


When you install any recent version of Microsoft Office, Microsoft assumes that you want to sign up for the Customer Experience Improvement Program (CEIP). There’s a check box during installation that’s selected by default and automatically signs you up for the program.

当您安装任何最新版本的Microsoft Office时,Microsoft都会假定您要注册“ 客户体验改善计划(CEIP)” 。 安装过程中会默认选中一个复选框,该复选框会自动为您注册该程序。

According to Microsoft, the CEIP is a tool that collects customer information to try “to improve the products and features customers use most often and to help solve problems.” Even though Microsoft claims that no personal or identifiable information is collected, it can still be worrying to people concerned about online privacy. As stated in their privacy policy:

微软表示,CEIP是一种收集客户信息的工具,旨在“改善客户最常使用的产品和功能并帮助解决问题”。 即使Microsoft声称未收集任何个人信息或可识别信息,但对于担心在线隐私的人们来说仍然令人担忧。 如其隐私政策所述 :

“When you participate, we collect basic information about how you use your programs, your computer or device, and connected devices. We also collect information about how each is set up and performing. These reports are sent to Microsoft to help improve the features our customers use most often and to create solutions to common problems.”

“当您参加时,我们会收集有关您如何使用程序,计算机或设备以及连接的设备的基本信息。 我们还将收集有关如何设置和执行信息的信息。 这些报告已发送给Microsoft,以帮助改善客户最常使用的功能并创建常见问题的解决方案。”

If you have inadvertently signed up for the CEIP, but don’t want to participate, fear not. It’s easy to opt out of this program. We will use Office 2013 to show you how to do this, but you can change this setting in one of the other Office programs, as well.

如果您无意中注册了CEIP,但不想参加,请不要担心。 选择退出该程序很容易。 我们将使用Office 2013向您展示如何执行此操作,但是您也可以在其他Office程序之一中更改此设置。

Open your favorite Office program and click the FILE tab.


Click the Options item in the menu list on the left.


On the Options dialog box, click the Trust Center option on the left.


Click the Trust Center Settings button.


On the Trust Center dialog box, click the Privacy Options option on the left.


In the Privacy Options section, select the Sign up for the Customer Experience Improvement Program check box so there’s NO check mark in the box. Click OK on the Trust Center dialog box to accept the change and then click OK on the Options dialog box.

在“隐私选项”部分中,选中“注册客户体验改善计划”复选框,以使该框中没有复选标记。 在“信任中心”对话框上单击“确定”以接受更改,然后在“选项”对话框上单击“确定”。

Believe it or not. It’s that easy. You have now opted out of CEIP and the Office programs will no longer be collecting data about your Office usage and sending it back to Microsoft.

信不信由你。 就这么简单。 现在,您已选择退出CEIP,Office程序将不再收集有关Office使用情况的数据并将其发送回Microsoft。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek/140791/how-to-opt-out-of-the-microsoft-office-customer-experience-improvement-program/


本文标签: 如何选择账户客户计划Microsoft