

1、Ethan and his team just highlighted two processes that each have a lead time an order of magnitude more than any other processes in the system. When an agile team uses value stream mapping like Ethan’s team it is an example of a A. Product roadmap B. Kanban board C. Process analysis technique D. Iteration plan 伊桑的团队着重两个流程,这两个流程都有前置时间,比系统中的其他任何流程都重要。他们团队的价值流程图是以下哪一项的例子?

  • A:产品路线图

  • B:看板

  • C:过程分析技术

  • D:迭代计划

C解析:价值流程图是一项协作性地流程分析技能,一支功能多样的团队绘制一个流程来识别浪费发生的地方并且确认可完善的地方。它是流程分析技能的一个例子。 和价值流程图类似,流程图也用于绘制一个流程来识别瓶颈(即流程会减缓和产生库存的地方)。

2、In agile and other project management styles, team motivation is a critical factor for success. What is one method to improve team motivation? A. Providing minimal leadership B. Providing a forum for anonymous criticism C. Providing constructive feedback D. Providing minimal supervision 在敏捷和其他项目管理类型中,团队激励是成功的关键因素,提高团队激励的一个方法是

  • A:尽可能少的提供领导力

  • B:提供匿名批评的讨论机会

  • C:提供有建设性的反馈

  • D:少监督


3、Stacey intends to schedule a brainstorming session to generate ideas that may help solve some of the team’s current issues. Which of the following is NOT a good brainstorming technique that Stacey should use? A.Leaving participants in the dark until the day of the meeting to add an element of surprise B.Having a multidisciplinary/diverse group so that many different perspectives are available C.Sending participants’preparatory material, so they know what to expect and what is expected of them D.Having an engaging and experienced facilitator lead the brainstorming session Stacey打算安排一次头脑风暴会议来激发创意的产生,以解决团队最近面临的一些问题。Stacey不应该采用下列哪一种方法呢?

  • A:让参与者在会议之前都蒙在鼓里以制造惊喜

  • B:让多领域或多样化群体参与,这样可以从不同视角出发

  • C:给参与者提前发送准备好的材料,这样让他们知道期望做什么以及他们被期望做什么

  • D:有一个吸引人的和经验丰富的主持人引导头脑风暴会议

A解析:一个成功的头脑风暴环节应尽量遵循以下要点: 在中立和舒适的环境中进行会议。 由一名有趣且有经验的引导者来主持头脑风暴会议。 提前向参与者分发包括目标,安排和基本原则的文件。 由一个多领域/多样化的团队组成 排除任何会阻碍思想产生的评论。

4、Andy and his team are in the middle of iteration planning. The team has identified from one user story eight required tasks. Approximately how long should each task take to develop or execute? A. Exactly one hour B. Less than two hours C. Between four hours and two days D. Five business days 安迪和他的团队正在进行迭代计划,他们从一个用户故事中识别出8个任务,那么每一项任务开发或者执行所需时长大约是

  • A:一小时整

  • B:少于两小时

  • C:四小时到两天之间

  • D:五个工作日


5、What delivery concept does agile pride itself on and having a definition of frequent delivery of working products, which are successively improved, to a customer for immediate feedback and acceptance? A. Iterative delivery B. Sprint delivery C. Incremental delivery D. Cyclical delivery 以下哪一项交付概念,是敏捷引以为豪的,并被定义为及时反馈和接纳,频繁向客户交付可持续改进的工作产品?

  • A:迭代交付

  • B:冲刺交付

  • C:增量交付

  • D:循环交付


6、Mike, as the product owner, likes being able to provide immediate feedback to the agile team regarding the latest version of a product. Although Mike has other opportunities to provide feedback, like in the daily stand-up meeting and during iteration planning, this particular type occurs after the delivery of a new product which occurs at frequent, set intervals. What type of delivery concept provides this type of customer feedback? A. Iteration delivery B. Defect reduction delivery C. Prototype delivery D. Incremental delivery 产品负责人迈克,倾向于对产品的最新版本向敏捷团队提供及时反馈。虽然迈克还有其他途径可提供反馈,比如在每日站立会议上和在迭代计划期间,但是这种方式仍会经常在新产品交付后发生。以下哪一类型的交付概念提供这种客户反馈?

  • A:迭代交付

  • B:缺陷降低交付

  • C:原型交付

  • D:增量交付


7、From the following, select a technique that promotes agile knowledge sharing A. Extreme programming B. Couple programming C. Pare programming D. Pair programming 以下的选项中可促进敏捷知识分享的技巧是

  • A:极限编程

  • B:联合编程

  • C:削减编程

  • D:结对编程

D解析:为了促进知识分享,敏捷采用标准实践如下: 跨职能团队, 自主管理和自我约束团队, 协作, 每日站立会议, 迭代/冲刺计划, 发布计划, 结对编程 项目回顾/反思 现场客户支持。

8、Hank and his agile team are defining what it means when a feature is to be considered finished and theoretically ready for delivery. What is Hank and his agile team working on? A. Its definition of release B. Its definition of ship C. Its definition of done in concert with the product owner D. Its definition of delivery readiness 汉克和他的敏捷团队正在定义完成和准备交付的特征的含义,他们在进行的是

  • A:发布的定义

  • B:可传输性的定义

  • C:与产品负责人定义完成的标准

  • D:交付准备就绪的定义


9、When defining an iteration length, what details should a team focus on? A. Delivering valuable chunks of product functionality, story definition and development, and customer acceptance of stories. B. Delivering valuable chunks of untested code, expected task complexity, and customer acceptance of stories. C. Average team velocity, financial calendar quarter schedule, and the build, test, design process. D. Delivering valuable chunks of untested code, story definition and development, and customer acceptance of stories. 在定义迭代长度时,敏捷团队应关注以下哪些细节?

  • A:提供有价值的产品功能,故事定义和开发,以及客户验收。

  • B:提供有价值的未测试代码,预期任务复杂性,以及客户验收。

  • C:团队平均速度,季度财务日志,以及建立,测试和设计过程。

  • D:提供有价值的未测试代码,故事定义和开发,以及客户验收。


10、Vanessa is reviewing her team’s risk burndown chart. She notices that the severity for all identified risks are counting to grow in value. What does this mean briefly? A. That project risk is not successfully being mitigated B. That project risk is remaining static C. That project risk is not an area of concern D. That project risk is successfully being mitigated Vanessa在查看团队的风险燃尽图。她注意到已识别的风险的严重程度在逐步升值。这意味着什么?

  • A:项目风险没被成功地减轻

  • B:项目风险保持静态

  • C:项目风险不是被关注的区域

  • D:项目风险被成功地减轻


11、What is rolling wave planning and how does it relate to progressive elaboration? A. Rolling wave planning involves planning for an entire release at the beginning of a project. Progressive elaboration assumes that while customer requirements may change, they will not impact the initial rolling wave plan. B. Rolling wave planning involves a retrospective review of plans from the previous two iterations. Momentum from these two iterations, typically interpreted as velocity, from a prediction wave which can be used to plan the next iteration. Progressive elaboration assumes that the wave will grow in power as the project progresses. C. Rolling wave planning involves planning in waves or phases. Only the next few iterations are planned in detail and iterations more distant are planned only at a high-level. Progressive elaboration is continuous planning that assumes that details and requirements will be better refined later and will be incorporated into the planning process at the appropriate time D. Rolling wave planning and progressive elaboration are both antiquated traditional project management pla

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