


  • Style
    • Clarity(清晰)
      • Nominalization
      • Useful Nominalization
      • 小心 Noun+Noun+Noun
    • Cohesion(衔接)
      • Topics
      • Metadiscourse
      • 小结
      • Stress
      • Themes
      • Point
      • Paragraph=Issue+Discussion
      • POINTS in Issues
      • POINTS at the ends of discussions.
      • POINTS in Whole Documents
    • Concision
      • 删掉无意义的词
      • 删掉重复的词
      • 删掉重复含义的词
      • 将短语替换成单词
      • Not the Negative
      • **metadiscourse 冗余**
      • Hedges and Emphatics
    • Length
      • Long Openings
      • Movement and Momentum
      • Coordination(排比)
      • Resumptive Modifiers
      • Summative Modifiers
      • Free Modifiers
      • Dangling Modifiers
      • Ambiguous Modifiers
    • Elegance
      • Balance and Symmetry
      • Emphasis and Rhythm
    • 写在最后
  • 参考资料


Have something to say, and say it as clearly as you can. That is the only secret of style.

---- Matthew Arnold



But once we decide to follow all the rules, we deprive ourselves of stylistic flexibility. And sooner or later, we will begin to impose those rules real or not on others. After all, what good is learning a rule if all we can do is obey it?

---- Joseph M. Williams



注:本文的内容大部分来源于《Style: Toward clarity and grace》和《Style: Lessons in clarity and grace》的整理。




  • character应该放在主语的位置上
    (The subjects of the sentences name the cast of characters.)
  • 伴随character的动词一定要是character的actions
    (The verbs that go with those subjects name the crucial actions those characters are part of.)



We discussed the problem.
The problem was the topic of our discussion.

在这两个句子里,we是character, discussed是action,the problem是宾语。

第一个句子非常完美地将character放在了主语的位置上,将action放在了动词的位置上。但是第二句话,主语是the problem,动词是was,明显不满足上面的原则,所以第二句话显得很难懂。







My suggestion is that our discussion of the issue be done with care.

经过变化,character没有放在主语的位置上,actions也没有放在动词上,句子就变得很难懂了。其实除了Nominalization以外,这个难懂的句子还有一个规律,那就是这里面的动词,都是一些无意义或者很抽象的动词,比如这里的is, be done,另外这些nominalization的词通常都会以the xxx of 的形式出现,


The police conducted an investigation into the matter.
The police investigated the matter.

The committee has no expectation that it will meet the deadline.
The committee does not expect to meet the deadline.

There was considerable erosion of the land from the floods.
The floods considerably eroded the land.

Useful Nominalization


These arguments all depend on a single unproven claim.

This decision can lead to costly consequences.
2.(they name what would be the object of a verb):

I do not know what she INTENDS.

I do not know her intentions.

3.当nominalization可以替换掉the fact that时:
The fact that I denied what he accused me of impressed the jury.

My denial of his accusations impressed the jury.


Few issues have so divided Americans as abortion on demand.

小心 Noun+Noun+Noun


Early childhood thought disorder misdiagnosis often occurs because of unfamiliarity with recent research literature describing such conditions. This paper reviews seven recent studies of particular relevance to preteen hyperactivity diagnosis and to treatment modalities involving medication maintenance level evaluation procedures.


比如Early childhood thought disorder(n.) misdiagnosis(n.)
改为:misdiagnose(v.) disordered(adj.) thought in early childhood





Molecules are comprised of covalently bonded atoms. Molecules’ reactions are controlled by the strength of the bonds. Molecules, however, sometimes react slower than bond strength would predict.

Molecules are comprised of covalently bonded atoms. Bond strength controls a molecule’s reactions. Sometimes however, those reactions are slower than bond strength would predict.


Sayner, Wisconsin, is the snowmobile capital of the world. The buzzing of snowmobile engines fills the air, and their tank-like tracks crisscross the snow. The snow reminds me of Mom’s mashed potatoes, covered with furrows I would draw with my fork. Her mashed potatoes usually make me sick—that’s why I play with them. I like to make a hole in the middle of the potatoes and fill it with melted butter. This behavior has been the subject of long chats between me and my analyst.

仔细看可以发现,每句话开头都是前文提到过的,似乎衔接得很好,但是看完之后却完全不知道他想说什么,甚至忍不住在心里吐槽:What’s the point? 实际上,这段话至少存在3个问题:

  1. 句子中的主语,其实是毫无关系的(没有相关的topic(话题))
  2. 句子之间没有一个统一的主题(themes)或观点(ideas)
  3. 段落中缺少一个介绍这个段落的句子(Point)


Principle 1: A cohesive paragraph has consistent topic strings.
Principle 2: A cohesive paragraph has another set of strings running through it that we will call thematic strings.
Principle 3: A cohesive paragraph introduces new topic and thematic strings in a predictable location: at the end of the sentence(s) that introduce the paragraph.
Principle 4: A coherent paragraph will usually have a single sentence that clearly articulates its point.
Principle 5: A coherent paragraph will typically locate that point sentence in one of two places.



Principle 1: A cohesive paragraph has consistent topic strings.


It is impossible for your claim to be proved.

In regard to this question, I believe more research is needed.

It is likely that our proposal will be accepted.


In this paragraph, boldface indicate topics. Particular ideas toward the beginning of each clause define what a passage is centrally “about” for a reader, so a sense of coherence crucially depends on topics. Cumulatively, the thematic signposts that are provided by these ideas should focus the reader’s attention toward a well-defined and limited set of connected a paragraph from a cumulatively coherent
Moving through view is made possible by a sequence of topics that seem to constitute this coherent sequence of topicalized idea. A seeming absence of context for each sentence is one consequence of making random shifts in topics. Feelings of dislocation, disorientation, and lack of focus will occur when that happens. The seeming coherence of whole sections will turn on a reader’s point of view as a result of topic announcement.


In this paragraph, I have boldfaced the topics of every clause. Topics are crucial for a reader because they focus the reader’s attention on a particular idea toward the beginning of every clause . Topics thereby notify a reader what a clause is “about”. Topics thereby crucially determine whether the reader will feel a passage is coherent. Cumulatively, through a series of sentences, these topicalized ideas provide thematic signposts that focus the reader’s attention on a well-defined set of connected ideas. If a sequence of topics seems coherent, that consistent sequence will move the reader through a paragraph from a cumulatively coherent point of view. But if through that paragraph topics shift randomly, then the reader has to begin each sentence out of context, from no coherent point of view. When that happens, the reader will feel dislocated, disoriented, out of focus. Whatever the writer announces as a topic, then, will fix the reader’s point of view, not just toward the rest of the sentence, but toward whole sections.



  1. 把你曾经说过的观点或读者熟悉或之前提到过的事物放在句子的主语或话题中。
    (Put in the subject/topic of your sentences ideas that you have already mentioned, or ideas that are · so familiar to your reader that if you state them at the beginning of a sentence, you will not surprise anyone.)

  2. 让句子间的话题有连贯性。
    (Among groups of related sentences, keep their topics consistent, if you can. They don’t have to be identical, but they should constitute a string that your readers will take to be focused.)


  1. 你会发现,你的主动与被动的使用数量都差不多,因为使用被动有助于你保证句子的cohesion
  2. 你会发现你会使用nominalizations来进行开头,因为这正是上一个句子的内容,而这也是nominalizations最重要的作用:总结回顾你提到过的东西。实际上nominalizations还适合用来结尾,使得句子到达高潮。


有的时候,为了增加衔接,我们会使用metadiscourse来衔接两个句子。metadiscourse是一个哲学上的词汇,他类似于讨论关于讨论的话题,用在写作上,就意味着writing about writing. 他通常用于“评论”自己,读者,及自身作品的内容,而且这些词是超越了原文的主题的:

  • your thinking and act of writing: We/I will explain, show, argue, claim, deny, suggest, contrast, add, expand, summarize . . .
  • your readers’ actions: consider now, as you recall, look at the next example . . .
  • the logic and form of what you have written: first, second; to begin; therefore, however, consequently . . .



  • 为了与上一句话建立联系,开头可以选择使用过渡的metadiscourse: and, but, therefore, as a result: And therefore

  • 为了让读者清楚接下来的话将会是什么可以用: fortunately, perhaps, allegedly, it is important to note, for the most part, under these circumstances, from a practical point of view, politically speaking

  • 动作所发生的时间与地点:then, later, on May 23, in Europe.

  • 最重要的是,我们要在开头给出这个句子的话题(topic)




Global warming could raise sea levels to a point where much of the world’s low-lying coastal areas would disappear, according to most atmospheric scientists.

✓ According to most atmospheric scientists, global warming could raise sea levels to a point where much of the world’s low-lying coastal areas would disappear.



A few grammatical patterns add weight to the end of a sentence.

There are a few grammatical patterns that add weight to the end of a sentence.


This country needs a monetary policy that will end the violent fluctuations in money supply, unemployment, and inflation.

What this country needs is a monetary policy that will end the violent fluctuations in money supply, unemployment, and inflation.


That domestic oil prices must eventually rise to the level set by OPEC once seemed inevitable.

It once seemed inevitable that domestic oil prices must eventually rise to the level set by OPEC.


In 1933 this country experienced a depression that almost wrecked our democratic system of government.

It was in 1933 that this country experienced a depression that al? most wrecked our democratic system of government.



Principle 2: A cohesive paragraph has another set of strings running through it that we will call thematic strings.


黑体是topic,他们都是关于researchers/physicians 和testing/diagnosis的。话题很一致,但是却没有考虑stress,如果我们能把每个句子中的一些“关键概念”都放到stress上,而且这些关键概念是贯穿整个段落的,则称他们为:Theme.

下面的修正段落,分别用黑体,斜体,大写表示3类主题: testing, mental states, new problem.

首先看topic,他们都是关于diagnosis, physicians的。与此同时,整个段落都是围绕着3个主题展开的,特别注意第一句话的stress处,他给出了整个段落的主题(斜体+大写)


Principle 3: A cohesive paragraph introduces new topic and thematic strings in a predictable location: at the end of the sentence(s) that introduce the paragraph.
Principle 4: A coherent paragraph will usually have a single sentence that clearly articulates its point.
Principle 5: A coherent paragraph will typically locate that point sentence in one of two places.



Seven out of eight reigns of the Romanov line after Peter the Great were plagued by some sort of palace revolt or popular revolution. In 1722, Peter the Great passed a law of succession that terminated the principle of heredity. He proclaimed that the sovereign could appoint a successor in order to accompany his idea of achievement by merit. This resulted in many tsars not appointing a successor before dying. Even Peter the Great failed to choose someone before he died. Ivan VI was appointed by Czarina Anna,but was only two months old at his coronation in 1740. Elizabeth, daughter of Peter the Great, defeated Anna, and she ascended to the throne in 1741.Succession not dependent upon authority resulted in boyars’ regularly disputing who was to become sovereign. It was not until 1797 that Paul I codified the law of succession: male primogeniture. But Paul I was strangled by conspirators,one of whom was probably his son, Alexander I.

在这一段句子里面,根据主题应该会出现的位置,读者一般认为palace revolt or popular revolution 就是这一段的主题了,然而很遗憾,除了最后一段以外,根本就没说到反抗和革命。认真看下去,才发现这一段的主题应该是关于,继承,任命,动乱的。作者没有把主题放在正确的位置,违反了原则3。


After Peter the Great died, seven out of eight reigns of the Romanov line were plagued by turmoil over disputed succession to the throne.

那么这句话就是典型的topic sentence,它在stress处介绍了整个段落的内容。然而,其实更多情况下,我们需要写多个的句子来介绍整个段落的内容(只有一个句子的topic sentence是不够的)。为此,我们介绍一种更加普适性的划分方法。



  1. 一个简短的开头部分。在这一部分的末尾放着主题,该主题是下面的段落将要讨论的。(issue)
  2. 一个长的跟随的部分–剩余的段落。这个部分作者会进行详细论述(discussion)

事实上,issue+discussion 可以看做是subject+verb, topic+stress的推广。


  1. 在issue的结束之处,你给出了一个主题,但是在discussion中没有讨论这个主题。比如上面的palace revolt or popular revolution的例子。
  2. 在issues处没有给出你要discussion的主题
  3. issue的结束部分并不是你要讨论的主题
  4. 你在issue中介绍了主题,但没有放到结尾处。


After Peter the Great died, seven out of-eight reigns of the Romanov line were plagued by turmoil over disputed succession to the throne. The problems began in 1722, when Peter the Great passed a law of succession that terminated the principle of heredity and required the sovereign to appoint a successor. But because many Tsars, including Peter, died before they appointed successors, those who sought to succeed to the throne had no authority by appointment, and so their succession was regularly disputed by the boyars and other interests. There was turmoil even when successors were appointed. In 1740, Ivan VI was adopted by Czarina Anna Ivanovna and appointed as her successor at age two months, but his succession was disputed by Elizabeth, daughter of Peter the Great, who defeated Anna and her forces before ascending to the throne in 1741. In 1797 Paul tried to eliminate these disputes by codifying a new law: succession on the basis of primogeniture in the male line. But turmoil continued. Paul was strangled by conspirators, one of whom was probably Alexander I, his son.

它作了几处修正:将issue结尾处改为了关于继承,任命,动乱的内容。将discussion的内容与修正后的issue联系起来,可以看到多处用到了turmoil这个词原本在原文是没有的。将discussion没有讨论的内容从issue处删除,比如palace revolt or popular revolution就删掉了。

Principle 4: A reader will feel that a paragraph is coherent if she can read a sentence that specifically articulates its point.


As you know, Abco is contemplating the possibility of entering into a cooperative venture with Janeway to develop an electronically controlled steering mechanism for our new line. Janeway has a long history of developing highly efficient hydraulic components including brake systems, frontend systems, and various types of stabilizing systems. We have found them entirely reliable and cost-effective. So far as I know, Janeway’s experience in developing electronic systems has primarily involved ignition and other engine components, not steering. The development of an electronic steering mechanism will depend on an innovative marriage of electronics and hydraulics.Edwards has recently marketed a hydraulic lift system that depends on electronic sensors to read terrain features and compensate for them. Their systems appear to have many of the features we will require in our steering mechanisms.

看完后其实你不知道他到底想要说什么,然后开始吐槽: what’s the point? 如果这时候他告诉你,point就是

Abco should not cooperate with Janeway in developing a new steering system because Edwards has more technical expertise.



Principle 5: A reader will feel that a paragraph is coherent if he finds the POINT sentence in one of two predictable places in a paragraph:
(1) at the end of its issue, or
(2) at the end of its discussion; i.e., at the end of the paragraph (or section or whole document).

POINTS in Issues



Though most economists believe that business decisions are guided by a simple law of maximum profits, in fact they result from a vector of influences acting from many directions. When an advertiser selects a particular layout, for example, he depend snot only on sales expectations or possible profit but also on what the present fad is. He is concerned with what colleagues and competitors will think,beliefs about the actions of the FTC, concerns about Catholics or the American Legion, whether Chicanos or Italian-Americans will be offended, how the"silent majority" will react. He might even be worried about whether the wife or secretary of the decision maker will approve.

Our main concern was to empirically test the theory that forms the background for this work. To a great extent, we have succeeded in showing our theory is valid. Chapter Two reports a study which shows that the rate of perceiving variations in length relates directly to the number of connectives in the base structure of the text. In chapter Three, we report a study that found that subjects perceive as variable units only what the theory claims is a unit. Another series of crucial studies is the comparison and contrast experiments reported in Chapter Three, which show that we do not distinguish complex concepts of different lengths as some current theories do.

The United States is at present the world’s largest exporter of agricultural products. Its agricultural net balance of payments in recent years has exceeded 10 billion a year. As rising costs of imported petroleum and other goods have increased the U.S. trade deficit, this agricultural surplus has taken on great financial importance in both the domestic and international markets. First, agricultural exports maintain profitable market prices for the American farmer and bolster the national economy by providing over one million jobs. The income from farm exports alone is used to purchase about 9 billion worth of domestic farm machinery and equipment annually. Exports of U.S. agricultural products also reduce price-depressing surpluses. Without exports, the government would be subsidizing American farmers by more than $10 billion a year over the current rate. Finally, agricultural exports provide an entry to foreign markets that can be exploited by other industries.


  1. 从前一段中过渡,给出一个general claim,然后在point中narrow it
  2. 先给一个初步的claim,然后在point的反驳


(1) We can put this abstract notion of issue in simpler terms. (2) Think of an issue as the overture to an opera, in which the composer announces the themes that he will repeat, modulate, combine, and develop in a variety of interesting ways.


(1) Most high school teachers think that good paragraphs must have a single topic sentence that introduces the paragraph. (2) But that is evidently not so because professional writers regularly introduce their paragraphs with two or more sentences.

POINTS at the ends of discussions.


而这就涉及到一个Introductory Paragraphs的东西。看下面例子:

Man’s fascination with that move under their own power and control is at least as old as recorded history.In Aristotle’s Greece, plays of several acts are said to have been performed entirely by automatic puppets driven by weights hung on twisted cords. Much later European royalties were enthralled by lifelike automata that could write,draw, and play musical instruments. In recent years most of the magical aura surrounding mechanical automata has been dispelled. Today automatic machines and industrial robots are used in factories throughout the world to perform tasks that are too hazardous, too onerous, too boring or simply too uneconomic for human beings to undertake.

分析首先第一句话,他成功引入了topics and themes,关于 **history fascination machines move under their own power。**在discussion处,作者扩充了themes and topics, 给出了具体的历史,机器,一直到现代的机器,然后最后一句话,给出了整段的point。这个段落里,issue包含了一切在discussion将要讨论的东西但point不在issue处。


  1. 如果你的段落是中间的段落,那么point可以在issue结尾处,也可以在段落最后。
  2. 如果你的段落是整个section甚至是整个论文的Introductory Paragraphs,那么你的point一定要放在段落的最后。

POINTS in Whole Documents

最后一种情况,point放在整个文章的最后。这种情况在英语写作中是比较少出现的。如果要这样做,一个原则是,如果你要在全文的最后放一个point,那么,你一定至少要给读者提供一个anticipatory point.

You have asked me to determine the matter of Abco’s potential liability for the plaintiff’s injuries claimed as a result of his climbing Abco’s scaffolding. To determine Abco’s potential liability we must analyze four factors. They are (1) did Abco construct the scaffolding negligently; (2) did Abco provide adequate assembly instructions; (3) did plaintiff assemble the scaffolding according to the instructions; and (4) did the plaintiff use the scaffolding in a manner prescribed in the instructions?

这段话讲的是讨论原告因为爬Abco的脚手架而受伤,Abco要付多少的责任。如果这是文档的最后1句话,那么这个是point,显然是不对的,因为他并没有回答关键问题:Abco 是否有罪?但如果这不是文档的最后一段话,那么这个issue的最后4句话可以认为是一个anticipatory point, 是一种minor point。


  1. timidity or politeness,一般是你要说一个坏消息的时候,可以把结论放最后,不然放前面别人一看就不想看下去。然而其实很多人,不管是好还是坏消息都喜欢把point放前面。(比如你如果要说五一不应该放7天假,那你最好把这句话放到最后。。)
  2. discovery: 当你认为,推理point的过程与point一样重要时,可以把point放在最后。
  3. convention: 如果是约定成俗的话,可以
  4. 注意在英语写作中,point很少会放到最后的。



  1. 删掉无意义的词 Delete words that mean little or nothing.
  2. 删掉重复的词 Delete words that repeat the meaning of other words.
  3. 删掉重复含义的词 Delete words implied by other words.
  4. 将短语替换成单词 Replace a phrase with a word.
  5. 否定换成肯定 Change negatives to affirmatives.
  6. 删掉无意义的形容词和副词 Delete useless adjectives and adverbs.



Productivity actually depends on certain factors that basically involve psychology more than any particular technology.
Productivity depends on psychology more than on technology.


full and complete, hope and trust, true and accurate, each and every, hopes and desires, first and foremost, any and all, basic and fundamental, various and sundry.



In my personal opinion, we must listen to and think over in a punctilious manner each and every suggestion that is offered to us.

首先观点肯定是personal的,砍掉。其次,任何叙述默认都是opinion,所以in my opinion砍掉。 listen to and think over => consider. in a punctilious manner=> punctiliously =>carefully. Suggestion本来就能包括offer的意味,is offered to us砍掉。

we must carefully consider every suggestion.


terrible tragedy, basic fundamentals, final outcome, various different, future plans, true facts, free gift, each individual, consensus of opinion


As you carefully read what you have written to improve wording and catch errors of spelling and punctuation, the thing to do before anything else is to see whether you could use sequences of subjects and verbs instead of the same ideas expressed in nouns.

carefully read what you have written => edit
the thing to do before anything else => first
use X instead of Y => replace
nouns instead of verbs => nominalizations
sequences of subjects and verbs => clauses

As you edit, first replace nominalizations with clauses.


Not the Negative

Don’t write in the negative.
Write in the affirmative

上面两句话是一样的,我们应该用Write in the affirmative,因为这个句子显得更简洁,明白。尽量不要用否定句。一些可以替换的词:

not many - fewdid not stay - leftdid not accept -rejected
not the same -differentnot old enough -too youngnot clearly - unclearly
not different -alike/similardid not remember - forgotnot possible - impossible
did not -failed todid not consider -ignorednot able - unable
does not have -lacksdid not allow -preventednot certain - uncertain


Disengagement of the gears is not possible without locking mechanism release.
To disengage the gears, first release the locking mechanism.

Payments should not be forwarded if there has not been due notification of this office.
Before you forward any payment , pontificate this office.

Except when applicants have submitted applications without appropriate documentation,benefits will not be denied.
To receive benefits, submit appropriate documents.

verbs: preclude,prevent, lack, fail, doubt, reject, avoid; deny, refuse, exclude, contradict,prohibit, bar, etc.
conjunctions: except, unless,provided, however; without, against, lacking, absent, but for.

如果你的句子满足not … unless的模式,一般都可以用下面的公式进行修改:
X may **not **do Y unless/except/without doing Z.
X may do Y only if X does Z.
In order to do Y,X must do Z.

metadiscourse 冗余

写任何东西都需要metadiscourse ,但如果太多的话就会造成冗余了。

比如,The last point I would like to make here is that in regard to men-women relationships, it is important to keep in mind that the greatest change shave probably occurred in the way men and women seem to be working next to one another.


Men and women have changed their relationships most in the way they work together.

Hedges and Emphatics


How successfully we walk the rhetorical line between seeming timidity and arrogance depends on how we manage phrases like a good deal.


usually, often,sometimes, almost, virtually, possibly, perhaps, apparently, seemingly,in some ways, to a certain extent, sort of, somewhat, more or less, for the most part, for all intents and purposes, in some respects, in my opinion at least, may, might, can, could, seem, tend, try, attempt, seek, hope.


as everyone knows,it is generally agreed that, it is quite true that, it’s clear that, it is obvious that, the fact is, as we can plainly see, literally, clearly,obviously, undoubtedly, certainly, of course, indeed, inevitably, very,invariably, always, key, central, crucial, basic, fundamental, major, cardinal,primary, principal, essential.







Now if nature should intermit her course and leave altogether, though it were but for a while, the observation of her own laws; if those principal and mother elements of the world, whereof all things in this lower world are made, should lose the qualities which now they have; if the frame of that heavenly arch erected over our heads should loosen and dissolve itself; if celestial spheres should forget their wonted motions,and by irregular volubility tum themselves any way as it might happen; if the prince of the lights of heaven, which now as a giant doth run his unwearied course, should, as it were through a languishing faintness, begin to stand and to rest himself; if the moon should wander from her beaten way, the times and seasons of the year blend themselves by disordered and confused mixture, the winds breathe out their last gasp, the clouds yield no rain, the earth be defeated of heavenly influence, the fruits of the earth pine away as children at the withered breasts of their mother no longer able to yield them relief–what would become of man himself, whom these things now do all serve?

----Thomas Hooker, Of the Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity, 1594


If in reading one of your long sentences you feel that you are about to run out of breath before you come to a place where you can pause to integrate all of its parts into a whole that communicates a single conceptual structure [breathe], you have found a sentence, like this one, that your readers would likely want you to revise.

Or if your sentence, because of one interruption after another, seems to stop and start, your readers are, if they are typical, likely to judge that your sentence, as this one does, lurches from one part to the next.



  1. 主从句的主语要等很久才能遇到它的动词
    (They have to wait too long to get to the verb in the main clause.)
  2. 动词之后要经过一段崎岖的次级从句。
    (After the verb, they have to slog through a shapeless sprawl of tacked-on subordinate clauses.)
  3. 句子不停被打断。
    (They are stopped by one interruption after another.)

Long Openings

Since most undergraduate students change their fields of study at least once during their college careers, many more than once, first-year students who are not certain about their program of studies should not load up their schedules to meet requirements for a particular program.

句子快读完了,才能到达这个句子主从句的动词should not load up


First-year students SHOULD NOT LOAD UP their schedules with requirements for a particular program if they are not certain about the program of studies they want to pursue, because most CHANGE their major fields of study at least once during their college careers.

建议2:同时句子也应该尽快到达动词和宾语。避免过长的主语,和避免打断 subject-verb&verb-object


× Abco Inc.’s understanding of the drivers of its profitability in the Asian market for small electronics helped it pursue opportunities in Africa.
✓ Abco Inc. was able to pursue opportunities in Africa because it understood what drove profitability in the Asian market for small electronics.

Movement and Momentum

写一个句子,应该尽可能让他不要被"打断”,也就是要保证 subject-verb, verb-object这样的结构是连贯的:

A semantic theory, if it is to represent in real-time terms on-line cognitive behavior must propose more neutrally plausible psychological processes than those described here.

这个句子一共被打断了3次,第一次在读完semantic theory的时候被if打断了,同时开始屏息,然后represent又被in real-time terms打断,此时气不打一处来,接下来到达semantic theory的动词 must propose 可以稍微喘息一下,但是紧跟着more neutrally plausible将动词propose给打断了,彻底断气。

If a semantic theory is to represent online cognitive behavior in real-time terms, it must propose psychological processes more neutrally plausible than those described here.


The accountant has given as accurate a projection as any that could be provided.
We are facing a more serious decision than what you described earlier .
A close relationship to the one just discovered is the degree to which similar genetic material to that of related species can be modified by different DNA chains from the ones first selected by Adams and Walsh.
Another course of action than the present one is necessary to accumulate sufficient capital to complete such projects as those you have described.

as accurate . . . as any that could be provided
more serious . . . than what close
A close … to

The accountant has given a projection as accurate as any that could have been provided.
We are facing a decision more serious than what you described earlier.
A relationship close to the one just discovered is the degree to which genetic material similar to that of related species can be modified by DNA chains different from the ones first selected by Adams and Walsh.
A course of action other than the present one is necessary to accumulate capital sufficient to complete projects such as those you have described.

more … than, less … than, other …than, as … as, similar … to, equal … to, identical … to, same … as,different … from, such … as, separate … from, distant … from, related… to, close … to, next … to, difficult … to, easy … to, necessary …to.



The Inventors of the United States decided that there would be no hereditary titles in God’s country. Although the Inventors were hostile to the idea of democracy and believed profoundly in the sacredness of property and the necessary dignity of those who owned it,they did not like the idea of king, duke, marquess, earl.



For the aspiring artist, the minor, the unfinished, or even the botched work, may be an instructive model for how things should—and should not—be done. For the amateur spectator, such works are the daily fare which provide good, honest nourishment—and which can lead to appreciation of more refined, or deeper pleasures.
—Eva Hoffman, “Minor Art Offers Special Pleasures”

Resumptive Modifiers


In grammar, a modifier is an optional element in phrase structure or clause structure. A modifier is so called because it is said to modify (change the meaning of) another element in the structure, on which it is dependent. Typically the modifier can be removed without affecting the grammar of the sentence. For example, in the English sentence This is a red ball, the adjective red is a modifier, modifying the noun ball. Removal of the modifier would leave This is a ball, which is grammatically correct and equivalent in structure to the original sentence.

modifier可以用于modify另一个元素的意义,但是去掉又不影响句子。比如This is a red ball. red就是modifier, 如果去掉red,This is a ball.句子还是完整的。


在这里,Resumptive Modifiers,就是将一个普通的modifiers,根据前文,重复一个的词放在前面,使得这个从句变得更友好,因为它显式地把要修饰的内容提炼了出来,对比以下两句话:

For several years the Columbia Broadcasting System created and developed situation comedies that were the best that American TV had to offer, such as "The Mary Tyler Moore Show"and “All in the Family” that sparkled with wit and invention.
For several years, the Columbia Broadcasting System created and developed situation comedies that were the best that American TV had to offer, comedies such as “The Mary Tyler Moore Show” and “All in the Family,” comedies that sparkled with wit and invention.


It was American writers who found a voice that was both true and lyrical, true to the rhythms of the working man’s speech and lyrical in its celebration of his labor.


Summative Modifiers

如果没有可以重复的元素,我们还可以自己总结一个元素,即Summative Modifiers。该技术可以修改非限定性定语从句,在which 前加一段小总结+that,从而让你能够把句子变长。同时这个技巧还能修复指代不清,产生歧义的问题。

In the last five years, European population growth has dropped to almost zero, which in years to come will have profound social implications.
In the last five years, European population growth has dropped to almost zero, a demographic event that in years to come will have profound social implications.


Scientists have finally unraveled the mysteries of the human gene, which may lead to the control of such dread diseases as cancer and birth defects.

Scientists have finally unraveled the mysteries of the human gene, a discovery that may lead to the control of such dread diseases as cancer and birth defects.


In 1986, President Reagan proposed that federal and state employees voluntarily submit to blood and urine tests for drugs. The employees took the u.S. Government to court. They claimed that the order violated their Fourth Amendment rights. These rights protect us against unreasonable search and seizure. But without such programs of massive testing and mandatory treatment, drugs will continue to devastate our inner cities. They will also devastate suburbs and rural communities as well.At that point we will learn what it is like to live with drug addicts and with violent crime. It is a prospect that should frighten us all.

In 1986, President Reagan proposed that federal and state employees voluntarily submit to blood and urine tests for drugs. The employees took the u.s. Government to court, claiming that the order violated their Fourth Amendment rights, rights that protect us against unreasonable search and seizure. But without such programs of massive testing and mandatory treatment, drugs will continue to devastate not only the inner cities but suburbs and rural communities as well. At that point, we will all realize what it is like to live not only with drug addicts but with violent crime, a prospect that should frighten us all.

Free Modifiers

free modifier中的"free"他比较“自由”,既可以在开头也可以在结尾。这个技巧是用V+ing或V+ed来引导后面的从句,常用V+ing,达到并列的作用。

Free modifiers resemble resumptive and summative modifiers, letting you extend the line of a sentence while avoiding a train of ungainly phrases and clauses.


Socrates, who relentlessly questioned the very foundations of social and political behavior, forced his fellow citizens to examine the duty they owed to the laws of their gods and to the laws of their state and encouraged young people to question the authority of their elders while he maintained that he was only trying in his poor inadequate way to puzzle out the truth as best he could.

Socrates relentlessly questioned the very foundations of social and political behavior, forcing his fellow citizens to examine the duty they owed to the laws of their gods and to the laws of their state, encouraging young people to question the authority of their elders, maintaining all the while that he was only trying in his poor inadequate way to puzzle out the truth as best he could.


Leonardo da Vinci was a man of powerful intellect, driven by an insatiable curiosity and haunted by a vision of artistic expression.


Driven by an insatiable curiosity, Leonardo da Vinci was


In 1939 the United States began to assist the British in their struggle against Germany, fully aware that it faced another world war.

Dangling Modifiers


At the age of eight, my family finally bought a dog

修饰语 At the age of eight 显得"摇摇欲坠", 因为它跟看起来跟主从句的主语毫无关系,这个年龄可以是这个家庭在8岁的时候买了只狗,也可以是在这只狗8岁的时候买了它。

一个修正方法是,my family, at the age of eight, finally bought a dog

Ambiguous Modifiers


Overtaxing oneself in physical activity too frequently results in injury.

这里,too frequently可能是说Overtaxing oneself在physical activity常常出现,也可能是说经常导致injury。

Overtaxing oneself too frequently in physical activity results in injury.
Overtaxing oneself in physical activity results too frequently in injury.

或者使用resumptive modifier来避免模糊不清

Perhaps there are relationships among the components of the process that would dictate one order rather than another.
Perhaps there are relationships among the components of the process, relationships that would dictate one order rather than another.



Balance and Symmetry


The national unity of a free people depends upon a sufficiently even balance of political power to make it impracticable for the administration to be arbitrary and for the opposition to be revolutionary and irreconcilable. Where that balance no longer exists,democracy perishes. For unless all the citizens of a state are forced by circumstances to compromise, unless they feel that they can affect policy but that no one can wholly dominate it, unless by habit and necessity they have to give and take, freedom cannot be maintained.

—Walter Lippmann

一个小技巧是,你可以用both X and Y,not only X but also Y, neither X nor Y 来帮助你形成这样的排比句:

看一个neither nor的例子:

注意看上面这两句话,这里不仅neither nor是对称的,vacuous和mindless,emotion /eroticism, daytime /nighttime,soap opera /sitcoms, artists /audiences, able /willing, create /support.,都是对称的。就问你怕不怕…

Emphasis and Rhythm



The intellectual differences among races is a subject that only the most politically indifferent scientist is willing to look into.

The intellectual differences among races is a subject that only the most politically indifferent scientist is willing to explore.


… until in God’s good time, the New World, with all its power and might, steps forth to the rescue and the liberation of the old.


… until in God’s good time, the powerful New World steps forth to liberate the old.


The secret of the enjoyment of pleasure is to know when to stop … We do this every time we listen to music. We do not seize hold of a particular chord or phrase and shout at the orchestra to go on playing it for the rest of the evening; on the contrary, however much we may like that particular moment of music; we know that its perpetuation would interrupt and kill the movement of the melody. We understand that the beauty of a symphony is less in these musical moments than in the whole movement from beginning to end. If the symphony tries to go on too long,if at a certain point the composer exhausts his creative ability and tries to carry on just for the sake of filling in the required space of time, then we begin to fidget in our chairs, feeling that he has denied the natural rhythm,has broken the smooth curve from birth to death, and that though a pretense of life is being made, it is in fact a living death.

—Alan W. Watts, The Meaning of Happiness


however much we may like that particular moment of music, we know that its perpetuation would interrupt and spoil the movement of the melody … we begin to fidget in our chairs, feeling that he has denied the natural rhythm, has interrupted the regular movement from beginning to end, and that though a pretense of wholeness is being made, it is in fact a repeated end.


The schoolmaster is the person who takes the children off the parents’ hands for a consideration. That is to say, he establishes a child prison, engages a number of employee schoolmasters as turnkeys, and covers up the essential cruelty and unnaturalness of the situation by torturing the children if they do not learn, and calling this process, which is within the capacity of any fool or blackguard, by the sacred name of Teaching.
----G. B. Shaw, Sham Education


This is what may be called the common-sense view of history.History consists of a corpus of ascertained facts. The facts are available to the historian in documents, inscriptions, and so on, like fish on the fishmonger’s slab. The historian collects them, takes them home, and cooks and serves them in whatever style appeals to him. Acton, whose culinary tastes were austere, wanted them served plain … Sir George Clark, critical as he was of Acton’s attitude, himself contrasts the “hard core of facts” in history with the “surrounding pulp of disputable interpretation”–forgetting perhaps that the pulpy part of the fruit is more rewarding than the hardcore.
-E. H. Carr, What Is History?


Some of you may have been thinking that, instead of delivering a scientific address, I have been indulging in a flight of fancy. It is a flight, but not of mere fancy, nor is it just an individual indulgence. It is my small personal attempt to share in the flight of the mind into new realms of our cosmic environment. We have evolved wings for such flights,in the shape of the disciplined scientific imagination. Support for those wings is provided by the atmosphere of knowledge created by human science and learning:so far as this supporting atmosphere extends, so far can our wings take us in our exploration.
----Julian Huxley, "New Bottles for Old Wine,"Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute


Quine has long professed his skepticism about the possibility of making any sense of the refractory idioms of intentionality, so he needs opacity only to provide a quarantine barrier protecting the healthy,extensional part of a sentence from the infected part.
–Daniel C. Dennett, “Beyond Belief” 13


Whereas the lepton pair has a positive rest mass when it is regarded as a single particle moving with a velocity equal to the vector sum of the motions of its two components, a photon always has zero rest mass. This difference can be glossed over, however, by treating the lepton pair as the offspring of the decay of a short-lived photon like parent called a virtual photon.
–Leon M. Lederman, "The Upsilon Particle,"Scientific American


本文只是本人在读《Style: Toward clarity and grace》和《Style: Lessons in clarity and grace》整理的一些笔记,难免有错误,欢迎指正。



----Mortimer J. Adler


Williams, Joseph M., and Gregory G. Colomb. Style: Toward clarity and grace. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1990.

Williams, Joseph M., and Gregory G. Colomb. Style: Lessons in clarity and grace. Vol. 565214475. Boston: Longman, 2010.

Schimel, Joshua. Writing science: how to write papers that get cited and proposals that get funded. OUP USA, 2012.

Josh Schimel - Writing Science: Framing the story: structure

A discussion on the book “Writing Science” by Joshua Schimel



本文标签: 芝加哥英语写作指南graceclarity