



C7 Test-2

I. Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative

answers. Choose the one that would best

complete the statement.

1. Which of the following words does not undergo the

process of narrowing of meaning?

A. meat

B. liqour

C. disease

D. journal

2. factor is the one that often contributes to the associated

transfer of meaning and euphemistic use of

words, etc.

A. Scientific

B. Psychological

C. Historical

D. Internal

3. The change of word-meaning is achieved by modes of .

A. degradation and elevation

B. transference and euphemism

C. extension and narrowing

D. all the above

4. “churl” used to be “a peasant” or “free man” has

now come to denote “uncultivated or mean person”, which

belongs to of word-meaning.

A. elevation

B. narrowing

C. extension

D. degradation

5. “minister” originally means "servant" while in modern

time it refers to “head of the governmental ministry”. This

mode of word-meaning change is .

A. extension

B. elevation

C. degradation

D. transfer

6. The meanings of "nose" and "eye" in "the nose of a ship"

and "the eye of a needle" have

experienced .

A. extension

B. degradation

C. associated transfer

D. elevation

7. Which of the following phenomena is not the narrowing

of word-meaning?

A. A common word is turned into a specific word

B. Material nouns are used to refer to objects made of them

C. A word of abstract meaning is used as a concrete meaning

D. Some phrases are shortened and only one element of the

original is left to retain the meaning of the whole

8. “churl, hussy, wench" were originally neutral in color but

have all be en down-graded as "ill-mannered or bad

people" because of .

A. class reason

B. historical reason

C. religious reason

D. psychological reason

9. Linguistic factors of meaning change exclude .

本文标签: 词汇学单元测试