





(一)流体力学的基础研究: 流体力学作为物理学的一个重要分支,长期以来一直是科学研究的热点。从古希腊时期对水流的观察,到17世纪伯努利和牛顿对流体动力学原理的研究,再到19世纪纳维—斯托克斯方程的建立,流体力学的发展为马格努斯效应的发现和理论研究奠定基础。




















【1】Magnus.H.(1852).Ueber die Auflosung der luft in Wasser und verdiinnten Flüssigkeiten. Annalen der Physik und Chemie,89,285-291.

【2】Saffman,p.G.(1991). Vortex dynamics,Cambridge University press.

【3】Didden,N.(2007), Magnus effect,Scholarpedia,2(10),2123.


The Application of Magnus Principle

Author:Yang Pengyu from HIT

Abstract: Magnus effect refers to the additional force generated by the fluid on the solid surface when it moves relative to the solid surface. This article mainly introduces the application of Magnus effect, including aircraft design, wind power generation, ship propulsion, and sports equipment design. Through practical case analysis, this article demonstrates the enormous potential of the Magnus effect in practical applications, providing reference for future research and application.

Main text:

Research background

(1)Basic research in fluid mechanics: Fluid mechanics, as an important branch of physics, has long been a hot topic in scientific research. From the observation of water flow in ancient Greece, to the study of fluid dynamics principles by Bernoulli and Newton in the 17th century, and to the establishment of the Navier Stokes equation in the 19th century, the development of fluid mechanics laid the foundation for the discovery and theoretical research of the Magnus effect.

(2)The demand for aviation and navigation technology: With the rapid development of aviation and navigation technology, people have increasingly high requirements for the efficiency, maneuverability, and stability of aircraft and ships. The Magnus effect, as a physical phenomenon that can change the motion state of objects in fluids, is of great significance for improving the performance of aircraft and ships.

(3)Exploration of new energy technologies: With the increasing global energy crisis and environmental problems, finding new renewable energy sources has become an urgent task. Wind energy, as a clean and renewable energy source, has received widespread attention for its development and utilization. The Magnus effect provides new insights into the efficiency of wind power generation.

(4)The progress of sports technology: The application of Magnus effect in sports equipment design, such as the special ball path design in ball games such as golf and football, can provide athletes with more tactical choices and competitive advantages.

(5)The trend of interdisciplinary research: Modern science is increasingly inclined towards interdisciplinary comprehensive research. The Magnus effect involves multiple disciplines such as fluid mechanics, dynamics, and materials science, and its research helps to promote the development and integration of related disciplines.

Introduction to Principles

When the rotational angular velocity vector of a rotating object does not coincide with the flight velocity vector of the object, a lateral force will be generated in the direction perpendicular to the plane composed of the rotational angular velocity vector and the translational velocity vector. The phenomenon of an object's flight trajectory deviating under the action of this lateral force is called the Magnus effect. The reason why a rotating object can generate force horizontally is because the rotation of the object can drive the surrounding fluid to rotate, causing the fluid velocity on one side of the object to increase and the fluid velocity on the other side to decrease.

According to Bernoulli's theorem, an increase in fluid velocity leads to a decrease in pressure, while a decrease in fluid velocity leads to an increase in pressure, resulting in a lateral pressure difference for rotating objects and the formation of lateral forces. At the same time, due to the lateral force being perpendicular to the direction of object motion, this force mainly changes the direction of flight speed, forming a centripetal force in object motion, which leads to a change in the direction of the object. Using the theory of potential flow, the flight motion of a rotating object can be simplified as the motion of a straight uniform flow with point vortices and dipoles, where point vortices are the source of lift. In two-dimensional cases, the lateral force of the flow around a rotating cylinder can be calculated using the Jokovsky theorem, which means that the lateral force is equal to the incoming flow velocity multiplied by the fluid density multiplied by the point vortex circulation.

Application prospects

(1)In the field of aerospace: In aircraft design, the Magnus effect can be used to change the lift and drag of aircraft, thereby achieving more efficient flight. For example, rotating aircraft can use the Magnus effect to generate additional lift, reducing reliance on traditional wing surfaces, which may provide new possibilities for designing more compact and efficient aircraft. In addition, the Magnus effect can also be used for attitude control of aircraft, improving their maneuverability and stability.

(2)Wind energy utilization: In the field of wind power generation, the Magnus effect can be used to increase the output power of wind turbines. By designing wind turbine blades that can utilize the Magnus effect, more wind energy can be captured, improving the efficiency of wind power generation. This innovative design may bring new opportunities for breakthroughs in wind power generation technology.

(3)Ships and marine engineering: In terms of ship propulsion, the Magnus effect can be used to reduce ship resistance and increase ship speed. By utilizing the Magnus effect to design ships, higher energy efficiency can be achieved. In addition, the Magnus effect can also be used for ship maneuvering and control, improving its maneuverability and stability.

(4)Sports technology: In the design of sports equipment, the Magnus effect can be used to change the trajectory and speed of ball movements, thereby improving the competitive level of athletes. For example, special course designs in ball games such as golf and football can provide athletes with more tactical choices and competitive advantages. Meanwhile, the Magnus effect can also be used to design new types of sports and training equipment, improving the training effectiveness and competitive performance of athletes.

The connection with college physics

(1) Fluid mechanics: Fluid mechanics is an important component of university physics courses, involving the laws of fluid motion and the interaction between fluids and solid surfaces. The Magnus effect is based on the motion of fluids and solid surfaces, especially near rotating objects. Studying the Magnus effect can help students better understand the basic principles of fluid dynamics, such as Bernoulli's theorem and the flow characteristics of viscous fluids.

(2)Dynamics: Dynamics is a branch of physics that studies the motion and interaction of objects. The force generated by the Magnus effect can change the motion state of objects, including trajectory and stability. By studying the Magnus effect, students can gain a deeper understanding of the concept of force, Newton's laws of motion, and the influence of rotational motion and external forces on object motion.

(3)Physics experiments: The Magnus effect can be observed and verified through simple experiments, which can usually be conducted in university physics experimental courses. For example, observing the Magnus effect by observing the motion of a rotating cylinder or sphere in an airflow. These experiments can not only help students intuitively understand the Magnus effect, but also cultivate their experimental skills and scientific exploration abilities.

(4)Physics research and application: The study of the Magnus effect involves the complex behavior of fluids and the interaction between fluids and solid surfaces. These research topics can stimulate students' interest in physics research, encourage them to participate in scientific research related projects, cultivate their abilities in scientific research and academic writing. In addition, students can also apply this principle to solve practical problems, thereby cultivating innovative thinking and engineering practical abilities.ConclusionThe Magnus effect is a very useful physical phenomenon with broad application prospects. Through practical case analysis, this article demonstrates the enormous potential of the Magnus effect in practical applications. However, the research and application of the Magnus effect still face some challenges, such as the mechanism of fluid adhesion, the interaction between fluid and solid surface, etc. Therefore, future research should further discuss these issues to promote the application and development of the Magnus effect.


【1】Magnus.H.(1852).Ueber die Auflosung der luft in Wasser und verdiinnten Flüssigkeiten. Annalen der Physik und Chemie,89,285-291.

【2】Saffman,p.G.(1991). Vortex dynamics,Cambridge University press.

【3】Didden,N.(2007), Magnus effect,Scholarpedia,2(10),2123.

【4】Research Status of Magnus Effect, Wang Jie.

本文标签: 效应马格努斯