


一、Word Derivation:

Directions: Complete the following sentences with the given words in their proper forms.

  1. I was overcome by an almost ________desire to break into song.  (resist)
  2. ________is often more useful than definition for giving the meaning of words.  (illustrate)
  3. This custom is a_________ from my great-grandmother’s days.  (survive)
  4. Would you like to make a __________ to the project?  (contribute)
  5. His ________ showed in the calm way in which he dealt with the problem.  (mature)
  6. The boy had only a _________certainty when he spoke out his mind.  (moment)
  7. Do you have a _________ for tragedy or comedy?  (prefer)
  8. He had the strength to resist further _________. (tempt)
  9. Tom has a _________ of dizziness when he walks along cliffs.  (sense)
  10. She was almost fainting with __________.  (exhaust)
  11. Smoking a cigar in public won’t _________you to the other passengers.  (dear)
  12. Elephants used to be found in great __________ in Africa.  (abound)
  13. Philip was seized with _________ when he was rudely threatened by a shop assistant.  (resent)

二、Multiple Choice. Choose the appropriate explanation of the underlined expressions.

1.The headlines are often designed to puzzle the reader so that he will read the item to find out the meaning of the headline!

A. interest        B. mystify          C. amuse

2. Brass-rubbing is something which only vaguely interests him.

A. slightly        B. greatly           C. unclearly

3. The soil should be nourished by unused vegetable matter.

A. irrigated       B. fed              C. grown

4. There is also a psychological need to be a contributing member of society.

A. practical       B. material         C. mental

5. Woven round a simple theme, this film portrays a novice nun and seven children.

A. song          B. subject          C. summary

6. New discoveries, creations and inventions have caused man’s way of life to be altered greatly.

A. changed        B. harnessed         C. bettered

7. Most people rely on television for the main news and read newspapers to be entertained.

A. informed         B. amused        C. comforted

8.. After you pick up a book, you soon become engrossed in it.

A. absorbed         B. dismayed       C. surprised

9.. Increasingly, young people have become aware of the need to change their eating habits.

A. Consequently      B. Gradually      C. Comparatively

10 They may be following their different leisure activities because of social conventions.

A. requirements       B. reforms        C. customs

11. The seven children of the Captain create a lot of clean and wholesome fun.

A. amusing          B. foolish          C. healthy

12 By lowering the mortality rate and ensuring survival, we have increased the population.

A. sickness           B. birth            C. death

13. There is another reason for this tendency to read popular newspapers.

A. situation       B. intention        C. inclination

14. You can wander round a book shop or a music shop to your heart’s content.

A. in case of emergency   B. by ending up with buying one    C. as long as you want

15. The unused vegetable matter provides the soil with essential vitamins and minerals.

A. vital            B. additive        C. chemical

16. If our hours of work are severely reduced, we have a different leisure problem.

A. slightly          B. gravely        C. moderately

17 The acting is superb, as every feeling is brought out fully.

A. excellent         B. emotional        C. ultimate

18. We are poorer than our forefathers in so many intangible ways.

A. different          B. unclear         C. complex

19. People who are seriously interested in world affairs like to read long, well-informed articles.

A. informative      B. amusing         C. serious

20. No assistant in a good shop will approach to you with the inevitable greeting: “Can I help you?”

A. unavoidable      B. whole-hearted    C. unwilling

21. In Britain today each person consumes an average of 200 pounds of sugar a year.

A. produces         B. sells            C. eats

22. The use of leisure is one of the major problems of the age of affluence.

A. prosperity        B. capacity         C. convention

23. There are no sensitive issues, nor does it try to put across any moral idea.

A. mature           B. wholesome      C. delicate

24. Man and beast had to suffice for any task, however taxing.

A. limiting          B. tiring           C. lavish

.In other words. Finish the incomplete sentences in such a way that each one would best keep the meaning

of the complete sentence before it.

1. The singer could not appear on the program, so a magician substituted for him.

Instead of                                           .

2.The book was not available to me then.

I                                                  .

3. Teachers have begun to pay more attention to some other aspects of the exam.

There are                                          .

4. All the children loved her because of her character.

Her character                                       .

5. People almost knew of nothing in the outer space.

Little                                              .

6. If I am personally involved, I will suggest strict penalties.

As far as                                  .

7. The little girl was amused by the story and she read it once more.

Amused by ___________________________________________.

8. The students were not afraid of possible failure in the experiment.

Possible failure ________________________________________.

9..He has already talked about the problem. Apart from that he has no more to say.

Beyond ________________________________________________.

10.Mrs. Smith is not only a good housewife, but also an active social worker in the community.

While                                                   .

11.Could I have another cup of coffee, please?

I don' t suppose ___________________________________________.

12.We are often told that our eating habits need changing.

Our eating habits, ________________________________________.

13.Modern cars differ greatly from the early ones in many major ways.

There is ________________________________________________.

14.No candidates in the election got as much as 50% votes in the election.

 All candidates in the election ________________________________.

15.I couldn't obtain the book in the library.

The book was ____________________________________________.

16.However strong the temptation, don't stay in any job too long.

Don't stay _______________________________________________.

17.The huge old house was owned by an Irish doctor.

An Irish doctor was _______________________________________.

18.The man had little knowledge in the field and he made a mess of the work.

The man ________________________________________________.

19.I think apples are more to her liking than pears.

I think she                                              .

20.The book was not available to me in the library then.

I                                                      .

21.He has never worked so hard in his life.

It                                                     .

22.Emphasis was placed on the importance of better public relations.

The importance of better public relations                      .

23.People say that he’s living in Canada.

He is                                                   .

24.I’m afraid I can’t find anything wrong with the film.

I don’t think there                                         .

四、Grammar and structure. Choose the most appropriate structure to fill in the blanks.

1. The editors try to attract the readers’ attention _______ sensational headlines in big black type.

A. by          B. with          C. at              D. to

2. Expecting ________, the student went towards him.

A. to tell off      B. telling off       C. being told off       D. to be told off

3. Natural foods are foods which have been grown in the soil which _______ by unused vegetable matter.

A. has been nourished       B. has been nourishing  

C. is being nourished        D. is nourished 

4. The present-day problem of work or leisure is made ________ by the very uneven spread of both problems among the population.

A. more noticeable    B. noticeabler    C. more noticeably     D. noticeablier

5. _______ she is young enough to enjoy and appreciate their fun, she is also mature enough to guide and to temper their behaviour.

A. Since           B. When        C. While          D. Unless

6. Being modern people, we no longer _______ the ______ of the innocent.

A. asleep; sleeping   B. sleeping; sleepy   C. sleep; sleep    D. sleepy; sleep

7. Most people rely on television for the main news and read newspapers _______.

A. to entertain   B. being entertained    C. to be entertained    D. entertained

8. It is only much later that you realize you must dash off to keep some _______ appointment.

A. forgetting    B. forgotten          C. forgettable         D. forgetful

9. In countries _______ the

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