



  • Fruits and vegetables
    • What kind of fruit do you like?
      • 20240723
        • 评价
      • 范例答案
    • Did you like to eat fruit when you were a child?
      • 20240725
        • 评价
      • 范例答案
        • 疑问
          • “I've loved eating fruit all my life.”是什么句式,为什么用现在完成时?
    • Is it important to eat fuit?
      • 20240728
        • 评价
        • 疑问
          • Fruits contain a lot of nutrients such as vitamins which can enhance our resistance to diseases. 这句有无问题?
      • 范例答案
        • 对范例答案的评价
        • 疑问
          • "having fruits is definitely key to staying healthy"中问什么key之前不加定冠词“a”?

Fruits and vegetables

What kind of fruit do you like?


My favorite fruit is definitely apple, as the old saying, an apply a day keeps the doctors away, there’s no doubt that apple is incredibly benefit for our health.



原句:“My favorite fruit is definitely apple, as the old saying, an apply a day keeps the doctors away, there’s no doubt that apple is incredibly benefit for our health.”

  1. My favorite fruit is definitely apple — 这里的“apple”应该使用复数形式或者加冠词,因为你在谈论苹果这种水果,而不是某一个特定的苹果。
  2. as the old saying, an apply a day keeps the doctors away — 这句话中有几个小错误。首先,“apply”应该是“apple”。然后,“as the old saying”应该有一种更流畅的连接方式,比如用逗号和介词“goes”来引入谚语。
  3. there’s no doubt that apple is incredibly benefit for our health — 在这里,“apple”同样应该是复数或加冠词。此外,“benefit”是名词,而你需要的是形容词或者动词的形式,这里应该使用“beneficial”。


“Oh, I absolutely love apples! You know the old saying, ‘An apple a day keeps the doctor away’? Well, I totally believe in that because apples are just so good for our health. They’re packed with nutrients that can really help you feel great.”

这样的回答使用了更自然的口语表达,引入了一些轻松的语气词,比如“oh”和“just”,让整个回答听起来更加友好和生动。同时,通过使用“packed with nutrients”这样的表达,也丰富了词汇的使用,使得回答听起来更有信息量和吸引力。


A: Well, I’m into various kinds of fruit like durians, pomelos,
tangerines and so forth. But I suppose my favourite should be tangerines coz they’re not only luscious, but also easy to peel and eat.

Did you like to eat fruit when you were a child?


Oh, when I was a kid, I was a super fans of all kinds of fruits, like tangerines, watermelons, plums, and so forth. I often ate too much fruits to eat main meal because my stomach had been filled fully.



“Oh, when I was a kid, I was a super fans of all kinds of fruits, like tangerines, watermelons, plums, and so forth. I often ate too much fruits to eat main meal because my stomach had been filled fully.”


  1. “I was a super fans” 应改为 “I was a huge fan”。“Fan” 是可数名词,应该使用单数形式,并且前面应用形容词 “huge” 而不是 “super” 来修饰,这样听起来更自然。
  2. “too much fruits” 应改为 “too much fruit”“too many fruits”。“Fruit” 作为不可数名词时,表达大量水果的概念,应该用 “too much fruit”;如果强调多种类的水果,应该使用可数形式并且用 “many”。
  3. “and so forth” 是完全正确的,它适用于列举事物时表示“等等”或“诸如此类”。然而,在口语中,表达会显得稍微正式一些。一个更加口语化的替代表达可以是 “and so on” 或者 “and stuff like that”,这两种说法更常见于日常对话中,听起来更自然和轻松。
  4. “too…to…” 句式没有问题,完全可以使用,如:I often ate too much fruit to have room for my main meals.
  5. “to eat main meal” 应改为 “to have my main meal”。在这里,“have” 作为吃饭的动词比 “eat” 更自然,同时 “main meal” 前最好加上定冠词 “my” 来指明是你的正餐。
  6. “had been filled fully” 可以简化为 “was completely full”。这样表达更加口语化和自然。


“Oh, when I was a kid, I was a huge fan of all kinds of fruit, like tangerines, watermelons, plums, and so on. I often ate so much fruit that I had no room for my main meals because my stomach was completely full.”



A: Yes, I did. I was crazy about eating fruit. In fact, I’ve loved eating fruit all my life. When I was growing up, I would eat some cherries or kiwi fruit or grapes every day during or after dinner. When I was watching television with my parents, I would be snacking on something too. I guess fruit has always been part and parcel of my life.

“I’ve loved eating fruit all my life.”是什么句式,为什么用现在完成时?

句子 “I’ve loved eating fruit all my life.” 使用的是现在完成时态。现在完成时通常用来描述从过去开始并持续到现在的动作或状态,或者过去发生的动作对现在有影响。在这个句子中,使用现在完成时是因为以下几个原因:

  1. 持续性:现在完成时强调的是从过去到现在的持续性。在这里,“I’ve loved eating fruit all my life” 表示从说话者的生命开始直到现在,他们一直喜欢吃水果。这是一个从过去持续到现在的情感状态。

  2. 结果状态:使用现在完成时还表明这种喜爱吃水果的状态持续到说话的当下,即说话者依然保持这种喜好。

  3. 时间范围:“all my life” 指的是从出生到现在的整个时间段,涵盖了过去和现在。现在完成时正好适用于表达这种跨越时间的动作或状态。


Is it important to eat fuit?


Definitely! Fruits contaminate a lot of nutrient such as vitamins which can enhance our resistance to deseases. And recent researchs show that eating more fruit can keep us stay a good mood.



首先,你的回答的开头用了“Definitely!” 这很好,非常直接和有力地回答了问题。不过,接下来你使用了“contaminate”这个词,这可能是个误用。在英语中,“contaminate”意味着“污染”,这显然和你想表达的“含有”是相反的。正确的词应该是“contain”。

你提到了“nutrient”,这个词是可数名词,所以在这里应该使用复数形式“nutrients”。此外,“such as vitamins”后面的内容表达得很好,但是“which can”这部分用词稍显正式,可以稍作调整,让语气更加口语化。

“recent researchs”中的“researchs”用词不正确,因为“research”是不可数名词,应该用“recent research”。然后,“keep us stay a good mood”语法上有误,正确的表达应该是“keep us in a good mood”。


Absolutely! Fruits are packed with nutrients like vitamins that help boost our immune system. Plus, recent research shows that eating plenty of fruits can actually keep us in a great mood. Isn’t that fantastic? Eating something tasty and it’s good for our health and happiness too!


Fruits contain a lot of nutrients such as vitamins which can enhance our resistance to diseases. 这句有无问题?


“Fruits contain a lot of nutrients such as vitamins which can enhance our resistance to diseases.”

“Fruits are full of nutrients like vitamins that boost our resistance to diseases.”



A: Yeah, without a doubt, I believe it’s of great importance to eat fruit on a regular basis, or even on a daily basis because they’re beneficial to people’s health. Fruits are rich in vitamins and other nutrients that I don’t know. In fact, I’ve even read an article that said that those people who eat a big amount of fruit tend to live longer lives than those who don’t. So, yeah, fruits are vital for people.



  1. “Yeah, without a doubt, I believe it’s of great importance” — 这部分开始得很好,用了口语化的“Yeah, without a doubt,” 来强调你的观点。不过,“I believe it’s of great importance”稍显正式,可以简化来让语气更轻松。

  2. “to eat fruit on a regular basis, or even on a daily basis” — 这里的“on a regular basis, or even on a daily basis”重复了同一个意思,可以选择其中一个来表达。

  3. “because they’re beneficial to people’s health” — 这个表述很清楚,但“beneficial”稍微正式了一点,可以用更简单的词。

  4. “Fruits are rich in vitamins and other nutrients that I don’t know.” — 这句中的“that I don’t know”可能让听者感到困惑,因为它暗示你不确定这些营养素是什么,这可能会减少你的可信度。

  5. “I’ve even read an article that said that those people who eat a big amount of fruit tend to live longer lives than those who don’t.” — 这句话的信息很好,但语言可以更简洁。例如,“a big amount”可以简化为“a lot”。


Absolutely! Eating fruits regularly, even daily, is really good for us. They’re packed with vitamins and all sorts of stuff that keep us healthy. I remember reading somewhere that people who munch on a lot of fruits generally have longer lives. Isn’t that cool? So, yeah, having fruits is definitely key to staying healthy.

这个回答简化了一些过于正式的表达,使语言更加直接和生动,同时也加入了一些口语化的元素,如“munch on”和“Isn’t that cool?”,让对话更加亲切和吸引人。

"having fruits is definitely key to staying healthy"中问什么key之前不加定冠词“a”?


  1. “having fruits is definitely key to staying healthy” — 这种表达更直接,强调吃水果对健康的重要性。在这里,“key”被用作形容词,意味着“至关重要的”或“关键的”。这种用法在口语中很常见,特别是当想要强调某事物的核心重要性时。

  2. “having fruits is definitely a key to staying healthy” — 这种表达则暗示吃水果是多种保持健康方法中的一种。这里,“a key”意味着吃水果是众多保持健康手段中的一个选择。这种说法更具体,暗示还有其他同等重要的健康方法。


本文标签: 雅思总纲真经口语实战