

1. A new television documentary focuses on of the prime minister`s defining contradiction, portraying her as a woman who cultivated an image of _____, but who liked to live grandly.

A irascibility

B abstemiousness

C contentiousness

D insouciance

E surreptitiousness

来源:Section 29&30 Medium 


【解析】portraying分词结构解释说明contradiction,因此后文体现取反关系,but前后体现取反对象,空格要和后面的 who liked to live grandly 取反,所以正确答案选 B 选项。abstemiousness 节制。



A. irascibility易怒

B. abstemiousness节制

C. contentiousness争论

D. insouciance无忧无虑

E. surreptitiousness误传

2. His premiership, seemingly cast-iron year ago, is now so vulnerable that even a good day at the office does no more than buy him a few weeks of _____ f

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