


  • 第二章:官方评分标准真经
    • Fluency & Coherence 流利度和连贯性
      • 连贯性
        • 因果连接
        • 首先
        • 其次
          • Q:What are the benefts of travelling?
            • 词汇 Key Words
        • 比如和等等
        • 代词
        • 定语从句(who、which\、where)
          • Q:Who’s your favourite celebrity?
            • 词汇 Key Words
          • Q:What outdoor activities do you like?
            • 词汇 Key Words
        • 填充词(um、well、I mean、you know)
          • Q:Do you think you will live in your hometown forever?
            • 词汇 Key Words
        • 填充句
          • Q:What are the differences between the buildings in the north of China and those in the south of China?
            • 词汇 Key Words
          • Q:What is the defnition of happiness?
            • 词汇 Key Words
          • Q:Is there anything you don't like about your hometown?
            • 词汇 Key Words
        • 提出观点
          • e.g. What I think is that cities will be less noisy in the future because factories are being moved out of cities and fewer and fewer drivers honk their horns on the roads.
            • 词汇 Key Words
          • e.g. I bet I'll live in my hometown for the rest of my life coz I'm so attached to it.
            • 词汇 Key Words
        • 表示时间
        • 重复前文(as I said, as I said before, as l mentioned earlier)
        • 对比(but, however, on the other hand, in/by contrast)
          • e.g. Elderly people generally like to play tai chi, do some square dancing and just go for a walk inparks in their spare time. Young people, on the other hand, tend to go shopping a lot, and they alsolike to work out at the gym.
            • 词汇 Key Words
          • e.g. Men usually talk a lot about sports, like basketball and soccer. By contrast, women are more fond of talking about friends, families and what kinds of clothes are in fashion.
            • 词汇 Key Words
        • 具体化(to be more specific, to be exact, in fact = actually)
          • e.g. The Forbidden City is hundreds of years old. To be more specific, it was built in the 1400s, so that was 600 years ago.
          • e.g. After jogging for 5 months, I successfully got slimmer, To be exact, I lost 25 pounds.
            • 词汇 Key Words
        • e.g. I'm into various types of movies, like comedies, sci-fi movies, documentaries and so on. But, um, in fact, what I love the most are absolutely comedies, because they always give me a good laugh.
            • 词汇 Key Words
        • 通常(generally speaking, generally, typically)
          • e.g. Generally speaking, Chinese students are quite shy when it comes to giving a speech or presentation, so they absolutely have to work more on these.
          • e.g. Old people generally get up pretty early every day, around 6 o'clock or even earlier than that.
          • e.g. Typically, children in China are asked by their parents to learn a musical instrument when they're very small.
            • 词汇 Key Words
        • 让步(having said that, that said 话虽如此)
          • e.g. It takes years of hard work to learn a language well. Having said that, some people are very talented and perhaps they can master a foreign language within a short period of time.
          • e.g. What I enjoy doing in my spare time is staying home and doing some reading, which I think is quite relaxing. That said, I do feel a bit lonely from time to time, and in that case, I'll call some of my friends and we'll meet up.
            • 词汇 Key Words


Fluency & Coherence 流利度和连贯性


  1. 口语流利度:这通常指的是说话的速度和顺畅性,包括少犹豫、少重复和少长时间停顿。一个流利的说话者能够自然地、迅速地表达思想,而不需要经常停下来搜索词汇或纠正语法错误。

  2. 连贯性:这指的是说话内容的逻辑性和条理性,即信息的组织和连接方式是否使得听众容易理解。连贯性不仅涉及话语的结构,也包括使用适当的连接词(如“因此”、“但是”等)、话题的适当切换和维持,以及信息的恰当展开。





“one benefit is that”这个短语在英语中是一个常见的句型结构,用来引入和说明某个特定优点或好处。这种结构通常用于论述、说明文或任何需要阐述事物积极方面的场合。在这个结构中:

  • “one benefit” 指的是“一个好处”或“一个优点”。
  • “is” 是be动词的第三人称单数形式,用来连接主题和说明。
  • “that” 是一个引导词,用来引导从句,该从句将具体说明这个好处或优点是什么。


  • “One benefit is that it reduces the amount of time needed to complete the task.”

在这个句子中,“it reduces the amount of time needed to complete the task”是一个从句,详细说明了这个好处。这种结构有助于组织信息,让沟通更加清晰和有效。


Q:What are the benefts of travelling?

词汇 Key Words




Q:Who’s your favourite celebrity?

词汇 Key Words

Q:What outdoor activities do you like?

词汇 Key Words

填充词(um、well、I mean、you know)

在英语口语中,“you know” 通常用作语气词或填充词,并不一定后面跟的是广为人知的事例。它经常被用来使对话更自然,或者给说话者时间思考下一句要说什么。此外,“you know” 也可以用来确保听众跟上了说话者的思路,或者强调说话者即将或已经提到的信息,尽管这些信息可能对听众来说并不是新的或已知的。这个短语的使用更多是口语交流的习惯,而不特指其字面意义。

Q:Do you think you will live in your hometown forever?

词汇 Key Words


Q:What are the differences between the buildings in the north of China and those in the south of China?

词汇 Key Words

Q:What is the defnition of happiness?

词汇 Key Words

Q:Is there anything you don’t like about your hometown?

词汇 Key Words


e.g. What I think is that cities will be less noisy in the future because factories are being moved out of cities and fewer and fewer drivers honk their horns on the roads.
词汇 Key Words

e.g. I bet I’ll live in my hometown for the rest of my life coz I’m so attached to it.
词汇 Key Words


重复前文(as I said, as I said before, as l mentioned earlier)

对比(but, however, on the other hand, in/by contrast)

e.g. Elderly people generally like to play tai chi, do some square dancing and just go for a walk inparks in their spare time. Young people, on the other hand, tend to go shopping a lot, and they alsolike to work out at the gym.
词汇 Key Words

e.g. Men usually talk a lot about sports, like basketball and soccer. By contrast, women are more fond of talking about friends, families and what kinds of clothes are in fashion.
词汇 Key Words

具体化(to be more specific, to be exact, in fact = actually)

e.g. The Forbidden City is hundreds of years old. To be more specific, it was built in the 1400s, so that was 600 years ago.

The “1400s” in English refers to the 15th century and is typically read as “the fourteen hundreds.”

e.g. After jogging for 5 months, I successfully got slimmer, To be exact, I lost 25 pounds.
词汇 Key Words

e.g. I’m into various types of movies, like comedies, sci-fi movies, documentaries and so on. But, um, in fact, what I love the most are absolutely comedies, because they always give me a good laugh.
词汇 Key Words

“Sci-fi” is pronounced as “sigh-fye.” It’s an abbreviation of “science fiction.”

通常(generally speaking, generally, typically)

e.g. Generally speaking, Chinese students are quite shy when it comes to giving a speech or presentation, so they absolutely have to work more on these.
e.g. Old people generally get up pretty early every day, around 6 o’clock or even earlier than that.
e.g. Typically, children in China are asked by their parents to learn a musical instrument when they’re very small.
词汇 Key Words

让步(having said that, that said 话虽如此)

e.g. It takes years of hard work to learn a language well. Having said that, some people are very talented and perhaps they can master a foreign language within a short period of time.
e.g. What I enjoy doing in my spare time is staying home and doing some reading, which I think is quite relaxing. That said, I do feel a bit lonely from time to time, and in that case, I’ll call some of my friends and we’ll meet up.
词汇 Key Words

本文标签: 连贯性真经雅思总纲第二章