


I. Define the following terms. Write your answers on the answer sheet.

  1. specialized dictionary
  2. collective meaning
  3. semantic transfer
  4. antonym
  5. old English
  6. a variation of an idiom
  7. morphs
  8. synonym
  9. morpheme
  10. semantic motivation
  11. a variation of an idiom
  12. morphs
  13. synonym
  14. morpheme
  15. semantic motivation
  16. blending
  17. homonymy
  18. the central meaning
  19. inflectional morphemes
  20. dictionary

II. The following are multiple-choice questions. Mark your answer by circling A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet.

  1. Degradation can be illustrated by the following example. _______
    A. lewd → ignorant B. silly → foolish C. last → pleasure D. knave → boy
  2. Homophones are often employed to create puns for desired effects of: _______
    A. humor B. sarcasm C. ridicule D. all the above
  3. The four major modes of semantic change are _______.
    A. extension, narrowing, elevation and degradation
    B. extension, generalization, elevation and degradation
    C. extension, narrowing, specialization and degradation
    D. extension, elevation, amelioration and degradation
  4. The use of one name for that of another associated with it is rhetorically called _______.
    A. synecdoche B. metonymy C. substitution D. metaphor
  5. Idioms adjectival in nature function as _______.
    A. adjectives B. attributes C. modifiers D. words
  6. Grammatical context refers to _______ in which a word is used.
    A. vocabulary B. grammar C. semantic pattern D. syntactic structure
  7. In the idiom “in good feather”, we change “good” into “high, full” without changing meaning. This change of constituent is known as _______ .
    A. addition B. replacement C. position-shifting D. variation
  8. The phrase “return ticket” is _______.
    A. onomatopoeically motivated B. morphologically motivated
    C. semantically motivated D. logically motivated
  9. CCELD is distinctive for its _______.
    A. clear grammar codes B. language notes C. usage notes D. extra columns
  10. Which of the following words is NOT formed through clipping?
    A. dorm B. motel C. gent D. zoo
  11. An idiom is characte

本文标签: 词汇学作业陕西英语题库