

I. Some of the questions that follow are true-false or multiple choice questions, and some require you to write short answers.
1. An important difference between writing and talking is that _____
a. writers make more points than speakers.
b. writers always use better English than speakers.
c. writers do not write about personal matters.
d. writers have to give reasons for their statements.
2. FILL-IN: The five prewriting techniques are 1) freewriting, 2) questioning,
3) making a ______________, 4) clustering, and 5) preparing a scratch outline.
3. Which of the following sentences is an announcement rather than a thesis statement?
a. Professional athletes are underworked and overpaid.
b. My cousin has centered his life around becoming a professional basketball player.
c. For several reasons, professional athletes today are a bad influence on young people.
d. The importance of professional athletes is the subject of this paper.
4. In emphatic order, the most interesting or important detail is placed _____
a. last. b. first. c. in the middle. d. in several places.
5. TRUE or FALSE: _____ You may have to choose another topic for your paper if there are not enough books and articles available for your research.
6. A research paper should be narrow and deep rather than broad and shallow. Which of the following topics would be most suited for a ten-page or so research paper?
a. Date rape b. Violence c. Rape d. Causes of date rape
7. In most writing, your general aim should be to first advance a point and then ________ that point.
8. When free writing, you should concern yourself with _____
a. spelling.
b. punctuation.
c. constantly writing.
d. finding the exact words to say what you mean.
9. TRUE or FALSE: _____ Formulating your thesis at the beginning will help you stick to the topic of your essay.
10. FILL-IN: Two common methods of organizing the supporting material in an essay are emphatic order and ___________ order.
11. When writing a scratch outline for your paper, include your thesis and _____
a. your notes. c. areas of support for the thesis.
b. your sources. d. all of the above.
12. Notes for your research paper may be in the form of _____
a. direct quotations. c. paraphrasing.
b. summaries. d. all of the above.
13. TRUE or FALSE: _____ The introductory paragraph of an essay should always begin by stating the point the essay will prove.
14. In questioning, you generate ideas about a topic by _____
a. asking as many questions as you can think of.
b. reading.
c. writing for ten minutes or so without stopping.
d. drawing boxes, arrows and circles to show relationships between ideas.
15. One way to make sure that your essay will have enough support is to start with _____
a. a thesis statement. c. an introduction.
b. an informal outline. d. all of the above.
16. Which of the following is an addition signal?
a. but b. such as c. therefore d. also
17. FILL-IN: Two common purposes of papers are 1) to make and defend a ___________ and 2) to present information on a subject.
18. A scratch outline for a research paper should be written _____
a. before note-taking c. before limiting your topic.
b. before gathering information. d. after documenting your sources.
19. The plan of development in an essay is _____
a. the structure of a body paragraph.
b. the same as a thesis statement.
c. a preview of the major points that support the essay.
d. always part of an introductory paragraph.
20. Another name for clustering is _____
a. brainstorming. c. outlining.
b. freewriting. d. diagramming.
21. FILL-IN: The first step in essay writing is deciding what ____________ you want to make.
22. Which of the following is a change-of-direction signal?
a. another c. on the other hand
b. before d. once
23. According to the Modern Language Association’s style, the first citation for a source in a paper must be _____
a. at the bottom of the page.
b. within the text of the paper.
c. at the end of the paper.
d. omitted.
24. TRUE or FALSE: _____ The “Works Cited” at the end of a paper must include all the sources actually used plus any other sources the writer has read.

II. Combine each of the following groups of simple sentences into one longer sentence, using the strategy indicated.

  1. Special Opening Words and Phrases
    Elias walked out of the theater. He was shocked by the movie’s violence.
  2. Series of adjectives
    An odor filled the house.
    The odor was damp.
    The odor was musty.
    The house was cold.
    The house was creepy.
  3. Special Opening Words and Phrases
    The new receptionist was timid. She answered the office phone for the first time.
  4. Series of adjectives
    Hakim snarled at his computer.
    Hakim was impatient.
    Hakim was angry.
    The computer was ancient.
    The computer was slow.
  5. Special Opening Words and Phrases
    The cat was curled up in a sunny spot on the windowsill. It paid no attention to the people passing by.
  6. Series of verbs
    The runner stretched her legs.
    She rotated her shoulders.
    She talked quietly to herself.
  7. Special Opening Words and Phrases
    Lilian was nauseated and feverish. She could not face the idea of making dinner for her children.
  8. Series of verbs
    The termites swarmed over the woodpile.
    They burrowed under the loose bark of the logs.
    They bega

本文标签: 作业陕西题库师范大学英语写作