



1. __________ such a good chance, he planned to learn more.

a. To be given B. Giving C. Having given D. Having been


2. There is more land in Australia than the government knows __________.

A. what to do with B. how to do C. to do with it D. to do it

3. At last she left her house and got to the airport, only __________ the

plane flying away.

A. having been B. to see C. to have seen D. saw

4. John often attends public lectures at the University of Oxford, chiefly

__________ his English.

A. to improve B. improving C. to have improved D. improved.

5. Could you find someone __________?

A. for me to play tennis with B. for me to play tennis

C. play tennis with D. playing tennis with

6. __________ a teacher in a university, it is necessary to have at least a

master’s degree.

A. To become B. Become C. One becomes D. On becoming

7. If I correct someone, I will do it with as much good humor and

self-restraint as if I were the one __________.

A. to correct B. correcting C. having corrected D. being


8. There’s a man at reception desk who seems very angry and I think he

means __________ trouble.

A. making B. make C. to have made D. having made

9. Some people viewed the findings with caution, nothing that a

cause-and-effect relationship between passive smoking and cancer remains


A. to be shown B. to have shown C. to have been shown D. being


10. I regret __________ you that all the rooms in our hotel are reserved for


the conference to be held in our town tomorrow.

A. telling B. to tell C. being told D. to have told

11. The man in the corner confessed __________ a lie to the manager of the


A. have told B. tell C. being told D. to have told

12. I appreciate __________ to your home.

A. to be invited B. to have invited C. having invited D. being


13. I remember __________ to help us if we ever got into trouble.

A. once offering B. him once offering

C. him to offer D. to offer him

14. Your hair wants __________. You’d better have it done tomorrow.

A. cut B. to cut C. cutting D. being cut

15. It is no use __________ me not to worry.

A. you tell B. your telling C. for you to have told D. having told

16. She was so angry that she felt lke __________ something at him.

A. to show B. have thrown C. throwing D. having thrown

17. Jean did not have time to go to the concert last night because she was

busy __________ for her examination.

A. to prepare B. to be prepared C. preparing D. being


18. After __________ about the accident, you will be required to sign your

name here.

A. being questioned B. questioned C. questioning D. having


19. My wife said in her letter that she would appreciate__________ from you


A. to have heard B. have heard C. to hear D. hearing

20. Mark often attempts to escape __________ whenever he breaks traffic


A. having been fined B. to have been fined

C. being fined D. to be fined


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