


  • Vocabulary & Phrase
    • E-C
    • C-H
  • Sentence
  • Topic
    • Education
      • Student Loan Debt
    • Environment
    • Internet
    • Sports
      • Olympic games

Vocabulary & Phrase


crippling : adj,极为有害的,造成严重后果; v,削弱;n, 由缺陷的事物

  • have a crippling effect on…
  • crippling amounts of debts
  • prominent crippling diseases.

encompass: v.包含,覆盖

eliminate: v.根除,淘汰

  • the prohibition and elimination of chemical weapons
  • eliminate poverty 消除贫困/ eliminate illiteracy 消除文盲/eliminate toxins 排毒/eliminate teh deficit 消除赤字

elimination : n, 消除

oblige vt.迫使 施恩惠, 义务 vi.帮忙

  • be obliged to do something 被迫做…
  • oblige someone with… 通过做…满足某人的需要
  • would/should be obliged if … (如蒙…) 将不胜感激

obligate v.迫使; adj. 专用; n,义务

  • obligate someone to do something
  • obligate aerobes 专性需氧微生物
  • obligate someone 施恩于

quash v. 镇压平息,澄清,撤销,废止

  • quash rumours of growing discontent 澄清日益增长的不满情绪的谣言

  • quash one’s ambition 粉碎了他的雄心壮志

  • quash a rebelling or protest 镇压平息

    troops were displaying an obvious reluctance to get involved in quashing demonstrations 部队明确表示不愿卷入镇压示威活动

  • quash a decision or judegment 撤销决定

  • quash consumer spending

disproportionately adv.不成比例的

  • Student loan debt has disproportionately hurt black students

  • During the recession, African-Americans suffered disproportionately 在经济衰退中,非洲裔美国人遭受了不成比例的损失。

  • hit female employment disproportionately hard. 对女性就业造成了更大的打击

  • the gains from recent economy growth flowed disproportionately to the wealthy. 近来的经济增长的财富绝大多数流到这些人手中。

  • the world’s poorset countries are disproportionately likely to be at war. 在那些世界上最贫穷的国家里,内战爆发的可能性更大。

  • migraines disproportionately afflict women 女性忍受偏头痛折磨的比例如此之大

recitify v. 矫正,更改

  • recitify the situation
  • recitify the racial inequality

surrend v. 投降,交出 n.投降

  • unconditional surrend
  • call on the rebels to surrend
  • surrend the weapons

unprecedented adj.前所未有,史无前例

  • unprecedented success/cooperation/scale.
  • we are now witness an unprecedented increase in violent crime.

unprecedentedly adv.空前的

  • …unprecedentedly popularized in
  • The opening and freedom of internet challenge the protection of right to privacy unprecedentedly.
  • Environment degradation has caused mankind tremendous costs, and human being’s dignity challenged unprecedently.

**gear up ** v. 增加,促进,使换快档,准备好

  • After Tokyo’s Olympic summer, Beijing gears up for safe, green, and splendid Winter Games.
  • We must gear up industry to meet the defense needs.
  • The campaign will soon grear up here.

ramp up v. 增加

  • We needed to ramp up our team with the appropriate apllication development tools quickly.
  • China, the world’s biggest consumer, is expected to ramp up imports by 16 percent this year.
  • Until mining firms ramp up production, innovation seems like smart solution.

countermeasure n. 对策,反抗手段

  • propose the corresponding countermeasure

consummate adj. 至上的,完美的, 完善的 v. 完成,达到极点

  • the landscape painting is a consummate work of art.
  • Therefore, it is necessary to extremely establish the consummate and effective logistics information management system

Emblem n. 象征,符号

  • He set out to make America’s achievements in space an emblem of national greatness
  • The dove is an emblem of peace

extravaganza n. 盛大的表演

  • The show was a culture extravaganza
  • Some indian people indulge in wedding extravaganza.

**meticulous ** adj. 一丝不苟的,注重细节的

  • Ewanick built his reputation on meticulous execution and unconventional thinking.
  • He thanked the Chinese side for the meticulous arrangements and warm reception.
  • those test events could offer a sneak peek at the meticulous precautions they are expected to take against COVID-19.

precaution n. 防范,预防措施

  • take all reasonable precautions

**biases **n. 偏见

  • eliminate/aggravate the biases 消除,加剧偏见
  • shed any biases 摆脱偏见
  • Other biases are evaporating.
  • biases permeating the professional world 普遍存在的偏见
  • With the high-quality and timely information at their fingertips, today’s children are rising above the fears and biases of their parents 超越偏见
  • concious or unconcious biase

preconception n.偏见,预想,预先的

  • banish preconception

  • shatter preconception

  • bring down the walls of preconception

  • make a preconception appointment

stereotype n. 成见,老套

  • shatter cultural/ gender stereotype
  • stereotype sb as …

permeating v. 渗透,弥漫 (观点,情感,信念)充满、充斥

  • Biases against women permeats every level of the judicial system.
  • Emotion is its’ bond, touching students’ hearts, permeating educational nature.
  • Science and technology is a permeating element in productive force syste

tap into 挖掘,接触,激发

  • tap into creativity
  • tap into a general sentimentality about animals
  • tap into these applications

**sneak peek **抢先看,窥见

  • offer a sneak peek at

  • From this may sneak a peak at, different civilized connotation and difference.

evaporate 蒸发,消失

  • tension/fear will evaporate

memes 模因,文化基因

  • The best memes are passed down through generations

back up 备份,支持,后退

  • she invoked several eminent scholars to back up her argument,
  • back up the policy
  • Don’t back up the moment you run up little difficulty

counteract 抵消,抵抗

  • counteract the effects of stress and tension
  • develop his strengths or counteract his weaknesses.

**repercussion ** 反响,令人不满意的后果

  • strong social repercussion
  • envoke/arouse intense repercussion
  • put down repercussion

boasting v. 自夸,拥有

  • as a country boasting a vast territory and encompassing a large population

integral adj. 完整的, 组成的,构成整体所必须的

  • an integral part of…
  • integral have these time-based technologies become to day-to-day existence that our dependency on them is recongnized only when they fail to work.
  • These become integral ingredients of…

frenetic adj. 狂热的,狂怒

  • frenetic crowds
  • resisting feelling pressure from the current frentic and overachieving culture

**sheer ** adj. 纯粹的,绝对的,透明的 adv. 完全的,陡峭的

  • sheer delight/ sheer force of will
  • Sheer luck no body was hurt in the explosion
  • sheer tenacity

juncture n. 关键时刻,危急关头

  • at this juncture
  • reached a crucial/critical juncture

relentless adj. 坚韧的,不屈不挠的, 不断的,毫不留情的

  • Relentless in his pursuit of quality, his technical ability was remarkable
  • relenteless compitation/ predatoe


重要:crucial , vital, essential, considerable,indispensible

认为:assume, suppose, contend,maintain, reckon(be reckoned…), deem

提升:facilitate, enhance, elevate, stimulate, foster

增加: multiply, slash, cut down to, mushroom, upsurge,skyrocket,hike

减少:alleviate, lighten, relieve, mitigate,lessen,slash,cut down on, pare down

重视: highlight, take sth into account, put emphasis on, give top priority to, focus on

体现:demonstrate, manifest, embody, feature

导致:give rise to, contribute to, bring about, trigger,induce

解决:figure out, address, settle, face up to, counteract

使用: make use of, take advantage of, utilize

取得:attain, achieve, acquire, accomplish

破坏: demag, demolish

展示:reflect, reveal, bring to light, mirror, demonstrate, illustrate, indicate

保护:preserve, conserve, maintain

需要:involve, engage, entail

发展: foster, cultivate,nurture

替换:take place of, displace, substitute

好的:promising, extraordinary

坏的:adverse, negative, detrimental, dreadful, undesirable

苦难: trail, misery,tragedy, tribulation,affliction

困难的:demanding,laborious, strenuous, arduous, head-scratching

担心的:worrisome, distubing, trobling

严重的:grave,severe, acute

有活力的:lively, dynamic, vigorous, energetic, vibrant


常见的: general, universial, widespread, pervasiveaa

大的: massive,tremendous

有助于: rewarding,favorable, conducive

清晰的: obvious,manifest,apparent,transparent,evidently

非常:extremely, fairly,quite,extraordinary, exceedingly

立即:instantly, promptly

所以:thus, hence, consequently, accordingly

好处:strength, edge, merit, virtue

坏处:shortcoming, deficiency, defect, drawback, downside

能力:capability, capacity, competency



防范: precautions

归因于:ascribe/ attribute sth to…

污染物: pollutant, contamination

韧性:tenacity, resilience


本质的:intrisic/ intrisical/ intrisically

深层的: implied

精明的:shrewd, astute,sagacious

老人: the old, elderly, aged, senior, citizens

方法: approach, means(by means of, by no means) measure(take measure to do something)

影响:impact, affect, be subjected to, be vulnerable to, repercussion

责任:duty, responsibility, obligation,liablity

因素:element, ingredient, component

指示:sign, evidence, indication, signal

危险:peril (in grave peril), hazard (a fire/safty hazard, the hazard of), jeopardy(in jeopard of)

意见:viewpoint, perspective, standpoint

关于:concerning, regarding, with respect to…

因为:due to, owing to, on account of, for the sake of…

尝试做:spare no effort to do sth, strive to do sth

一系列的:a serise of, a range of, a string of

越来越多: an increasing number of, become increasely popular, enjoy an increasing popularty

许多: tons of / loads of/ piles of/ a multitude of

解决困难:rise to the occasion

充满: be saturated with, brim with

显著的:dramatic, significant

坚定的: unshaken, contained,decided

韧性,执着:tenacity, toughness, perseverance



改变: shift, transform



  • …has evoked intense repercussion all over the world especially in business circles

  • Discussion on hot issues always produced waves of debates and strong repercussion

  • … is frequently in the news

  • The study’s most striking finding shed light on the racial biases permeating the professional world.

  • The computer is permeating coner of every one of our life

  • As …have surged around the world

  • Recently, the rise in the problem of… has aroused public/wide concern…

  • Recently, the issue of… has been brought to public attention…

  • One of the burning/pressing question/problems facing/confronting our nation/society is…

  • … deem/ reckon/ harbor the idea that // take the attitude that// hold the view that…


  • Contrary to what is widely accepted, others maintain that…
  • Speaking of/ When it comes to / As for/in tems of
  • apart from/besides
  • whereas/ by contrast/ instead of / rather than
  • as far as… concerned
  • it’s high time that…
  • formulate rules and regulations
  • one of the way to deal with the crisis situation is to…


  • a negative correlation between and

    and the effects snowball from here: fewer small businesses means fewer jobs and less economic output and consumer spending, which in turn means lower national income and slow economic growth for the country. When everyone can’t participate in the economy, the whole economy suffers.


  • there maybe a combination of factors which contribute to/ responsible for/can explain
  • the reason for this is not far to seek
  • a number of factors could account for/ contribute to / lead to/ resulting…


  • taking all factors into account, we may reasonably come to the conclusion that…
  • from what has been discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that…



Student Loan Debt

Should Student Loan Debt Be Eliminated via Forgiveness or Bankruptcy?


  1. Student loan debt is slowing the national economy. Forgiveness would boost the economy, benefiting everyone.
  2. Student loan debt has disproportionately hurt black students. Forgiveness could help rectify racial inequity.
  3. Student loan debt has infantilized a generation or more of Americans, preventing them from achieving milestones such as getting married, buying a house, or saving for retirement. Discharging such debt would help foster a healthier, most productive, more socially constructive citizenry.


  1. Student loan forgiveness is an abuse of the loan system. People must be held responsible for their personal economic choices.
  2. Discharging student loan debt would only be a temporary bandage for the much larger problem of inflated college costs.
  3. Making it easier to discharge loans would give people an incentive to take out loans with no intention of paying them back, or to borrow more than they need. Which, in turn, could cause them to seek bankruptcy without fully realizing the negative long-term consequences on their credit scores and other aspects of their lives.
  4. If schools knew the government would forgive the cost of their students’ education, they’d face no incentive to cut costs to keep tuition down.


Is Human Activity Primarily Responsible for Global Climate Change?


  1. The specific type of CO2 that is increasing in earth’s atmosphere can be directly connected to human activity.
  2. Overwhelming scientific consensus finds human activity primarily responsible for climate change.
  3. Rising levels of human-produced gases released into the atmosphere create a greenhouse effect that traps heat and causes global warming.
  4. Average temperatures on earth have increased at a rate far faster than can be explained by natural climate changes.
  5. Sea levels are rising at an unprecedented rate due to human activities.
  6. Ocean acidity levels are increasing at an unprecedented rate that can only be explained by human activity.
  7. Ocean temperatures are rising at an unprecedented rate due to anthropogenic global warming.
  8. Glaciers are melting at unprecedented rates due to global warming, causing additional climate changes.
  9. Human-caused global warming is changing weather systems and making heat waves and droughts more intense and more frequent.
  10. Dramatic changes in precipitation, such as heavier storms and less snow, are another sign that humans are causing global climate change.
  11. Permafrost is melting at unprecedented rates due to global warming, causing further climate changes.


With the rise of streaming services and the prevalence of video games, contemporary children spend a significant amount of time on screens and less time engaging in physical activity. Although I agree that physical activity is vital, i do not think we need to eradicate screens fully to keep our children healthy. In this essay, i will discuss this issue using examples to support arguments and demonstrate points.

On the one hand, screen time can lead to an overall decline in physical health. With children pass hours frozen, watching a video, they harm their bodies and minds. For example, doctors agree that children who spend more the average amount of time on screens per day without moving are more likely to be obese than children who spend below average time watching screens. Therefore, minimizing static screen time is indeed a worthy goal.

However, this dose not mean that the only way to do this is by getting rid of screens. Recently, programmers have developed a variety of applications that encourage children to move. By training them to dance, perform martial arts, or do calisthenics, these screen-based activities actually encourage movement. In fact, it has been noted that, on average, using such applications burn more calories per day than a game of kickball. Encouraging children to use their screen time on such applications would therefore give them the best of both worlds.

To sum up, although a sedentary lifestyle has clear dangers, screen use is not necessarily an indication that children will burden our health system; by using screens to promote, rather than replace, physical activity, we can prevent widespread health issues due to lack of movement. To this end, parents should consider encouraging children to use movement-based apps.


Olympic games


  • The 2022 Winter Olympics are less than five months away, as all eyes now turn to the host city Beijing, whose successful staging of the Games in 2008 is still fresh in the memory.
  • the International Olympic Committee (IOC) President Thomas Bach was oozing confidence that China could pull off a brilliant feast for sports fans around the world.
  • China has repeatedly asserted that its top priority in holding the Olympics is the health and safety of all those involved in the event.
  • Preventive measures will be implemented specific to each venue’s needs. Some temporary facilities, such as separate walkways, wall claddings, makeshift restrooms and isolation centers, are being added to all venues to minimize exposure and cross-infection.
  • It remains to be seen what the future holds for Beijing, which is set to become the first city to have hosted both the Summer and Winter Olympics. But one thing is certain: When the Olympic flame is once again lit in China’s iconic “Bird’s Nest” National Stadium on February 4, 2022, a long-serving aficionado will hole up in his “Game Room”, rooting for the home team and willing them to another morale-boosting victory.

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