


    • 1 数据集
    • 2 检测方法
      • 1 Fast-RCNN
      • 2 Fast-RCNN 优化(调参)
      • 3 GDCNN-Outfalls(提出的方法)
        • 1 DSM Enhancement
        • 2 Spatial Activation
    • 3 实验结果
      • 1 调参结果
        • 1 调整 anchor
        • 2 调整 RoI
        • 3 困难负样本挖掘
        • 4 额外的实验
      • 2 GDCNN-Outfalls 结果
      • 3 GDCNN-Outfalls 测试
    • 4 讨论
    • 总结

An Improved Deep Learning Approach for Retrieving Outfalls Into Rivers From UAS Imagery
这是中国科学院地理科学与自然研究所发表在TGRS2021的文章 ,检测排污口,这像是一篇实验论文

概述:作者采用三种策略(调参)来提高Faster RCNN检测排水口的性能;作者利用航拍额外得到的DSM信息以及河流的GIS数据,提出DSM Ehancement和Spatial Activation模块并集成到Faster RCNN模型,显著降低了误检率。

1 数据集


数据集包含8691个沿黄河和长江的图像块,9696个排水口;图像分辨率 6000×4000 像素,空间分辨率 10 cm,提取 600×600像素(对应 60m×60m 的实际范围).

按排水口的形态分为 3 类:

  • 类别1:涵洞,形状像中文的“八”和“门”,带有明显的建筑轮廓。
  • 类别2:汇流点和可疑点,无明显轮廓。
  • 类别3:管道或通道,主要为圆形或细长管形。

    train : val : test = 7:1:2 = 6790 : 1049 : 1857

2 检测方法

提出了一种基于Fast RCNN的改进的地理深度学习方法,来检索河流中的排水口,简称 GDCNN-outfalls
首先,以经典的 Fast RCNN 作为基本模型。
然后,调整anchor sizeregion of interest (RoI) number ,使用 hard negative mining 进行数据扩充。
此外,引入了 DSM enhancementspatial activation两种策略作为地理分类器,提高 GDCNN-outfalls 的性能。

1 Fast-RCNN


  • ResNet50作为特征提取网络,定义 600×600 像素作为输入,以避免图像过度缩放丢失细节。
  • RPN模块由两个卷积层组成,分类器中的核尺寸为 18×1×1, 回归器中的核尺寸为 36×1×1。特征提取的公共特征图用于生成一个称为anchor 的密集参考框,通过 bounding-box 回归和非极大值抑制(NMS)操作来细化锚框,使得将建议区域确定为包含排水口的 RoI。
  • 分类模块由包含两个分别有3、4个神经元的全连接层组成,通过 softmax 回归将 RPN 生成的 RoI 分类为特定类型的排水口,并通过 bounding-box 回归确定更精确的位置。

2 Fast-RCNN 优化(调参)

  • Anchor Size
    调整 anchor 的尺寸为 [128, 256, 576], [96, 256, 576], [64, 256, 576], 以及 [1:1, 2:1, 1:2] 的长宽比。下图为排水口样本的标记框尺寸的统计情况。

  • Region of Interest
    In this study, the original 600 × 600 pixel image generates 38 × 38 feature images from ResNet50, and 12996 (38 × 38 × 9) anchors are generated pixel by pixel. According to the statistics of GT in Section III-B1, the average size of GT is 141 × 136, which is approximately (141/16) × (136/16) ∼ 9 × 9 pixels in the feature map. On the feature maps, each pixel takes the three anchors with the largest IoUs (based on the anchor size settings in Section III-B1) because these three anchors are sufficient to completely cover an outfall.
    为了平衡训练速度和模型精度,进行了一些实验,以确定 RoI 的数量。最选择 100 (approximately 9 × 9 × 1), 200 (approximately 9 × 9 × 2), and 300 (approximately 9 × 9 × 3)

  • Hard Negative Mining
    In this study, the hard negative class is defined as FPs with a score >0.5 and has no overlap with any GT. By adding the hard negative class into the training dataset, the model is retrained, and the operation is iterated until the percentage is convergent.

3 GDCNN-Outfalls(提出的方法)

将特定物体的地理相关知识引入 CNN 比原始 CNN 算法更加有效。这可能是未来将深度学习方法应用于遥感图像中检索自然地理相关对象的关键



1 DSM Enhancement

作者认为图 a 排水口和图 b 建筑轮廓的相似性,容易让模型引起混淆。因此利用无人机图像和DOM数据,引入DSM,建立一个名为 RGBDSM 的数据集,用于训练排水口的固有空间特征,以抑制 False Positions。

具体操作:在Faster RCNN 输出层添加一个 geo-classfier ,形成 GDCNN-outfalls。 geo-classfier是一个全连接CNN,由三个卷积层(核大小分别为 32 × 3 × 3,32 × 3 × 3, 64 × 3 × 3,激活函数为 ReLU)和两个全连接层(64个神经元,激活函数一个是ReLU,另一个是 Sigmoid)。

The geo-classifier samples the DSM data in the predicted boxes output by the Faster R-CNN to a size of 128 × 128, which is close to the average size of the GT boxes, then further classifies the DSM and finally determines the correctness of the outfalls.

2 Spatial Activation



where SAF(·) is the spatial activation function, R(x, y) is the input raster, I (x, y) is the buffer overlay indicator, and (x, y) is the spatial location of the pixel

3 实验结果

使用 F1-score, FPs, precision, recall, and average precision (AP),共5个指标。

1 调参结果

1 调整 anchor

three anchor sizes with scales of [128, 256, 576], [96, 256, 576], and [64, 256, 576] and a ratio scale of [1:1, 2:1, 1:2].

model4性能最好,AP (65.96) and recall (75.4%)。确定 [64, 256, 576]

2 调整 RoI


3 困难负样本挖掘

hard negative mining obviously suppressed FPs from 43.96% to 37.37% and improved the precision by 6.59%.

4 额外的实验

上述实验是由 Type1 和 Type3混淆造成的。重复实验,错误分类被忽略, the misclassification error is ignored improving the F1-score, precision, recall, and AP to 0.72%, 66.48%, 77.79%, and 71.16%, respectively

2 GDCNN-Outfalls 结果

本节评估引入 DSM enhancement 和 spatial activation 的效果。
As shown in Table VI, GDCNN-outfalls attained 0.75 F1 score and 73.86% precision, which outperformed optimized Faster R-CNN (F1 = 0.72, precision = 66.48%). Adding a geo-
classifier branch to Faster R-CNN improved precision in our validation set at a cost of a small decrement in recall from 77.79% to 76.72%.
It is common and acceptable to trade-off recall for precision in object autodetection.

3 GDCNN-Outfalls 测试



4 讨论

锚框尺寸[64, 256, 576];细化RoI的数量可以消除RPN训练阶段中提议区域的冗余,从而提高训练速度和模型精度;硬负挖掘也被证明是排水口检索的一种有效调整策略,它有助于模型增强训练集,并抑制低IoU值引入的FPs
作者说,在YOLO应用的一些方法,如feature pyramid network (FPN), leaky ReLU, and joint learning may also further improve the performance of GDCNN-outfalls in future research

In the original Faster R-CNN, the image features are extracted by a convolution function that relies only on the pixel value of the input RGB image. Therefore, the accuracy is limited by the information that RGB images provide, e.g., the common problems of “different objects with the same spectral characteristics,” “same spectrum with different objects,” and “different objects with similar structures and convolutional features”
在原始的快速R-CNN中,图像特征通过卷积函数提取,卷积函数仅依赖于输入RGB图像的像素值。因此,RGB图像提供的信息限制了精度,例如,“具有相同光谱特征的不同对象”、“具有不同对象的相同光谱”和“具有相似结构和卷积特征的不同对象”的常见问题 。


Three tactics adopted, including anchor size, RoI number, and hard negative mining well improved the performance of outfall retrieval by suppressing FPs, and increasing precision

In addition, a geo-classifier module with DSM enhancement In addition, and a spatial activation function is proposed to improve the Faster R-CNN architecture to generate GDCNN-outfalls.

本文标签: 笔记论文DeepLearningApproach