


1.1 主语从句

That each large firm will actwith consideration of its own needs and thus avoid selling its products for more than its competitors' charge is commonly recognized byadvocates of free-market economic theories. 方法:读完该从句的意思后,在后面加上“这一点”。 每个大公司考虑自己的需求后会行动,并且避免自己产品价格超过竞争对手的价格,这一点,通常被自由市场经济理论的支持者认可。 advocate -vt:提倡、主张、拥护;-n:提倡者,拥护者,律师

1.2 宾语从句

The historian F.J.T wrote in the 1890’sthat agrarian discontent that had been developing steadily in the united states since about 1870 had been precipitated by the closing of the internal frontier - that is,the depletion of available new land needed for further expansion of the American farming system. 历史学家 F.J.T在1890年写道,自从1870年以来美国一直稳步增长的不满是由于内部边界的消失加剧的,也就是说,进一步开拓美国农业系统的可利用新土地的枯竭 agrarian -adj:土地的,耕地的,与土地相关的

1.3 长状语

The appreciation of traditional oral American Indian literature has been limited, hampered by poor translation and by the difficulty,even in the rare culturally sensitive and aesthetically satisfying translation,of completely conveying the original's verse structure,tone,and syntax. 传统的美国印第安人口头文学的欣赏已经被糟糕的翻译和一些问题限制、阻碍,甚至在稀有的文学敏感性翻译和美学令人满意的翻译(完整地传达原始的韵律结构、语调和句法)。

1.4 并列成分

They were fighting, albeit discrectly, to (open the intellectual world to the new science andto liberate intellectual life from ecclesiastical philosophy ) and (envisioned their work as contributing to the growth,not of philosophy,but of research in mathematicly and physics).


2.1 及物动词加介词

在某些词语的固定搭配下,经常会出现倒装结构。这些词组通常由一个及物动词加上一个介词组成,如bring to,当其表达为 bring A to B的时候,则有可能被倒装成 bring to B A. Yet W's argument, however deficient, does point to one of the most serious weaknesses of capitalism - namely, that itbrings to predominant positions in a societypeople who, no matter how legitimately they have earned their material rewards, often lack those other qualities that evoke affection or admiration. capitalism -n:资本主义 predominant -adj:主要的、卓越的、支配的 legitimately  -adv:合理地、正当地 that it brings people ( who, no matter how legitimately they have earned their material rewards, often lack those other qualities that evoke affection or admiration ) to predominant positions in a society.
  • throw A over B     -> throw over B A;
  • insert A into B      -> insert into B A;
  • import A into B     -> import into B A;
  • infer A from B       -> infer from B A;
  • establish A from B -> establish from B A;
  • advocate A as B    -> advocate as B A;

2.2 及物动词加副词

F.E, howerer, predicted that women would be liberated from the "social, legal, and economic subordination" of the family by technological developments thatmade possible the recruitment of " the whole female sex into public industry."

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