


  • 第三章:最简化雅思写作--刘洪波15句框架模板
    • 第一节:Argumentation(议论文)手把手15句写作讲解
      • 一、两点说明
        • 1.“刘洪波”
        • 2.“模板”
      • 二、手把手15句写作
        • 题目
        • 写作提纲
        • 写首段第1句:背景介绍(Nowadays, an increasing number of people are concerned about the ...)
        • 写首段第2句:交代辩论话题(However, whether ... is a controversial issue.)(However, whether ... or ... has caused heated debate.)(Some people state that ...; others believe that ...)
        • 写首段第3句:交代你自己的写作观点(In my view, ...)(My view is that ...)(I agree with the view that ...,for the following reasons.)
        • 写第2段第1句:阐述第一个中心句/论据(First, it is clear/obvious/true that...)(First, there is no doubt that...)(One reason for this is that...)
        • 写第2段第2句:对中心句进行拓展、解释、说明(This is because...)(This means that...)(If...not...)
        • 写第2段第3句:重申第一个论据写作观点(Therefore, it is necessary/crucial/important for sb. to do sth.)
        • 写第3段第1句:第二原因论据中心句(Moreover/In addition/Besides,...)
        • 写第3段第2句:具体例证第二原因论据(For example,...)
        • 写第3段第3句:解释上一句的例证并总结论证“第二原因论据中心句”,可适当自由发挥,要写出例子与中心句的联系;如果找不出好例子,就参考第二段,再讲一次大道理
        • 写第4段第1句:让步段落,支持反方观点(That is not to say that...not...)(It is also true that...)(Those who harbor the view that... believe that...)
          • 怎么判断to是介词还是不定式标记?(判断后边动词是v还是v-ing)
          • 解析:This is not to say, however, that we should neglect the problems it has caused. But to acknowledge the positive impact only would be short sighted.
        • 写第4段第2句:补充反方观点在特殊、极端情况下的一些合理性(There are, of course, ...)(Of course,...)(Indeed,...)
        • 写第4段第3句:让步最终转折,论证反方的不合理性(But、However、Yet)
        • 写第5段第1句:结论段,重申写作观点,通常是针对首段最后一句话的改写(In sum/conclusion,...)
        • 写第5段第2句:照顾反方观点(Meanwhile, we should not ignore/neglect/overlook/underestimate sth.'s negative effects.)
        • 写第5段第3句:提升、升华文章境界(By doing so we can ensure that...)(Only by doing so can sb./sth. make sure that...)
        • 全文
        • 参考译文









写首段第1句:背景介绍(Nowadays, an increasing number of people are concerned about the …)

写首段第2句:交代辩论话题(However, whether … is a controversial issue.)(However, whether … or … has caused heated debate.)(Some people state that …; others believe that …)

写首段第3句:交代你自己的写作观点(In my view, …)(My view is that …)(I agree with the view that …,for the following reasons.)

写第2段第1句:阐述第一个中心句/论据(First, it is clear/obvious/true that…)(First, there is no doubt that…)(One reason for this is that…)

写第2段第2句:对中心句进行拓展、解释、说明(This is because…)(This means that…)(If…not…)

写第2段第3句:重申第一个论据写作观点(Therefore, it is necessary/crucial/important for sb. to do sth.)

写第3段第1句:第二原因论据中心句(Moreover/In addition/Besides,…)

写第3段第2句:具体例证第二原因论据(For example,…)


写第4段第1句:让步段落,支持反方观点(That is not to say that…not…)(It is also true that…)(Those who harbor the view that… believe that…)


如果你在还不知道 “to” 后面接的是什么词的情况下,想要预判 “to” 的用法(是介词还是不定式标记),这确实有点困难,因为 “to” 本身并没有明确的提示功能。不过,你可以考虑以下几点来帮助预测:

  1. 常见短语和搭配:学习和记住一些常见的短语和动词搭配。例如,某些动词如 “want”, “hope”, “plan” 等后面通常会跟不定式(如 “want to go”),而如 “pay attention”, “look forward” 等短语后通常跟介词(如 “pay attention to something”)。

  2. 句子功能:思考 “to” 可能在句子中扮演的角色。例如,如果你看到一个动词后直接跟了 “to”,而且这个动词通常表达意愿、希望、需要或能力(如 want, hope, need, able),那么 “to” 很可能是不定式标记。如果 “to” 出现在表达关注、熟悉或适应之后,它可能是介词(如 “used to”, “adapted to”)。

  3. 上下文线索:考虑整个句子或段落的上下文。上下文可以提供关于 “to” 如何使用的线索。比如,如果句子讨论的是某人的意图或计划,那么 “to” 很可能是不定式标记。

虽然这些方法不是百分百准确,但它们可以在你不确定 “to” 后面具体内容的情况下,提供一定的指导。实际上,掌握 “to” 的用法通常需要通过大量阅读和语境实践来积累经验。

解析:This is not to say, however, that we should neglect the problems it has caused. But to acknowledge the positive impact only would be short sighted.

这句话可以分为两个部分,其中包括一个主句和一个从句,以及一个并列连词 “but” 来连接这两个部分。下面是这句话的语法解析:

  1. 从句: “This is not to say, however, that we should neglect the problems it has caused.”

    • 主语: “This”
    • 谓语: “is”
    • 不定式短语作表语: “not to say”
    • 插入语: “however,” 用于添加对之前内容的补充说明或对比。
    • 宾语从句(作为 “to say” 的宾语): “that we should neglect the problems it has caused”
      • 连词: “that”
      • 主语: “we”
      • 谓语: “should neglect”
      • 宾语: “the problems”
      • 定语从句(修饰 “the problems”): “it has caused”
        • 主语: “it”(指代前文提及的事物或情况)
        • 谓语: “has caused”
  2. 主句: “But to acknowledge the positive impact only would be short sighted.”

    • 并列连词: “But” 用来引入一个对比或对立的观点。
    • 不定式短语作主语: “to acknowledge the positive impact only”
      • 不定式: “to acknowledge”
      • 宾语: “the positive impact”
      • 状语: “only” 修饰整个不定式短语,强调仅仅承认积极影响。
    • 谓语: “would be”
    • 表语: “short sighted” 描述主语 “to acknowledge the positive impact only” 的性质。

整句话的意思是:这并不是说我们应该忽视它引起的问题。然而,只承认积极影响将是目光短浅的。这里使用了 “but” 来强调虽然不应忽视问题,但仅看到积极面也是不足够的。



  • 包含 “however”: “This is not to say, however, that we should neglect the problems it has caused.”
  • 不包含 “however”: “This is not to say that we should neglect the problems it has caused.”


写第4段第2句:补充反方观点在特殊、极端情况下的一些合理性(There are, of course, …)(Of course,…)(Indeed,…)


写第5段第1句:结论段,重申写作观点,通常是针对首段最后一句话的改写(In sum/conclusion,…)

写第5段第2句:照顾反方观点(Meanwhile, we should not ignore/neglect/overlook/underestimate sth.'s negative effects.)

写第5段第3句:提升、升华文章境界(By doing so we can ensure that…)(Only by doing so can sb./sth. make sure that…)



本文标签: 雅思议论文第三章手把手框架