



① 给学生表增加一属性Nation(民族),数据类型为Varchar(20);

Alter table student

add Nation Varchar(20);

② 删除学生表中新增的属性Nation;

Alter table student

drop column Nation;

③ 向成绩表中插入记录(”2001110”,”3”,80);

insert into Grade


④ 修改学号为”2001103”的学生的成绩为70分;

update Grade

set Gmark=70

where Sno='2001103';

⑤ 删除学号为”2001110”的学生的成绩记录;

delete Grade

where Sno='2001110';

⑥ 为学生表创建一个名为,以班级号的升序排序;

create index IX_Class on student(Clno ASC);


Drop index IX_Class


① 找出所有被学生选修了的课程号;

select distinct cno

from grade;

② 找出01311班女学生的个人信息;

select *

from student

where clno=01311 and ssex='女';

③ 找出01311班、01312班的学生姓名、性别、出生年份;

Select sname,ssex, year(getdata())-sage as ‘出生年份’

from student

where clno in('01311','01312');

④ 找出所有姓李的学生的个人信息;

Select *

from student

where sname like ’李%’;

⑤ 找出学生李勇所在班级的学生人数;

Select count(*)

from student

where clno in (select clno

from student

where sname= '李勇');

⑥ 找出课程名为操作系统的平均成绩、最高分、最低分;

Select avg(gmark),max(gmark),min(gmark)

from grade

where cno =(select cno

from course

where cname='操作系统');

⑦ 找出选修了课程的学生人数;

Select count(distinct sno)

from grade;

⑧ 找出选修了课程操作系统的学生人数;

Select count(sno)

from grade

where cno =(select cno

from course

where cname='操作系统');

⑨ 找出2000级计算机软件班的成绩为空的学生姓名。

Select sname

from student

where clno in (select clno

from class

where inyear=’2000’ and speciality=’计算机软件’

from grade

) and sno in (select sno

where gmark is null);


① 找出与李勇在同一个班级的学生信息;

Select *

from student

where clno = (select clno

from student

where sname=’李勇’);

② 找出所有与学生李勇有相同选修课程的学生信息;

Select *

from student

where sno in (select distinct sno

from grade

where cno in ( select cno

from grade

where sno=(select sno

from student

where sname='李勇')))

③ 找出年龄介于学生李勇和25岁之间的学生信息;

Select *

from student

where sage between (select sage

from student

where sname=’李勇’) and 25

④ 找出选修了课程操作系统的学生学号和姓名;

Select sno,sname

from student

where sno in (select sno

from grade

where cno = (select cno

from course

where cname=’操作系统’ ))

⑤ 找出所有没有选修1号课程的学生姓名;

Select sname

from student

where not exists (select *

from grade

where sno= and cno='1')


Select sname

from student

Where sno not in (Select sno

from grade

Where cno=’1’);

⑥ 找出选修了全部课程的学生姓名。


Select sname

from student

where not exists (select * from course

where not exists (select * from grade

where sno=

and cno=))

本文标签: 学生课程找出选修练习题