


  • 华丽的词藻
  • 复杂的句式
  • 逻辑的框架


  • 1 词汇升级(高级替换)
    • 1.1 think(认为)
      • 1.1.1 我认为
      • 1.1.2 大家都认为
      • 1.1.3 认为A是B
    • 1.2 people
      • 1.2.1 群体(提建议——大主体)
      • 1.2.2 个体
        • 年轻人
        • 老年人
        • 成功人士
        • adj.+人(连字符)——各种各样的人
        • 干什么的人
    • 1.3 good
      • 1.3.1 adj.
      • 1.3.2 擅长
      • 1.3.3 be + adj. + to
      • 1.3.4 感叹句
    • 1.4 bad
      • 1.4.1 adj.
      • 1.4.2 固定句式
      • 1.4.3 be + adj. + to
      • 1.4.4 万能建议句的总述句
    • 1.5 should(提建议)
      • 1.5.1 短语
      • 1.5.2 形式主语
    • 1.6 many ——量词
      • 1.6.1 量词 + 可数名词
      • 1.6.2 量词 + 不可数名词
      • 1.6.3 无止尽
    • 1.7 important
      • 1.7.1 短语
      • 1.7.2 adj.
      • 1.7.3 重要的动词 = 强调
    • 1.8 thing
      • 1.8.1 物品
      • 1.8.2 问题
      • 1.8.3 现象和趋势
    • 1.9 very
    • 1.10 cause:n.原因 v.引起;事业(misguided cause:被误导的事业)
      • 1.10.1 A(原因) + 引起 + B(结果)
      • 1.10.2 a `have / exert /impose` a + adj. + effect on sth.
    • 1.11 want(小作文常用词汇)
    • 1.12 about(小作文)
    • 1.13 more and more
    • 1.14 common
    • 1.15 express:表达(描述图片)
  • 2 句法的多变
    • 2.1 利用定语
      • 2.1.1 后置定语
      • 2.1.2 `黄金公式`(重点)
    • 2.2 同位语(插入语结构)
    • 2.3 it 做的形式主语
      • 2.3.1 固定搭配
      • 2.3.2 句型结构
    • 2.4 倒装
      • 2.4.1 完全倒装(描述图片)
      • 2.4.2 only结构
    • 2.5 对比对照
  • 3 作文形式(Outline)
    • 3.1 话题(topic)
      • 3.1.1 大学生息息相关
      • 3.1.2 和人类息息相关
      • 3.1.3 新型科技
      • 3.1.4 有争议的话题(两面话题)
    • 3.2 大纲
      • 3.2.1 正面话题(360°狂拍马屁)
      • 3.2.2 负面话题(问题的引出 + 分析原因 /问题的后果 + 提出建议)
    • 3.3 正面话题模板的构成
      • 3.3.1 第一段
        • 第一种情况:图片描述
        • 第二种情况
      • 3.3.2 第二段:狂拍马屁
        • 五大弘扬句式
      • 3.3.3 第三段
        • 第一种:概括总结 + 呼吁正能量
        • 第二种:名人名言 + 呼吁
    • 3.4 负面话题(问题型建议;指导性建议)
      • 3.4.1 第一段:图片描述/名人名言 + 点题
        • 问题提出
        • 新型趋势类开头
        • 描述图表
        • 两面对比
      • 3.4.2 第二段:分析原因 or 提出建议
        • 第一句:原因的总述
        • 第二句:原因分述
          • 合成
        • 第三句:问题带来的后果(可写可不写)
      • 3.4.3 第三段:提建议(也可以放入第二段)
    • 3.5 两面话题
      • 3.5.1 第二段
        • 第一句
        • 第二句:综述其影响
        • 第三句
        • 第四句:转折 + 缺点
    • 3.5.2 第三段
      • 第一句:总结
      • 第二句
  • 4 应用文
    • 4.1 信件类型识别和通知
    • 4.2 万能模板
    • 补充
        • 1 例子的引出
        • 2 人物的介绍(同位语)
  • 5 作文实践
  • 6 补充(石雷鹏看图作文模板)
  • 7 补充(屠皓民)

1 词汇升级(高级替换)


  • last but not least:最后但同样重要的一点
    in virtue of:由于
    likelihood of:…的可能性
    means that:意味着…
    Put slightly differently:稍微换一种说法
    in a manner:在某种意义上
    More specifically:更具体的说
    To the best of our knowledge:据我们所知
    thereby:adv. 因此

1.1 think(认为)

1.1.1 我认为

观点词汇:I hold/maintain/deem/allege/assert/argue/find/show/believe that

插入语结构:主语,I + 观点词汇 ,谓语


  • for my part;
    from my perspective;
    there is one more point I have touch

I harbor the view /viewpoint /standpoint /perspective /assertion /belief /notification that

1.1.2 大家都认为

everyone clings to /adheres to /insists on the notion/ truth that

it is + 冠词 + adj. + n. + to do/主从



It is a widely-accepted truth that citizen,especially the youngsters,are supposed to have a sense of accountability/liability/obligation/duty.

It is a universally-shared belief that 主题词(弘扬正能量)is a valuable contributor necessary for us to intellectual purist(知识的追求),life journey and career prospect.

学习(高级替换):academic study;book learning;intellectual purist

1.1.3 认为A是B

rate A as B
think of /talk about /treat /dismiss /regard /depict /see /view A as B

1.2 people

1.2.1 群体(提建议——大主体)

  • 政府:government;authority;administration
  • 媒体:the mass media;newspaper
  • 社会:society
  • 相关机构:the relevant(concerning) agency /organization /institution

1.2.2 个体 年轻人

the + adj.表示一类人
eg:the blind:盲目的人

  • the young /
    the youngsters /
    the under-aged /
    the adolescent /
    the juvenile /
    the fledging adult 老年人
  • the old /elderly
    the aging population;
    senior citizen ;
    the infirm and elder population:体弱上了年纪的老年人 成功人士
  • social elites:社会精英 /
    high a achievers:高成就的人 /
    expert performers:佼佼者 adj.+人(连字符)——各种各样的人
  • strong-willed :意志力坚定的人 /
    grey-haired :头发灰白的人 /
    poor-looking :看上去很可怜的人 /
    be-deeply-loved :被我深爱的人 /
    confused 干什么的人

those + doing sth. / who 定语从句

those owning critical mind(创新头脑)

those owning optimistic mindset

those owning great possession.

those persistently adhering to strict plan in our daily life may gain ultimate success /unparalleled success(无与伦比的成功) /maximum success

those advoiding /escaping the accountability of supporting and caring their infirm parents hold the view that it may enhance /augment /aggravate their economic burden /life burden /academic burden

those supporting the view hold that

those opposing the view maintain that

1.3 good

1.3.1 adj.

  • decent(job);
    keep fit;
    a promising future;
    an ever-bright prospect;
    a positive mind;

1.3.2 擅长

  • excel in doing sth.
    be adept in
    skill in

1.3.3 be + adj. + to

be beneficial to:对…有益

all these well-enforced/effective/comprehensive measures are beneficial,not detrimental, to the sustainable development of environment.

1.3.4 感叹句

结构1:what + 冠词 + adj. + 名词 + it is
结构2:how + adj. + 冠词 + 名词 + it is

you,when arriving at the summit, can be obsessed with the extremely splendid scene of sunset.

eg2:这是一个多么有希望展示你才能的机会啊! 要想抓住这样一个难得的机会,你只需要在2016年2月12日前将简历发至我公司即可
what a promising chance it is to show /display your talent!to seize /grasp /catch /capture such marvelous opportunity,you just need to send your resume to our office before Feb.12th,2016.

1.4 bad

1.4.1 adj.

  • terrible;
    ruinous = damaging = devastating = disastrous:破坏性的

1.4.2 固定句式

  • exert an effect on sth.
    have /exert + adj.(好/坏) effect on sth.:A对B有好/坏的影响
    exert + adj.(坏) effect on sth. = pose a threat to sth.:对…造成威胁

the excessive deforestation can may exert a ruinous effect on dramatic climate change and the sustainable exploration of natural resources.

1.4.3 be + adj. + to

1.4.4 万能建议句的总述句

what we do above is beneficial, not detrimental, to protecting our living circumstances /the cultivation of cultivation of students' practical abilities and personal growth /the sustainable heritage of traditional cultures.

1.5 should(提建议)

1.5.1 短语

  • be supposed to
    be bound to do
    be obliged to do
    might as well do sth.

1.5.2 形式主语

  • it is no denying that:毫无疑问的是
    it is imperative /indispensable /pivotal for sb. to do sth / that 主从:对某人来说做某事是必要的/对…来说是必要的
    it is no exaggeration to say that :毫不夸张的说

it is imperative that the Administration should adopt and strength /enhance laws and regulations to defend the benefit of the aging population.

everyone is supposed to cling to a truth that industriousness /diligence /hard-working result in /lead to /contributes to ultimate success.

1.6 many ——量词

1.6.1 量词 + 可数名词

  • a collection of /
    a majority of /
    a host of /
    a large proportion of /
    a large number of /
    a large part of /
    a multitude of /
    a group of /
    a panel of + 可数名词

a majority of students are afraid of memorizing vocabulary and idioms.

an mary of studnets are obsessed with /are indulged in online games, enjoy romance with their lovers and kill the time passively in the dorms. When they are going to graduate from universally,they find their academic performance undesirable /less satisfactory.

1.6.2 量词 + 不可数名词

  • a great deal of /
    a large amount of /
    a large sum of /
    a plenty of +不可数名词

1.6.3 无止尽

  • endless;
    mountainous task

1.7 important

1.7.1 短语

  • place a high value on sth
    think highly of sth
    attach great importance to sth
    underline the importance to sth
    give sufficient weight to sth(give sufficient though to sth)
    put emphasis on sth
    play a key role in sth
  • pay attention to doing sth /sth
    被动:a great deal of attention is paid to doing sth
               great importance should be attached to

1.7.2 adj.

vital /crucial /essential /imperative /indispensable /critical /primary /fundamental /irreplaceable /significant + 因素(factor;element;contributor;reason;ingredient;component)

1.7.3 重要的动词 = 强调

  • highlight;

some people, in modern society, harbor the view that it is no longer vital to financially support and spiritually care the aging population.

1.8 thing

1.8.1 物品

inferior articles :劣质产品

goods = object = stuff = item = commodity = product :产品

1.8.2 问题

hard nut:棘手的问题

adj. :head-scratching /soul-crushing + 问题

sever /grave /painful /annoying /awful /regrettable(色彩词)+问题

1.8.3 现象和趋势

phenomenon ;trend ;tendency ;tend to ;incline to ;be likely to

1.9 very

adv.:more than + adj. = very
extremely;totally;wholly;highly;pretty;exceedingly;awfully rather + adj.

1.10 cause:n.原因 v.引起;事业(misguided cause:被误导的事业)

1.10.1 A(原因) + 引起 + B(结果)

lead to ;result in;give rise to ;bring about ;speak off;generate trigger

1.10.2 a have / exert /impose a + adj. + effect on sth.

Urbanization has exerted a ruinous /awful/detrimental/ hazardous/damaging effect on cultural heritage/cultural and historical remains/ cultural relics/ cultural sites

Excessively chopping down trees gives rise to titanic /tremendous/ gigantic/immense/ titanic loss with respect to environment

1.11 want(小作文常用词汇)


  • would like to do
    intend to
    look for
    be willing to
    be thirsty for
    be hunger for
    have an appetite for
    aspire to do
    eager to do
    wish to do sth

I eager to acquire the detailed instructions with respect to how establish the career prospects.

1.12 about(小作文)

with regrad to = in respect to = with respect to = in terms of = concerning = with inference to

there is a hot-heated debate /discussion with respect to the issue of studying abroad for middle school students.

1.13 more and more

  1. adj:increasing /growing/ mounting
  2. 量词短语:a growing number of
  3. 人:the public in an increasing number
  4. There be 结构: there is a growing anxiety over sth

there is a growing anxiety over the inexorable decline of air quality in metropolitans.

people ,nowadays, are enjoying the increasingly,convenient and comfortable life brought about by the computer technology.

1.14 common

adj:widespread ; worldwide ; fashionable ; prevailing ; prevalent ; pervasive

the trend of internet indulgence is prevailing among the under-aged.

1.15 express:表达(描述图片)

动词:convey /extend(my welcome) /voice (one;s opinion)
I,on behalf of all students, would like to extend an euthanasia welcome for your coming.

I intend to convent my cordial congratulations on your graduation and my sincere respect on your tremendous progress in academic study.

2 句法的多变

2.1 利用定语

2.1.1 后置定语

公式:人 /物 + doing sth(主动)/done sth(被动)/介词短语 /adj. 短语 +其他
The fresh graduates lacking working experience can not hunt for decent jobs.(简单句)

Students excelling in spoken English are preferred

2.1.2 黄金公式(重点)

公式:冠词 + 前置定语(量词短语 /形容词)+ n. + 后置定语

a drop-out girl coming from poverty-striking area in southwest China.

the picture aims to reveal that the high quality of self-confidence is a valuable element necessary for us to succeed in intellectual pursuit, life journey and career prospect.

standing on the road are a group of students who are faced with multiple choices including

2.2 同位语(插入语结构)

1:人,身份地位的介绍(as + 名词 /名词),谓语 + 其他

I, as an advocator of sustainable development, intend to write a letter with respect to wide spreading white pollution caused by misuse of plastic bags in our daily life.

as Bacon, the greatest British philosopher, has put it :“knowledge is power”.

2.3 it 做的形式主语

2.3.1 固定搭配

  • it is said /reported that + 主语从句
    it is no exaggeration to say that
    it is no denying that

2.3.2 句型结构

无主语时用to do
it be + (adv.)adj. + for sb. + to do sth. /that 主语从句

it is extremely /exceedingly obvious that the high quality of + 各种品质(collaboration /self-evidence /perseverance /being optimistic /integrity /challenging adversity) plays an important role in life journey whenever we meet adversity and formidable obstacles /setbacks /loneliness /challenges.(并列)

2.4 倒装

2.4.1 完全倒装(描述图片)

公式:表语前置(adj. /doing sth. + 介词 /done + 介词 + sth.)+ 系动词 + 主语 + 其他
the four youngsters are sitting around the table
sitting around the table are the four youngsters who are indulged in their smart phones.

2.4.2 only结构

(1)only in this way
(2)only by this
(3)only through doing sth. may it be of much possibility for us to do sth.
(4)only + 状语从句(if,when)
only through undergoing more formidable challenges and setbacks, may it be of much possibility for us to nurture /foster /cultivate strong will and marvelous capability.

only by doing so, may it be of much possibility for us to be a builder and inheritor of social cause in modern society.

only in this way, can we gain ever-bright prospect and a promising future.

2.5 对比对照

公式:A is to B as C is to D(A对B正如C对D)
water is to duck as bread is to me

  • moral 道德
    moral corruption 道德沦丧
    moral degradation 道德沦丧
    demoralization 道德沦丧
    physical 身体

moral degradation is to a state as physical illness is to an individual

3 作文形式(Outline)

2、图画 /图表式写作(topic)

3.1 话题(topic)


3.1.1 大学生息息相关


  • 中国传统美德:友善、诚信、勤俭节约、孝道
  • 素质技能:自律、勤奋、自信、乐观、责任心、沟通、创新、情商、身心健康、合作


  • 大学教育
  • 父母教育

3.1.2 和人类息息相关


  • 就业问题
  • 食品安全问题


  • 雾霾
  • 自然资源的枯竭


3.1.3 新型科技


3.1.4 有争议的话题(两面话题)


  • 第一句;名人名言 /谚语
  • 第二句:两面话题点题


  • 第一句:套话
  • 第二句:综述其影响
  • 第三句:套话
  • 第四句:转折 + 缺点


  • 第一句:总结
  • 第二句:提出建议

3.2 大纲

3.2.1 正面话题(360°狂拍马屁)

第一段:题干的重复描述 /图画描述 + 主旨引出

  • 第一句:图画 /名人名言 /图标描述
  • 第二句:点题(点题万能句)(点题词组)

第二段:序数词, 我的观点/ 大家都认为 + 主题的好处(首先;其次…)(使用2个五大弘扬句式)/自己写优点(词组)+ 举例(名人名言)

第三段:总结 + 呼吁 /提建议 /名人名言

  • 第一句:逻辑词(概括总结),再次强调主题词的重要性
  • 第二句:呼吁 /继续拍马屁

3.2.2 负面话题(问题的引出 + 分析原因 /问题的后果 + 提出建议)


  • 第一段 + 第二段(分析原因)+ 第三段(解决问题)
  • 第一段 + 第二段(提出建议)+ 第三段(总结)

第一段:题干的重复描述 /图画描述 + 主旨的引出

  • 第一句:图画 /名人名言 /图表 /趋势
  • 第二句:提出问题

第二段: 原因的总述 + 分析1 + 分析2

  • 第一句:原因的总述
  • 第二句:原因1
  • 第三句:原因2


  • 第一句:解决方案总述
  • 第二句:方案1
  • 第三句:方案2

3.3 正面话题模板的构成

3.3.1 第一段 第一种情况:图片描述

what an adj.(encouraging /touching /moving /familiar /discouraging /annoying) scene is the cartoonist showing us! Presented in the picture is a teacher(who is telling her student that reading is of great benefice to our daily life). It aims to illustrate that book learning is key to acquiring abundant knowledge.

(it aims to illustrate us that 主题词 + is a valuable contributor /element indispensable for us to succeed in life journey, academic performance and career prospect)


1、be of great benefice /significance /importance + in + 时间 /地点
2、A is key to B(名词 /doing sth)
3、A lay a solid foundation for sb. to do sth. A对B做某事奠定了良好的基础
4、A have a benefit effect on sth A对B有良好的影响

1、a high quality of self-confidence /self-respect
2、diligence = hard work = strive for = make constant efforts =personal endeavor = perseverance 第二种情况

As the old saying goes:“题干描述”. it aims to illustrate us that 主题词 + is a valuable contributor /element indispensable for us to succeed in life journey, academic performance and career prospect

3.3.2 第二段:狂拍马屁

First and foremost, from my perspective /For my part /What I hold is that 主题词带来的具体好处 /五大弘扬句式. Such an attitude /manner /spirit /method can produce a lasting energizing effect, granting us a fruitful, meaningful and fulfilling life. Secondly + 第二个好处. For example + 万能例子.

what I hold is that reading various books from ancient and modern can broaden our horizon, enhance our professional knowledge and eventually acquire author’s wisdom.


主题词 + can transform(改变 /change) one’s way of thinking and living in a positive way, and an increasing number of people have become the practitioners of + 主题词

The importance of + 主题词 cannot be overstated.

in the face of A and A1, B is C

A = difficulties,adversity,failure,setbacks,challenges;painstaking task;suffering;misery;dilemma;ups and downs;helplessness and isolation;drepession
B = 主题词
C = effective medicine;powerful weapon;eventual potion

First and foremost, what I agree is that the importance of family education cannot be overstarted /overemphasized during the personal growth of their children and in the face of painstaking tasks and dilemma, parenting guidance is a powerful weapon.

First and foremost, it is a well-accepted truth that the importance of mutual help cannot be overstarted /overemphasized during in our modern society and in the face of helplessness and isolation,it is a powerful weapon.

nothing is more important than + 主题词 + in sth./ doing sth
nothing is more important than the high quality of honesty in our daily life.

one could hardly attain + adj. (ultimate / maximum) success without + 主题词(it; such quality)

自己写:成功离不开勤奋,可以点石成金; 懒惰是前进的障碍,它会使人不可避免地失败
diligence is indispensable to success; turning stoneinto gold;while laziness is an barrier /obstacle of progress, leading people to inevitable fail.

3.3.3 第三段 第一种:概括总结 + 呼吁正能量

to sum up;in conclusion;in a world;in short;based on the above analysis

therefore,it is not difficult to draw a conclusion that

based on the above points discussed above, we can draw a conclusion that

主题词 + lays a solid foundation for us to set ambitious/ specific goals(targets), overcome various obstacles and achieve ultimate success.(高贵的品质)

based on the above points discussed above, we can draw a conclusion that 主题词 really counts(重要) in + this + adj.(quick-paced /contemporary /modern) society (full of competition) to arm ourselves.

重要性的词组;people, especially the young, should 重要(focus on /pay attention to; highlight /underscore /place a high value on /put emphasis on) + 主题词 第二种:名人名言 + 呼吁

造名人名言——抄题干 + 主题词的引出
公式1:A is to B as C is to D
公式2:主题词 + is the catalyst for the development of individual and community
公式3:主题词 + is the pyramidal cornerstone for success

3.4 负面话题(问题型建议;指导性建议)

3.4.1 第一段:图片描述/名人名言 + 点题

点题的句式结构:nowadays,people are faced with an ever-growing trend /question of + 主题词/ that + 主题句

nowadays,people are faced with an ever-growing trend question that they are suffering from the living stress in metropolitans
nowadays,the students are confronted with an ever-growing trend question that they are stress from studying abroad. 问题提出

1)Nowadays, people are faced with /encountered with /confronted with a + adj. + problem + of + 主题词 /that + 主题句

2)Today /Now, the (inventible /annoying /serious) topic /issue /question of + 主题词 constantly(不断持续的) captured wide media attention, occupying the newspaper and wreaking horror among people.
eg: Today, the serious issue of 主 constantly captured wide media attention, occupying the newspaper and wreaking horror among people.
(全球变暖:global warming;就业困难:the employment difficulties)

3)the adj. problem about + 主题词 is increasingly common /prevalent /pervasive /prevailing. 新型趋势类开头

电子书籍;app;online games;online classes;AI;automation;robot
1)With the rapid growth brought about _____, ______have /has become increasingly important in our daily life.
eg:With the rapid growth brought about by science and technology, the widespread use /application of + 主题词 have /has become increasingly important in our daily life.

2)With 主题词 playing an increasingly important role in ____, people in an increasing number ______ 描述图表

1)As the bar chart, the number of ____ has dramatically increased /decreased during the ____ years from ____ to ____.

2) As can be seen in the graphs /bar chart, great changes concerning ____ took place between ____ and ____.

As we can see from the table/graph/chart,
As is seen from the table/graph/chart,

As is vividly depicted in the cartoon/picture above, 两面对比

1)Faced with 主题词, quite a few people hold that 主题词带来的好处, but others take different views. From my perspective, I am in favor of opinion that 确定主题词带来的好处.

2)When it comes to ____, some maintain /hold /view ____, others argue the opposite is true.
eg:When it comes to online games, some maintain /hold /view that it can relieve our pressure during the dialy life, others argue the opposite is true.

3)Nowadays 主题词 has become a hot topic among the public people hold different views about 主题词

4) As regards /when it comes to + 主题词

3.4.2 第二段:分析原因 or 提出建议 第一句:原因的总述

1、Careful deliberation of this problem has given me several ideas as to why this should be so.

2、What factors lead to this phenomenon and what we can do to solve the problem have become a concern to many people. In my opinion the following reasons should be taken into consideration.

3、It is crucial that we analyze the causes of this disturbing issue and explore the effective solutions. From my perspective the causes are multiple.(分析原因)

4、It is not easy to render the reasons for this complicated phenomenon which involves several factors. For my part there are several causes for this problem.

5、In my mind the following ractors need to be taken into consideration.

6、There are several reasons for this phenomenon.(分析原因)

7、The causes may be inner and outer influence.

8、There are a number reasons of this phenomenon.

9、Hence it is imperative(必要) that we pinpoint( 精准的指出) the causes

10、People in an increasing number are starting to ponder over what the 第二句:原因分述

1)first;first of all;to begin with;in the first place;on the one hand;first and foremost;for one thing

2)second;secondly;next;besides;in the second place;for another;furthermore;moreover;in addition;what is more;more importantly

1、one of the plausible reason is that

2、it largely seems to result from the fact that

3、主题词 + lies not in A but in B (强调)

4、A survey by China daily found the top reason given by 主体 for 主题词的问题 is ____


  • 主体

    • a:大主体
      国家 country;society;nation;
      政府 the authority;administration;government
      相关机构:relevant /concerning department
      媒体:the mess media
    • b:小主体
      老年人:the aging population;the elder
  • 缺乏(色彩一致的词汇)

    • a:lack(vt)= lack sth.;
      lack of sth.(名词短语)= absence of = dearth of
      in short of = be in shortage of = be deficient in
    • b:忽视
      ignore = neglect = overlook /oversight /overpass
    • c:未能 fail to + realize the importance of
  • 客体
    正确的教育:correct /proper education
    有力的措施:powerful /feasible /applicable /reasonable / effective measure /
    高效的管理:effective management
    有效的交流:workable communication /interaction
    专业的知识:professional knowledge
    充分的准备:adequate /sufficient /considerable preparation
    健全的体制:sound mechanism /system
    明确的目标:specific target /aim /goal
    严格的监督:strict /rigorous supervision
    正确的态度:correct attitude
    职业道德:professional ethical codes /values
    必要的警惕:necessary vigilance


公式1:主体 + 缺乏 + 客体 + when dealing with + this problem. As a result /consequently, such grave situation is getting urgent and irreversible.

  • 处理:tackle;deal with;do with;cope with;approach;address;handle;solve;process
  • adj.:inevitable;prevalent;pervasive;hazardous;severe;obvious

公式2:原因句式 + 主体 + 缺乏 +客体

firstly, one of the plausible reason is that our society lacks sound employment system when dealing with this problem.As a result, such grave situation is getting urgent and irreversible. What’s more, it largely seems to result from the fact that fresh graduates fail to realize their advantage and lameness

公式3:the fundamental /essential /primary /critical factor (for 主题词)is due to the fact that 主体 + fail to + 认识 /重视(attach great importance to /place a high value on /put emphasis on) 第三句:问题带来的后果(可写可不写)

1)such tendency,if left as it is (如果置之不理),could inevitably + 严重后果


3.4.3 第三段:提建议(也可以放入第二段)

To tackle the problem, it is surely necessary to complete well-enforced laws and regulations of 主题词 and firmly implement them. But rules alone will not be sufficient(不足以解决), which must be accompanied by(伴随着) persuasion and education(教育) that helps raise public awareness of moral codes /social responsibility /environmental conservation. All these are beneficial, not detrimental, to +主题词.

In conclusion, there is no excuse for us to complain or escape when facing this situation. Conversely, we should try to find various solutions to solve the problem.


  • This issue should be well taken into consideration. As to how to address the problem people put forward various suggestions.

  • Regarding these reasons I think there some ways to deal with the problem.

  • In order to solve the problem people set forth different solutions and here I would explore only two key ways.

  • I strongly suggest that effective steps be taken as soon as possible to address the problem.

  • The following suggestions should be taken into consideration when we are seeking solutions to cope with the problem.

  • Considering the severity of this issue we have no choice but to take stringent measures to address this problem.

  • It is crucial that we take vigorous measures to tackle these problems.

  • Given the severity of this phenomenon we have no alternative /option but to take immediate /prompt steps to address the situation.(由于这种现象的严重性,我们无路可选,只有立即采取措施来解决这个问题)

  • In view of the seriousness of this problem effective measures must be taken before things get worse.


  • it is no exaggeration to say that:毫不夸张的说
  • it goes without saying that:毋庸置疑的说
  • keep it in mind that:记住
  • when it comes to:当谈到
  • it is imnerative /pivotal to do sth /that:做某事很有必要
  • should /be supposed to do sth /tend to:应该
  • 动名词短语做主语 + is an effect way to + 主题词

Choosing the public vehicles is an effective way to prevent the air quality from declining.

3.5 两面话题


3.5.1 第二段 第一句

套话1:it is mirror of an ever-growing trend of /that

套话2:the picture sparks off a debate on sth

套话3:it reflects two distinct different ways of + 主题词

套话4:it is no surprise that + 主题词 is arousing much chatter 第二句:综述其影响

As to the impact had on us /When it comes to its influence, views /voices /perspectives are divided. 第三句

套话1:it goes without saying that 科技的发展 has dramatically 好处, but it has created 负面的影响 as well: /but it has created a concerned /worrisome /fearsome phenomenon:

套话2:the biggest argument in favor of + 主题词 is that people from all walks of life have benefited enormously from the1 strength of /that 第四句:转折 + 缺点

转折句:the merits, though, may be obscuring an unrecognized fact that + 缺点

the merits, though, may be obscuring an unrecognized fact that such smart devices can lead to distraction.

3.5.2 第三段 第一句:总结

1、every coin has two sides

2、every rose has a thorn

3、everything tends to be a mixed blessing

4、主题词 + is a two-edged sword which can both be used for good or evil. 第二句

on it’s own, 主题词 is neither good nor bad, it depends on how we use it, that is to say, we should spare no efforts to restrict /curb its lameness + 提出建议

4 应用文

4.1 信件类型识别和通知

1 格式
Dear Bob, 1
   I have come to back to Beijing yesterday. When I was unpacking my baggage, I was surprised to find the music CD I borrowed from you last Sunday. I’m terribly sorry that I’ve forgotten to return it to you, for I left in such a hurry that I didn’t check my baggage carefully.
  It’s convenient for you to buy a new one, would you like to buy another one? I’ll pay for that, if not , I will send it to you by express as soon as possible. Would you please tell me which way you prefer and I will do as you like.
  Once again, please accept my sincere apology for any inconvenience that I have caused. 2

3 Yours sincerely

Li Ming

2 识别类型——十类
1)建议 —— suggestion /advice
2)推荐 —— recommend
3)邀请(vip) /通知(大家) —— invite
4)道歉+感谢+弥补方案 —— apology
5)申请 —— application
6)投诉 —— complain
8)祝贺 —— congratulation

4.2 万能模板

1 建议 /推荐(万能模板)
Dear Xx,
  How about your life recently in university? I am writing to + 题干的要求.
  First, it is pivotal 第一个建议. Secondly, (形式主语)it is highly recommended that 第二个建议. Keep it in mind that 第三个建议. Thirdly, it is no exaggeration to say that + 好词.
  I hope you will find the above introduction /recommendation reasonable and feasible. Thank you for your consideration and I will be looking forward to your reply.

Sincerely yours

Li Ming

2 通知


  Pay attention, please! our university has decided to + 题干的相关信息, which is to be launched on 时间 May 15 th at 日期 our second teaching building.

   It will involve a variety of activities 活动相关内容. We will invite our beloved professors to serve as judges /to guide our academic and research /to be our tutor. The preliminary round falls on (具体时间) this month.
  Those who want to participate are required to hand in their in their request form before 10th of this month (截止日期) to our staff office. Everybody is welcome to be present at the summer camp.(呼吁)


May, 5th, 2019

3 邀请信
Dear ____,
  I would like to invite you to attend ____(具体活动)__. It would give me /us great pleasure to have your presence at the contest/ dinner/ ceremony to be held on __日期 at the center of students’ activity /301 in the sixth teaching building __(时间和地点)
  The occasion will start at __(介绍活动具体时间), and activities include ____, and _(说明活动内容) . There are also arrangements for ____(突出活动引人之处), which I’m sure you will throughly enjoy. Besides, __(说明参加人员) will fill the hall it would be immensely stirring to them if you could make it.
  Please inform us of your decision. We would be particularly honored by your distinguished presence and look forward to hearing from you.

Sincerely yours,

Li Ming

4 道歉信
Dear ____,
  I am writing to make an apology to you for my failing to ____. It is a great pity that __(具体说明要道歉的事由)
  To make up my fault, I will send it by EMS as soon as possible __(说明补救措施) as a token of my apology. Also I would compensate for your loss as soon as possible. You’ve been a considerate and helpful friend all along yet this is such huge negligence on my part.
  Once again I sincerely apologize for my careless mistake as well as for any inconvenient this has caused you.

Yours Sincerely,

Li Ming


1 例子的引出


  • for example,for instance,such as 等
    example can easily found in our lives /history /the tales /in contemporary society.
    example indicating /showing /demonstrating /reflecting this + 主题词 are countless /enormous /various.
    according to the survey conducted by China daily,+ 数字论证.
2 人物的介绍(同位语)

It is obvious what makes sb.(a high achiever /an expert performance, a social elite) is owing to /because of + 主题词.


  • 身份:expert,solicit;writer ,environmentalist,the receiver of Nobel prize
    取得:achieve,gain,create,generate,obtain,acquire,make breakthrough
    令人瞩目:significant,enormous,landmark,important,pivotal,essential countless,incredible,unbelievable,exceptional,various,critical
    修饰人的形容词:charming,attractive,influential,remarkable,outstanding,fascinating,successful,excellent,critical, popular, pivotal, essential, core

for example,Obama,brilliant and noted black president in American history. made significant contribution to American’s advancement. It is obvious what makes him the first black president is owing to his strong belief, constant efforts and clear target(本文的主题词)

Mo Yan, the first receiver of Nobel prize in literature in China, made landmark breakthrough in modern society. It is obvious his expert performance is owing to his habit of reading.

5 作文实践


Directions: for this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay about the importance of cooperation, You are required to write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.   

The Importance of Cooperation

  It aims to illustrate us that cooperation is a valuable element for us to succeed in career life and mutual communication between people.

  Firstly, it is universally accepted truth that 句式结构1 + 句式结构2; secondly 句式结构5.
  Based on the above analysis, the high quality of collaboration really count in a team. People, especially the youngers, should focus on such quality to gain the ultimate success in the group /only when each member of a team realizes the significance of cooperation can the ultimate success can be gained.



  • 白色污染(white pollution)
  • 旅游景区的破坏(the pollution in tourism)
  • 自然资源的枯竭(the excessive exploitation of natural resources)
  • 全球变暖(global warming)
  • 过度捕捞(excessive fishing)
  • 雾霾(smog;the inexorable decline of air quality)
  • 沙尘暴(sand storm)


  • 交通堵塞(traffic congestion)
  • 过度崇拜(excessive idol worship)
  • 大学生难就业(employment difficulties)
  • 科技问题(smartphone addiction)

for this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay about air quality; what do you think is the effective way: 解决问题 to fight smog: 同义置换(2-3个)

The problem of air quality

  Nowadays, people are faced with a serious problem of air quality. What elements lead to this phenomenon and what we can do to solve the problem have become a concern to many people. In my opinion the following reasons should be taken into consideration.

  First of all, one of the plausible reason is that relevant department ignore effective management of the environment. As a result, such grave situation is getting urgent and irreversible. What’s more, people pay little attention to the public environment in their daily life.
  To tackle the problem, it is surely necessary to complete well-enforced laws and regulations and firmly implement them. But rules alone will not be sufficient, which must be accompanied by persuasion and education that helps raise public awareness of environmental conservation. All these are beneficial, not detrimental, to air quality.



for this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an short essay entitled online games: good or evil, your essay should choose a kind of standpoint, illustrate reasons for this phenomenon and then express your opinion. You are required to write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.

The Influence Of Online Games

  it is mirror of an ever-growing trend that people in an increasing number enjoy the online games.As to the impact had on us, views are divided. It goes without saying that such online games make us own colorful and meaningful leisure time but it has created a worrisome phenomenon: it also does harm to our health and always leads to addiction. Such as excessive dependent on such games cuts off link with the reality.

  everything tends to be a mixed blessing,on it’s own, online games is neither good nor bad, it depends on how we use it, that is to say, we should spare no efforts to restrict /curb its addiction and reasonably use it in our leisure time /our daily life.

6 补充(石雷鹏看图作文模板)

图画描述6种手法 = 总分结构
1、图画概述:This drawing, apparently, can be associated with …
2、承上启下(概述→细节):Why? Let us closely observe it.
3、图画细节:介词短语表环境 + there be 引出人/物 + 动词ing 表伴随
4、With + n. + v-ed /v-ing 表身上或周围的事物 = 独立主格结构
6、被动 + 定从:文字说明




Directions: Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the picture below. In your essay, you should

  1. describe the picture briefly,
  2. interpret the implied meaning, and
  3. give your comments.
    Write your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.(20 points)

This drawing, apparently /obviously /evidently, can be associated with two distinct attitude towards adversities and setbacks. (图画概述)Why? Then, let us closely observe it. (承上启下)On the journey to a high mountain, there is a youngster, sitting for a rest and sighing, “I am too tired /exhausted to climb”


This drawing, apparently, can be associated with two distinct attitudes towards adversities and setbacks: optimism and pessimism. Why? Then, let us closely observe it. Beside and overturned bottle on the ground, there is a youngster, covering his face and sighing, “it is all/ completely over.”


These two drawings, apparently, can be associated with two distinct habits towards learning. Why? Let us closely observe them. In the left one, there is a girl, sitting beside a desk and telling herself: “It is better to finish as early as possible.” However, in the right picture, the other guy tells himself not to act until the deadline.


  In the first cartoon, there is a youngster, sitting leisurely in a chair and flaunting his large number of books, with no book in hands. However, in the right picture, although the guy has just a few books, he has made his mind to do his utmost to read 20 books in this year. Several Chinese characters, finally, can be noticed, which say “having books” and “reading books”.
  These two pictures are particularly worth concerning for the reason that the painter focuses his eyesight on what the true reading is. In the contemporary society, a host of people prefer to purchase, store and even flaunt their books, but they may never read any books. This phenomenon is rather ridiculous. As a matter of fact, every one should bear in mind that books should be read and not be boasted. Reading books, as a positive habit, brings us knowledge, arouses our enthusiasm for future life and enhance our quality. It is books that enable us to acquire not only knowledge, but also confidence, optimism and courage to face any adversity.
  I, as a college student, and convinced that the society as a whole should foster a positive atmosphere to educate and encourage all people to
not only purchase books, but also to be absorbed in reading books.

7 补充(屠皓民)

Of sth. …, the 最高级 …

eg1:Of all the problems that have taken place in the past decade, the most thought-provoking is the loss of traditional morality.

eg2:Of all the changes that have taken place in English language newspapers during the past quarter century, perhaps the most far-reaching has been the inexorable decline in the scope and seriousness of their arts coverage.

…, with the result that…:…, 伴随着的结果是

on the grounds that:因为
=in that
=for the reason that

be advised to:应该

本文标签: 英语写作技巧李靖