


1(10)Listen to more information about the National Lottery and fill in the gaps with proper percentages.记分作业三音频  (请点击播放音频)

1、(2.0分)_____A_______ still buy a lottery ticket every week.

  • A) 88%
  • B) 98%

2、(2.0分)______A______ give some of their winnings to their family.

  • A) 83%
  • B) 38%

3、(2.0分)_____B_______ are happier now than they were before.

  • A) 50%
  • B) 55%

4、(2.0分)_____B_______ are still in the same job.

  • A) 84%
  • B) 48%

5、(2.0分)_____A_______ give money to charity.

  • A) 40%
  • B) 14%


2(2分) I go ___B_____ every morning.

  • A) swim
  • B) swimming
  • C) swimed

3(2分) Do you like ___B_____ basketball?

  • A) play
  • B) playing
  • C) played​​​​

4(2分) When I was a child I ____B____ in the same room as my brother. 

  • A) sleep
  • B) slept
  • C) was sleeping

5(2分) A fridge is ___A_____ than a freezer.

  • A) more important
  • B) importanter
  • C) most important


6(2分) Cable TV is ____A____ than a washing machine.

  • A) more useful
  • B) usefuler
  • C) most useful


7(2分) You ___A_____ pay me next time.

  • A) can
  • B) can able to
  • C) able to

8(2分) I drink ___B_____ water every day. 

  • A) a few
  • B) a lot of
  • C)  few

9(2分) If you have a bad cold, ___A_____a lot of water.

  • A) drink
  • B) drinking
  • C) to drink


10(2分) As students, we ___A_____ attend classes on time!

  • A) must
  • B) can
  • C) may

11(2分) J.K. Rowling ___B_____writing in the future.

  • A) is continuing
  • B) is going to continue
  • C) is continuing to

2(2分) I’m Sarah. I’m ___B_____ journalist.

  • A) an
  • B) a
  • C) the

3(2分) It is ___A_____ small island.

  • A)an
  • B) a
  • C) this

4(2分) Hi Susan, I ___A_____ David. Nice to meet you.

  • A) am
  • B) is
  • C) was

5(2分)____B____ are my brothers, and ____B____ is my best friend, Lesley. 

  • A) This, these
  • B) These, this
  • C) This, this

6(2分) A microwave is ____B____ expensive than a fridge.

  • A) most
  • B) more
  • C) the more

7(2分)–How ___B_____ do you go out with friends?

–Every weekend.

  • A) long
  • B) often
  • C) /

8(2分) He was ____A____ for his pen name than for his real name.

  • A) better known
  • B) best known
  • C) well known

9(2分) I eat ____A____ fast food. I love it!

  • A) a lot of
  • B) a few
  • C) little

10(2分) The Harry Potter books ____B____ the most successful children's books in history.

  • A) are going to be
  • B) are
  • C) were

11(2分) The children ____A____ football on the playground now.

  • A) are playing
  • B) play
  • C) plays


1、pass a driving test                 E 、通过驾照考试

2、have a family get-together     F 、举行家庭聚会

3、eat traditional food                 C 、吃传统食品

4、give presents                         H 、送礼物

5、send e-mail greetings            A 、发送电子邮件问候

6、have a takeaway pizza           I 、吃外卖披萨

7、go to the gym                         B 、去健身房

8、get undressed                        D 、脱衣服

9、phone a friend                        G 、给朋友打电话

10、go to the cinema                   J 、去电影院



>   Be very careful when crossing the road. Remember that cars drive 1________ the left in the UK.

>   Never walk out into the road 2________ looking.

>   Always stop at the side of the road and don’t forget 3________ both ways before you cross.

>   When the road is clear, start crossing.

>   Don’t run, always walk, and remember to keep 4________ both ways until you get to the other side.

>   If 5________, always cross at a pedestrian crossing.

>   If there isn’t a pedestrian crossing 6________, make sure that drivers can see you and 7________ step out from behind a parked car.

>   8________ particular care when you get off a bus. Wait 9________ the bus drives away and the road is clear 10________ you cross the road.


  • A) on
  • B) at
  • C) to


  • A) without
  • B) with
  • C) while


  • A) looking
  • B) look
  • C) to look



  • A) looking
  • B) look
  • C) to look


  • A) possibly
  • B) possible
  • C) impossible


  • A) near
  • B) near by
  • C) nearby


  • A) always
  • B) seldom
  • C) never


  • A) Get
  • B) Have
  • C) Take


  • A) until
  • B) when
  • C) after


  • A) while
  • B) before
  • C) after


14(15) Read the text and decide the following statements are true (T) or false (F).

Designer clothes? A luxury home? Jill Summers, 28, doesn’t want these things. She says her lottery win of £2m isn’t going to change her life.

Jill and her husband Derrick, 30, live and work on a farm in Ashford, south-east England. They get up at 4:30 am, seven days a week, 365 days a year.

“We’re not stopping now, just because we’ve had some good luck,” says Jill. She and Derrick say they aren’t leaving the family home. “We’re very happy here,” says the lucky Mrs. Summers.

Next month the couple are going on their first holiday for eight years. “We’re travelling around Asia and Australia for a few months,” says Derrick. And what about the business? “We’re paying someone to look after the farm. For the first time in eight years.”

And what else are they doing with the money? “Well, tomorrow we’re picking up our new car. And next week we’re having a big party for  all our friends and family. We’re giving 10% of the money to charity. But we aren’t planning any big changes.”

And does she still play the lottery? “Why not, some of the money goes to good causes.”

1、(3.0分)Jill and her husband get up at 4:30 every morning.A

  • A) 正确
  • B) 错误

2、(3.0分)​​​​​​​They are going to buy a new house.B

  • A) 正确
  • B) 错误

3、(3.0分)They are going on a holiday.A

  • A) 正确
  • B) 错误

4、(3.0分)They haven’t paid anyone to look after the farm during the last eight years.A

  • A) 正确
  • B) 错误

5、(3.0分)Jill will not play lottery any more.B

  • A) 正确
  • B) 错误

15(15) Read the text and decide the following statements are true (T) or false (F).

Diwali (the festival of lights) is one of the most important dates in the Hindu calendar. It is celebrated by Hindus all over the world and takes place in the Hindu month of Aswin (October/November). It lasts for four days and ends with the celebration of the Hindu New Year.

On the first day, people decorate their homes with rangolis, traditional patterns made with coloured powders. They light hundreds of tiny oil lamps and make traditional sweets. They buy something new for the house or some jewellery for the women. It is lucky to buy something silver.

On the second day, it is traditional to get up early and take a bath before sunrise. In Southern India, people take oil baths, using traditional herbs and fragrant powders.

On the third day, the night before the new moon rises, they celebrate with an enormous fireworks display which can last for five or six hours. The  noise and smoke is incredible.

On the last day, the first day of the Hindu New Year, people visit family members and business colleagues to give them sweets, dry fruits and gifts. All across India, normal life comes to a stop as everyone celebrates the new year.

1、(3.0分)Diwali is celebrated in October or November.A

  • A) 正确
  • B) 错误

2、(3.0分)On the first day, people like to buy something gold.B

  • A) 正确
  • B) 错误

3、(3.0分)On the second day, it is traditional to take a bath after sunrise.B

  • A) 正确
  • B) 错误

4、(3.0分)The fireworks display can last for more than five hours.A

  • A) 正确
  • B) 错误

5、(3.0分)The last day of Diwali is the Hindu New Year.A

  • A) 正确
  • B) 错误

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