

Part I Basic Ideas in Language Teaching
Directions: In this part, there are 24 statements about teaching in English, and four answers after each one. You are to choose from each of the following statements the best answer according to what we have learnt in the book of “A Course in English Language Teaching”.
1. To learn a language means to learn these structural items so as to be able to understand and produce language.
A. This is the behaviorist view of language.
B. This is the structural view of language.
C. This is the functional view of language.
D. This is the interactive view of language.
2. Learners should know the grammar and vocabulary, but as importantly they should know the rules for using them in s whole range of communicative contexts.
A. This is the behaviorist view of language.
B. This is the structural view of language.
C. This is the functional view of language.
D. This is the interactive view of language.
3. According to cognitive theory, .
A. students learn language by repeating what teachers say
B. students are asked to think and create
C. students learn a language as animals do things
D. students respond when teachers give stimulus
4. By audio-lingua method, students should always .
A. be allowed to create their own sentences based on their understanding of certain rules
B. be trained to form good habits in learning
C. relate their rules learned to their uses in real life
D. be able to communicate with others in practice
5. Language is regarded as a communicative tool, whose main use to build up and maintain social relations between people.
A. This is the interactional view of language.
B. This is the functional view of language.
C. This view of language has no basis of theory.
D. The view may be out of date in language teaching.
6. What is the main idea of Communicative Approach?
A. To teach language in a global and meaningful way.
B. To teach language in a communicative method.
C. To teach language in training of habits.
D. To teach language by asking students to repeat and memorize forms.
7. What is a good language teacher?
A. A person who has a good command of English.
B. A person who is armed with a specific range of skills and strategies.
C. A person who has ethic devotion, desirable personal styles and professional qualities.
D. A person who has professional competence.
8. To attain the professional competence, a teacher should have training, learning, practice and .
A. experience
B. educational psychology
C. received knowledge
D. reflection
9. According to Hymes, in a successful language communication, one’s utterance should be A. reliable and clear B. possible and feasible
C. appropriate and authentic D. possible, feasible, appropriate and really used
10. Learning a language means being able to do things with it in some sense…
A. This is the behaviorist view of language.
B. This is the structural view of language.
C. This is the functional view of language.
D. This is the interactive view of language
11. Behaviorist view of language holds .
A. students learn language by repeating what teachers say
B. students are asked to think and create
C. students learn a language as animals do things
D. students respond when teachers give answers
12. A teacher should have training, learning, practice and to attain the professional competence,.
A. experience
B. educational psychology
C. received knowledge
D. reflection
13. Task principle means activities in which language is used for carrying out meaningful tasks that promote learning.
A. This is the view of communicative approach about competence
B. This involves the function/notion method
C. This is the view of behaviorism in language teaching.
D. Not sure.
14. We train students to learn a language just as we train animals to do things.
A. This can be classified into functional grammar.
B. The typical behaviorist view of language learning.
C. The view is taken by those who hold grammar-translation method.

本文标签: 教学法陕西英语题库师范大学