

passage31 2:50min

passage33 26:28min

A primary value in early twentieth-century Modernist architectural theory was that of “truth to materials”, that is, it was essential that a building’s design express the “natural” character of the building materials.

This emphasis would have puzzled the architects of the Italian Renaissance (sixteenth century), a period widely regarded as the apex of architectural achievement, for Renaissance architects’ designs were determined only minimally by the materials employed. The diversity of Italy’s natural resources provided Renaissance architects with a wide variety of building materials. The builders of the Pitti Palace (1558-1570) used great blocks of Tuscan stone, just as Etruscans living in the same part of Italy had done some twenty centuries earlier. Had the Florentine Renaissance builders aped the Etruscan style, it might be said that their materials determined their style, since Etruscan style matched the massive, stark, solid character of the stone. But these same materials, which so suited the massive Etruscan style, were effectively used by the Florentine Renaissance to create the most delicate and graceful of styles.

A similar example of identical materials used in contrasting styles characterizes the treatment of Roman travertine marble. When Baroque architects of seventeenth-century Rome desired a massive and solid monumental effect, they turned to travertine marble, whose “natural effect” is, indeed, that of spacious breadth and lofty, smoothly rounded surfaces.

Yet during the Renaissance, this same material had been used against its “nature,” in the Florentine tradition of sharply carved detail. Italian Renaissance architecture was shaped less by the “nature” of the materials at hand than by the artistic milieu of Renaissance Italy, which included painting and sculpture as well as architecture. While Roman travertine marble may have lent itself to fine carving, the Florentine passion for fine detail is no less marked in Florentine Renaissance painting than in Florentine Renaissance architecture.

Similarly, in the next century, the emphasis on shading and corporeal density in Baroque painting mirrored the use of Roman travertine marble in Baroque architecture to create broad shadow and powerful masses.


这里是说的共有的massive 的特点

The ingenuity of Renaissance architects extended beyond merely using a material in a way not suggested by its outward natural appearance. If they conceived a design that called for a certain material either too expensive or difficult to work with, they made no scruple about imitating that material. Their marbles and their stones are often actually painted stucco. When the blocks of masonry with which they built were not in scale with the projected scheme, the real joints were concealed and false ones introduced.

Nor were these practices confined, as some scholars insist, to the later and supposedly decadent phases of the art.衰退

these practices were not confined to the later and supposedly decadent phases of the art.

Material, then, was utterly subservient to style.


They have focused on such technical matters as the cost of building materials rather than on artistic concerns.没提到

Nor were these practices confined, as some scholars insist, to the later and supposedly decadent phases of the art. Material, then, was utterly subservient to style.就是在这种情况下会把艺术放在第一位

They believe that a vigorous and healthy architecture would not usually employ false surfaces or imitation building materials.

passage34 4:48min

In some cases, a new design was imposed over an earlier one; less often, the original design was simply covered with white slip.

Relatively few of them have original designs concealed beneath white surfaces

Many of their alterations increased the intricacy of their painted designs.


passage35 12:52min

Freestanding kivas discovered in the ruins of European-style missionary communities have been explained by some historians as examples of “superposition”. Under this theory, Christian domination over indigenous faiths is dramatized by surrounding the kiva with Christian buildings(reflective of the Spanish missionary’s desire to diminish the kiva's importance)

However, as James Ivey points out, such superposition was unlikely, since historical records indicate that most Spanish missionaries, arriving in the Southwest with little or no military support, wisely adopted a somewhat conciliatory attitude toward the use of the kiva at least initially.

在没有protect的时候 是conciliatory 的态度,这样,当有的时候

Which of the following, if true, would most strengthen the argument about the Spanish missionaries’ attitude toward the kiva?


The period of most intensive settlement by Spanish missionaries in the Southwest occurred before the period in which the mission churches of New Mexico were built.

This fact, and the careful, solitary placement of the kiva in the center of the mission-complex courtyards, suggests an intention to highlight the importance of the kiva rather than to diminish it

4.According to the passage, the building techniques prevailing in the Southwest during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries played a role in which of the following

Many studies of these mission churches have carefully documented the history and design of their unique architectural form, most attribute the churches’ radical departure from their sixteenth-century European predecessors to local climate and a less-mechanized building technology. Certainly, the limitations imposed by manual labor and the locally available materials of mud-brick and timber necessitated a divergence from the original European church model.

However, the emergence of a church form suited to life in the Southwest was rooted in something more fundamental than material and technique.

passage36 7:52min

According to one hypothesis, the planet’s gravitational field tugs on the protoplanetary disk of dust and gas from which it formed. The disk exerts its own gravitational tug, and this interplay of forces robs the planet of momentum in its orbital path, forcing it to spiral in toward the star.

According to another hypothesis, the planet’s gravitational field is so strong that it creates a groove in the disk, partitioning it into inner and outer regions; the resulting gravitational interactions between the planet and these regions cause the planet to lose orbital momentum and spiral inward.

这里两个disk 是一样的

In the standard, solar-system-based theory of planetary formation, such a massive planet could not form so close to a star. So most attempts to explain a hot Jupiter’s existence envision it forming farther away, then migrating inward.这里讲so 应该往上看

to explain how a Jupiter-sized planet could form so close to its parent star.这里明显和这个反

to account for hot Jupiters in a way that is not inconsistent with the standard theory of planetary formation

passage37 4:41min

2. The passage implies that the poets discussed did NOT这里应该选一个没有提到的

But these poets always approached their writing as artists, and their motive was aesthetic.

Writing from experiences like madness, despair, and lust, their aim was to make effective art, not to cure themselves.(think that a poet’s motivation for writing was relevant in evaluating that poet’s work)

B. experience any relief of their personal suffering as a result of writing你注意原文是说,目的不是为了relief 但实际上可能会relief

passage38 7:19min

The conceptual shift away from seeing comets as pristine relics began in the 1970s, when laboratory simulations revealed there was sufficient ultraviolet radiation reaching comets to darken their surfaces and there were sufficient cosmic rays to alter chemical bonds or even molecular structure near the surface.

你注意实验这一部分,只是表明了surface 会有变化

The simulations themselves did not eliminate the possibility that comets contain pristine relics of material from the early solar system

About the same time, though, scientists realized comets might contain decaying radioactive isotopes that could have warmed cometary interiors to temperatures that caused the interiors to evolve.

passage39 1:53min

researchers will now be able to determine the parentage of individual monkeys from DNA without tranquilizing the monkeys.


The places in which monkeys sleep are easily accessible to researchers.而这个在于方便吗

 passage40 5:54min

These writers represent community as dynamic, as something that must be negotiated and renegotiated because of its members’ divergent histories, positions, expectations, and beliefs. the plurality of experiences and ideas that existed among the residents of a village

Yet their texts were enriched by what Gilligan, writing in a different context, has called the ability to attend to voices other than one’s own.

was not discussing the women who wrote village sketches

passage41 12:53min

Theoretical opposition by those who saw fiction as a demoralizing and corrupting influence was by no means dead in mid-nineteenth-century America, and popular successes naturally bore a significant proportion of the attack.

Their influence reached its pinnacle in the mid-nineteenth century这个是程度错误


The moralistic tone of much woman’s fiction did not placate these antagonists; on the contrary, many clerical opponents of the novel thought that women were trying to take over the clergy’s functions and hence attacked all the more fiercely.

Similarly, some male authors, disgruntled by the emergence of great numbers of women writers, expressed contempt for the genre.

Their attacks on the genre of the novel did not extend to novels written by male writer这两者一样

passage42 4:04min

Carolina Hospital notes that Cuban-American writers who write primarily in English are dismissed from anthologies and analyses of Cuban exile literature on that account.

She argues that since these writers were born in Cuba and consider themselves Cuban writers, they should not be ignored, and maintains that they represent a new phase of Cubanness, one that is expressed in the language comfortable (这里表示情感)to its writers—English.


passage43 5:06min

passage44 2:52min

Shifts in forest species composition ramify through the ecosystem in many ways because tree species have different, often unique properties.


why pests can have long-term effects on entire ecosystems这个位置不对

The author of the passage mentions the “unique properties” of tree species primarily in order to help explain

 passage45 3:10min

 passage46 3:05min

For the first time, funding for designing experiments to be conducted during space flights has been made available by the government space program to university biologists not already employed by the space program.


From the fact that little interest has been expressed in this offer, however, it cannot be concluded that virtually the only biologists interested in research that such experiments could address are those biologists already employed by the space program, since _____.


只有这样的bio才感兴趣 取反


relatively few of the biologists already employed by the space program have ever held university positions

反的点是virtually only

 passage47 3:21min

 passage48 2:31min

So far, researchers have found no evidence of seasonal breeding among vent-dwelling species that provide their offspring with yolk to sustain them or among vent-dwelling species found in areas of the ocean with not seasonal algae blooms.


it supports the explanation proffered for the seasonal breeding observed among some shrimp species living near hydro-thermal vents

it undermines the explanation proposed for seasonal breeding among some shrimp species living near hydro-thermal vents.


 passage49 4:55min

What sets current changes in landslide activity apart is the likely influence of anthropogenic [i.e., human-caused] factors


 passage50 3:27min

pointing out that a particular type of species extinction is rarely known to occur.这个是说并不为人所知

refuting a proposed explanation for the increasingly rare occurrence of a particular type of species extinction.

事实上并没有a proposed explanation

 passage51 6:16min

The relevance of the literary personality—a writer’s distinctive attitudes, concerns, and artistic choices—to the analysis of a literary work is being scrutinized by various schools of contemporary criticism.

Deconstructionists view the literary personality, like the writer’s biographical personality, as irrelevant. The proper focus of literary analysis, they argue, is a work’s intertextuality( interrelationship with other texts), subtexts (unspoken, concealed, or repressed discourses), and metatexts (self-referential aspects), not a perception of a writer’s verbal and aesthetic “fingerprints.”

New historicists also devalue the literary personality, since, in their emphasis on a work’s historical contexts, they credit a writerapplaud a writer for这里相当于一个对应 with only those insights and ideas that were generally available when the writer lived. However, to readers interested in literary detective work--say scholars of classical( Greek and Roman) literature who wish to reconstruct damaged texts or deduce a work’s authorship—the literary personality sometimes provides vital clues.


the new historicists would most likely agree with the deconstructionists that这里是共同点

 passage52 2:59min

 passage53 9:20min

It is remarkably, however, that Seneca himself never mentions the plays, since there are certain passages in them that could be used to illustrate points of his philosophy.

There is only circumstantial evidence that the plays were all written by the same author.并不是想拆开play

There are at least two possible explanations.

In the early Roman Empire, playwrights were sometimes exiled or executed Playwrights in the early Roman Empire were politically vulnerable.for line constructed as directed against the emperor; thus, Seneca’s silence may be simple prudence. But if anyone could safely attach his name to dramas, surely it would be Seneca, the emperor’s tutor.

注意这个but 是转的这个危险性

It might have offered Seneca some protection from certain dangers playwrights typically faced.

It had more of an effect on Seneca’s career as a dramatist than it did on his career as a philosopher, orator, and politician.这里并不是要强调谁更重要

And although Herrmann offers Seneca’s modesty as an explanation, Seneca is not averse to referring to his other writings. The evidence for equating Seneca with the author of the tragedies seems circumstantial.

There are references in the plays to Seneca’s philosophical works.

Not mention

 passage54 3:36min

Through friction, this flexing produces heat in the moon’s interior capable of melting ice. Indeed, observations suggest liquid water exists beneath Europa’s icy crust.

 passage55 一开始没读懂

Some historians have recently challenged the “party period paradigm,” the view, advanced by McCormick and others, that political parties—especially the two major parties—in the United States between the years 1835 and 1900 evoked extraordinary loyalty from voters and dominated political life.



Voss-Hubbard cites the frequency of third-party eruptions during the period as evidence of popular antipathy to the two-party regime.


He correctly credits third parties with helping generate the nineteenth century’s historically high rates of voter turnout by forcing major parties to bolster supporters’ allegiance, lest minor parties siphon off their votes, and with pushing policy demands that the major parties ignored.


Formisano stresses the pervasive record of nonpartisan and anti-party governance at the local level, and women’ s frequent participation in nineteenth-century public life, prior to their enfranchisement, in nonpartisan and antiparty ways as evidence of the limitations of the party period paradigm.


Yet McCormick would deny that the existence of antiparty sentiment during the period undermined the paradigm, since he has always acknowledged the residual strength of such sentiment during the nineteenth century.


In any case, the strength of the paradigm is its comparative thrust: the contrast it draws between the period in question and earlier and later political eras




 passage56 2:46min

The extent to which soil communities are dependent on above-ground plants is extremely variable from one soil community to another  强调的不是这个,而是不同


 passage57 7:24min

Recent studies of the Philippine fruit bat fauna have confirmed some previous hypotheses regarding bats on oceanic islands: for example, species richness[ the number of different species in a particular area] and abundance are generally highest in the lowlands and decrease with increasing elevation.

With few exceptions, each endemic species [species native to a particular place] is restricted to the modern islands that made up a single island during periods of low sea level, and genetic differentiation has been influenced by the ecology of the species and the current and past geographic and geological conditions.

整段的结构,这里首先提出hypotheses之后列举 另外前半部分都是讲的证实

dentify a feature of the Philippine fruit bat that does not appear to apply to oceanic bats generally这里就是明显的反了

illustrate a widely held view about oceanic bats generally that was confirmed by the Philippine fruit bat studies同义改写


  passage58 5:25min

Recent studies of the gender gap in the history of United States policies tend to focus on candidate choice rather than on registration and turnout.the frequency with which they vote


They do not pay sufficient attention to the effect regional differences have on voter preference.这个并不是这一句要表达的意思

Underlying 基础的


  passage59 3:36min

Recent studies of ancient Maya water management have found that the urban architecture of some cities was used to divert rainfall runoff into gravity-fed systems of interconnected reservoirs.

In the central and southern May Lowlands, this kind of water control was necessary to support large populations throughout the year due to the scarcity of perennial surface waterThey were needed because of insufficient resources such as ponds, rivers and lakes in the lowlands.) and the seasonal availability of rainfall. Some scholars argue that the concentration of water within the urban core of these sites provided a centralized source of political authority for Maya elites based largely on controlled water access.

Such an argument is plausible, however, it is less useful for understanding the sociopolitical implications of water use and control in other, water-rich parts of the Maya region.(They were implemented in part because of the prevailing pattern of rainfall


  passage60 4:04min

Despite his involvement in visual arts, Ellison insisted that only language could capture the complexity of American identity. This complexity consisted of the tension arising from the collision of the United States’ written ideals, as outlined in the founding documents, and the historical and contemporary experience molding the national consciousness.

这里的tension 应该指的是这种要平衡的感觉

Ellison thought that it could not be adequately represented by sculpture.


It came to Ellison’s attention partly as a result of his experience with proposed film versions of Invisible Man.

可以前后看看,特别有代词的 时候

  passage61 3:23min

Our terrestrial food supply comes from ecosystems transformed to produce a few comestible species through the removal of competitors, predators, and pests, but marine capture fisheries depend on the overall productivity of natural ecosystems


compromising progress toward conservation goals为保护的目标而妥协进步

helping restore the biodiversity of terrestrial ecosystems


Much recent work has examined the claim that women encounter increasing obstacles relative to men as they move up the organizational ladder in business. This proposition, which we term the increasing-disadvantage model, is a core element of the popular glass ceiling metaphor. Despite continued widespread public acceptance of the glass ceiling idea and some consistent findings, most research to date has failed to support the increasing-disadvantage model.

Indeed, several studies based on private-sector firms find that women’ s mobility prospects improve, rather than decline, as they climb upward in corporate hierarchies.

In the public sector, researchers have found either no sex differences in mobility or a larger female disadvantage in lower grades.

Comparing cross-sectional national samples of workers, Baxter and Wright found no evidence in the United States, and only limited evidence in Sweden and Australia, that women’ s probability of being located in a higher versus a lower hierarchical level declined relative to men’ s at higher levels.

Taken together, these findings suggest that the glass ceiling may be a myth. Women’ s scarcity in top organizational ranks may simply represent the cumulative effect of a constant-or even decreasing-disadvantage at successive hierarchical levels.


point out inconsistencies in a set of findings这个应当显示不一致

但事实上,最近的evidence 只有一个导向

summarize evidence relevant to a hypothesis所以是

Comparing cross-sectional national samples of workers, Baxter and Wright found no evidence in the United States, and only limited evidence (具体含义)in Sweden and Australia, that women’ s probability of being located in a higher versus a lower hierarchical level declined relative to men’ s at higher levels

It lends supports to the increasing-disadvantage model

It points to a phenomenon not widely recognized in these countries

并不是是不是广泛recognized 的问题

Taken together, these findings suggest that the glass ceiling may be a myth. Women’ s scarcity in top organizational ranks may simply represent the cumulative effect of a constant-or even decreasing-disadvantage at successive hierarchical levels.
最后,作者的alternative explanation

Lower down on the organizational ladder, women tend to experience fewer disadvantages than they do at higher levels



passage63 3:13min

In various writings from the 1940s on popular culture, George Orwell examined commercial texts such as comics and crime novels, seeking out political meanings that ran counter to what he considered an inherent tendency toward socialism in the English common people. The public, he concluded, was often being duped by a convert patrician conservatism, conveyed through commercial culture, that restrained the people’s radical instincts. These works constituted some of Orwell’ s greatest writing, yet those who see him as a lone precursor to today’s cultural studies, a field in which scholars examine the ideological implications of popular culture, are mistaken. A number of left-wing writers in the 1930s, many of them associated with the Communist Party, saw the need to take popular culture seriously.

He regarded commercial texts a vehicles for the views of ordinary people


He regarded many commercial texts as having an insidious effect on readers

他认为commercial texts对The public的想法有影响


passage64 13:36min

In the life of Charlotte Bronte(1857), the first and the most celebrated biography of novelist Charlotte Bronte, Elizabeth Gaskell promoted the long-persisting romantic view of Bronte as having no connection with the rest of English society at a time when industrialization was causing much turbulence, but as having sprung naturally, like so much purple heather, out of the English countryside.

Gaskell also portrayed Bronte as irreproachably proper, incapable of “unladylike” feelings or dangerous views; this was at variance with the subversive spirit Matthew Arnold accurately discerned, albeit with distance, deep within Bronte’ s fiction.

While correcting many of Gaskell’ s errors and omissions at last, even Winifred Gerin’ s Charlotte Bronte: The Evolution of Genius(1967) failed to discard Gaskell’ s viewpoint.

Feminist have introduced new interpretations of Bronte’ s life, but it is primarily Juliet Barker who takes into account the larger world that impinged on that life-- the changing England in which old divisions of class and gender were under pressure.


defend a particular view of Charlotte Bronte’ life并不是这样,而是类似依次介绍

discuss a change in perspective on Charlotte Bronte’ s life


passage65 2:29min 

passage66 7:09min

the extent to which they are interested in interdisciplinary study


Few historians have extensive training in critical theory and its specialized languagesthe distinctive nature of much literary criticism, and the sheer volume of workThe amount of scholarship involved) in early American history and literature challenges anyone who would master either field, much less both.

the ahistorical quality of much literary criticism而这是说与历史无关的

passage67 9:37min

In 1755 British writer Samuel Johnson published an acerbic letter to Lord Chesterfield rebuking his patron for neglect and declining further support.


Johnson’s rejection of his patron’s belated assistance has often been identified as a key moment in the history of publishing, marking the end of the culture of patronage.


However, patronage had been in decline for 50 years, yet would survive, in attenuated form, for another 50.

这个转折是来重述end, 更为精确的表示

Indeed, Johnson was in 1762 awarded a pension by the Crown—a subtle form of sponsorship, tantamount to state patronage.

The importance of Johnson’s letter is not so much historical as emotional; it would become a touchstone for all who repudiated patrons and for all who embraced the laws of the marketplace.

reveal that Johnson remained consistent in his rebuke of Lord Chesterfield well after 1755

如果remained consistent就不会再接受Crown

emphasize that patronage still helped support Johnson’s writing after his letter to Chesterfield而事实是这样的

2. Which of the following best describes the function of the highlighted phrase in the context of the passage as a whole? (patronage had been in decline for 50 years, yet would survive, in attenuated form, for another 50)

It points out the most obvious implications of Johnson’s letter to his patron.

这里并没有什么obvious implications

It provides information that qualifies the assertion that Johnson’s letter sharply defined of the end of a publishing era这里是补充说明

emphasize that patronage still helped support Johnson’s writing after his letter to Chesterfield

 passage68 5:42min

 passage69 7:33min

Historian Colin Calloway argues that in the late colonial period preceding the American Revolution (1775-1783), the British government sought to seal off territory west of the Appalachian Mountain from the encroachment of land-hungry White settlers, to negotiate with Native American peoples as independent foreign states, and to guarantee the integrity of traditional native American hunting grounds. By contrast, White Americans, released by the out break of the Revolution from the constraints of Britain’s allegedly benevolent policies, are portrayed by Calloway as ruthless land-grabbers whose new national government endorsed their rapacity.


One objective of the British government’s land policy prior to the American revolution was to prevent White settlers from moving to the western side of the Appalachian Mountains.

The new national colonial government to negotiate with Native American peoples as independent foreign states


 passage70 9:38min

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