the weight on the lighter side of the scale is the correct 

Tap on the shoe and move forwards.

Manor Border
Tap on the hat in the boat [HC020], the bush on the right (on the other side 
of the river) [HC021] and the stairs on the left (also on the other side of 
the river) [HC022] for three hint coins. Talk to the man standing there 

Puzzle No. 007 : Wolves and Chicks
Picarats : 50
    Hint : Get the three wolves and three chicks seen below to the other side 
           of the river while obeying the following conditions.
           -No more than two animals can ride the raft at the same time.
           -There must be at least one animal on the raft in order for it to 
           -If more wolves than chicks stay on either side of the river, the 
            wolves will eat the chicks, and you'll have to start over.
           You can move the raft as many times as you like, but this feat can 
           be accomplished in as few as 11 moves.
Solution : Another classic puzzle:
               1) Move 2 wolves to the other side.
               2) Take 1 wolf back.
               3) Move 2 wolves to the other side.
               4) Take 1 wolf back.
               5) Move 2 chicks to the other side.
               6) Take 1 wolf and 1 chick back.
               7) Move 2 chicks to the other side.
               8) Take 1 wolf back.
               9) Move 2 wolves to the other side.
              10) Take 1 wolf back.
              11) Move 2 wolves to the other side.

Tap on the flowers on the other side of the river for another puzzle.

Puzzle No. 008 : Farm Work
Picarats : 20
    Hint : Alfred and Roland have been hired by a farm to sow flower seeds. 
           They've been assigned a 10-acre plot of land and split it in half 
           so they can work independently. Roland starts from the east and 
           Alfred from the west.
           Alfred can plow the land at a rate of 20 minutes per acre. Roland 
           takes 40 minutes to plow, but sows seeds at three times the speed 
           Alfred does.
           If sowing seeds on the 10-acre plot pays $100, how much of that 
           money should go to Roland?
Solution : Since they split the land evenly, pay should also be split evenly 
           regardless of how long it took. The answer is therefore $50.

Tap on the shoe and move forwards into the manor.


Reinhold Manor
Tap on the path leading into the house [HC023], the upper right window of the 
mansion (on the tower) [HC024], and the lower right window of the mansion 
[HC025] for three hint coins. Tap on the shoe and move through the door into 
the building.

Manor Foyer
Matthew gives you the next puzzle.

Puzzle No. 009 : One Poor Pooch
Picarats : 35
    Hint : The matches below are arranged in the shape of a dog. This poor 
           little guy was just minding his own business when a car came 
           barreling down the road and ran him over.
           Move two matches to change the picture so that it shows the dog 
           after the accident.
           All puzzles are a matter of perspective, so don't assume that 
           you'll be looking at the dog from the side by the time you're 
           finished with this one.          
Solution : Move 2 of his legs to the top part of his body, something like this:
           / \

Inside, tap the 2 large portraits on the right to the first painting scrap 
[PS01]. Tap the circular portrait under the three rectangular portraits 
[HC026], the candle above Matthew [HC027], and the top level of the bookshelf 
[HC028] for 3 hint coins. Tap the bookshelf and Layton gives you another 

Puzzle No. 010 : Alphabet
Picarats : 30
    Hint : All right, here's a quick and easy one.
           The first letter of the alphabet is A, and the letter B comes after 
           the letter A.
           However, the letter you need to worry about is the last one. What's 
           the last letter of the alphabet?
           Here's a hint: it isn't Z.
Solution : Lame puzzle, the letter T is at the end of the alphabeT.

Tap the shoe and move up the stairs.

Manor Parlor
Watch the scene. You can talk to the fat guy (Gordon) if you want, but talk to 
the thin guy with glasses (Simon) for the next puzzle.

Puzzle No. 011 : Arc and Line
Picarats : 20
    Hint : As shown in the diagram below, you have one-fourth of a circle. 
           Within this circle is a rectangle ABCD, which touches the edge of 
           the circle at point D.
           Assuming that point B is located at the center of the circle, how 
           long is diagonal AC?
Solution : The radius of the circle is 10 inches. Therefore BD is 10 inches. 
           and since BD=AC, AC=10 inches.

Tap the chandelier above Gordon's head for a hidden puzzle!

Puzzle No. 110 : The Vanishing Cube
Picarats : 20
    Hint : On the table below are four cubes made up of matches.
           Can you change four cubes to three by moving a single match?
Solution : Turn the back matchstick of the middle cube until it is vertical. 
           This forms three cubes that are just touching by their edges.

Tap the portrait just above Simon's head [HC029], the pot plant on the window 
sill on the right [HC030], and the carpet underneath Gordon [HC031] for three 
hint coins. Talk to Matthew or Dahlia to proceed. "Noise at the Manor" is 
added to the list of mysteries.

Manor Parlor
Tap on the shoe and move backwards back downstairs to Manor Foyer.

Manor Foyer
Tap on the shoe again and go outside to Reinhold Manor.

Reinhold Manor
You'll see the cat, tap on it and she'll run away. Tap on the shoe and go back 
to the Manor Border.

Manor Border
Tap on the boat for another puzzle.

Puzzle No. 013 : Sinking Ship
Picarats : 30
    Hint : SOS! Fifteen people are trapped aboard a ship that's going to sink 
           in exactly 20 minutes. Their only chance of survival is the 
           five-person life raft stowed on their vessel. To make matters 
           worse, the waters around the ship are teeming with man eating 
           sharks, so swimming to safety is out of the question.
           A round trip to the nearest island and back to the boat takes 
           nine minutes on the raft. How many people will live to see dry land?
Solution : You can make 3 round trips in 20 minutes. But you can only save 4 
           people at a time as one person has to be the driver, therefore 12 
           people plus the driver survive, so the answer is 13.

Tap on the shoe and go back to Manor Road.

Manor Road
Tap the shoe and enter the blue door.

General Store
Tap on the box at the bottom of the screen [HC032], the urns on the 2nd level 
of the shelf at the back [HC033], and the cupboard above the chairs [HC034] 
for three hint coins. Tap on the chairs at the back.

Puzzle No. 014 : Which Chair?
Picarats : 30
    Hint : A new multipurpose event hall has been built in the center of your 
           town. It will be used for everything from concerts to sporting 
           events to conventions.
           With the hall complete, it's time to order the chairs. Five chairs 
           designs, labeled A through to E, are being considered, but of all 
           the designs, only one chair is completely suitable for the 
           Which chair is it?
Solution : Chair E, as its the only chair that can be stacked.

You'll get another painting scrap for completing the puzzle [PS02]. Tap on the 
burnt out candle.

Puzzle No. 015 : How Many Are left?
Picarats : 10
    Hint : Ten candles stand burning in a dining room. A strong breeze blows 
           in through an open window and extinguishes two of them. Checking 
           back in on the candles later, you see that one more candle has gone 
           out, you shut the window. Assuming the wind doesn't extinguish any 
           more candles, how many candles do you have left in the end?
Solution : You will have 3 candles left at the end, since the remaining 7 have 
           burnt out.

Tap on the shoe and leave the General Store.

Manor Road
Tap on the shoe and head left.

You'll get a Strange Gizmo [SG01] from Franco. "The Vanishing Crank" is added 
to the list of mysteries. Tap on Claudia, and once again she runs away. Talk 
to the big tall guy here (Deke), you'll find out that she ran west. But before 
that, enter the blue door.

Town Hall
Talk to the man in glasses here (Rodney).

Puzzle No. 016 : Triangles and Ink
Picarats : 40
    Hint : Here are two shapes, one large and one small. Each is made up of 
           little triangles.
           Dipping your fountain pen into the ink one time gives you just 
           enough ink to draw four little triangles, as depicted by the shape 
           on the left.
           So, with that in mind, how many times do you have to dip your pen 
           in the ink in order to draw the shape on the right that's made up 
           of 36 triangles?
Solution : You only have to draw 7 in order to finish the entire shape.

You'll get another Strange Gizmo [SG02] from Rodney. Tap on the back window on 
the right for a hidden puzzle.

Puzzle No. 118 : Red and Black Cards
Picarats : 50
    Hint : A jokerless deck of 52 cards sits on the table. The cards are 
           shuffled thoroughly and divided into two stacks of 26 cards labeled 
           A and B.
           If you divide the cards as described above and check the contents 
           of each pile 1,000 times, how many times could you expect the 
           number of red cards in one pile to match the number of black cards 
           in the other?
Solution : It's just some simple math:
           Let x be the number red cards in pile A, so in pile B, there are 
           26-x red cards
           Therefore, in pile B, since 26-x are red, 26-(26-x) are black, 
           which equals x (which is the amount of red cards in pile A).
           So, the answer is that 1,000 of 1,000 times you will have the same 
           amount of red cards in A as black cards in B.

Tap the lower left cupboard [HC035], the photo to the lower right of the 
chandelier [HC036], and underneath the desk in the background [HC037] for 
three hint coins. Tap on the shoe and go back outside.

Tap on the shoe and go out to the Entrance.

Talk to Stachen again, and he'll give you another puzzle.

Puzzle No. 017 : Five-Card Shuffle
Picarats : 30
    Hint : Three of the four images shown below are the exact same picture 
           rotated in a variety of ways. Can you find the odd one out?
Solution : D is the odd one out, the way the clubs overlap the spade is 

You'll get another painting scrap for completing the puzzle [PS03]. Tap on the 
shoe and enter the blue door.

Talk to the woman (Beatrice) and the Inn option will be available in the menu. 
You will also get the Laquered Stool [F01]. Give this to Layton. Talk to 
Beatrice again to get a puzzle.

Puzzle No. 018 : Of Dust and Dustpan
Picarats : 10
    Hint : As you can see, what we've got here is some trash and a dustpan 
           made of matchsticks.
           Can you move two matchsticks to change the picture so the dustpan 
           is holding the trash?
Solution : Move the right match to the left of the trash.
           Move the center match to the left a little, so the original 
           left stick is now the handle.       

You will get the Handwoven Rug [F02]. Give this to Layton aswell. Tap the 
photo frame in the top left corner for a hidden puzzle.

Puzzle No. 112 : My Beloved
Picarats : 50
    Hint : A work from a famous artist was recently discovered. The painting 
           is a self-portrait of the painter in his later years and is 
           entitled "My Beloved".
           Assuming the artist wasn't a huge narcissist and referring to 
           himself, his beloved should appear in the painting somewhere. Can 
           you find his beloved?
Solution : The puzzle looks like:
           | A | B |
           | C | D |
           Move piece A to the top right, piece B to the bottom left, piece C 
           to the top left, and keep piece D in the bottom right
           Rotate piece C (top left) twice, and rotate D (bottom right) twice 
           to form a woman in the black area.

Tap the flowers in the pot on the right edge [HC038], the lamp on the 
reception's desk [HC039], the gap between the cushions in the sofa in the 
bottom right [HC040] for three hint coins. Tap the shoe and go back outside.

Tap the shoe and move to the drawbridge.

Tap the car for a another puzzle.

Puzzle No. 019 : Parking Lot Gridlock
Picarats : 30
    Hint : The Laytonmobile, the professor's pride and joy, is stuck behind 
           several other cars trying to exit a crowded parking lot.
           Things are so tight, though, that each car can only move forward 
           and backward with respect to the direction it's currently facing.
           Use your stylus to direct traffic and guide the professor's red car 
           to the exit.
Solution : The cars are setup as below:
           | | | | | | |
           | |E E| | | |
           | | |F| | |A >> exit
           | | |F|D| |A >> exit
           |G|H H|D| |B|
           |G|I I|C C|B|

              1) Move car A up
              2) Move car B up
              3) Move car C right
              4) Move car D down
              5) Move car E right
              6) Move car F up
              7) Move the Laytonmobile (X) right
              8) Move car G up
              9) Move car H left
             10) Move car I left
             11) Move car F down
             12) Move the Laytonmobile (X) left
             13) Move car E left
             14) Move car D up
             15) Move car C left
             16) Move car B down
             17) Move the Laytonmobile (X) right

You'll get another Strange Gizmo [SG03] for completing the puzzle. Tap the 
sack hanging from the window on the right [HC041], the pillar holding the 
platform Layton and Luke's standing on [HC042], and the upper left window 
[HC043] for three hint coins. Tap on the shoe and go back to the entrance.

Tap on the shoe and go left.

Park Road
Talk to the man (Pauly) on the left for a puzzle.

Puzzle No. 020 : Unfriendly Neighbors
Picarats : 50
    Hint : Draw a path between one man's home and his work by connecting 
           matching blocks.
           The catch is that these men can't stand each other, so you have to 
           make sure that none of their paths touch.
           To make a path, all you need to do is tap a block and start drawing.
Solution : upper left a -> go south, east at the first intersection, south at 
                           the next intersection, and south again at the next, 
                           west at the fouth until you hit the wall, then 
                           follow the wall all the way round to the other a
           b -> vertical line
           upper left c -> go east until the wall, then south until the second 
                           last intersection before the wall, turn west, until 
                           just before the b, then turn south, and west again 
                           at the next intersection to the c
           left d -> go west to the wall and follow the wall until you are 
                     above the gap between b and c, go south between b and c, 
                     and turn east to d

You'll get another Strange Gizmo [SG04] for completing the puzzle. Talk to 
Pauly again for another puzzle.

Puzzle No. 021 : Pill Prescription
Picarats : 30
    Hint : A man has been prescribed 10 pills. Starting today, he must take 
           one pill a day, but because the concentration of the medicine is 
           different in each pill, he must take them in a specific order. 
           Since the pills all look the same, the man has decided to write 
           numbers on each pill to help him remember the order he needs to 
           take them in.
           How many pills does he have to number if he wants to keep track of 
           the order?
Solution : The answer is 8, he takes the first pill today, and numbers the 
           next 8 day's pills, and on the last day, he just takes the 
           remaining one.

You'll get another Strange Gizmo [SG05] for completing the puzzle. Talk to the 
old lady (Agens) there for another puzzle.

Puzzle No. 022 : Pigpen Partitions
Picarats : 30
    Hint : Seven prizewinning pigs are lazing about in a pen.
           To make sure that the pigs don't fight with each other, you've 
           decided to section off the pen with three ropes.
           Can you hitch the ropes to some of the posts shown below and 
           seperate each pig from it's neighbor? Remember, not even a snout or 
           curly tail can sneak over each partition!
Solution : Rope 1 goes from the post left of the bottom pig to the post above 
           the upper right pig.
           Rope 2 goes from the post right of the bottom pig to the post above 
           the upper left pig.
           Rope 3 goes from the post to the lower right the upper right pig to 
           the post to the lower left the upper left pig.

You'll get "fish bones" for completing the puzzle. Tap the poster to the left 
of the blue door for a hidden puzzle.

Puzzle No. 111 : Mystery Item
Picarats : 40
    Hint : One of the four shapes below has one less match than the rest of 
           While studying these four small shapes, your friend approaches you 
           with a riddle.
           "I'm thinking of something that is necessary for human life. It 
           appears in just about every house you've ever visited and decreases 
           in amount gradually the longer it is around. What am I thinking of?"
           Move one match in the picture to form your answer to your friend's 
Solution : Move the right matchstick of the first square below the left 
           matchstick of the same square to spell 'FOOD'.

Now that we've done the puzzles here, tap the lower left bin [HC044], the 
barrel underneath the poster [HC045], and the upper right window [HC046] for 
another three hint coins. Tap the shoe and enter the blue door.

Talk to the person behind the bar (Crouton) for a puzzle.

Puzzle No. 023 : Juice Pitchers
Picarats : 40
    Hint : Here we have an eight-quart pitcher filled with juice, an empty 
           five-quart pitcher, and an empty three-quart pitcher.
           The pitchers are unmarked, and your task is to divide eight quarts 
           of juice so that both the five-quart pitcher and the eight-quart 
           pitcher are each holding exactly four quarts.
Solution :     Pour from...     To...            Quarts...
            1) 8-quart pitcher  5-quart pitcher  (3/5/0)
            2) 5-quart pitcher  3-quart pitcher  (3/2/3)
            3) 3-quart pitcher  8-quart pitcher  (6/2/0)
            4) 5-quart pitcher  3-quart pitcher  (6/0/2)
            5) 8-quart pitcher  5-quart pitcher  (1/5/2)
            6) 5-quart pitcher  3-quart pitcher  (1/4/3)
            7) 3-quart pitcher  8-quart pitcher  (4/4/0)

You'll get a Strange Gizmo [SG06] for completing the puzzle. Talk to the 
customer here (Flick) for a puzzle.

Puzzle No. 025 : Equilateral Triangle
Picarats : 25
    Hint : In the drawing below, 10 coins are arranged to form an equilateral 
           The triangle is pointing up right now, but can you get it to point 
           down by moving three of the coins?
Solution : A simple diagram will do:

              * *         B * * C
             * * *    -->  * * *
            B * * C         * *

You'll get another Strange Gizmo [SG07] for completing the puzzle. Tap the 
bottom left chair [HC047], the sign pinned next to the blue door [HC048], and 
the red photo frame in the upper right corner [HC049] for three hint coins. 
Now, leave the restaurant.

Park Road
Tap the shoe and go further forward.

Park Gate
Tap on the glass bottle in the bottom left corner for a puzzle.

Puzzle No. 026 : Bottle Full of Germs
Picarats : 20
    Hint : A glass jar holds a single germ. After one minute, the germ slits 
           into two germs. One minute after that, the two germs each split 
           again, forming a total of four germs. Continuing at this rate, a 
           single germ can multiply to fill a whole jar in exactly one hour.
           Knowing this, how long in minutes would it take to fill the jar if 
           you had started with two germs?
Solution : No, the jar won't fill up twice as fast, you only save the one 
           minute that required the first germ to split into two. So, the 
           answer is 59 minutes.

After the puzzle, you'll get a painting scrap [PS04]. Now, tap just under the 
black gate [HC050], the top of the left pillar holding the gate [HC051], and 
the upper middle of the right wall [HC052] for three hint coins. After that, 
tap on Claudia, and you'll use the "fish bones".


Manor Parlor
Talk to Gordon for another puzzle.

Puzzle No. 027 : Bickering Brothers
Picarats : 40
    Hint : Six brothers have gathered around a table to eat dinner. Each of 
           the brothers is prone to fighting with the siblings directly above 
           and below him in age and can't be seated next to either of them. 
           Also, Brothers 3 and 5 got into an argument the other day and 
           refuse to sit next to each other.
           The eldest brother (Brother 1) has already sat down at the big 
           table and is waiting on the others to start eating. Can you find a 
           seating arrangement that will keep everyone from fighting each 
Solution : Clockwise around the table: 1, 3, 6, 4, 2, 5

You'll get a Strange Gizmo [SG08] for completing the puzzle. Talk to Matthew, 
"Dropped Cogs" is added to the list of mysteries, and get another puzzle.

Puzzle No. 028 : Find the Dot
Picarats : 30
    Hint : You are holding an eight-pointed shape with a red dot on it. If you 
           hold the shape so that the red dot is in the position shown in 
           Diagram A, then flip it over, you'll see a black dot as depicted 
           Now, assume you are holding the same shape as shown on the left 
           side of Diagram B. Where will the black dot be when you flip it 
           Draw a circle around where you think the black dot should go.
Solution : Interestingly, the black dot is in the same place as the red dot.

You'll get another Strange Gizmo [SG09] for completing the puzzle. Now, talk 
to the detective (Chelmey), then talk to Matthew and you will be allowed into 
Dahlia's Room. Tap on the shoe and enter the doorway.

Dahlia's Room
Tap the flowers in the vase on the desk [HC053], the chair [HC054], and the 
upper right corner (right next to Layton's bag) [HC55] for three hint coins. 
Now, talk to Dahlia.

Dahlia's Room
Now tap the bundled area of the right curtain for another hint coin [HC056]. 
Tap on the shoe and leave the room.

Manor Parlor
Talk to Chelmey for another puzzle.

Puzzle No. 029 : Five Suspects
Picarats : 20
    Hint : Five suspects are called into police headquarters for questioning. 
           They give the following statements.
           A: "One of the five of us is lying."
           B: "Two of the five of us are lying."
           C: "I know these guys, and three of the five of us are lying."
           D: "Don't listen to a word they say. Out of the five of us, four of 
              us are lying."
           E: "All five if us are dirty rotten liars!"
           The police only want to release the suspects who are telling the 
           truth. How many people should they let go?
Solution : Since everyone is saying something different, they can only let one 
           person go.

You'll get a Strange Gizmo [SG10] for completing the puzzle. Tap on the shoe, 
and try to leave the room. Dahlia will talk to you. After the conversation, 
leave the room.

Manor Foyer
Talk to Matthew, and "Lady Dahlia" is added to the list of mysteries. Tap the 
shoe and exit to Reinhold Manor.

Reinhold Manor
Tap on Claudia for a conversation. Now tap on the shoe and go back to the 
Manor Border.

Manor Border
Talk to Agnes here for a puzzle.

Puzzle No. 030 : One-Line Puzzle 1
Picarats : 30
    Hint : Have you heard of one-line puzzles? The idea is to place your pen 
           to paper and draw a shape without lifting your pen from the pad or 
           retracting any part of the line. You can, however, cross lines.
           Now that you're familiar with the concept, look at the four 
           pictures below. One of them cannot be drawn with one line.
           Which one is it?
Solution : The bottom left shape is the only shape that cannot be drawn in one 

You'll get a Strange Gizmo [SG11] for completing the puzzle. Now, tap on the 
shoe and go to Manor Road.

Manor Road
Talk to Marco, and he'll give you a hint about where to go. Talk to Marco a 
second time for a puzzle.

Puzzle No. 031 : Racetrack Riddle
Picarats : 30
    Hint : The distance three racehorses can run around the racetrack in one 
           minute is listed below.
           Horse A: Two laps.
           Horse B: Three laps.
           Horse C: Four laps.
           The horses line up at the starting line and start running in the 
           same direction. How many minutes will pass before all three horses 
           line up at the starting line again.
Solution : One minute, all of the horses complete atleast one complete lap 
           within one minute.

You'll get another Strange Gizmo [SG12] for completing the puzzle. Tap on the 
shoe and head into the General Store.

General Store
Tap the candy jar on the front desk for a puzzle.

Puzzle No. 032 : Candy Jars
Picarats : 30
    Hint : You have 10 jars filled with 50 pieces of candy each. You then pour 
           the candy into small bags and attempt to get half a jar into each 
           bag. You now have 20 bags of candy.
           What is the percentage likelihood that there are an average of 25 
           pieces of candy in a single sack.
Solution : 100%, you have 10x50=500 pieces of candy and 20 bags. 500/20=25 
           pieces per bag on average.

You'll get another Strange Gizmo [SG13] for completing the puzzle. Tap on the 
candle and you get another puzzle.

Puzzle No. 033 : Light Which One?
Picarats : 20
    Hint : You have only one match left.
           You want to light the room with an oil lamp, start a fire to warm 
           the room, and heat your bathwater.
           In order to complete all of the above actions, which of these 
           should you light first?
Solution : A classic puzzle, the match!

You will get the Pine Bed [F03] for completing the puzzle. Give this to 
Layton. Now, exit the General Store.

Manor Road
Tap on the shoe and head left.

Talk to Percy once, talk to Percy a second time for a puzzle.

Puzzle No. 034 : How Many Sheets?
Picarats : 40
    Hint : Several rectangular sheets of transparent film are arranged on top 
           of each other as shown. The lines represent areas where one sheet 
           overlaps with another.
           At the thickest point of this pile, how many sheets are overlapping?
Solution : 5

You'll get a Strange Gizmo [SG14] for completing the puzzle. Tap the white 
door to the left of the blue door for a puzzle.

Puzzle No. 058 : Get the Ball Out! 1
Picarats : 30
    Hint : Can you get the red ball out of the maze?
           Slide Obstruction blocks out of the way to clear a path for the 
           This problem can be solved in as few as 12 moves.
Solution :  1) Move the right blue block up one
            2) Move the purple block up one and left one
            3) Move the purple block up two
            4) Move the bottom yellow block right one
            5) Move the left blue block down one and right one
            6) Move the green block down two
            7) Move the top yellow block left one
            8) Move the red ball down three and left one
            9) Move the top yellow block right one
           10) Move the green block up two
           11) Move the left blue block left one
           12) Move the red ball right one and down two

Now enter the white door.

Granny R.'s
Tap the red bucket [HC057], in the grass bottom left of the house [HC058], the 
very tip of the chimney [HC059] for three hint coins. Talk to the woman here 
to be granted access into the house. Enter the house.

Puzzle Cottage
You can solve any puzzles you haven't yet here, but if you've been following 
the guide, it should be empty here!
Either way, exit and the Puzzle cottage.

Granny R.'s
Tap on the shoe and go back to the Plaza.

Tap on the shoe and head left for a scene.

Park Road
Tap on the shoe and enter the Restaurant.

Talk to Crouton (man behind bar) for the next puzzle.

Puzzle No. 024 : Milk Pitchers
Picarats : 50
    Hint : On the counter, we have a 10-quart pitcher full of milk, an empty 
           seven-quart pitcher, and an empty three-quart pitcher.
           The pitchers are unmarked, and your task is to divide the 10 quarts 
           of milk so that both the 10-quart pitcher and the seven-quart 
           pitcher are each holding exactly five quarts.
Solution :     Pour from...      To...             Quarts...
            1) 10-quart pitcher  7-quart pitcher   (3/7/0)
            2) 7-quart pitcher   3-quart pitcher   (3/4/3)
            3) 3-quart pitcher   10-quart pitcher  (6/4/0)
            4) 7-quart pitcher   3-quart pitcher   (6/1/3)
            5) 3-quart pitcher   10-quart pitcher  (9/1/0)
            6) 7-quart pitcher   3-quart pitcher   (9/0/1)
            7) 10-quart pitcher  7-quart pitcher   (2/7/1)
            8) 7-quart pitcher   3-quart pitcher   (2/5/3)
            9) 3-quart pitcher   10-quart pitcher  (5/5/0)

You'll get a Strange Gizmo [SG15] for completing the puzzle. Now, exit the 

Park Road
Tap on the shoe and head right to the Plaza.

Talk to Deke for a puzzle.

Puzzle No. 035 : Strange Dots
Picarats : 20
    Hint : The dice below look normal enough, but if you look carefully, you 
           should see a pattern start to emerge.
           You know the following:
           So what does D correspond to?
Solution : 3! The die are actually the face of a clock.

You'll get a Strange Gizmo [SG16] for completing the puzzle, and automatically 
enter the Clock Tower.

Clock Tower
Tap on the cat for the next puzzle.

Puzzle No. 036 : Too Many Mice
Picarats : 30
    Hint : Mice are famous for their ability to multiply at breakneck speeds. 
           The type of mouse we have here gives birth once a month, birthing 
           12 babies each time. Baby mice mature and can give birth two months 
           after they are born.
           You picked up one of these darling baby mice at the pet shop and 
           brought it home the day after it was born. In 10 months from now, 
           how many mice will you have?
Solution : 1! The mouse can't breed with any other mouse to produce babies!

You'll get a painting scrap for completing the puzzle [PS05]. Talk to the girl 
(Lucy) for another puzzle.

Puzzle No. 037 : Brother and Sister
Picarats : 40
    Hint : A boy and his big sister are sitting around the kitchen table 
           "You know, Sis, if I took away two years from my age and gave them 
           to you, you'd be twice my age, huh!"
           "Well, why don't you just give me one more on top of that? Then 
           I'll be three times your age."
           So just how old is each sibling?
Solution : You can just use trial and error, but I like maths :D
           Let x=age of bro
           Let y=age of sis

           From statement 1: 2(x-2)=y+2
           From statement 2: 3(x-3)=y+3

           And solve: 2(x-2)=3(x-3)-1
                           x=6, y=6

           Therefore, the age of both siblings is 6.

You'll get a Strange Gizmo [SG17] for completing the puzzle. Tap the hole in 
           the left wall for a hidden puzzle.

Puzzle No. 107 : A Worm's Dream
Picarats : 30
    Hint : A worm's life dream is to make it to the center of the apple. 
           Complete this slide puzzle and help him realize his dream!
           With only eight pieces to manage, this task might seem easy, but 
           it's probably harder than you suspect.
Solution :   1) Silde the center tile down
             2) Silde the west tile right
             3) Silde the northwest tile down
             4) Silde the north tile left
             5) Silde the center tile up
             6) Silde the west tile right
             7) Silde the southwest tile up
             8) Silde the south tile left
             9) Silde the southeast tile left
            10) Silde the east tile down
            11) Silde the center tile right
            12) Silde the west tile right
            13) Silde the southwest tile up
            14) Silde the south tile left
            15) Silde the southeast tile left
            16) Silde the east tile down
            17) Silde the center tile right
            18) Silde the west tile right
            19) Silde the southwest tile up
            20) Silde the south tile left
            21) Silde the center tile down
            22) Silde the north tile down
            23) Silde the northwest tile right
            24) Silde the west tile up
            25) Silde the center tile left

Tap the street light [HC060], the piece of moss in the middle of the ground 
[HC061], and the plate sticking out of the left wall [HC062] for three hint 
coins. Tap the shoe and proceed.

Fork in the Road
Talk to the man on the left (Zappone) for a puzzle.

Puzzle No. 038 : Island Hopping
Picarats : 20
    Hint : Here is an overhead view of a cluster of tropical islands. As you 
           travel from Start to Goal, your objective is to visit every island 
           exactly one time. The island folk say this can be accomplished with 
           the addition of a single straight bridge.
           The only other rule is that your bridge can't cross over any 
           preexisting bridge. So, where should your bridge go?
Solution : Draw a bridge between the lighthouse towards the SW, and the purple 
           house in the middle.

You'll get a Strange Gizmo [SG18] for completing the puzzle. Talk to Agnes 

Puzzle No. 039 : One-Line Puzzle 2
Picarats : 30
    Hint : The idea of one-line puzzles is to put your pen to paper and draw a 
           shape without lifting your pen from the pad or retracting any 
           lines. You can, however, cross lines.
           Now that you're familiar with the concept, look at the four 
           pictures below. One of them cannot be drawn with one line.
           Which one is it?
Solution : The top hat. And you also learn the easy way to check!

Tap the lamp near the door [HC063], the lower left bush [HC064], and just to 
the right of the upper left laundry [HC065] for three hint coins. Tap on 
the shoe and take the left path.

Talk to the man standing here (Archibald).

Puzzle No. 040 : How Old Is Dad?
Picarats : 30
    Hint : A father and son are chatting when the son poses this question: 
           "Dad, I'm 22 now, but just how old are you?"
           The father replies, "You wanna know how old your old man is, eh? 
           Hmm, well, I tell you what. I'm as old as your age, plus half my 
           How old is the father.
Solution : More maths!
           Let x=age of father


           Therefore, the father is 44.

You'll get a Strange Gizmo [SG19] for completing the puzzle. Tap the pillar 
connecting the two walls in the middle left for another hidden puzzle.

Puzzle No. 101 : Splitting It Up
Picarats : 40
    Hint : You have a big wooden cube that's painted red on all six sides. 
           After splitting the cube into smaller parts as shown below, you are 
           left with 27 cubes identical in size but varying in the number of 
           red sides per cube.
           How many of these 27 small cubes have just one of their six sides 
           painted red?
Solution : Only one cube on each face of the big cube, so 6.

Tap among the crates on the right [HC066], on the floor in the lower left 
corner [HC067], and on the desk on the lower left, above the white sign 
[HC068] for three hint coins. Tap on the shoe and head right.

Northern Hill
Talk to the old man (Jarvis) here. "Village Disappearances" is added to the 
list of mysteries. Tap the hole in the roof of the house with the green roof 
[HC069], the upper middle chimney [HC070], and among the moss in the lower 
left corner [HC071] for three hint coins. Tap the shoe and head backwards.

Northern Path
Talk to the man here (Gerard) for a puzzle.

Puzzle No. 041 : Spare Change
Picarats : 10
    Hint : A rope and coins are arranged as shown below. As you pull the ends 
           of the rope out to the left and right, the rope will draw taut and 
           push the coins to either side.
           Assuming you only get to keep the coins that end up on the top half 
           of the rope, how many coins will you have?
Solution : 9

You'll get the last Strange Gizmo [SG20] for completing the puzzle. You can 
build you new toy now if you want, and you can name it! Talk to Gerard for 
another puzzle.

Puzzle No. 042 : The Camera and Case
Picarats : 50
    Hint : While walking through a market on vacation, you notice a small 
           stand selling cameras. A camera-and-case set is selling for $310. 
           The seller tells you that the camera costs $300 more than the case 
           itself and that the case costs the price of the set minus the cost 
           of the camera.
           You decide you'd rather wait on buying a camera and opt to just 
           buy the case alone.
           You hand the seller a $100 bill and see his eyes light up. Think 
           fast now!
           How much change should you be getting back?
Solution : Maths!
           Let x = cost of camera
           Let y = cost of case


           x=305, y=5

           Therefore, the case costs $5, and you should get $95 change.

Tap the lamp of the house with the blue door [HC072], the middle part of the 
road [HC073], and the lower part of the road [HC074] for three hint coins. Tap 
the shoe and go back to the Fork in the Road.

Fork in the Road
Talk to Zappone (the man). Tap the shoe and head back to the clock tower.

Clock Tower
Tap the shoe and head back to the plaza to initiate a conversation with Deke.

Tap the shoe and head back into the clock tower.

Clock Tower
Talk to Lucy.

Puzzle No. 043 : Three Umbrellas
Picarats : 20
    Hint : Three identical-looking umbrellas are sitting upright in a stand. 
           Assuming the owners don't check their umbrella's labels, what 
           percentage chance is there that only two people will walk off with 
           their own umbrella?
Solution : 0%! If two people walk away with their own umbrella, the third must 
           have his/her own umbrella aswell!

You get the Blue Bed [F04], give it to Luke. Tap the shoe and head back to the 

Tap the shoe and enter the blue door.

Town Hall
Talk to Rodney twice for a puzzle.

Puzzle No. 044 : Stamp Stumper
Picarats : 50
    Hint : Your friend just got back from the post office where she purchased 
           a sheet of stamps with values ranging from $.10 to $1.00.
           First, your friend cut out the $1.00 stamp and set it aside. Then 
           she divided the remaining stamps into seven uniquely shaped 
           bunches, each with a total value of $1.00.
           Can you divide the sheet of stamps the same way your friend did?
Solution : Divide the stamps up as shown:
            ------- -------
           | 1   1 | 3   3 |
           |       |---     ---
           | 1   1 | 4 | 3   3 |
            -------     -------
           | 2 | 4   4   4 | 7 |
           |   |-----------|   |
           | 2 | 6 | 5   5 | 7 |
           |   |    -------    |
           | 2 | 6   6 | 7   7 |
            --- ------- -------

Tap on the shoe and exit the restaurant.

Tap the shoe and exit left.

Park Road
Tap the shoe and enter the blue door.

Talk to Crouton (the man behind the bar).


Now that it's night, watch the scene, you will automatically begin chapter 4.

Park Road
Talk to the woman (Adrea) for a puzzle.

Puzzle No. 045 : Puzzled Aliens
Picarats : 30
    Hint : From high in the sky, a pair of aliens observes humans using a 
           bizarre object. Perplexed, one alien turns to the other and says:
           "How strange. The Earthling is opening a hole in a sheet of paper 
           and marking it with a line to show the other Earthlings where the 
           hole is. I've never seen anything like it!"
           What could these extraterrestrial visitors be talking about?
Solution : "COMPASS"... meh

You get a painting scrap [PS06] for finishing the puzzle. Tap the left side of 
the path [HC075], the rock near the door on the right side [HC076], and the 
manhole cover [HC077] for three hint coins. Tap the shoe and head right.

Talk to Gerard here, and you will agree to find his wristwatch for him. Tap on 
the highest window of the clock tower [HC078], the right barrel of the two 
barrels in the bottom left corner [HC079], the roof to the right of the clock 
tower [HC080], and the chimney of the right house [HC081] for four hint coins. 
Now, head back left.

Park Road
Tap on the shoe and proceed forwards.

Park Gate
Talk to Deke for a puzzle.

Puzzle No. 046 : The Biggest Star
Picarats : 20
    Hint : Legend has it that people used to stare up at the heavens and find 
           images of animals or important events in the constellations.
           Looking up at the star-filled sky here, try to connect the five 
           largest objects in space to form the largest five pointed star 
           possible. Connect stars by drawing a line between them. Make sure 
           that your line doesn't pass through another star along the way.
Solution : There are only 4 big stars here, use the pine tree in the bottom as 
           the fifth point of the star.

You will get the Stuffed Bear [F05], give it to Luke. Tap the left wall (next 
to Deke's head) [HC082], the tip of the right pillar [HC083], and the bottom 
right corner, next to the thing on the ground [HC084] for three hint coins. 
Now, head back to the Park Road.

Park Road
Tap on the shoe and back into the Plaza.

Tap on the shoe and to the Entrance.

Tap the Inn's vertical sign for a hidden puzzle.

Puzzle No. 113 : The Pet Hotel
Picarats : 30
    Hint : A town not far from your home recently opened a ritzy hotel for 
           Can you guess what kind of animal is currently relaxing in room 907?
           Move two matches to form the answer on the screen below.
Solution : Change it as shown:
            _   _   _         _   _  _ _
           | | |_|   |  -->  |   |_|  |
           |_|   |   |  -->  |_  | |  |

Tap the sign to the right of the Inn door [HC085], the white bin to the right 
[HC086], and the chimney of the Inn [HC087] for three hint coins. Now enter 
the Inn.

Beatrice will give you the wristwatch.

Tap on the shoe and move forwards.

Talk to Gerard here to return the wristwatch and get a puzzle.

Puzzle No. 047 : On the Run
Picarats : 40
    Hint : A mysterious bandit is on the lam and trying to escape the police 
           who are hot on his trail. His entrance into this part of town is 
           marked with an arrow.
           This particular bandit follows a peculiar creed and has vowed never 
           to go backward to turn around. Additionally, whenever he meets an 
           intersection, he will always turn left or right.
           Now, as you can see from the map, this part of town has multiple 
           exits, which are labeled A through G. Of all exits here, which one 
           will the bandit never be able to pass through?
Solution : Exit B is the correct answer.

You get the Cream Rug [F06] for solving the puzzle, give it to Luke. Now, tap 
the shoe and enter the clock tower.

Clock Tower
Tap on the cat for a puzzle.

Puzzle No. 048 : Cats and Mice
Picarats : 25
    Hint : Five cats can catch five mice in five minutes.
           With that in mind, how many cats does it take to catch 100 mice in 
           100 minutes.
Solution : 5 cats

For completing the puzzle, you get a painting scrap [PS07]. Now talk to the 
girl (Lucy) for another puzzle.

Puzzle No. 049 : 1,000 Times
Picarats : 20
    Hint : What on earth is this message getting at? The following is written 
           on a piece of paper you picked up:
           "_ is 1,000 times _ _"
           To turn this strange message into proper sentence, all you need to 
           do is fill in the _ with a single letter of the alphabet. But what 
           letter could it be?
           You'll need to use the same letter for all three _s.
Solution : The letter "M", "A metre is 1,000 times a millimeter"

You get Bookcase [F07] for completing the puzzle, give it to Luke. Now, tap 
the plate sticking out of the left wall [HC088], the rock on the right side 
[HC089], and the highest window at the back [HC090] for three hint coins. Tap 
on the shoe and proceed forwards.

Fork in the Road
Talk to Marco here for a puzzle.

Puzzle No. 050 : OTTF?
Picarats : 20
    Hint : Here you have a set of small paper cards. On each card is a single 
           letter, but one of the cards is missing its letter. What letter 
           belongs on the blank card?
Solution : The letter "F". One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, 
           Nine, Ten

You receive the Teak Bureau [F08] for completing the puzzle, give it to 
Layton. Tap the small rock in front of the door [HC091], the leftmost window 
[HC092], and the upper right window [HC093] for three hint coins. Tap on the 
shoe and enter the door.

Crumm's Cafe
Talk to the bartender (Crumm) for a clue on where to go. Talk to Zappone for a 

Puzzle No. 051 : The Town Brothers
Picarats : 10
    Hint : A certain town has only two barbers in it. There aren't any other 
           towns nearby, so everyone who lives there gets their hair cut by 
           one of these two stylists.
           Looking at these two fine gentlemen, which one should you go to for 
           a haircut?
Solution : Pretty stupid puzzle if you ask me... the answer is A, but I 
           guessed the answer. However, the reason they give you is pretty 

For completing the puzzle, you get a painting scrap [PS08]. Now, tap the 
bottom level of the shelf on the far right for a hidden puzzle.

Puzzle No. 106 : How Many Glasses?
Picarats : 20
    Hint : On the top row of the picture shown below, you have three cups of 
           juice followed by three empty cups. Your objective is to change 
           things around so that the cups are arranged as shown in the bottom 
           row of the picture.
           Assuming you can only move one cup at a time and that all 
           rearrangement has to be done by hand, how many cups will you have 
           to pick up?
Solution : 1 cup, you just have to pour the juice of one cup into the other!

Tap the left stool [HC094], the blue photo frame on the back wall [HC095], and 
the top of the left cupboard [HC096] for three hint coins. Exit the cafe.

Fork in the Road
Tap on the shoe and take the left path to the market.

Talk to Agnes for a puzzle.

Puzzle No. 053 : Fish Thief
Picarats : 35
    Hint : When you weren't looking, someone came by and gobbled up your fish 
           dinner. The three brothers near the scene of this dastardly crime 
           had this to say:
           A: "Me? Oh yeah, I ate it. It was good too!"
           B: "I saw A eat the fish right up!"
           C: "B and I didn't eat that fish."
           One of these three brothers is lying to you, but which one is it?
Solution : If A is lying, then B must be lying too. If B was lying, A must be 
           lying too. Therefore, C is the liar.

You receive the Television [F09] for completing the puzzle, give it to Luke. 
Talk to the other man (Giuseppe) for a puzzle.

Puzzle No. 054 : Monster!
Picarats : 20
    Hint : Oh, no! The town is in grave peril!
           As you read this, fearsome monster is launching an attack on St. 
           Mystere! Ward off the beast by stubbing it in the eye! And for 
           goodness' sake, HURRY!
Solution : Stab the moon in the upper left corner. The entire night sky is the 

You get a painting scrap [PS09] for solving the puzzle. Now, tap the barrel on 
the left [HC097], the urn on the right [HC098], and the crate in the middle 
[HC099] for three hint coins. Tap the she and head right.

Northern Hill
Talk to Pauly here.

Puzzle No. 052 : Find a Star
Picarats : 30
    Hint : A star the same shape and size as the one shown on the right is 
           hidden somewhere in this picture. Trace its outline below.
Solution : Hard to explain, but it's towards the upper left corner.

You get a painting scrap [PS10] for solving the puzzle. Now, tap the chimney 
of the house on the right [HC100], the stairs on the right side [HC101], and 
the roof on the far left side [HC102] for three hint coins. Tap the shoe and 
head backwards.

Northern Path
Tap the wall on the left [HC103], the bottom right of the path (just to the 
upper left of the shoe) [HC104], and on the left of the path, next to the 
stairs leading down [HC105] for three hint coins. Enter the blue door here.

Tap on the piece of meat for a hidden puzzle.

Puzzle No. 114 : Tetrahedron Trial
Picarats : 10
    Hint : The image below is of a tetrahedron that has been disassembled so 
           that each of its four faces lie flat.
           Which of the triangles should you insert in the place of the ? so 
           that when the tetrahedron is put together, both red and blue lines 
           continue unbroken from one face to the next.
Solution : C, can't say much more...

Tap on the ground underneath the stand on the right [HC106], the book on the 
ground at the bottom of the screen [HC107], and the bottom level of the 
bookshelf at the back [HC108] for three hint coins. Talk to the man here 
(Prosciutto). Go back outside.

Northern Path
"Mysterious Rumbling" is added to the list of mysteries.


Manor Parlor
Talk to Gordon here for a puzzle.

Puzzle No. 012 : Make a Rectangle
Picarats : 40
    Hint : If you want to cut the piece of paper shown in Diagram 1 into two 
           pieces and then reassemble them to form a rectangle, all you have 
           to do is cut the paper as shown in Diagram 2.
           However, in order to assemble the pieces as shown in Diagram 2 you 
           need to flip one of the pieces over before putting them together.
           Where should you cut the paper if you want to turn the paper in 
           Diagram 1 into a rectangle without flipping either of your two 
Solution : Cut as shown in the diagram:

           | 1   1   1   1   1 |
           |-------     -------       --- -------
           | 2   2 | 1 |             | 1 | 2   2 |
           |       |---              |   |       |
           | 2   2 |       --->      | 1 | 2   2 |
            ---    |       --->      |    ---    |
               | 2 |       --->      | 1   1 | 2 |
            ---    |       --->      |    ---    |
           | 2   2 |                 | 1 | 2   2 |
           |       |                 |   |       |
           | 2   2 |                 | 1 | 2   2 |
            -------                  --- -------

Tap on the shoe and head back to Manor Foyer.

Manor Foyer
Tap on the shoe and head back to outside. "Ramon's Memory" is added to the 
list of mysteries. Back in the day, you automatically end up at the Inn.

Once you are back in control, talk to Beatrice.

Puzzle No. 055 : The Odd Sandwich
Picarats : 20
    Hint : Using scraps left over from your breakfast, you've managed to 
           cobble together a rather oddly shaped sandwich.
           How many times must you cut the sandwich in order to fit it neatly 
           in the container?
Solution : You only have to cut the sandwich once.

You receive the Simple Chair [F10] for completing the puzzle, give it to Luke. 
Tap the light switch for a hint coin [HC109]. Exit the Inn.

Talk to Stachen for a puzzle.

Puzzle No. 056 : The Lazy Guard
Picarats : 30
    Hint : The local museum has an exhibit that spans nine rooms, as shown in 
           the diagram below. The entrance to the complex is marked by A, and 
           exit is marked by B.
           The security guard on duty is a bit of a loafer and wants to walk 
           each room of the exhibit while turning as few times as possible. 
           What is the fewest number of turns he can make while still visiting 
           every room?
           As an example, the diagram shows a course that involves six turns.
Solution : 2

You receive the Desk [F11] for completing the puzzle, give it to Luke. Tap the 
chimney of the right house for a hint coin [HC110]. Tap on the shoe and head 
into the Plaza.

Talk to Deke.

Puzzle No. 057 : Cut Which One?
Picarats : 30
    Hint : Below are six linked rings.
           They may look like a tangle mess, but there is one ring that, if 
           cut away, would leave the remaining five fings connected end to end 
           in a long chain.
           Which one must you cut in order to make the chain? Choose one 
           answer from below.
Solution : D

You receive the Pile of Books [F12] for completing the puzzle, give it to 
Luke. Tap the chimney to the left of the clock tower for a hint coin [HC111]. 
Tap on the shoe and head right.

Manor Road
Tap on the letter dropped on the ground. It's near Marco's feet. Now, talk to 

Puzzle No. 059 : The Longest Path
Picarats : 50
    Hint : Two boys are playing a game which the goal is to take the longest 
           route possible from point A to point B, as shown on the map below. 
           The only rule is that no section of the road can be traversed more 
           than once.
           What course should they take in order to cover the longest distance 
           possible between point A and point B.
Solution : Follow my rather ugly map:
           |                        A|
           | ####################### |
           | #  _________________    |
           | # |_________________|   |
           | #                       |
           | #     ################# |
           | #  _  #  _____     _  # |
           | # | | # |_____|   | | # |
           | # | | #           | | # |
           | # | | ########### | | # |
           | # | |    _____  # | | # |
           | # |_|   |_____| # |_| # |
           | #               #     # |
           | #################     # |
           |    _________________  # |
           |   |_________________| # |
           |                       # |
           | ####################### |

You'll get a painting scrap for completing the puzzle [PS11]. Now, tap the 
right fence for a hint coin [HC112]. Head into the General Store.

General Store
Tap one of the bottles on the shelf behind the counter for a hint coin 
[HC113]. Exit back to Manor Road.

Manor Road
Tap on the shoe and go into the Manor.

Manor Border
Tap the bottom left bush for a hint coin [HC114]. Tap on the shoe and head 
further into the Manor.

Reinhold Manor
Talk to Claudia for a puzzle.

Puzzle No. 060 : Weighing Cats
Picarats : 30
    Hint : There are three different colors of plush cats before you. The 
           color of a cat denotes its weight. Examples 1 and 2 show their 
           relative weights.
           You have three red cats and four black cats loaded on one side of 
           the scale. On the other side of the scale, there are four white 
           cats and one black cat.
           Given this setup, will the scale tip left, tip right, or stay 
           level? Tap your answer on the Touch Screen.
Solution : The scale will tip left.

You'll get a painting scrap for completing the puzzle [PS12]. Tap on the small 
bush to the left of the house for a hint coin [HC115]. Enter the Manor.

Manor Foyer
Tap the stairs leading up (about the third step) for a hint coin [HC116]. Tap 
on the shoe and move upstairs for a scene. After the scene, tap the shoe again 
and go upstairs.

Manor Parlor
Talk to Gordon for a puzzle.

Puzzle No. 061 : Pin Board Shaped
Picarats : 40
    Hint : The cross shape on the pin below has nine pins inside it and 16 
           outside it.
           Remember that example, because now it's your turn to construct a 
           shape on the board. Can you create a cross that has 17 inside it 
           and 16 outside it?
           Feel free to make your cross any size you like.
Solution : Make the cross by connecting the @ pins:

           - - @ - @ - -
           - @ - @ - @ -
           @ - - - - - @
           - @ - - - @ -
           @ - - - - - @
           - @ - @ - @ -
           - - @ - @ - -

You'll get a Wall Clock [F13] for completing the puzzle, give it to Layton. 
Talk to Gordon for another puzzle.

Puzzle No. 103 : Wood Cutouts
Picarats : 40
    Hint : You have a single sheet of balsa wood, as shown in the diagram 
           below. Your job is to cut the wood along the dotted lines so that 
           you end up with four identical pieces.
           The pieces may face different directions, but they must not be 
           mirrored versions of each other.
           Go on and get chopping!
Solution : Cut the wood as shown:
            ___         ___
           |  _|       |_  |
           | | |_______| | |
           | |___________| |
           | |  _______  | |
           | |_|       |_| |
           |___|       |___|


You'll get a Mysterious Bottle [F14] for completing the puzzle, give it to 
Layton. Talk to Chelmey for a puzzle.

Puzzle No. 062 : The Mysterious Note
Picarats : 40
    Hint : A detective who was mere days from cracking an international 
           smuggling ring has suddenly gone missing. While suspecting his 
           last-known location, you find a note.
           The note appears to be nothing more than a series of numbers, but 
           your gut instinct tells you that this note will reveal the name of 
           the crime kingpin.
           Currently there are three suspects in the case: Bill, John, and 
           Todd. Can you break the detective's code and find the criminal's 
Solution : Flip the note upside down. You'll see that Bill is the criminal.

You'll get a painting scrap for completing the puzzle [PS13]. Talk to Dahlia 
           for another puzzle.

Puzzle No. 063 : How Old Is Mom?
Picarats : 20
    Hint : A father and son are having a conversation. The father turns to the 
           son and says:
           "You know, son, there was a time when your old man was twice the 
           age of your mother. Of course, the next year, I was the only one 
           and a half times her age, but still, that's pretty amazing, eh?"
           If the father is exactly 44 years old now, how old is the mother?
Solution : Maths!

           Let x = age of father
           Let y = age of mother

           In 1st statement:   x=2y
           In 2nd statement: x+1=1.5(y+1)

           Solving that: 2y+1=1.5y+1.5
                            y=1, x=2

           Now, the dad is 44, the mother is 43.

You'll get a Splendid Painting [F15] for completing the puzzle, give it to 
Layton. Tap the circular thing above Dahlia's head for a hint coin [HC117]. 
Tap on the shoe and head back into the Foyer.

Manor Foyer
Tap on the shoe and head outside.

Reinhold Manor
Tap on the shoe and head back to the border.

Manor Border
Talk to Ramon.

Manor Border
Tap on the shoe and head to Reinhold Manor.

Reinhold Manor
Tap on the shoe and head into the Manor.

Manor Foyer
Talk to Matthew here. Head back outside.

Reinhold Manor
Tap on the shoe and exit to the border.

Manor Border
Tap on the shoe and go back to Manor Road.

Manor Road
Talk to the old lady here (Ingrid). Now, head back in the Manor.

Manor Border
Talk to Matthew walking around here. After the scene, head into the Manor.

Reinhold Manor
Tap on the shoe and inside the building.

Manor Foyer
Tap on the shoe and head upstairs.

Manor Parlor
Tap on the shoe and head into Dahlia's Room.

Dahlia's Room
Tap on the bookshelf on the desk. Watch the scene. Head back outside.

Manor Parlor
Tap on the shoe and head back to the foyer.

Manor Foyer
Tap on the shoe and head outside.

Reinhold Manor
Talk to Ingrid. Tap on the shoe and head back to the border.

Manor Border
Tap on the shoe and head back to Manor Road.

Manor Road
Tap on the shoe and head left.

Tap on the shoe and head back to the entrance.

Tap on the shoe and head back to the drawbridge.

Tap on the road infront of the Laytonmobile for a hint coin [HC118]. Head back 
to the Entrance.

Head into the Plaza.

Enter the blue door on the right.

Town Hall
Talk to Rodney here for a puzzle.

Puzzle No. 064 : Odd Equations
Picarats : 30
    Hint : Oh, my! It looks like someone has been writing nonsense in the 
           blackboard again. It turns out, though, that under certain 
           conditions, these strange equations are actually correct.
           Eight minus six equals two.
           Eight plus six equals two.
           Assuming the above to be true, what does seven plus six equal.
Solution : 1! The equations are talking about time, so... 7 o'clock + 6 
           o'clock is equal to 1 o'clock.

Tap the desk on the right for a hint coin [HC119]. Head back outside.

Town Hall
Tap on the shoe and enter the clock tower.

Clock Tower
Talk to the cat for a puzzle.

Puzzle No. 065 : What's E?
Picarats : 50
    Hint : According to the diagram shown here, A=2, B=3, C=3, and D=4.
           So what does E equal?
Solution : The number refers to the number of other sections touching the 
           edges of a section. Since there are 5 sections around E, the answer 
           is 5.

Talk to Lucy for a puzzle.

Puzzle No. 066 : Birthday Girl
Picarats : 60
    Hint : When asked about her birthday, a young woman gives the following 
           "The day after tomorrow, I turn 22, but I was still 19 on New 
           Year's Day last year."
           What is her birthday?
Solution : January 2nd.

Talk to Lucy for another puzzle.

Puzzle No. 067 : The Chocolate Code
Picarats : 40
    Hint : On Valentines's Day, your gadget-loving, technophile girlfriend 
           gave you a most unusual slab of chocolate. While the jumble of 
           letters looks like nonsense, if you manage to decode the letters 
           written on the chocolate, a message from your sweetheart will 
           What is she trying to tell you?
Solution : Weird puzzle, but the answer is "TEXT ME"

Tap on the moss above Lucy for a hint coin [HC120]. Tap on the shoe and head 
into the fork.

Fork in the Road
Talk to Zappone. Then tap the rubbish bin on the right for a hint coin 
[HC121]. Head up the right path.

Northern Path
Tap on the note on the ground next to Gerard for a scene. Then talk to Gerard. 
Talk to Gerard gain for a puzzle.

Puzzle No. 068 : Find the Pentagons
Picarats : 40
    Hint : A number of five-sided shapes are hidden within the picture below. 
           How many can you find?
           Answer when you think you've found every hidden shape.
Solution : There are 12 pentagons in the picture.

Tap the roof of the house on the far left for a hint coin [HC122]. Enter the 
blue door.

Talk to Prosciutto here for a puzzle.

Puzzle No. 069 : Chocolate Puzzle
Picarats : 30
    Hint : You have a hankering for chocolate, so you buy a huge sheet of 30 
           chocolate squares. The sheet if five squares long by six squares 
           wide. You can only break the chocolate at the lines that run 
           between squares, an you aren't allowed to stack multiple segments 
           on top of each other.
           Keeping those rules in mind, what is the fewest number of times 
           you'll need to break the chocolate in order to seperate each of the 
           30 squares.
Solution : 29 cuts

You get the World Map [F16] for solving the puzzle. Give it to Luke. Head back 

Northern Path
Tap on the shoe and head back to the fork.

Fork in the Road
This time, go on the left path.

You'll automatically be given a puzzle.

Puzzle No. 070 : The Shattered Vase
Picarats : 10
    Hint : Someone knocked over this fabulous vase and shattered it.
           Fit the pieces together and restore the vase to it's original 
           shape. There's one catch, though. Mixed in with the pieces is a 
           single piece from a different vase.
Solution : Seriously easy puzzle, I'm not even going to bother with a solution.

Talk to Giuseppe again for a puzzle.

Puzzle No. 071 : Sausage Thief
Picarats : 40
    Hint : Somebody ate the butcher's sausages! Here's what these four boys 
           have to say:
           A: "B ate the sausages!"
           B: "D ate them all up!"
           C: "I didn't eat them, no way!"
           D: "B's totally lying!"
           Only one of these rascals is telling the truth and all the others 
           are, needless to say, lying. Can you figure out who ate the 
Solution : If A ate the sausage, then C and D are telling the truth...
           If B ate the sausage, then A, C and D are telling the truth...
           If C ate the sausage, then D is telling the truth...
           If D ate the sausage, then B and C are telling the truth...
           So therefore, C ate the sausage!

You get the Flower Vase [F17] for solving the puzzle. Give it to Layton. Now 
tap the huge ball of rubbish on the ground. "Inspector Chelmey" is added to 
the list of mysteries. Tap on top of the large striped umbrella in the middle 
for a hint coin [HC123]. Now, talk to the old man (Archibald) that appeared
 after tapping on the newspaper article. You'll automatically move to 

Tap the upper left bookshelf for a hidden puzzle.

Puzzle No. 108 : Not Knots?
Picarats : 50
    Hint : In front of you are four tangled lengths of rope. Mark the ones you 
think will form a knot when you grab them by their ends and pull them taut.
Solution : Only C will form a knot.

Now, tap the upper right picture [HC124], the flower vase [HC125], and on the 
stand on the left side of the stairs [HC126] for three hint coins. Now, tap on 
the desk to zoom in on it. Tap on the ground below the left leg [HC127], in 
the rectangular box on the desk [HC128], and the bottom right corner of the 
desk [HC129] for another three hint coins! Now tap the right drawer.


Exit Archibald's to the Clock Tower.

Clock Tower
Tap on the shoe and head back to the Plaza.

Tap on the shoe and head back to the Entrance.

Enter the blue door of the inn.

Talk to Beatrice. After the conversation, exit the Inn.

Tap on the shoe and head into the Plaza.

Talk to Percy for a puzzle.

Puzzle No. 072 : The Sound of Silence
Picarats : 40
    Hint : Which one of these words doesn't make the sound of silence?
Solution : Note, Treble, and Scale have a silent E.
           Rhythm, has a silent Y and/or H.
           Chord has a silent H.
           The answer is "Rest", as it doesn't have a silent letter.

You get the Reading Lamp [F18] for completing the puzzle, give it to Luke. 
Enter the blue door to the Town Hall.

Town Hall
Talk to Rodney for a puzzle.

Puzzle No. 073 : How Many Squares?
Picarats : 40
    Hint : The board has 12 dots on it. Your task is to connect these dots to 
           form as many squares as possible.
           You can use each dot multiple times, and you can orient the squares 
           however you wish to fit them on the board. However to be counted as 
           a square, each corner must be on a dot.
           How many different squares can be drawn on the board?
Solution : 11 squares can be made.

You get the Gramophone [F19] for completing the puzzle, give it to Layton. Now 
exit to the Plaza.

Enter the Clock Tower.

Clock Tower
Go forwards to the fork.

Fork in the Road
Take the left path to the Market.

Talk to Agnes for a puzzle.

Puzzle No. 074 : A Broken Window
Picarats : 30
    Hint : Four kids were playing, one of them threw a ball through your 
           window. Here's what they had to say for themselves.
           A: "Not me! I didn't break a thing!"
           B: "OK, I'll tell the truth. It was me. I broke it."
           C: "Don't be mad at A! He didn't do anything!"
           D: "B didn't break the glass, I swear."
           You know for a fact that the scamp who broke your window is lying. 
           However, an unknown number of the other chilren may me lying 
           aswell. Can you figure out which one of these darned kids broke 
           your window?
Solution : If B broke the window, then he is telling the truth.
           If C broke the window, then he is telling the truth.
           If D broke the window, then he is also telling the truth.
           Therefore, A broke the window!

Talk to Agnes again for a another puzzle.

Puzzle No. 075 : The Wire Cube
Picarats : 40
    Hint : You want to create a cube out of metal wiring using the fewest 
           number of wires possible.
           You can bend each wire as many times as you like, but no portion of 
           the cube can have more than one length of wire running over the 
           same edge. Don't worry about how one wire will connect to the next, 
           because you'll use a soldering iron later on.
           What is the fewest number of wires required to complete the task 
           described above?
Solution : No matter how complex you make the wire bend, 4 wires is the 
           minimum number required to form a complete cube. 

You get the Globe [F20] for completing the puzzle, give it to Luke. Now exit 
forwards to the Path Entrance.

Path Entrance
Tap the hanging sign for a hidden puzzle.

Puzzle No. 119 : Red and Blue 1
Picarats : 40
    Hint : The box below holds blue and red balls. As you can see, the color 
           of the balls and the color of their respective areas don't match.
           Slide the balls aroun the box so that red balls are in the red area 
           and blue balls are in the blue area.
Solution : This puzzle is extremely hard to explain -_-"

           Map    ___             ___
               4 |A 4|           |E 4|   note: co-ordinates refer to the space
                 |___|    ___    |___|         and not the ball
               3 |A 3|   |C 3|   |E 3|
               2 |A 2|B 2|C 2|D 2|E 2|
               1 |A 1|           |E 1|
                 |___|           |___|
                   A   B   C   D   E

               BALL  FROM     TO               BALL  FROM     TO
            1) (Blue) E2 into C3     --->  16) (Red)  E2 into B2
            2) (Red)  A2 into E2     |     17) (Blue) E3 into C3
            3) (Red)  A1 into D2     |     18) (Blue) E4 into D2
            4) (Blue) C3 into A1     |     19) (Red)  E1 into E4
            5) (Red)  D2 into A2     |     20) (Blue) D2 into E1
            6) (Red)  E2 into B2     |     21) (Red)  B2 into E3
            7) (Blue) E1 into C3     |     22) (Red)  A2 into E2
            8) (Red)  B2 into E1     |     23) (Red)  A1 into D2
            9) (Red)  A2 into E2     |     24) (Blue) C3 into A1
           10) (Red)  A3 into D2     |     25) (Red)  D2 into A2
           11) (Red)  A4 into B2     |     26) (Red)  E2 into B2
           12) (Blue) A1 into A4     |     27) (Blue) E1 into C3
           13) (Red)  B2 into A1     |     28) (Red)  B2 into E1
           14) (Blue) C3 into A3     |     29) (Red)  A2 into E2
           15) (Red)  D2 into A2   ---     30) (Blue) C3 into A2

Tap on the top of the giant vase on the right [HC130], on the ledge on the far 
right [HC131], on the ground of the road (just outside of the doorway) 
[HC132], and the window of the door [HC133] for four hint coins. Tap on the 
shoe and proceed further.

Tower Road
Tap on the note near the feet of the woman. After the scene, talk to the woman 
for a puzzle (Martha).

Puzzle No. 102 : Aces and the Joker
Picarats : 40
    Hint : You've scattered a deck of 52 cards and one joker facedown on a 
           table so that you don't know which card is where.
           Next you start turning the cards over one be one. Assuming that you 
           can't flip the same card twice, what are the percentage odds that 
           you will turn over all four aces before you turn over the joker?
Solution : All other cards in the deck are meaningless, only the four aces and 
           joker count to the probability.
           The chance of turning over the joker AFTER you turn all four aces 
           is 1/5, or 20%.

Tap the right window for a hidden puzzle.

Puzzle No. 117 : Painting a Cube
Picarats : 30
    Hint : In front of you sits a blank paper cube that you've decided to 
           paint. You need to paint the cube so that all faces that touch are 
           different colors.
           Using three colors of paint, how many ways can you paint the cube 
           so that it satisfies the above condition?
           Each painting scheme should be a different pattern, not just the 
           same pattern with the colors rearranged. Also, assume that you 
           can't leave any sides of the square blank.
Solution : There is only 1 way to paint the cube, having the same color on 
           opposide sides.

Tap the window of the house behind Martha [HC134], the lamp on the house on 
the left [HC135], the flowers on the right [HC136], and under the window on 
the left [HC137] for four hint coins. Tap on the shoe, head further inside and 
watch the scene.


Dead End
Tap the upper right window [HC138], the lower right part of the screen (really 
close to the shoe) [HC139], the lower left bit of moss [HC140], and the upper 
left roof [HC141] for four hint coins. Tap on the show and head back.

Tower Road
Tap on the shoe and go back to the Path Entrance.

Path Entrance
Tap on the shoe and go back to the Market.

Tap on the shoe and go right to Northern Hill.

Northern Hill
Tap on the leftmost roof for a hint coin [HC142]. Tap on the shoe and head 
down to the Northen Path.

Northen Path
Tap on the shoe and head back to the fork.

Fork in the Road
Tap on the shoe and head back to the Clock Tower.

Clock Tower
Tap on the shoe and head to the Plaza.

Tap on the shoe and head left to Park Road.

Park Road
Talk to Pauly for a puzzle.

Puzzle No. 076 : A Tile Square
Picarats : 30
    Hint : You have at your disposal a large number of tiles like the one 
           shown below.
           If you were to take these tiles and try to make a square, what is 
           the fewest number of tiles you'd need?
Solution : 20, making the a very weird square...

Talk to Adrea for a puzzle.

Puzzle No. 077 : Which Job?
Picarats : 20
    Hint : Two corporations have put out Help Wanted ads. Aside from the 
           information below, the two companies' offers are exactly the same. 
           From a purely financial standpoint, which one should you work for?
           Company A will pay you $100,000 a year and give you a $20,000 raise 
           Company B will pay you $50,000 every six months and give you $5,000 
           raise every six months.
Solution : B, the yearly salary for company B is actually higher

You will get the Houseplant [F21] for completing the puzzle. Give this to 
Layton. Now, tap the right wall of the park for a hint coin [HC143]. Enter the 

Talk to Crouton for a puzzle.

Puzzle No. 078 : Water Pitchers
Picarats : 60
    Hint : You have one 16-quart pitcher full of water, one empty nine-quart 
           pitcher, and one empty seven-quart pitcher.
           Using nothing but these three pitchers, can you divide the water 
           evenly so that the 16-quart and nine-quart pitchers are each 
           holding exactly eight quarts of water?
Solution :     Pour from...      To...             Quarts...
            1) 16-quart pitcher  9-quart pitcher   ( 7/9/0)
            2) 9-quart pitcher   7-quart pitcher   ( 7/2/7)
            3) 7-quart pitcher   16-quart pitcher  (14/2/0)
            4) 9-quart pitcher   7-quart pitcher   (14/0/2)
            5) 16-quart pitcher  9-quart pitcher   ( 5/9/2)
            6) 9-quart pitcher   7-quart pitcher   ( 5/4/7)
            7) 7-quart pitcher   16-quart pitcher  (12/4/0)
            8) 9-quart pitcher   7-quart pitcher   (12/0/4)
            9) 16-quart pitcher  9-quart pitcher   ( 3/9/4)
           10) 9-quart pitcher   7-quart pitcher   ( 3/6/7)
           11) 7-quart pitcher   16-quart pitcher  (10/6/0)
           12) 9-quart pitcher   7-quart pitcher   (10/0/6)
           13) 16-quart pitcher  9-quart pitcher   ( 1/9/6)
           14) 9-quart pitcher   7-quart pitcher   ( 1/8/7)
           15) 7-quart pitcher   16-quart pitcher  ( 8/8/0)

You will get the Flower Bouquet [F22] for completing the puzzle. Give this to 
Layton. Talk to Crouton for another puzzle.

Puzzle No. 079 : Apples to Oranges
Picarats : 40
    Hint : Some careless deliveryman loaded two shipments of fruit into the 
           wrong warehouses.
           As you can see in the picture below, the oranges are currently in 
           the apple warehouse and vice versa.
           Can you correct the mistake and put all the fruit in proper place?
Solution : Another annoying puzzle...

           Map    ___ ___     ___     ___ ___
               3 |A 3|B 3|   |D 3|   |F 3|G 3|   note: co-ordinates refer to 
                 |___|___|___|___|___|___|___|         the space, and not the 
               2 |A 2|B 2|C 2|D 2|E 2|F 2|G 2|         crate
               1 |A 1|B 1|   |D 1|   |F 1|G 1|
                 |___|___|   |___|   |___|___|
                   A   B   C   D   E   F   G

               FRUIT    FROM    TO
            1) (Orange) B2 into D1
            2) (Orange) B3 into D3
            3) (Apple)  F2 into B3
            4) (Apple)  F3 into B2
            5) (Apple)  G3 into C2
            6) (Orange) D3 into G3
            7) (Orange) D1 into F3
            8) (Apple)  C2 into F2
            9) (Apple)  B2 into E2
           10) (Orange) A2 into D1
           11) (Orange) A3 into D3
           12) (Apple)  E2 into A3
           13) (Apple)  F2 into A2
           14) (Apple)  G2 into B2
           15) (Apple)  G1 into C2
           16) (Orange) D3 into G1
           17) (Orange) D1 into G2
           18) (Apple)  C2 into F2
           19) (Apple)  B2 into E2
           20) (Orange) A1 into D3
           21) (Orange) B1 into D1
           22) (Apple)  E2 into A1
           23) (Apple)  F2 into B1
           24) (Apple)  F1 into B2
           25) (Orange) D3 into F1
           26) (Orange) D1 into F2

After the puzzle, you'll get a painting scrap [PS14]. Talk to Flick for a 

Puzzle No. 080 : Too Many Queens 1
Picarats : 20
    Hint : In chess, the queen can move the full length of the board 
           diagonally, vertically and horizontally.
           See if you can place four queens on this 4x4 chessboard. There's a 
           catch though! You must arrange the pieces so that no queen blocks 
           another's line of movement.
           Good luck!
Solution :  ___ ___ ___ ___ 
           |   |   | Q |   |
           | Q |   |   |   |
           |   |   |   | Q |
           |   | Q |   |   |

You will get the Stuffed Chair [F23] for completing the puzzle. Give this to 
Layton. Talk to Flick for another puzzle.

Puzzle No. 081 : Too Many Queens 2
Picarats : 40
    Hint : In chess, the queen can move the full length of the board 
           diagonally, vertically and horizontally.
           See if you can place five queens on this 5x5 chessboard. There's a 
           catch though! You must arrange the pieces so that no queen blocks 
           another's line of movement.
Solution :  ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
           |   |   | Q |   |   |
           | Q |   |   |   |   |
           |   |   |   | Q |   |
           |   | Q |   |   |   |
           |   |   |   |   | Q |

After the puzzle, you'll get a painting scrap [PS15]. Talk to Flick for 
another puzzle...

Puzzle No. 082 : Too Many Queens 3
Picarats : 60
    Hint : In chess, the queen can move the full length of the board 
           diagonally, vertically and horizontally.
           Let's try something a little different this time. See if you can 
           arrange three queens on this 5x5 chessboard so that no more pieces 
           can be placed on the board. Make sure you place the pieces so that 
           no queen blocks another's line of movement.
Solution :  ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
           | Q |   |   |   |   |
           |   |   |   | Q |   |
           |   |   |   |   |   |
           |   |   | Q |   |   |
           |   |   |   |   |   |

You will get the Hat Rack [F24] for completing the puzzle. Give this to 
Layton. Yes, talk to Flick for yet another puzzle.

Puzzle No. 083 : Too Many Queens 4
Picarats : 80
    Hint : In chess, the queen can move the full length of the board 
           diagonally, vertically and horizontally.
           You have three queens positioned on an 8x8 chessboard. Place the 
           remaining five queens on the board so that no piece blocks 
           another's line of movement.
           This is a tough one!
Solution :  ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
           |   |S Q|   |   |   |   |   |   |     GQ = Gold Queen
           |___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|     SQ = Silver Queen
           |   |   |   |   |   |G Q|   |   |
           |S Q|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
           |   |   |   |   |   |   |G Q|   |
           |   |   |   |G Q|   |   |   |   |
           |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |S Q|
           |   |   |S Q|   |   |   |   |   |
           |   |   |   |   |S Q|   |   |   |

After the puzzle, you'll get a painting scrap [PS16]. Tap on the right 
chandelier for a hint coin [HC144]. Exit the restaurant.

Park Road
Tap on the shoe and enter the Park.

Park Gate
Tap in the middle of the left wall for a hint coin [HC145]. Now tap on the 

Park Gate
Tap on the shoe and head back to Park Road.

Park Road
Tap on the shoe and go right to the Plaza.

Tap on the shoe and enter the blue door.

Town Hall
Talk to Rodney here. Tap on the shoe and head back outside.

Tap on the shoe and go left to Park Road.

Park Road
Tap on the shoe and enter the manhole cover.

Tap on the light from the manhole for a hidden puzzle.

Puzzle No. 120 : Get the Ball Out! 3
Picarats : 60
    Hint : Can you get the red ball out of the maze?
           Slide obstructiong blocks out of the way to clear a path for the 
           This puzzle can be solved in 20 moves.
Solution :  1) Move the bottom right blue block right one
            2) Move the bottom purple block right one and down one
            3) Move the bottom right blue block left two
            4) Move the bottom right blue block down one
            5) Move the right green block down one
            6) Move the top purple block right two
            7) Move the top blue block right two
            8) Move the top left blue block up one
            9) Move the left green block up one
           10) Move the bottom blue block left two
           11) Move the bottom right blue block left two
           12) Move the right green block down one and right one
           13) Move the yellow block right one
           14) Move the bottom blue block right one
           15) Move the red ball down four
           16) Move the left green block right one and up two
           17) Move the yellow block to the left two
           18) Move the bottom right blue block up two
           19) Move the bottom purple block up two and right one
           20) Move the red ball right one and down one

Tap under the water to the left [HC146], just under the ladder [HC147], and to 
the left of the ladder (between the 5th and 6th rung from the top) [HC148] for 
three hint coins. Now, talk to the explorer (Pavel). Tap on the shoe and head 

Sewer Exit
Talk to Stachen for a puzzle.

Puzzle No. 084 : Which Boxes to Move?
Picarats : 30
    Hint : In preparation for your big move, you've packed your belongings 
           into 20 boxes and arranged them as shown below. With everything 
           packed, you are now ready to label each box with its contents. In 
           order to do so, though, you'll need to move a few boxes around.
           How many of the boxes can't be labeled without rearranging the 
Solution : 3

Tap the plant growing out of the right wall [HC149], the small gate [HC150], 
and underwater [HC151] for three hint coins. Now, tap the show and head 
through the exit.

Outside the Sewer
Tap the Laytonmobile across the other side of the moat.

Puzzle No. 085 : Weekend Getaway
Picarats : 50
    Hint : You and your girlfriend went on a road trip over the weekend. On 
           the way to your destination, you drove 180 miles, and your 
           girlfriend drove the rest of the way.
           Coming home on the exact same roads, you girlfriend drove the first 
           150 miles and then you got behind the wheel for the last leg of the 
           So what is the difference in miles between the distance you drove 
           and the distance your girlfriend drove?
Solution : hehe, love the maths!

           Let x = unknown distance girlfriend drove
           Let y = unknown distance boyfriend drove

           From the information:
           180+x = 150+y --> x=150+y-180

           Total boyfriend drove: 180+y
           Total girlfriend drove: 150+x

           Difference is equals: 180+y-150-x

           Therefore, the difference in miles is 60 miles.

You will get the Fossil [F25] for completing the puzzle. Give this to Layton. 
Tap the leftmost window [HC152], the water to the lower right of Layton 
[HC153], and the trees in the background [HC154] for three hint coins. Now, 
head back in the Sewer.

Sewer Exit
Tap on the shoe and enter the main part of the Sewer.

Tap on the shoe and take the right path.

Sewer Dead End
Tap the right wall (close to the screen edge) [HC155], the bottom of the 
waterfall [HC156], and right at the back near the gate [HC157] for three hint 
coins. Finally, talk to the man (Sylvain) here.

Puzzle No. 086 : Squares and Circles
Picarats : 30
    Hint : Sylvain bought you this diagram to see if you can help him with it.
           Several circles and swuares are pictured in the diagram below. How 
           many times larger is the area of the blue square when compared to 
           that of the red square?
Solution : 4

After the puzzle, you'll get a painting scrap [PS17]. And the park will be 
open! And you'll automatically move to the Park Gate.

Park Gate
Enter the park.

Park Path Fork
Tap the rubbish bin [HC158], the street light on the left side [HC159], under 
the left pole of the map sign [HC160], and in the part where the trunk splits 
in the tree on the right [HC161] for four hint coins. Tap on the left bulltein 
board. Tap on the shoe and proceed forwards.

Abandoned Tent
Tap on the wall of the shop for a hidden puzzle.

Puzzle No. 115 : Odd Box Out
Picarats : 40
    Hint : Of the four boxes below, three are the exact same box viewed from 
           different angles. The fourth box had a slightly different design.
           Can you spot the odd box out?
Solution : D

Tap on the cups in the shop [HC162], the horse on the left [HC163], the tiny 
rock in the middle of the path [HC164], and the left street light [HC165] for 
four hint coins. Now, tap on the shoe and go right.

Ferris Wheel
After the scene, tap the ferris wheel for a puzzle.

Puzzle No. 087 : Ferris Wheel Riddle
Picarats : 50
    Hint : There are 10 two-seater cars attached to the fair's Ferris wheel. 
           The Ferris wheel turns so that one car rorates through the exit 
           platform every minute.
           The wheel began operation at 10 in the morning and shut down 30 
           minutes later. What's the maximum number of people that could have 
           taken a ride on the wheel in that time period?
Solution : At 10:00am, two people board cart 1, at 10:01am, two people board 
           cart 2, etc. until 10:09am, where two people board cart 10 and the 
           ride is full. At this point, 20 have riden the ferris wheel.
           Then at 10:10am, two people board get out of cart 1, and 2 others 
           get on. This continues for another 10 minutes until 10:19am, where 
           two people get in cart 10 and another 20 people have ridden the 
           At 10:20am, another two people get in cart 1, but for the remaining 
           10 minutes, its only people getting off and noone is boarding the 
           Therefore, the 42 have ridden the ride.

You'll get a painting scrap for completing the puzzle [PS18]. Tap one the sign 
to the left of the right house [HC166], the sign to the upper right of the 
right house [HC167], on the ground right under the middle of the ferris wheel 
[HC168], and the right bin of the shop on the left [HC169] for four hint 
coins. Tap on the shoe and head right.

Waterside Shack
After the scene, tap the rubbish bin [HC170], the bridge [HC171], the right 
side of the opposide bank [HC172], and the left side of the opposite bank 
[HC173] for four hint coins. Tap on the shoe and back to the Shack Path.

Shack Path
Talk to Sylvain for a puzzle.

Puzzle No. 088 : In a Hole
Picarats : 30
    Hint : A tennis ball has rolled its way down into a hole. This particular 
           hole is extremely deep and has a sharp bend in the middle, making 
           the ball impossible to retrieve by hand. To make matters worse, the 
           ground around the hole is made of hard clay, so digging the ball 
           out isn't an option.
           However, you have something incredibly commonplace on hand that you 
           can use to get the ball out. What do you use to get the ball out? 
           Answer in five letters.
Solution : WATER

You will get the Violin [F26] for completing the puzzle. Give this to Luke. 
Luke's room should now be complete. After the puzzle, tap the rubbish dump 
outside the house for a hidden puzzle.

Puzzle No. 116 : The Largest Total
Picarats : 50
    Hint : Nine squares are carved into a piece of wood.
           Arrange nine unique numbers between one and 51 so that any three 
           numbers have the same sum when added vertically, horizontally, or 
           While several combinations are possible, your task is to find the 
           number that occupies the center square when you arrange the numbers 
           to yield the highest possible total.
Solution : The largest total is 144:
           43  44  45
           47  51  46
           48  49  50
           Therefore the center number is 51

Now, tap on the scrap piece of note on the ground. Tap the rubbish bin 
[HC174], the chimney [HC175], the blue roof [HC176], and the grass patch on 
the right [HC177] for four hint coins. Tap on the shoe and go to the 
Waterside Shack.

Waterside Shack
Tap on the shoe and head left to the Ferris Wheel.

Ferris Wheel
After the scene, you'll automatically move to the Waterside Shack.

Waterside Shack
Head underground.

Under the Shack
Tap on the different colored plate on the wall infront of you.

Puzzle No. 089 : Which Way?
Picarats : 30
    Hint : The path you are on forks to the left and right in front of the 
           sign seen below. Your gut feeling tells you that theis sign 
           reveals the direction you need to go.
           Find an arrow within the picture like the yellow one on the side 
           of the board. When you find it, draw a line around it as neatly 
           as possible.
           Keep in mind that the arrow you are searching for may not be the 
           same size as the one pictured below.
Solution : There is an arrow pointing left on the right edge of the sign.

You will get the Artisan's Teapot [F27] for completing the puzzle. Give this 
to Layton. Tap on the barrel in the bottom left corner [HC178], a rock in the 
bottom right corner [HC179], above the sign [HC180], and one of the small 
rocks on the ground [HC181] for four hint coins. Tap on the shoe and go left.

Underground Path
Tap the woode door for a puzzle.

Puzzle No. 090 : Get the Ball Out! 2
Picarats : 50
    Hint : Can you get the red ball out of the maze?
           Slide obstructing blocks out of the way to clear a path for the 
           This problem can be solved in as few as 14 moves.
Solution :  1) Move the bottom right blue block right one
            2) Move the bottom purple block right one and down one
            3) Move the bottom right blue block left two
            4) Move the right purple block down one and right one
            5) Move the right green block down two
            6) Move the top purple block right two
            7) Move the top blue block left one
            8) Move the yellow block up one and right one
            9) Move the red ball down three and right one
           10) Move the left purple block right one and up two
           11) Move the left green block up
           12) Move the bottom blue block left two
           13) Move the bottom purple block up one and left one
           14) Move the red ball down two

You'll get a painting scrap for completing the puzzle [PS19]. Tap the center 
of the right wall [HC182], the small rock just before the long passage 
[HC183], a small rock in the long passage [HC184], and the moss on the bottom 
left [HC185] for four hint coins. Tap on the shoe and keep going.

Underground Area
After the short scene, tap on the left picture at the back wall. "The Tower 
Key" is added to the list of mysteries. 


Underground Area
Tap on the painting on the right wall for a puzzle.

Puzzle No. 091 : Pattern Matching
Picarats : 40
    Hint : The large shape below is made up of a pattern. A section of the 
shape has been removed. Of the options A, B, C, and D, which one should you 
insert into the large shape to complete the pattern?
Solution : B

You will get the Bone China Teacup [F28] for completing the puzzle. Give this 
to Layton. After the puzzle, tap on the small rock to the bottom right of the 
white jug [HC186], the gap between the two shelves on the right [HC187], the 
left side of the raised area [HC188], and the wall under the candle [HC189] 
for four hint coins. Tap on the shoe and head back to the Underground Path.

Underground Path
Tap on the shoe and head right to Under the Shack.

Under the Shack
Tap on the shoe and head above ground.

Waterside Shack
Tap on the shoe and go back to the Shack Path.

Shack Path
Tap on the shoe and go left to the Park Path Fork.

Park Path Fork
Tap on the shoe and exit the park.

Park Gate
Tap on the shoe and go back to Park Road.

Park Road
Tap on the shoe and enter the sewers.

Tap on the shoe and head right.

Sewer Dead End
Talk to Sylvain for a puzzle.

Puzzle No. 092 : Wash Up
Picarats : 30
    Hint : You need to wash your face, but all 13 water valves in the sewer 
           piping are shut tight. You have to open the valves to get the water 
           flowing to your sink.
           So here's your challenge. Direct the water all the way to your sink 
           by opening as few valves as possible.
Solution : You have to open two valves. From where the water comes from, left 
           at the first intersection, then up at the next to a valve [OPEN 
           VALVE 1].
           From the pipe above the sink, up at the first intersection, left at 
           the next to a valve [OPEN VALVE 2].

Tap on the shoe and go back.

Tap on the shoe and go back outside.

Park Road
Tap on the shoe and go right.

Tap on the shoe and go to the entrance.

Tap on the shoe and enter the Inn.

Talk to Beatrice. After the conversation, exit the Inn.

Tap on the shoe and enter the Plaza.

Tap on the shoe and head right to Manor Road.

Manor Road
After the short scene, tap on the shoe and head towards the Manor.

Manor Border
Talk to Ramon for a puzzle.

Puzzle No. 093 : Over the River
Picarats : 30
    Hint : Help Stachenscarfen move the wolf, sheep, and cabbage from one side 
           of the river to the other while obeying the following rules.
           -In addition to its captain, the raft can only one animal or item 
            at once.
           -When Stachenscarfen isn't near, the wolf will eat the sheep, and 
            you'll have to start over.
           -The sheep will eat the cabbage when Stachenscarfen isn't around. 
            If you let the sheep have its way, you'll have to start over.
           You can shuttle the raft back and forth as many times as you like, 
           but the shortest solution takes seven moves.
Solution :     1) Move the sheep to the other side.
               2) Take nothing back.
               3) Move the cabbage to the other side.
               4) Take the sheep back.
               5) Move the wolf to the other side.
               6) Take nothing back.
               7) Move the sheep to the other side.

You'll get a painting scrap for completing the puzzle [PS20]. You can now 
complete the puzzle, it's really easy. Tap on the shoe and head to the Manor.

Reinhold Manor
Tap on the shoe and enter the building.

Manor Foyer
After the short conversation, tap on the shoe and head up to the Parlor.

Manor Parlor
Watch the scene that occurs. You'll be asked a series of questions:
Answer 1: 3. Fresh sweet-potato fritters
Answer 2: 1. During our search for Claudia.


Mystery "Inspector Chelmey" solved!

Manor Parlor
Talk to Dahlia. After the conversation, tap on the shoe and exit the Parlor.

Manor Foyer
Tap on the shoe again and go outside to Rainhold Manor.

Reinhold Manor
Tap on the shoe and go back to the Manor Border.

Manor Border
Tap on the shoe and go to Manor Road.

Manor Road
Tap on the shoe and exit left to the Plaza.

Tap the shoe and enter the clock tower.

Clock Tower
Tap on the shoe and enter Archibald's.

Talk to Archibald for a puzzle.

Puzzle No. 109 : Laziest Man on Earth
Picarats : 30
    Hint : Behold! Before you sits the laziest man in the entire world! Known 
           far and wide for his aversion to phisical activity, this slug has 
           designed his house so that he can grab anything without leaving the 
           comfort of his recliner.
           Using an elaborate set of tools, including a fishing rod, 
           extendo-arm, and high-energy magnets, the legendary loafer has put 
           everything in the room within reach. However, despite his efforts, 
           there's one place he can't reach without getting off his duff.
Solution : Under his sofa!

After the puzzle, you will get the Teak Table [F29]. Give this to Layton. Now, 
exit Archibald's.

Clock Tower
Tap the shoe and head to the fork.

Fork in the Road
Tap the shoe and head up the right path.

Northern Path
Tap the shoe and enter the blue door.

Talk to Prosciutto for a puzzle.

Puzzle No. 104 : A Sweet Treat
Picarats : 30
    Hint : On the way home from the store, you unwrap a perfectly square block 
           of chocolate. Much to your dismay, you find that only four of the 
           16 chocolate squares have almond in them.
           You and your three friends want to divide the chocolate evenly 
           along the lines between the squares. However, just to make things 
           interesting, you've decided to divide it so that each piece is the 
           same shape and contains an almond in a different location. Good 
Solution :  _______ _______ 
           |       |     A |
           |    ___|    ___|   A = Almond
           |   |   |   |   |
           |   |   |   |   |
           | A |   |   | A |
           |___|   |___|   |
           |     A |       |


After the puzzle, you will get the Baron Statue [F30]. Give this to Layton. If 
you have been following the guide, your furniture collection should now be 
complete, and you will have unlocked another bonus. Now, exit Prosciutto's.

Northern Path
Tap the shoe and head back to the fork.

Fork in the Road
Take the left path to the Market.

Tap the shoe and go to the Path Entrance.

Path Entrance
Tap on the shoe and proceed further.

Tower Road
Talk to Martha here to get a puzzle.

Puzzle No. 105 : Rolling a Three
Picarats : 30
    Hint : When you roll a die, the chances of rolling a three are one in six. 
           The chances of rolling a three twice in a row are one in 36, and 
           the chances of rolling a three three times in a row are a 
           jaw-dropping one in 216.
           Let's assume you roll a die three times and get three each time. 
           Your chance of rolling a three on your next are one in how many?
Solution : Trick question! The answer is six!

After the puzzle, tap on the shoe and go to the Dead End and watch the scene.


Mystery "The Tower Key" solved!

Dead End
Tap on the shoe and enter the tower!

Tower Entrance
Tap on the moss on lower right part of the wall for a hint coin [HC190]. Tap 
the door to open it.

Tower Basement
Tap the notebook on the right. Tap the back left corner of the room (between 
the sign an the fridge) for a hint coin [HC191]. Tap on the shoe and try to 
leave to have a conversation with Bruno.

Mystery "Dropped Cogs" solved!
Mystery "Village Disappearances" solved!

Tower Floor 1
Tap the oil cans on the left for a hint coin [HC192]. Tap the question on the 
gate blocking the stairs for a puzzle.

Puzzle No. 094 : Get the Ball Out! 4
Picarats : 70
    Hint : This perplexing door device on it that contains a small red ball in 
           the upper-left corner. If you giude the ball to the hole in the 
           lower right, it looks like the door might open.
           Slide the blocks out of the way and move the ball to the hole.
           The shortest possible route involves 21 moves.
Solution :  1) Move the lower left purple block down one
            2) Move the other lower left purple block left one
            3) Move the lower right blue block left one
            4) Move the right green block down two
            5) Move the upper right purple block down two
            6) Move the other upper right purple block right one and down one
            7) Move the top blue block right two
            8) Move the red ball down one and right one
            9) Move the left green block up two
           10) Move the yellow block left one
           11) Move the upper right purple block left one and down one
           12) Move the upper right blue block down one
           13) Move the red ball right two and up one
           14) Move the upper right blue block up one and left one
           15) Move the red ball down two and left one
           16) Move the upper right purple block up three
           17) Move the red ball right one and down one
           18) Move the other right purple block up one
           19) Move the red ball left one
           20) Move the right green block up three
           21) Move the red ball right one and down two

Mystery "The Vanishing Crank" solved! 

Tap on the shoe and go upstairs.

Tower Floor 2
Tap on the small pile of rocks towards the upper right for a hint coin 
[HC193]. Tap the question on the gate blocking the stairs for a puzzle.

Puzzle No. 095 : A Magic Square
Picarats : 60
    Hint : You need to solve this magic square in order to proceed.
           A magic square is a set of nymbers organized in a square so that 
           adding any string of three numbers, be they horizontal, vertical, 
           or diagonal, results in the same total.
           One and two have already been placed on the square for you. 
           Complete the rest of the square to open the lock.
Solution :  ___________
           | 2 | 9 | 4 |
           | 7 | 5 | 3 |
           | 6 | 1 | 8 |

Tap on the shoe and go upstairs.

Tower Floor 3
Tap the candle second from the right (it's burnt out) for a hint coin [HC194]. 
Talk to Pavel for a puzzle.

Puzzle No. 096 : Take the Stairs
Picarats : 30
    Hint : You have business on the eigth floor of a 10-story building. It 
           took you 48 seconds to make your way from the first floor to the 
           If you keep moving at the same speed, how long will it take you to 
           reach the eigth floor from the fourth?
Solution : 16 seconds per level. 64 seconds to get from the 4th to 8th floor.

Tap on the shoe and go upstairs.

Tower Floor 4
Tap the area where the wall meets the floor on the left for a hint coin 
[HC195]. Tap the question on the gate blocking the stairs for a puzzle.

Puzzle No. 097 : Princess in a Box 1
Picarats : 60
    Hint : Tired of leading a sheltered life, this princess is trying to leave 
           her castle. Armed guards, however, are blocking her path.
           Slide the blocks out of the way to move the red one out the exit to 
           the right.
           Her freedon depends on you. Can you do it?
Solution :  1) Move the 2nd row green block right one
            2) Move the 3rd row green block right one
            3) Move the purple block right one
            4) Move the bottom row green block up two
            5) Move the bottom row green block left one and up one
            6) Move the bottom row green block left two
            7) Move the purple block down one
            8) Move the 2nd row green block left one
            9) Move the 3rd row green block up one
           10) Move the purple block right one
           11) Move the 2nd row green block down two
           12) Move the top row green block down two
           13) Move the top row green block right one and down one
           14) Move the top blue block right two
           15) Move the red block up one
           16) Move the 3rd row green block left two
           17) Move the 3rd row green block left two
           18) Move the 2nd row green block down one
           19) Move the 2nd row green block down one
           20) Move the top blue block down one
           21) Move the top row green block left two
           22) Move the 2nd row green block up one and left one
           23) Move the purple block up two
           24) Move the 3rd row green block right one and down one
           25) Move the 3rd row green block right two
           26) Move the 2nd row blue block down one
           27) Move the top row green block down one and right one
           28) Move the red block right one
           29) Move the 3rd row green block up two
           30) Move the 3rd row green block left one and up one
           31) Move the 3rd row blue block left two
           32) Move the 2nd row green block down one and left one
           33) Move the top row green block down two
           34) Move the red block right one
           35) Move the 2nd row green block right one and up one
           36) Move the 3rd row blue block up one
           37) Move the 3rd row green block left two
           38) Move the 3rd row green block left two
           39) Move the red block down one
           40) Move the top row green block right two
           41) Move the top row green block right two
           42) Move the 2nd row blue block up one
           43) Move the 3rd row green block up one
           44) Move the 3rd row green block up one
           45) Move the bottom row blue block up one
           46) Move the bottom row green block left two
           47) Move the bottom row green block left two
           48) Move the red block down one
           49) Move the top row green block down one and left one
           50) Move the purple block left one
           51) Move the 3rd row green block up two
           52) Move the bottom row green block up two
           53) Move the red block right one
           55) Move the 2nd row green block down two
           54) Move the top row green block down two
           56) Move the purple block left one
           57) Move the 2nd row green block left one and up one
           58) Move the red block up one and right two

Mystery "Mysterious Rumbling" solved! 
Mystery "Ramon's Memory" solved! 

Tap on the shoe and go upstairs.

Tower Floor 5
Tap the bench at the back left for a hint coin [HC196]. Talk to Martha for a 

Puzzle No. 098 : Card Order
Picarats : 70
    Hint : You've placed one joker and four aces with different suits facedown 
           on a table. Use the hints below to determine the position for each 
           1. The club is to the immediate right of the heart.
           2. Neither the diamond nor the joker is next to the spade.
           3. Neither the joker nor the diamond is next to the club.
           4. Neither the diamond nor the spade is next to the heart.
Solution : Diamond, Joker, Heart, Club, Spade

Tap on the shoe and go upstairs.

Tower Floor 6
Tap on the middle window above Layton for a hint coin [HC197]. Tap the 
question on the door for a puzzle.

Puzzle No. 099 : 33333!
Picarats : 70
    Hint : Use each of the numbers one through to nine exactly once to fill in 
           the blanks and complete this equation.
Solution :  41268         41286
           - 7935   or   - 7953
           ------        ------
            33333         33333

Mystery "Lady Dahlia" solved! 

Tap on the shoe and go into the door.

Tower Floor 7
Tap at the back right side of the passage for a hint coin [HC198]. Tap the 
question on the gate blocking the stairs for a puzzle.

Puzzle No. 100 : Seven Squares
Picarats : 70
    Hint : Your task is to draw lines between the pins on this board to form 
           seven squares. The seven squares do not have to be uniform in size, 
           but you can only use each pin once.
           All righty then, give it a shot.
Solution : The pins are arranged like this:
              * * * * *
              * * * * * *
              * *   * * *
                * * * * *
              * * * *
                * *   *

           Square 1: A D * * *    Square 2: * * A * *    Square 3: * * * D *
                     B C * * * *            * * * * D *            * * * * * *
                     * *   * * *            * B   * * *            A *   * * *
                       * * * * *              * * C * *              * * * * C
                     * * * *                * * * *                * * * *
                       * *   *                * *   *                * B   *

           Square 4: * * * * *    Square 5: * * * * *    Square 6: * * * * D
                     * * * * * *            * * * * * *            * * * A * C
                     * *   * * *            * *   D * *            * *   * B *
                       D * * * *              * A * C *              * * * * *
                     A * C *                * * * B                * * * *
                       B *   *                * *   *                * *   *

           Square 7: * * * * *
                     * * A * * *
                     * *   * * D
                       * * * * *
                     * B * *
                       * *   C

           Note: Even though I have seven seperate diagrams, put them all on 
                 the same grid in the game!

You should have now completed every puzzle in the game!!! (Or have you??) Tap 
on the shoe and go upstairs.

Spiral Staircase
Tap on the candle third from the left for a hint coin [HC199]. Tap on the shoe 
and go upstairs for a scene.


Tower Top Floor
Tap the in the middle of the square garden for a hint coin [HC200]. This 
should also be your last hint coin! Tap on the shoe and enter the cottage.

You will now be asked:
You've reached the top of the tower!
1. Contunue into the house.
2. Return to the village to explore more.

Choose 1 to finish the game, choose 2 to go back and get anything you've 
missed. If you have been following the guide, choose 1.

Mystery "Noise at the Manor" solved!

Touch where the golden apple is!!

Mystery "Golden Apple" solved!

Now, enjoy the ending!

4. LAYTON'S CHALLENGES                                                    [cha]
These challenges are accessed though the first main menu of the game, and not 
through the story line.

>> Collect all 20 Strange Gizmo pieces to unlock.

Puzzle No. 121 : Diamond in the Flag
Picarats : 60
    Hint : Below is a diagram of a flag.
           From the mesurements shown on the diagram, can you calculate what 
           fraction of the flag's total area is represented by the diamond in 
           the middle? Your answer will be the denominator for a fraction in 
           1/X form.
           Don't complicate things by bringing trigonometry into the mx. The 
           solution is simple enough to work out in your head.
Solution : Area of flag = 9600in sq
           Area of diamond = 1200in sq

           Fraction = 1/8           

Puzzle No. 122 : The Next Die
Picarats : 60
    Hint : The three- and six-dotted sides of several die are lined up end to 
           end to form a particular pattern.
           Which of the three options below should go next in order to 
           continue the pattern?
Solution : C

Puzzle No. 123 : Tons of Triangles
Picarats : 60
    Hint : The diagram below show a triangle with several lines running 
           through it.
           How many different triangles can you spot within the diagram?
Solution : 17

>> Collect all 30 pieces of furniture, and place them in the correct room to 

Puzzle No. 124 : Missing Number
Picarats : 70
    Hint : The number below all follow a certain rule. What is the missing 
Solution : The numbers are actually dates, so the missing number is 1.

Puzzle No. 125 : Rolling the Die
Picarats : 80
    Hint : A young boy sits quietly on a stoop rolling a single die over and 
           over. Each time the die stops rolling, he picks it up, examines it, 
           and whispers something to himself.
           Each time he rolls a one, he whispers, "15." Each time he gets a 
           six, he whispers, "20."
           The boy just rolled a three. What number will he whisper this time?
Solution : 17

Puzzle No. 126 : Red and Blue 2
Picarats : 70
    Hint : Two sets of coloured balls, labeled A through to D, sit in a box as 
           shown below. Your job is to move the red balls to the red zone and 
           the blue balls to the blue zone.
           Sound difficult? It gets harder. Within each zone all the balls 
           must stay in their correct ABCD order in oider for you to complete 
           the puzzle.
           Balls can only move into vacant spots, and they can't jump over 
           other balls.
Solution : Crazy puzzle!!!

           Map    ___             ___
               4 |A 4|           |E 4|   note: co-ordinates refer to the 
                 |___|    ___    |___|         space, and not the ball
               3 |A 3|   |C 3|   |E 3|
               2 |A 2|B 2|C 2|D 2|E 2|
               1 |A 1|           |E 1|
                 |___|           |___|
                   A   B   C   D   E

               BALL   FROM     TO                BALL  FROM     TO
            1) (Red C) A2 into D2     --->  24) (Blu A) A1 into A4
            2) (Red B) A3 into C3     |     25) (Red D) B2 into A1
            3) (Red A) A4 into B2     |     26) (Red C) D2 into A3
            4) (Red D) A1 into A4     |     27) (Blu C) E2 into A2
            5) (Red A) B2 into A1     |     28) (Blu B) E3 into B2
            6) (Red B) C3 into A3     |     29) (Red B) C3 into E3
            7) (Red A) A1 into C3     |     30) (Blu B) B2 into C3
            8) (Red C) D2 into A1     |     31) (Blu C) A2 into E2
            9) (Blu C) E2 into A2     |     32) (Red C) A3 into D2
           10) (Blu D) E1 into B2     |     33) (Blu B) C3 into A3
           11) (Red A) C3 into E1     |     34) (Red D) A1 into C3
           12) (Blu B) E3 into C3     |     35) (Red C) D2 into A1
           13) (Blu A) E4 into C2     |     36) (Blu C) E2 into A2
           14) (Red A) E1 into E4     |     37) (Blu D) E1 into B2
           15) (Blu A) C2 into E1     |     38) (Red D) C3 into E1
           16) (Blu B) C3 into E3     |     39) (Blu D) B2 into C3
           17) (Blu A) E2 into C3     |     40) (Blu C) A2 into E2
           18) (Blu D) B2 into E1     |     41) (Red C) A1 into D2
           19) (Blu C) A2 into E2     |     42) (Blu D) C3 into A1
           20) (Red C) A1 into D2     |     43) (Red C) D2 into C3
           21) (Blu A) C3 into A1     |     44) (Blu C) E2 into A2
           22) (Red B) A3 into C3     |     45) (Red C) C3 into E2
           23) (Red D) A4 into B2   ---

>> Collect all 20 painting scraps, and complete the puzzle to unlock

Puzzle No. 127 : Perimeter Perplexer
Picarats : 70
    Hint : All you know about the plot if land below is what's written here, 
           but even these few measurements offer you enough information to 
           accurately calculate the plot's perimeter.
           In feet, what is the length of the perimeter?
           Be careful when considering your answer. The diagram may not be 
           proportionally accurate.
Solution : 26

Puzzle No. 128 : Number Lock
Picarats : 70
    Hint : The door on front of you has an odd lock mounted o the front. The 
           only way to unlock this strange contraption is to place small tiles 
           labeled from one to nine in its slots. The lock will open when the 
           numbers on the lock equal the same number when multiplied 
           vertically and horizontally.
           There are nine tiles, but the lock only has seven slots, so you 
           won't need two tiles.
           Can you open the lock?
Solution : 1   6
           9 2 4
           8   3

Puzzle No. 129 : Four Balls
Picarats : 70
    Hint : Move each ball to the area with the same color.
           Do you have what it takes to complete the puzzle?
Solution :  1) Move the bottom blue block right one
            2) Move the left green block down two
            3) Move the blue ball right one and down one
            4) Move the top blue block left three
            5) Move the green ball down one and left two
            6) Move the right green block up three
            7) Move the yellow ball left one and up two
            8) Move the bottom blue block right two
            9) Move the yellow block down
           10) Move the blue ball right two and up one
           11) Move the yellow ball left three
           12) Move the yellow block up one and right one
           13) Move the green ball down three and right one
           14) Move the left green block right one and up one
           15) Move the red ball up two
           16) Move the green ball left two and down one
           17) Move the red ball down one and right two
           18) Move the left green block down one and left one
           19) Move the red ball left one and up three
           20) Move the yellow block left one and down one
           21) Move the blue ball down one, right one and down one
           22) Move the yellow block up one
           23) Move the bottom blue block left two
           24) Move the blue ball down one and right one
           25) Move the right green block down three
           26) Move the red ball right two and up one
           27) Move the top blue block right two
           28) Move the yellow ball up one and left one

>> Complete the main game unlock

Puzzle No. 130 : Too Many Queens 5
Picarats : 99
    Hint : In chess, the queen can move the full length of the board 
           diagonally, vertically, and horizontally.
           So, here we are. This is the bi one. See if you can place eight 
           queens in this 8x8 chessboard. The rules are the same as before: 
           don't let any piece block another's line of movement.
Solution :  ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
           | Q |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
           |   |   |   |   |   |   | Q |   |
           |   |   |   |   | Q |   |   |   |
           |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | Q |
           |   | Q |   |   |   |   |   |   |
           |   |   |   | Q |   |   |   |   |
           |   |   |   |   |   | Q |   |   |
           |   |   | Q |   |   |   |   |   |

Puzzle No. 131 : Heavier or Lighter?
Picarats : 99
    Hint : Below are 12 weights that are visually identical to one another. 
           Among these is a single weight that has a different weight from the 
           others. The problem is that you don't know whether this weight is 
           heavier or lighter than the others.
           Use the scales exactly three times to determine which weight is 
           different from the others.
Solution : Another extremely confusing puzzle... sigh...

           First Usage:
           Weigh 4 weights on each side (remember which ones and the slope):
             eg. 1-2-3-4 vs 5-6-7-8
               Unbalance --> <A> (answer in one of these 8 weights)
               Balance --> <B> (answer in other 4 weights)

           Second Usage
           Of the 8 weights you weighed before, take 3 off the right side, and 
           grab 2 from the left side and put it them on the right. And then 
           one weight you didn't weigh before on the left.
             eg. 1-2-x vs 3-4-5
                 (where x=9, 10, 11 or 12)
               Slope of Balance Unchanged --> <A-1>
               Slope of Balance Changed --> <A-2>
               Balance --> <A-3>

           Leave 3 weights on one side, and take 3 weights you didn't weigh 
           before and put them one the other side.
             eg. 1-2-3 vs 9-10-11
               Right Heavier --> <B-1>
               Left Heavier --> <B-2>
               Balance --> ANSWER = Weight never weighed

           Third Usage
           Since the slope is unchanged, the two you switched from left to 
           right before and are not the answer. The answer is one of the other 
           three weights, the other 9 are "wrong". Now, move the "answer" 
           weight from the right and put it on the left, and take the other 
           "answer" weight (on the left) out. Now put two of the other "wrong" 
           weights on the right side.
             eg. 1-5 vs x-x
                 (where x=3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 or 12)
               Slope of Balance Changed --> ANSWER = Weight on right in 2nd 
               Slope of Balance Unchanged --> ANSWER = Weight on left in 2nd 
               Balance --> ANSWER = Weight left out

           Since the slope has changed, the one of two weights you switched 
           from left to right before are the answer. Move one of the two back 
           to the left side.
             eg. 3 vs 4
               Slope of Balance Changed --> ANSWER = Left weight
               Slope of Balance Unchanged --> ANSWER = Right Weight

           Since the scale is balanced, the answer is one of the 3 weights you 
           had taken out. Put one on each side of the scale and leave the 
           other out.
             eg. 6 vs 7
               Unbalance --> If slope in First Usage said that right side was 
                             heavier, ANSWER = Heavier weight
                         --> If slope in First Usage said that right side was 
                             lighter, ANSWER = Lighter weight
               Balance --> ANSWER = Weight left out

           The three on the right are heavier, so put one on each side of the 
           scale, and leave one out.
             eg. 9 vs 10
               Unbalance --> ANSWER = Heavier side
               Balance --> ANSWER = Weight left out

           The three on the right are lighter, so put one on each side of the 
           scale, and leave one out.
             eg. 9 vs 10
               Unbalance --> ANSWER = Lighter side
               Balance --> ANSWER = Weight left out

Puzzle No. 132 : Princess in a Box 2
Picarats : 80
    Hint : Tired of leading a sheltered life, this princess is trying to 
           escape her castle. Armed guards, however are blocking her path.
           Slide the blocks out of the way to move the red one out the exit on 
           the right.
           Her freedom depends on you. Can you do it?
Solution :  1) Move the 4th row green block up two
            2) Move the 3rd row purple block right one
            3) Move the 1st row purple block down two
            4) Move the 1st row green block left one
            5) Move the 2nd row green block left one
            6) Move the 3rd row purple block up two
            7) Move the 3rd row purple block right one
            8) Move the 4th row green block right one and up one
            9) Move the 4th row blue block right two
           10) Move the red block down one
           11) Move the 2nd row green block left two
           12) Move the 2nd row green block left two
           13) Move the 1st row green block down one
           14) Move the 1st row green block down one
           15) Move the 1st row blue block right two
           16) Move the 2nd row green block up one
           17) Move the 2nd row green block up one
           18) Move the red block up one
           19) Move the 4th row blue block left two
           20) Move the 3rd row green block down one
           21) Move the 3rd row green block down one
           22) Move the 2nd row green block down one
           23) Move the 2nd row green block down one
           24) Move the 1st row blue block down one
           25) Move the 1st row green block right two
           26) Move the 1st row green block right two
           27) Move the red block up one
           28) Move the 3rd row green block left two
           29) Move the 3rd row green block left two
           30) Move the 2nd row blue block down one
           31) Move the 1st row green block down one and right one
           32) Move the red block right one
           33) Move the 3rd row green block up two
           34) Move the 3rd row green block left one and up one
           35) Move the 3rd row blue block left two
           36) Move the 4th row green block up one and left one
           37) Move the 3rd row purple block left one
           38) Move the 1st row purple block down two
           39) Move the 1st row green block right one
           40) Move the 2nd row green block right one
           41) Move the red block right one
           42) Move the 2nd row green block right one and up one
           43) Move the 3rd row blue block up one
           44) Move the 3rd row green block left two
           45) Move the 4th row green block up one and left one
           46) Move the 3rd row purple block left one
           47) Move the 3rd row purple block left one
           48) Move the 2nd row green block down two
           49) Move the 1st row green block down two
           50) Move the red block right one
           51) Move the 3rd row purple block up two
           52) Move the 3rd row purple block left one
           53) Move the 3rd row green block left one and down one
           54) Move the red block down one and right two

>> Complete puzzles 1-132 to unlock

Puzzle No. 133 : Finish the Equation
Picarats : 70
    Hint : Complete the equation by inserting four numbered tiles into the 
           correct slots.
Solution : (3-7€4)*8=10

Puzzle No. 134 : Land Disputes
Picarats : 80
    Hint : Four people are arguing with one another about how to divide up a 
           large chink of land they inherited.
           "We want to divide things up nice and even. Each piece of property 
           should have a well and a house, and be exactly the same shape."
           Can you divide the property up according to their wishes and end 
           the bickering?
Solution :  ----------- -----------
           |         H | H         |  H = House
           |    ---     -------    |  W = Well
           |   |   |         W |   |
           |   |    ---     ---    |
           |   |     H |   | W     |
           |---     --- ---     ---|
           |       |   |       |   |
           |    ---     ---    |   |
           |   |           |   |   |
           |    -------     ---    |
           |     W     |     W   H |

Puzzle No. 135 : Royal Escape
Picarats : 99
    Hint : Tired of leading a sheltered life, this princess is trying to 
           escape her castle. Armed guards, however are blocking her path.
           Slide the blocks out of the way to move the red one out the exit on 
           the right.
           Her freedom depends on you. Can you do it?
Solution : A famous puzzle, called L'ane rouge:
            1) Move the 3rd row green block right one
            2) Move the 1st row green block down one
            3) Move the 1st row blue block right one
            4) Move the purple block up one
            5) Move the 4th row blue block up one
            6) Move the 4th row green block left one
            7) Move the 3rd row green block down one
            8) Move the 3rd row blue block right one
            9) Move the purple block down two
           10) Move the 2nd row green block left one and up one
           11) Move the 2nd row green block left two
           12) Move the 3rd row blue up one
           13) Move the 4th row green block up one and right one
           14) Move the purple block right one
           15) Move the 2nd row green block down two
           16) Move the 1st row green block down two
           17) Move the 1st row blue block left one
           18) Move the 2nd row blue block left one
           19) Move the 3rd row green block up two
           20) Move the 4th row green block up two
           21) Move the purple block right
           22) Move the 3rd row green block right one and down one
           23) Move the 2nd row blue block down one
           24) Move the 1st row blue block down one
           25) Move the 1st row blue block right two
           26) Move the red block up one
           27) Move the 4th row blue block up one
           28) Move the 4th row green block left two
           29) Move the 4th row green block left two
           30) Move the 3rd row blue block down one
           31) Move the 3rd row blue block right two
           32) Move the red block down one
           33) Move the 1st row blue block left two
           34) Move the 2nd row blue block up one
           35) Move the 2nd row green block left two
           36) Move the 1st row green block down one and left one
           37) Move the purple block up two
           38) Move the 3rd row blue block right one
           39) Move the 4th row blue block right one
           40) Move the 2nd row green block down two
           41) Move the red block right one
           42) Move the 4th row green block up two
           43) Move the 4th row green block left one and up one
           44) Move the 4th row green block left two
           45) Move the 4th row blue block left two
           46) Move the 3rd row blue block down one
           47) Move the 2nd row green block down one right one
           48) Move the red block right
           49) Move the 2nd row green block right one and down one
           50) Move the 1st row blue block down one
           51) Move the 1st row blue block left two
           52) Move the red block up one
           53) Move the 3rd row green block right one
           54) Move the 3rd row green block right one
           55) Move the 4th row green block up one
           56) Move the 4th row blue block left one
           57) Move the 4th row blue block left one
           58) Move the 3rd row green block down one
           59) Move the 3rd row green block right two
           60) Move the red block down
           61) Move the 1st row blue block right two
           62) Move the 2nd row blue block up one
           63) Move the 3rd row green block up one
           64) Move the 3rd row green block up one
           65) Move the 4th row blue block up one
           66) Move the 4th row blue block left two
           67) Move the red block down
           68) Move the 2nd row green block right two
           69) Move the 2nd row green block right two
           70) Move the 1st row blue block down one
           71) Move the 1st row blue block left two
           72) Move the 2nd row green block up one and left one
           73) Move the purple block left one
           74) Move the 3rd row green block up two
           75) Move the 4th row green block up two
           76) Move the red block right one
           77) Move the 2nd row green block down two
           78) Move the 1st row green block down two
           79) Move the purple block left
           80) Move the 2nd row green block left one and up one
           81) Move the red block up one and right two

That's the end of the game!! All puzzles complete!!

5. HINT COINS                                                             [hnt]
HC001-HC010 - You start off with these
HC011 - Entrance - Stachen tells you to tap a barrel to get this
HC012 - Entrance - Barrel in front of the third house from the right
HC013 - Entrance - Window on the far right
HC014 - Plaza - Window on the house with the smoke coming out of the chimney   
HC015 - Plaza - Barrel to the right of the Percy
HC016 - Plaza - Bin on the left
HC017 - Manor Road - Sack hanging from the right window
HC018 - Manor Road - Sign to the left of the blue door
HC019 - Manor Road - Left window of the house with the brown door
HC020 - Manor Border - Hat in the boat
HC021 - Manor Border - Bush on the right (other side of the river)
HC022 - Manor Border - Stairs on the left (other side of the river)
HC023 - Reinhold Manor - Path leading into the house
HC024 - Reinhold Manor - Upper right window of the mansion (on the tower)
HC025 - Reinhold Manor - Lower right window of the mansion
HC026 - Manor Foyer - Circular portrait under the three retangular portraits
HC027 - Manor Foyer - Candle above Matthew
HC028 - Manor Foyer - Top level of the bookshelf
HC029 - Manor Parlor - Portrait just above Simon's head
HC030 - Manor Parlor - Pot plant on the window sill on the right
HC031 - Manor Parlor - Carpet underneath Gordon
HC032 - General Store - Box at the bottom of the screen
HC033 - General Store - Urns on the 2nd level of the shelf at the back
HC034 - General Store - Cupboard above the chairs
HC035 - Town Hall - Lower left cupboard
HC036 - Town Hall - Photo to the lower right of the chandelier
HC037 - Town Hall - Underneath the desk in the background
HC038 - Inn - Flowers in the pot on the right edge
HC039 - Inn - Lamp on the reception's desk
HC040 - Inn - Gap between the cushions in the sofa in the bottom right
HC041 - Drawbridge - Sack hanging from the window on the right
HC042 - Drawbridge - Pillar holding the platform Layton and Luke's standing on
HC043 - Drawbridge - Upper left window
HC044 - Park Road - Lower left bin
HC045 - Park Road - Barrel underneath the poster
HC046 - Park Road - Upper right window
HC047 - Restaurant - Bottom left chair
HC048 - Restaurant - Sign pinned next to the blue door
HC049 - Restaurant - Red photo frame in the upper right corner
HC050 - Park Gate - Just under the black gate
HC051 - Park Gate - Top of the left pillar holding the gate
HC052 - Park Gate - Upper middle of the right wall
HC053 - Dahlia¡¦s Room - Flowers in the vase on the desk
HC054 - Dahlia¡¦s Room - Chair
HC055 - Dahlia¡¦s Room - Upper right corner (right next to Layton¡¦s bag)
HC056 - Dahlia¡¦s Room - Bundled area of the right curtain
HC057 - Granny R.¡¦s - Red bucket
HC058 - Granny R.¡¦s - In the grass bottom left of the house
HC059 - Granny R.¡¦s - Very tip of the chimney
HC060 - Clock Tower - Street light
HC061 - Clock Tower - Piece of moss in the middle of the ground
HC062 - Clock Tower - Plate sticking out of the left wall
HC063 - Fork in the Road - Lamp near the door
HC064 - Fork in the Road - Lower left bush
HC065 - Fork in the Road - Just to the right of the upper left laundry
HC066 - Market - Crates on the right
HC067 - Market - Floor in the lower left corner
HC068 - Market - On the desk in the lower left corner, above the white sign
HC069 - Northern Hill - Hole in the roof of the house with the green roof
HC070 - Northern Hill - Upper middle chimney
HC071 - Northern Hill - Among the moss in the lower left corner
HC072 - Northern Path - Lamp of the house with the blue door
HC073 - Northern Path - Middle part of the road
HC074 - Northern Path - Lower part of the road

HC075 - Park Road - Left side of the path
HC076 - Park Road - Rock near the door on the right side
HC077 - Park Road - Manhole cover
HC078 - Plaza - Highest window of the clock tower
HC079 - Plaza - Right barrel of the two barrels in the bottom left corner
HC080 - Plaza - Roof to the right of the clock tower
HC081 - Plaza - Chimney of the right house
HC082 - Park Gate - Left wall (next to Deke's head)
HC083 - Park Gate - Tip of the right pillar
HC084 - Park Gate - Bottom right corner, next to the thing on the ground
HC085 - Entrance - Sign to the right of the Inn door
HC086 - Entrance - White bin to the right
HC087 - Entrance - Chimney of the Inn
HC088 - Clock Tower - Plate sticking out of the left wall
HC089 - Clock Tower - Rock on the right side
HC090 - Clock Tower - Highest window at the back
HC091 - Fork in the Road - Small rock in front of the door
HC092 - Fork in the Road - Leftmost window
HC093 - Fork in the Road - Upper right window
HC094 - Crumm's Cafe - Left stool
HC095 - Crumm's Cafe - Blue photo frame on the back wall
HC096 - Crumm's Cafe - Top of the left cupboard
HC097 - Market - Barrel on the left
HC098 - Market - Urn on the right
HC099 - Market - Crate in the middle
HC100 - Northern Hill - Chimney of the house on the right
HC101 - Northern Hill - Stairs on the right side
HC102 - Northern Hill - Roof on the far left side
HC103 - Northern Path - Wall on the left
HC104 - Northern Path - Bottom right of the path (just to the upper left of 
                        the shoe)
HC105 - Northern Path - On the left of the path, next to the stairs leading 
HC106 - Prosciutto's - On the ground underneath the stand on the right
HC107 - Prosciutto's - Book on the ground at the bottom of the screen
HC108 - Prosciutto's - Bottom level of the bookshelf at the back

HC109 - Inn - Light switch
HC110 - Entrance - Chimney of the right house
HC111 - Plaza - Chimney to the left of the clock tower
HC112 - Manor Road - Right fence
HC113 - General Store - One of the bottles on the shelf behind the counter
HC114 - Manor Border - Bottom left bush
HC115 - Reinhold Manor - Small bush to the left of the house
HC116 - Manor Foyer - Stairs leading up (about the third step)
HC117 - Manor Parlor - Circular thing above Dahlia's head
HC118 - Drawbridge - On the road infront of the Laytonmobile
HC119 - Town Hall - Desk on the right
HC120 - Clock Tower - Moss above Lucy
HC121 - Fork in the Road - Rubbish bin on the right
HC122 - Northern Path - Roof of the house on the far left
HC123 - Market - Top of the large striped umbrella in the middle
HC124 - Archibald's - Upper right picture
HC125 - Archibald's - Flower vase
HC126 - Archibald's - Stand on the left side of the stairs
HC127 - Archibald's - On the ground below the left leg (zoomed in on desk)
HC128 - Archibald's - In the rectangular box on the desk (zoomed in on desk)
HC129 - Archibald's - Bottom right corner of the desk (zoomed in on desk)
HC130 - Path Entrance - Top of the giant vase on the right
HC131 - Path Entrance - Ledge on the far right
HC132 - Path Entrance - Ground of the road (just outside of the doorway)
HC133 - Path Entrance - Window of the door
HC134 - Tower Road - Window of the house behind Martha
HC135 - Tower Road - Lamp on the house on the left
HC136 - Tower Road - Flowers on the right
HC137 - Tower Road - Under the window on the left
HC138 - Dead End - Upper right window
HC139 - Dead End - Lower right part of the screen (really close to the shoe)
HC140 - Dead End - Lower left bit of moss
HC141 - Dead End - Upper left roof
HC142 - Northern Hill - Leftmost roof
HC143 - Park Road - Right wall of the park
HC144 - Restaurant - Right chandelier
HC145 - Park Gate - Middle of the left wall
HC146 - Sewer - Under the water to the left
HC147 - Sewer - Just under the ladder
HC148 - Sewer - Left of the ladder (between the 5th and 6th rung from the top)
HC149 - Sewer Exit - Plant growing out of the right wall
HC150 - Sewer Exit - Small gate
HC151 - Sewer Exit - Underwater
HC152 - Outside the Sewer - Leftmost window
HC153 - Outside the Sewer - Water to the lower right of Layton
HC154 - Outside the Sewer - Trees in the background
HC155 - Sewer Dead End - Right wall (close to the screen edge)
HC156 - Sewer Dead End - Bottom of the waterfall
HC157 - Sewer Dead End - Right at the back near the gate
HC158 - Park Path Fork - Rubbish bin
HC159 - Park Path Fork - Street light on the left side
HC160 - Park Path Fork - Under the left pole of the map sign
HC161 - Park Path Fork - In the part where the trunk splits in the tree on the 
HC162 - Abandoned Tent - Cups in the shop
HC163 - Abandoned Tent - Horse on the left
HC164 - Abandoned Tent - Tiny rock in the middle of the path
HC165 - Abandoned Tent - Left street light
HC166 - Ferris Wheel - Sign to the left of the right house
HC167 - Ferris Wheel - Sign to the upper right of the right house
HC168 - Ferris Wheel - On the ground right under the middle of the ferris wheel
HC169 - Ferris Wheel - Right bin of the shop on the left
HC170 - Waterside Shack - Rubbish bin
HC171 - Waterside Shack - Bridge
HC172 - Waterside Shack - Right side of the opposide bank
HC173 - Waterside Shack - Left side of the opposite bank
HC174 - Shack Path - Rubbish bin
HC175 - Shack Path - Chimney
HC176 - Shack Path - Blue roof
HC177 - Shack Path - Grass patch on the right
HC178 - Under the Shack - Barrel in the bottom left corner
HC179 - Under the Shack - Rock in the bottom right corner
HC180 - Under the Shack - Above the sign
HC181 - Under the Shack - One of the small rocks on the ground
HC182 - Underground Path - Center of the right wall
HC183 - Underground Path - Small rock just before the long passage
HC184 - Underground Path - Small rock in the long passage
HC185 - Underground Path - Moss on the bottom left
HC186 - Underground Area - Small rock to the bottom right of the white jug
HC187 - Underground Area - Gap between the two shelves on the right
HC188 - Underground Area - Left side of the raised area
HC189 - Underground Area - Wall under the candle
HC190 - Tower Entrance - Moss on lower right part of the wall
HC191 - Tower Basement - Back left corner of the room (between the sign an the 
HC192 - Tower Floor 1 - Oil cans on the left
HC193 - Tower Floor 2 - Small pile of rocks towards the upper right
HC194 - Tower Floor 3 - Candle second from the right (it's burnt out)
HC195 - Tower Floor 4 - Area where the wall meets the floor on the left
HC196 - Tower Floor 5 - Bench at the back left
HC197 - Tower Floor 6 - Middle window above Layton
HC198 - Tower Floor 7 - Back right side of the passage
HC199 - Spiral Staircase - Candle third from the left
HC200 - Tower Top Floor - Middle of the square garden

6. STRANGE GIZMOS                                                         [giz]
SG01 - Plaza - You get this from Franco when chasing after Claudia
SG02 - Town Hall - Complete Puzzle No. 016 : Triangles and Ink
SG03 - Drawbridge - Complete Puzzle No. 019 : Parking Lot Gridlock
SG04 - Park Road - Complete Puzzle No. 020 : Unfriendly Neighbors
SG05 - Park Road - Complete Puzzle No. 021 : Pill Prescription
SG06 - Restaurant - Complete Puzzle No. 023 : Juice Pitchers
SG07 - Restaurant - Complete Puzzle No. 025 : Equilateral Triangle
SG08 - Manor Parlor - Complete Puzzle No. 027 : Bickering Brothers
SG09 - Manor Parlor - Complete Puzzle No. 028 : Find the Dot
SG10 - Manor Parlor - Complete Puzzle No. 029 : Five Suspects
SG11 - Manor Border - Complete Puzzle No. 030 : One-Line Puzzle 1
SG12 - Manor Road - Complete Puzzle No. 031 : Racetrack Riddle
SG13 - General Store - Complete Puzzle No. 032 : Candy Jars
SG14 - Manor Road - Complete Puzzle No. 034 : How Many Sheets?
SG15 - Restaurant - Complete Puzzle No. 024 : Milk Pitchers
SG16 - Manor Road - Complete Puzzle No. 035 : Strange Dots
SG17 - Clock Tower - Complete Puzzle No. 037 : Brother and Sister
SG18 - Fork in the Road - Complete Puzzle No. 038 : Island Hopping
SG19 - Market - Complete Puzzle No. 040 : How Old Is Dad?
SG20 - Northern Path - Complete Puzzle No. 041 : Spare Change

7. FURNITURE                                                              [fur]
F01 - Laquered Stool - Inn - Beatrice gives this to you
F02 - Handwoven Rug - Inn - Complete Puzzle No. 018 : Of Dust and Dustpan
F03 - Pine Bed - General Store - Complete Puzzle No. 033 : Light Which One?
F04 - Blue Bed - Clock Tower - Complete Puzzle No. 043 : Three Umbrellas

F05 - Stuffed Bear - Park Gate - Complete Puzzle No. 046 : The Biggest Star
F06 - Cream Rug - Plaza - Complete Puzzle No. 047 : On the Run
F07 - Bookcase - Clock Tower - Complete Puzzle No. 049 : 1,000 Times
F08 - Teak Bureau - Fork in the Road - Complete Puzzle No. 050 : OTTF?
F09 - Television - Market - Complete Puzzle No. 053 : Fish Thief

F10 - Simple Chair - Inn - Complete Puzzle No. 055 : The Odd Sandwich
F11 - Desk - Entrance - Complete Puzzle No. 056 : The Lazy Guard
F12 - Pile of Books - Plaza - Complete Puzzle No. 057 : Cut Which One?
F13 - Wall Clock - Manor Parlor - Complete Puzzle No. 061 : Pin Board Shaped
F14 - Mysterious Bottle - Manor Parlor - Complete Puzzle No. 103 : Wood Cutouts
F15 - Splendid Painting - Manor Parlor - Complete Puzzle No. 063 : How Old Is 
F16 - World Map - Prosciutto's - Complete Puzzle No. 069 : Chocolate Puzzle
F17 - Flower Vase - Market - Complete Puzzle No. 071 : Sausage Thief
F18 - Reading Lamp - Plaza - Complete Puzzle No. 072 : The Sound of Silence
F19 - Gramophone - Town Hall - Complete Puzzle No. 073 : How Many Squares?
F20 - Globe - Market - Complete Puzzle No. 075 : The Wire Cube
F21 - Houseplant - Park Road - Complete Puzzle No. 077 : Which Job?
F22 - Flower Bouquet - Restaurant - Complete Puzzle No. 078 : Water Pitchers
F23 - Stuffed Chair - Restaurant - Complete Puzzle No. 080 : Too Many Queens 1
F24 - Hat Rack - Restaurant - Complete Puzzle No. 082 : Too Many Queens 3
F25 - Fossil - Outside the Sewer - Complete Puzzle No. 085 : Weekend Getaway
F26 - Violin - Shack Path - Complete Puzzle No. 088 : In a Hole
F27 - Artisan's Teapot - Under the Shack - Complete Puzzle No. 089 : Which Way?
F28 - Bone China Teacup - Underground Area - Complete Puzzle No. 091 : Pattern 
F29 - Teak Table - Archibald's - Complete Puzzle No. 109 : Laziest Man on Earth
F30 - Baron Statue - Prosciutto's - Complete Puzzle No. 104 : A Sweet Treat

Owners of each piece of furniture:
   Layton:                     Luke:
   F01 - Laquered Stool        F04 - Blue Bed
   F02 - Handwoven Rug         F05 - Stuffed Bear
   F03 - Pine Bed              F06 - Cream Rug
   F08 - Teak Bureau           F07 - Bookcase
   F13 - Wall Clock            F09 - Television
   F14 - Mysterious Bottle     F10 - Simple Chair
   F15 - Splendid Painting     F11 - Desk
   F17 - Flower Vase           F12 - Pile of Books
   F19 - Gramophone            F16 - World Map
   F21 - Houseplant            F18 - Reading Lamp
   F22 - Flower Bouquet        F20 - Globe
   F23 - Stuffed Chair         F26 - Violin
   F24 - Hat Rack
   F25 - Fossil
   F27 - Artisan's Teapot
   F28 - Bone China Teacup
   F29 - Teak Table
   F30 - Baron Statue

8. PAINTING SCRAPS                                                        [pan]
PS01 - Manor Foyer - Tap the 2 large portraits on the right
PS02 - General Store - Complete Puzzle No. 014 : Which Chair?
PS03 - Entrance - Complete Puzzle No. 017 : Five-Card Shuffle
PS04 - Park Gate - Complete Puzzle No. 026 : Bottle Full of Germs
PS05 - Clock Tower - Complete Puzzle No. 036 : Too Many Mice

PS06 - Park Road - Complete Puzzle No. 045 : Puzzled Aliens
PS07 - Clock Tower - Complete Puzzle No. 48 : Cats and Mice
PS08 - Crumm's Cafe - Complete Puzzle No. 051 : The Town Brothers
PS09 - Market - Complete Puzzle No. 054 : Monster!
PS10 - Northern Hill - Complete Puzzle No. 052 : Find a Star

PS11 - Manor Road - Complete Puzzle No. 059 : The Longest Path
PS12 - Reinhold Manor - Complete Puzzle No. 060 : Weighing Cats
PS13 - Manor Parlor - Complete Puzzle No. 062 : The Mysterious Note
PS14 - Restaurant - Complete Puzzle No. 079 : Apples to Oranges
PS15 - Restaurant - Complete Puzzle No. 081 : Too Many Queens 2
PS16 - Restaurant - Complete Puzzle No. 083 : Too Many Queens 4
PS17 - Sewer Dead End - Complete Puzzle No. 086 : Squares and Circles
PS18 - Ferris Wheel - Complete Puzzle No. 087 : Ferris Wheel Riddle
PS19 - Underground Path - Complete Puzzle No. 090 : Get the Ball Out! 2
PS20 - Manor Border - Complete Puzzle No. 093 : Over the River

9. WI-FI PUZZLES                                                          [wif]
The only thing that makes me come back to this game are the weekly wi-fi 
puzzles. Every Sunday there is a new puzzle released on the Wi-Fi channel.
They are ordered in the order they are released in the American version.

Puzzle No. W01 : From Five to Four
Released : USA - 2008.02.17
           JPN - 2007.06.14
    Hint : A set of matches are arranged so they form five squares.
           To solve this puzzle, you need to change the number of squares 
           below from five to four squares by moving exactly two matches.
           Your four squares must be uniform in size, and you must use all of 
           your matches when forming the squares.
Solution :      _ _           _   _
            _ _|_|_|  -->   _|_|_|_|
           |_|_|_|    -->  |_| |_|

Puzzle No. W02 : Treasure Chests
Released : USA - 2008.02.24
           JPN - 
    Hint : Although all six chests appear to be of equal value, in actuality, 
           one of the chests differs from the rest. Choose the chest that has 
           a different total value.
Solution : This puzzle is hard... if you can't count. Just count the pieces of 
           treasure and you'll realise the box D has one more piece.

Puzzle No. W03 : How Many Nines?
Released : USA - 2008.03.02
           JPN - London sub-chapter in 2nd game
    Hint : How many times does the number nine appear within whole numbers 
           between one and 100?
Solution :  9, 19, 29, 39, 49, 59, 69, 79, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 
           98, 99
            = 20 times

Puzzle No. W04 : Aliens?
Released : USA - 2008.03.09
           JPN - 2007.03.08
    Hint : A famous space explorer has just discovered a new planet and landed 
           on its surface to investigate it further.
           During his three-hour investigatiom, he counted 379 male 
           Octopleans, 492 female Octopleans, and 125 that had the features of 
           both male and female Octopleans.
           So right now, mow many aliens are there on this new planet?
Solution : This puzzle is a mind-bending puzzle, I didn't read carefully...
           Answer is 1, as on the new planet, the only alien is the space 

Puzzle No. W05 : Nose to Nose
Released : USA - 2008.03.16
           JPN - 2007.04.19
    Hint : Four horses are running around a course to made up of several 
           concentric circles.
           Horse A can run one lap an hour on its course.
           Horse B can run two laps an hour on its course.
           Horse C can run three laps an hour on its course.
           Horse D can run four laps an hour on its course.
           All four horses line up at the bottom of the circle and start 
           running their courses at the same time. How many mintues will it 
           take until all four horses are lined up nose to nose on a straight 
           line again?
Solution : 30 minutes... the horses are lined up all the way across the 
           course, just not all next to each other

Puzzle No. W06 : Cut the Cake
Released : USA - 2008.03.23
           JPN - 2007.03.01 (similar puzzle, except with konjac)
    Hint : When viewed from above, the slice of cake below is an equilateral 
           triangle. Your goal is to produce four sides of a cube by making 
           one cut into the cake. Connect two dots to cut the cake.
           You should know that this particulat cake has thickness equal to 
           one-quarter the length of the cake slice.
Solution : Cut a small triangle from the top corner.

Puzzle No. W07 : Soccer Ball
Released : USA - 2008.03.30
           JPN - 2007.03.29
    Hint : The surface of your standard soccer ball is made up of several 
           black pentagons and hexgons, just like the ball pictured below.
           If the ball shown here has 12 black pentagons, how many white 
           hexagons does the ball have?
Solution : 20

Puzzle No. W08 : What's Hidden?
Released : USA - 2008.04.06
           JPN - 2007.04.26
    Hint : You've stumbled across a strange painting.
           It appears to depict a frog sitting out in the rain, but there's 
           more to this picture than meets the eye.
           What other living creature is hiding within this picture?
           Your answer must be five letters long.
Solution : This is a pretty famous picture... turn it on the side and you see a 
           horse. So write in "HORSE".

Puzzle No. W09 : A Smaller E
Released : USA - 2008.04.13
           JPN - 2007.05.03
    Hint : The set of matches before you are arranged so they form the letter E.
           According to your friend, you can make the E small by moving just 
           one match.
           Can you accomplish the task your friend has set out for you?
Solution :  _          _
           |_   -->   |_|
           |_   -->   |_

Puzzle No. W10 : Layton's Hatbox
Released : USA - 2008.04.20
           JPN - London sub-chapter in 2nd game
    Hint : Oh no! The professor's hat box has gone missing!
           Pictured below are four hatboxes that have been broken down and 
           flattened. When reassembled, three of the boxes are identical in 
           every way, but the fourth hatbox differed slightly in its design 
           and belongs to the professor. Can you find it for him?
Solution : B

Puzzle No. W11 : The Clock's Chime
Released : USA - 2008.04.27
           JPN - 2007.02.15
    Hint : There is a clock tower that rings the time on the hour every hour. 
           However, this clock tower is special in that it rings the time out 
           very slowly. Each ringing of the bell takes a full five seconds.
           Now to the problem. When the time is 12 p.m. the bell rings 12 
           times. How many seconds does it take for you to hear the time?
Solution : 55 seconds

Puzzle No. W12 : A Fearsome Foe
Released : USA - 2008.05.04
           JPN - 2007.08.16
    Hint : There was once a knight bold and brave. He felled countless 
           opponents and was said to be peerless on the battlefield.
           However, legend has it that there was once a foe that set the 
           knight quaking in his armored boots. The knight feared this monster 
           because of the roumor that surrounded it. It was said that anyone 
           who slew the beast was destined to spill his own blood in the 
           Can you guess the identity of this terrifying foe?
Solution : It's a mosquito...

Puzzle No. W13 : The Vanishing Tower
Released : USA - 2008.05.11
           JPN - 2007.06.28
    Hint : Behold the glorious Eiffel Tower, soaring monment to Paris, the 
           city of light and love.
           At over 1,000 feet tall, the tower is massive, but there is always 
           a way to make the entire structure vanish right before your very 
           eyes by using nothing but two coins.
           How does one accomplish this feat.
Solution : Put the coins over the girl's eyes!

Puzzle No. W14 : The Egg-nigma
Released : USA - 2008.05.18
           JPN - 2007.07.19
    Hint : The room shown below is perfectly square and completely empty. Four 
           normal chicken eggs were placed on the floor of the room. Shortly 
           afterward a man came in with a giant steel cylinder and rolled it 
           all over the floor. Amazingly, not a single egg was broken in the 
           process. Can you guess where these eggs were placed?
           The eggs used in this problem are standard-sized eggs, but have 
           been made larger so that you can move them around more easily.
Solution : Put the for eggs in the four corners of the room.

Puzzle No. W15 : The Lost Hat
Released : USA - 2008.05.25
           JPN - 2007.06.07
    Hint : A river moves at a pace of 1,000 feet per hour, and upon that river 
           floats a lone gondola. At precisely high noon, a passenger on the 
           gondola drops his plack top hat into the water. The gondola turns 
           around to collect the hat at exactly 100 feet downstream from it.
           This particular gondola moves at a speed of 20 feet per minute in 
           still water.
           How many minutes will it take the gondola to meet up with the top 
           hat from the time that the hat hit the water.
Solution : 10 minutes

Puzzle No. W16 : The Lazy Student
Released : USA - 2008.06.01
           JPN - 2007.02.22
    Hint : A teacher was reprimanding a particularly lazy student one day and 
           told him the following:
           "At the very least, you need to study once a day for an entire week 
           before a test. Don't skimp on time either! Each time you studi, I 
           want you to study for a minimum of two hours."
           The boy had no choice but to follow the teacher's orders, but 
           decided he'd spend as little time as possible doing so. Assuming 
           the boy followed the teacher's orders exactly, how many hours did 
           he end up studying?
Solution : 8 hours

Puzzle No. W17 : Image Equation
Released : USA - 2008.06.08
           JPN - 
    Hint : Using the following clues, break the code below and figure out what 
           needs to go in the blank at the bottom of the screen.
Solution : The answer is handcuff, so HAND in the left box, CUFF in the right.

Puzzle No. W18 : Chickens and Hens
Released : USA - 2008.06.15
           JPN - London sub-chapter in 2nd game
    Hint : Draw three straight lines between the stakes to divide the chickens 
           into groups. Each group must consist of one hen and two chicks.
Solution : Just join up the numbers:
             .  .  1  .  .  .  .  .  .  2  .
             .                             .
             .                             .
             .                             .
             .                             .
             .                             3
             .                             .
             2                             .
             .                             .
             3                             .
             .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  1  .  .

Puzzle No. W19 : Jersey Numbers
Released : USA - 2008.06.22
           JPN - 2007.06.21
    Hint : You are tasked with spray-painting player numbers onto your team's 
           baseball uniforms. You've prepared 10 paper stenciils, each with a 
           number from zero to nine. With the stencils cut out, you are now 
           ready to paint player numbers in all six jerseys.
           If each jersey has only has room for two horizontally oriented 
           numbers, what's the fewest number of stencils uou need to number 
           the six jeyseys?
Solution : 1

Puzzle No. W20 : Find the Volume
Released : USA - 2008.06.29
           JPN - 
    Hint : A strangely shaped container sits before you.
           All sides of the shape, sae for depth are of equal length.
           All four points, A, B, C, and D, are located in the center of their 
           respective sides. Additionally, line AD, line BC, and the depth of 
           the container are all one foot.
           What is the total volume of the figure in cubic feet? Don't worry 
           about the thickness of the walls of the vessel.
Solution : 1

Puzzle No. W21 : The Knight's Escape
Released : USA - 2008.07.06
           JPN - London sub-chapter in 2nd game
    Hint : Behold the brave knight as he fights his way through a dark and 
           winding maze. With his strength waning, the knight decides that he 
           must exit the maze by opening the fewest numbers of doors possible.
           Find the path that allows the knight to escape from those dark 
           catacombs while opening as few doors as possible.
Solution : You need to open three doors:
            1) Door in the southeast, hard to explain, but its not the most 
               southeast door
            2) Most north west door, door closest to the monster
            3) Door closest to the goal

Puzzle No. W22 : Lion vs. Cheetah
Released : USA - 2008.07.13
           JPN - 2007.08.23
    Hint : A cheetah and lion square off in a 200-yard race. The first one to 
           run 100 yards, turn around, and run back to the start line wins.
           The cheetah leaps three yards in one jump, whereas the lion only 
           two yards with each bound. To make up for his lack of speed, the 
           lion jumps three jumps for every two jumps the cheetab makes. 
           Assume their paces stay consistent the whole race.
           Who will win this race?
Solution : The lion will, so type "lion".

Puzzle No. W23 : Silence is Golden
Released : USA - 2008.07.20
           JPN - 
    Hint : An infamous antiques thief breaks into a museum looking for a 
           prized gold medallion.
           In the vault there is a case with five different items on it. The 
           thief knows that the medallion is carefully hidden inside one of 
           the five items. Above the case there is an inscription on the wall 
           that reads:
           "Silence is golden. Three is the magic number."
           The thief only has time to steal one item from the case. Which one 
           should he take?
Solution : Take the knight!

Puzzle No. W24 : Special Order
Released : USA - 2008.07.27
           JPN - 2007.05.24
    Hint : Below is a scene of a man ordering a particular item at a fancy 
           What in the world is this man trying to order here? Look at the 
           picture below before you take a guess.
Solution : The man is saying, "H I J K L M N O". In English, it's "H to O", 
           which is read like "H2O", therefore the answer is "water".

Puzzle No. W25 : Morning Greetings
Released : USA - 2008.08.03
           JPN - 2007.05.17
    Hint : At the edge of town, there is a traditional private school with 10 
           boys, 10 girls, and a single teacher.
           The school requires students to show proper respect to the teacher 
           and other students by greeting the teacher and the other students 
           with one bow.
           How many bows could you expect to see on a given morning?
Solution : The trick is in this puzzle is that since the teachers are of higher 
           status, they don't bow to the students. Only students bow to them. 
           This practice would be true in Japan, but I'm not sure about 
           countries outside of Japan.

           So the answer is:
           20 bows where students bowing to teacher
           90 bows where male students bow to male students
           90 bows where female students bow to female students
           200 bows where male students bow to female students (and vice versa)
            = 400 bows

Puzzle No. W26 : Bright Idea
Released : USA - 2008.08.10
           JPN - London sub-chapter in 2nd game
    Hint : It's dark in here!
           Turn the lightbulb on by fixing the wires that connect it to the 
           battery. Rearrange the panels so that both wires continue unbroken 
           from the battery to the lightbulb.
Solution : The puzzle grid:
            | 1 | 2 | 3 |
            | 4 | 5 | 6 |
            | 7 | 8 | 9 |
           Starting from the piece to the right of the light, going clockwise, 
           the pieces go into the slots in the following order:
              4, 8, 7, 6, 2, 1, 5, 9, 3

10. UNLOCKABLES                                                           [unl]
The Inventor's House
>> Collect all 20 Strange Gizmo pieces to unlock puzzle 121-123.

The Decorator's House
>> Collect all 30 pieces of furniture, and place them in the correct room to 
   unlock puzzle 124-127.

The Art Lover's House
>> Collect all 20 painting scraps, and complete the puzzle to unlock 127-129.

The Golden Apple's House
>> Complete the main game unlock puzzle 130-132.

The Puzzle Master's House
>> Complete puzzles 1-132 to unlock the 133-135.

11. ENDING                                                                [end]
Not many people to thank, not even bothered to write anything here...

  abcd9146 (at) gmail (dot) com



本文标签: LaytonProfessorcuriouswalkthroughVillage