



I. Translate the following words into Chinese.

1. USA Today 2. Newsweek

3. Guardian 4. Spectator

5. AP 6. Senate

7. Attorney General 8. White House Office

9. Supreme Court 10. House of Commons

11. County 12. Conservative Party

13. General Secretary 14. spy war

15. republicanism 16. MBA

17. APEC 18. EU

19. U.N. 20. WTO

II. Translate the following two short paragraphs.

1. On July 4, 1776, our Founders adopted the Declaration of Independence, creating a great

Nation and establishing a hopeful vision of liberty and equality that endures today.

2. 解决台湾问题,实现祖国统一,是中国的内部事务,不受任何外国势力的干涉。

III. Rewrite the following headlines if necessary.






Italian Ex-Mayor Murdered

Married Women to Get Care allowance

Killing in the Name of God

Women Kills Husband, Self

Mao: We Should Support Third World Countries

IV. Read the following news and then choose the right answer to

each question.

New Item 1

A crippling, nationwide six-day transport strike over higher diesel fuel prices was called off

after government and union leaders reached an agreement to lower fuel prices. Popular support

for the strike, which ended late on Tuesday, is indicative of the anger over the tight fiscal policies

of President Arnoldo Aleman, whom many blame for unemployment which has reached 53 per


1. What’s the agreement between the government and union leaders about?

A. reducing fuel prices.

B. raising fuel prices.

C. raising workers’ wages

D. improving workers’ living conditions.

2. Which can best describe the strikers’ attitude to the fiscal policies of the government?

A. grateful

B. unhappy.

- 1 -

C. supportive.

D. hesitant.

New Item 2

General Motors, the leading US automaker on Tuesday reported a 4.2 per cent decline in total

vehicle sales to 433,723 in April compared with the same month in 1998. Car sales fell 4.5 per

cent and truck sales 3.9 per cent, the company said in a statement. Despite the April performance,

GM vice-president for North American sales Roy Robert said: “We’re going into the summer

season with excellent momentum.”

3. How much percentage of total decline in vehicle sales in April this year?

A. 4.2.

B. 4.5.

C. 3.9.

D. 4.0.

4. What’s the attitude of GM vice-president towards the prospects in summer?

A. Doubtful.

B. Pessimistic.

C. Indifferent.

D. Optimistic

News Item 3

Some 200 pig breeders protested in the Malaysian capital yesterday against the government’s

handling of a viral epidemic that killed 101 people and ruined the US’400 million pork

industry. The farmers, mostly from Negeri Sembilan state, the epicenter of the outbreak, wore

black armbands and held up banners outside the headquarters of the Malaysian Chinese

Association political party, calling for compensation of US’53 for every pig killed.

5. How many people lost their lives in the epidemic?

A. 200.

B. 101.

C. 400.

D. 53.

6. What did the pig breeders call for in their protest?

A. killing pigs.

B. compensation for pigs killed.

C. nationwide strike.

D. handling of the epidemic.

News Item 4

A Kosovan man was killed and three others injured in Calais when a gunman opened fire

after an argument between traffickers smuggling refugees into Britain. British tourists watched as

the battle broke out at the ferry terminal at the Channel port, and a stray bullet lodged in one

Briton’s camper van. Witnesses said that the gunman, who is thought to be a Kosovan, pulled out a

pistol and fired on a group of about ten other Kosovans in the lorry part at the port.

7. Between whom did the battle break out?

- 2 -

A. Kosovans and English tourists.

B. A gunman and English campers.

C. Kosovan traffickers.

D. Kosovan refugees.

8. Where did the battle break out?

A. at a port.

B. in a van.

C. on a ferry.

D. in a refugees’ camp.

News Item 5

An annual survey of democracy and civil liberties indicates freedom is on the rise in many

countries around the world. Twenty-five countries around the world made progress toward

freedom in 2003, according to a report released by Freedom House, while 15 registered reversals.

The report points to a continuing freedom divide between countries that have a Muslim

majority and countries in which Islam is a minority religion. Twenty-eight countries in which

Muslims are the majority are considered not free and 17 are partly free. Mali and Senegal are the

only two predominantly Muslim countries in the world the group considered free.

9. The survey shows that _____.

A. all countries reported progress toward freedom

B. only a few countries made progress toward freedom

C. freedom took hold in many countries

D. many countries backed off from freedom

10. Mali and Senegal are mentioned in order to _____.

A. illustrate that freedom is easy to win

B. praise countries where Islam is a minority religion

C. point out an exception

D. prove that Islam is against freedom

V. Read the following article and then answer the questions below.

Different Methods of Advertising

In advertising you will find different methods of promoting a product, and each one has its

pros and cons. There are two main categories: the first is electronic media. It includes the radio,

television, cinema and Internet. The radio’s main advantages are that it is cheap and it is an easy

target since most of the stations are aimed at a particular market segment. On the other hand, one

of the disadvantages is that the publicity reaches fewer people than commercial TV.

Television is one of the most popular methods used today. Some of the points in favour of TV

ads are: the public is targeted very efficiently, that is to say that advertisements are chosen

depending on the program, for example: ads for sweets are associated with cartoons for children,

alcohol is only publicized during adult viewing hours; the audience is very large; television allows

visual drama to boast the product, which makes it seem more interesting, however exaggerating

can make it seem ridiculous. In contrast, this process is the most expensive of all reaching during

peak times and it provokes channel hopping since viewers don’t always sit to watch ads.

- 3 -

Cinema has the same ups and downs as television except that the audience is limited. Internet

advertising is low-priced and has an international coverage although some poorly developed

countries have low access to it. On the other hand, this technique presents security problems made

by hackers for credit and there is an enormous amount of competition.

The second category is the print media, which includes newspapers, magazines, posters and

billboards, direct mail and leaflets. The main conveniences in newspaper ads are that they are

economical when you use the local ones; they are target selective and can be printed in color

differing from the text, what attracts the reader’s attention. On the other hand the cost of these

commercials grows if printed in national newspapers. The visual impact is not the same as on TV

and finally readers may ignore ads.

Ads in magazines are very target selective because they are often destined to a certain

segment of the public. Another point in favour of magazine advertising is that they are read by

more people and for a longer time than newspapers. But on the other hand this method is

expensive but less than national dallies.

Posters and billboards are the most popular ways of advertising. This is due to the fact that

they are of a dominant size, they have a big frequency of exposure as well as a large audience. But

some points against that type of advertising are that it is difficult to target the audience, the

information given about the product is very limited and they can be damaged very easily.

One of the conveniences in direct mail is that it targets very well particular customers, gives a

personalized approach and is easy to measure effectiveness but it can be wrongly targeted and can

be considered as “junk mail”.

The last method is leaflets, it presents door-to-door coverage and clients are often tempted by

special offers, although they are often thrown away and are only local. You can always find other

methods and new ones are invented but these were the general ones.


1. The passage classifies the methods of advertisement into _____ categories.

A. 3

B. 4

C. 2

D. 5

2. According to the passage, we know that security problems to Internet advertising was caused

by _____.

A. the competition

B. the robbers

C. the punks

D. the hackers

3. From the passage, the ads that attract the largest audiences is _____.

A. cinema ads

B. TV ads

C. Internet ads

D. Newspapers

4. From the passage, we can infer that “junk mail” means _____.

A. mails for ads

- 4 -

B. mails from close friends

C. mails for help

D. mails from the hackers

5. Which of the following statement is true?

A. Television is the most popular methods of advertising.

B. Advertising on national newspapers is the most expensive method.

C. Posters and billboards are the most expensive of all methods.

D. Ads in magazines are the most expensive of all methods.

Word Study

Complete each sentence with a word or phrase given below (in its appropriate form if necessary).

hacker provoke dominant pros and cons promote

segment hop boast coverage destined

1. The Soviet Union is the _____ nation of Eastern Europe.

2. The boy _____ that his bicycle was of the best quality of all the bicycles in the school.

3. He claimed that it was her rudeness that _____ him to strike her.

4. Do you have any idea how to _____ the sales of this product?

5. Television has its widest _____ among the other mass media.

6. A _____ being suspected deceiving the bank via Internet was arrested by the police.

7. She _____ across the room because she had hurt her foot.

8. It was a _____ of a television program that drew his attention.

9. These prices are _____ to the Swiss market.

10. The manager lists _____ for each methodology.

VI. The following questions are connected to your reading course

studies. Write down in English your own opinions, using 100-120

words each.


Give the reasons for and examples of both cosmetics and reconstructive surgery,

and also your opinions of their personal and social value.







Translate the following words into Chinese.











白宫办公厅 (美)司法部长

9. (美)最高法院

11. 郡

10. 下议院(平民院)

12. 保守党

- 5 -

13. 总书记

15. 共和制

14. 间谍战

16. 工商管理硕士

17. 亚洲和太平洋经济合作组织 18. 欧洲联盟

19. 联合国 20. 世界贸易组织

II. Translate the following two short paragraphs.


1. 在1776年7月4日,我们国家的缔造者们通过了《独立宣言》,创立了一个伟大的国家,


2. Solving the Taiwan question and achieving national reunification is China’s internal affair,

which subjects to no interference by any outside forces.

III. Rewrite the following headlines if necessary.

1. An Italian Ex-Mayor Is Murdered

2. Married Women Are to Get Care allowance

3. Unchanged

4. A Women Kills Her Husband and Herself

5. Mao Says We Should Support the Third World Countries

IV. Read the following news and then choose the right answer to

each question.

1. A 2. B 3. A 4. D 5. B

6. B 7. C 8. A 9. C 10. C

V. Read the following article and then answer the questions below.


1. C 2. D 3. B 4. A 5. A

Word Study

1. dominant 2. boasted 3. provoked 4. promote 5. coverage

6. hacker 7. hopped 8. segment 9. destined 10. pros and cons

VII. The following questions are connected to your reading course

studies. Write down in English your own opinions, using 100-120

- 6 -

words each.


- 7 -

本文标签: 练习题实现问题解决阅读