


  1. 了解few-shot learning: 理解1,理解2
  2. 欧式距离


  1. We present multimodal social relation datasets, which can facilitate future research on multimodal SRE. 提出一个新数据集
  2. To leverage both texts and face images, we propose a novel approach FL-MSRE for SRE。为了同时利用文本和人脸,提出一个新方法FL-MSRE来进行社交关系识别
  3. Extensive experiments demonstrate that FL-MSRE is effective in SRE from texts and face images。实验顶


  1. 因为为图片数据集补充文本很困难,因此考虑为文本数据集补充图片。
  2. 句子:提取至少提到两个人的句子,并至少两个人支持
  3. 图片:提取至少包含两个人的 image
  4. 只保留细粒度的关系。如 family(no),father(yes)
  5. 最后将数据集分为三部分:DRC-TF(15 rels),OM-TF(9 rels),FC-TF(24 rels)。
  6. Every social relation is supported by multiple triples; every triple is supported by multiple pairs of face images about the two entities in the triple as well as by multiple sentences mentioning both the entities.


  1. N way (relations) K shot (tupels) setting 来预测另外的 N tuples on the same N social relations
  2. 网络结构,前面简单的多模态特征抽取和拼接(text 特征用 bert 提取,人脸用facenet,最后两特征 concanate。可能没抄别人,自己提的),后面用的别人的网络( prototypical network [Snell, Swersky, and Zemel 2017b)],代码都一模一样)。
  3. Prototypical Network
    先计算关系 rm 的 prototype representation

    预测时,分别计算每个 query 和 rm 的欧式距离


  1. 只有一个对比方法 BERT;分别在三个数据集上;4种 N way K shot


  1. loss和accuracy的计算参考论文: 《FewRel 2.0: Towards More Challenging Few-Shot Relation Classification》,Prototypical Network代码和这篇论文的代码一模一样。主要在于理解NOTA

本文标签: ShotLearningFLMSREBased