

UniT: Unified Knowledge Transfer for Any-Shot Object Detection and Segmentation



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Methods for object detection and segmentation rely on large scale instance-level annotations for training, which are difficult and time-consuming to collect. Efforts to alleviate this look at varying degrees and quality of supervision. Weakly-supervised approaches draw on image-level labels to build detectors/segmentors, while zero/few-shot methods assume abundant instance-level data for a set of base classes, and none to a few examples for novel classes. This taxonomy has largely siloed algorithmic designs. In this work, we aim to bridge this divide by proposing an intuitive and unified semi-supervised model that is applicable to a range of supervision: from zero to a few instance-level samples per novel class. For base classes, our model learns a mapping from weakly-supervised to fully-supervised detectors/segmentors. By learning and leveraging visual and lingual similarities between the novel and base classes, we transfer those mappings to obtain detectors/segmentors for novel classes; refining them with a few novel class instance-level annotated samples, if available. The overall model is end-to-end trainable and highly flexible . Through extensive experiments on MS-COCO [32] and Pascal VOC [14] benchmark datasets we show improved performance in a variety of settings.

目标检测和分割方法依赖于大规模的实例级标注进行训练,这些标注难以收集且耗时。解决这个问题很大程度上取决于监督的质量。弱监督方法利用图像级别的标签来构建检测器/分段器,而零/少样本方法为一组基类假设了丰富的实例级别数据,为新类假设了很少的实例级别数据。这种分类法在很大程度上是孤立的算法设计。在这项工作中,我们的目标是通过提出一个直观、统一的半监督模型来弥合这一分歧,该模型适用于一系列监督:从零到每个新类的几个实例级样本。对于基类,我们的模型学习从弱监督到完全监督检测器/分段器的映射。通过学习和利用新类和基类之间的视觉和语言相似性,我们转移这些映射以获得新类的检测器/分段器;如果可以的话,可以使用几个新的类实例级注释示例来细化它们。整个模型具有端到端的可训练性和高度灵活性。通过对MS-COCO[32]和Pascal VOC[14]基准数据集的大量实验,我们发现在各种设置下性能都有所提高。

1 介绍

Over the past decade CNNs have emerged as the dominant building blocks for various computer vision understanding tasks, including object classification [21, 45, 52], detection [33, 42, 43], and segmentation [8, 20]. Architectures based on Faster R-CNN [43], Mask R-CNN [20] and YOLO [42] have achieved impressive performance on a variety of core vision tasks. However, traditional CNN-based approaches rely on lots of supervised data for which the annotation efforts can be time-consuming and expensive [22, 29]. While image level class labels are easy to obtain, more structured labels such as bounding boxes or segmentations are difficult and expensive. Further, in certain domains (e.g., medical imaging) more detailed labels may require subject expertise. The growing need for efficient learning has motivated development of various approaches and research sub-communities.
在过去十年中,CNN已成为各种计算机视觉理解任务的主要构建块,包括目标分类[21,45,52]、检测[33,42,43]和分割[8,20]。基于Faster R-CNN[43]、Mask R-CNN[20]和YOLO[42]的体系结构在各种核心虚拟任务上取得了令人印象深刻的性能。然而,传统的基于CNN的方法依赖于大量有监督的数据,因此注释工作可能耗时且昂贵[22,29]。虽然图像级别的类标签很容易获得,但更结构化的标签(如边界框或分段)很难获得,而且成本也很高。此外,在某些领域(如医学成像),更详细的标签可能需要专业知识。对高效学习的需求不断增长,推动了各种方法和研究子社区的发展。

On one end of the spectrum, zero-shot learning methods require no visual data and use auxiliary information, such as attributes or class names, to form detectors for unseen classes from related seen category detectors [3, 16, 40, 65]. Weakly-supervised learning methods [2, 5, 12, 29, 34, 61] aim to utilize readily available coarse image-level labels for more granular downstream tasks, such as object detection [3, 40] and segmentation [29, 71]. Most recently, few-shot learning [1, 41, 49, 60] has emerged as a learning-to-learn paradigm which either learns from few labels directly or by simulation of few-shot learning paradigm through meta-learning [15, 47, 57]. An interesting class of semi-supervised methods [17, 22, 26, 56, 58, 68] have emerged which aim to transfer knowledge from abundant base classes to datastarved novel classes, especially for granular instance-level visual understanding tasks. However, to date, there isn’t a single, unified framework that can effectively leverage various forms and amounts of training data (zero-shot to fully supervised).


We make two fundamental observations that motivate our work. First, image-level supervision is abundant, while instance-level structured labels, such as bounding boxes and segmentation masks, are expensive and scarce. This is reflected in the scales of widely used datasets where classification tasks have > 5K classes [28, 52] while the popular object detection/segmentation datasets, like MSCOCO [32], have annotations for only 80 classes. A similar observation was initially made by Hoffman et al. [22] and other semi-supervised [26, 56, 58] approaches. Second, the assumptionof n o instance-level supervision for target classes (as is the case for semi-supervised [22, 26, 56, 58] and zero-shot methods [3, 16, 40, 65]) is artificial. In practice, it is often easy to collect few instance-level annotations and, in general, a good object detection/segmentation model should be robust and work with any amount of available instance-level supervision. Our motivation is to bridge weakly-supervised, zero- and few-shot learning paradigms to build an expressive, simple, and interpretable model that can operate across types (weak/strong) and amounts of instance-level supervision (from 0 to 90+ instance-level samples per class).


We develop a unified semi-supervised framework (UniT) for object detection and segmentation that scales with different levels of instance-level supervision (see Figure1). The data used in training our model is categorized in two ways, (1) image-level classification data for all the object classes, and (2) abundant detection data for a set of base object classes and limited (possibly zero) detection data for a set of novel object classes, with the aim to obtain a model that learns to detect both base and novel objects at test time.


Figure 1: Semi-supervised Any-shot Detection and Segmentation. The data used in our setting is categorized in two ways: (1) image-level classification data for all object classes, and (2) abundant instance data for base object classes and limited (possibly zero) instance data for novel object classes, with the aim to obtain a model that learns to detect/segment both base and novel objects at test time.


Our algorithm, illustrated in Figure 2, jointly learns weak-detectors for all the object classes, from image-level classification data, and supervised regressors/segmentors on top of those for base classes (based on instance-level annotations in a supervised manner). The classifiers, regressors and segmentors of the novel classes are expressed as aweighted linear combination of its base class counterparts. The weights of the combination are determined by a multimodal similarity measure: lingual and visual. The key insight of our approach is to utilize the multi-modal similarity measure between the novel and base classes to enable effective knowledge transfer and adaptation. The adopted novel classifier/regressors/segmentors can further be refined basedon instance-level s upervision, if any available. We experiment with the widely-used detection/segmentation datasets - Pascal VOC [13] and MSCOCO [32], and compare our method with state-of-the-art few-shot, weakly-supervised,and semi-supervised object detection/segmentation methods.

如图2所示,我们的算法从图像级分类数据中联合学习所有目标类的弱检测器,并在基类的弱检测器之上学习有监督的回归器/分段器(以有监督的方式基于实例级注释)。新类的分类器、回归器和分段器被表示为其基类对应项的加权线性组合。组合的权重由多模态相似性度量确定:语言和视觉。我们的方法的关键是利用新类和基类之间的多模态相似性度量来实现有效的知识转移和适应。所采用的新型分类器/回归器/分段器可以在实例级监督的基础上进一步细化(如果有的话)。我们对广泛使用的检测/分割数据集——Pascal VOC[13]和MSCOCO[32]进行了实验,并将我们的方法与最先进的少样本、弱监督和半监督目标检测/分割方法进行了比较。

Figure 2: Overall Architecture. We form detectors/segmentors for base classes as a refinement on top of weak detectors. The detectors/segmentors for novel classes utilize a similarity weighed transfer (pink boxes) from the base class refinements.In a k-shot setting, (few) novel class instance annotations are incorporated through direct adaptation of the resulting novel detectors/segmentors through fine-tuning. All detectors are built on top of Faster/Mask RCNN architecture which comprises of classification and regression heads with shared backbone (in cyan) and simultaneously trained region proposal network (RPN).

图2:总体架构。我们为基类构造检测器/分段器,作为弱检测器之上的一种改进。新类的检测器/分割器利用基类细化的相似性加权转移(粉色框)。在k-shot设置中,通过微调直接调整生成的新检测器/分割器,可以合并(很少)新的类实例注释。所有检测器都构建在Faster/Mask RCNN架构之上,该架构由具有共享主干(青色)的分类和回归头以及同时训练的区域建议网络(RPN)组成。

Contributions: Our contributions can be summarized as follows: (1) We study the problem of semi-supervised object detection and segmentation in light of image-level supervision and limited instance-level annotations, ranging from no data (zero-shot) to a few (few-shot); (2) We propose a general, unified, interpretable, and flexible end-to-end framework that, by leveraging a learned multi-modal (lingual + visual) similarity metric, can adopt classifiers/detectors/segmentors for novel classes by expressing them as linear combinations of their base class counterparts. (3) In the context of our model, we contrast the relative importance of weak image-level supervision with strong instance-level supervision, and highlight the importance of the former under a small fixed annotation budget (4) We illustrate the flexibility and effectiveness of our model by applying it to a variety of tasks (object detection and segmentation) and datasets (Pascal VOC [13], MSCOCO [32]); showing state-of-the-art performance. We get up to 23% relative improvement in mAP over the closest semi-supervised methods [17], and up to 16% gain over the best performing few-shot method [62] under a fixed annotation budget. We conduct comprehensive comparisons across settings, tasks, types and levels of supervision.

贡献:我们的贡献可以概括为以下几点:(1)我们研究了基于图像级监控和有限实例级注释的半监督目标检测和分割问题,范围从无数据(零样本)到少量(少量样本);(2) 我们提出了一个通用的、统一的、可解释的、灵活的端到端框架,通过利用学习到的多模态(语言+视觉)相似性度量,可以通过将新类表示为其基类对应项的线性组合来采用新类的分类器/检测器/分段器。(3) 在我们的模型中,我们对比了弱图像级监控与强实例级监控的相对重要性,并强调了前者在较小的固定注释预算下的重要性(4)我们通过将其应用于各种任务(目标检测和分割)和数据集(Pascal VOC[13],MSCOCO[32]),说明了我们模型的灵活性和有效性;展示最先进的表现。在固定的注释预算下,与最接近的半监督方法[17]相比,我们的mAP相对提高了23%,与性能最好的少样本方法[62]相比提高了16%。我们对监督的设置、任务、类型和级别进行全面比较。

2  相关工作

Few-shot object detection: Object detection with limited data was initially explored in a transfer learning setting by Chen et al. [7]. In the context of meta-learning[1, 15, 41, 49, 60], Kang et al. [24] developed a few-shot model where the learning procedure is divided into two phases: first the model is trained on a set of base classes with abundant data using episodic tasks, then, in the second phase, a few examples of novel classes and base classes are used for fine tuning the model. Following this formulation, [63, 67] employed better performing architecture - Faster R-CNN [43], instead of a one-stage YOLOv2 [42]. Yan et al. [67] extended the problem formulation to account for segmentation in addition to detection. In contrast to the above approaches, Wang et al. [62] showed that meta-learning is not a crucial ingredient to Few-shot object detection, and simple fine-tuning produces better detectors. Similar to the above works, we also adopt the two-phase learning procedure. However, we fundamentally differ in assuming that easily attainable extra supervision, in the form of image-level data, over all the classes is available. Unlike [63], we learn a semantic mapping between weakly-supervised detectors and detectors obtained using a large number of examples.

少样本目标检测:Chen等人最初在迁移学习环境中探索了有限数据的物体检测[7]。在元学习[1,15,41,49,60]的背景下,Kang等人[24]开发了一个多样本模型,其中学习过程分为两个阶段:首先使用情景任务在一组具有丰富数据的基类上训练模型,然后在第二阶段,使用一些新类和基类的示例来微调模型。按照这个公式,[63,67]采用了性能更好的架构——Faster R-CNN[43],而不是单级YOLOv2[42]。Yan等人[67]将问题公式扩展到除检测之外的分割。与上述方法相比,Wang等人[62]表明,元学习并不是少样本目标检测的关键因素,简单的微调可以产生更好的检测器。与上述工作类似,我们也采用了两阶段学习过程。然而,我们的基本不同之处在于,我们假设所有类别都可以以图像级数据的形式轻松实现额外监管。与[63]不同,我们学习了弱监督检测器和使用大量示例获得的检测器之间的语义映射。

Weakly-supervised object detection: Weak supervision in object detection takes the form of image-level labels, usually coupled with bounding box proposals [59, 73], thereby representing each image as a bag of instances[2, 5, 9, 12, 18, 34, 44, 50, 54, 55, 61, 70]. Bilen et al. [5] proposed an end-to-end architecture which softly labeled object proposals and uses a detection stream, in addition to classification stream, to classify them. Further extensions followed, Diba et al. [12] incorporated better proposals into a cascaded deep network; Tang et al. [55] proposed an Online Instance Classifier Refinement (OICR) algorithm which iteratively refines predictions. More recently, further improvements were made by combining weakly-supervised learning with strongly-supervised detectors, by treating predicted locations from the weakly-supervised detector as pseudo-labels for a strongly-supervised variant [2, 61]. In this work, we choose to adopt and build on top of single-stage OICR [55], hence enabling end-to-end training. However, our approach is not limited to the choice of weakly-supervised architecture.


Semi-supervised object detection: Approaches under semi-supervised setup assume abundant detection data for base classes and no detection data for novel classes, in addition to weak supervision for all the classes. The methods in this category first learn weak classifiers for all classes using abundant weak supervision, then fine-tune base classifiers into detectors using abundant detection data, and finally transfer this transformation to obtain detectors for novel classes using an external (or learned) similarity measure between base and novel classes. LSDA [22], being the first, formed similarity based on L2-normalized weak classifier weights. Tang et al. [56] extended this approach to include semantic and visual similarity explicitly. DOCK [26] expanded the types of similarities to include spatial and attribute cues using external knowledge sources. Other works leverage semantic hierarchies of classes, such as Yang et al. [68] proposes a class split based on granularity of classes, and transfers knowledge from coarse to fine grained classes. Uijlings et al. [58] uses a proposal generator trained on base classes, and transfers the proposals from base to novelclasses by computing their similarity on a tree based on Imagenet semantic hierarchy [45]. Similar to the above methods we also use visual and lingual similarities between base and novel classes, but consider a more general problem setting where we have varying degrees of detection supervision for novel classes ranging from zero to a few k-samples per class.


Unique, and closest to our setup, is NOTE-RCNN [17]. In [17], few-k detection samples for novel classes are used as seed annotations, based on which training-mining [55, 58] is employed. Specifically, they initialize detectors for novel classes by training them with few seed annotations, and iteratively refine them by retraining with mined bounding boxes for novel classes. They transfer knowledge indirectly in the form of losses that act as regularizers. Our approach, on the other hand, takes on a simpler and more intuitive direction where we first transfer the mappings from base to novel classes, and use few seed annotations (if available) to fine-tune the detectors. Despite being simpler, our approach is more accurate, and works in the k = 0 regime. Further, unlike all the above semi-supervised approaches , we transfer across tasks, including regression and segmentation.


Zero-shot object detection: Zero-shot approaches rely on auxiliary semantic information to connect base and novel classes; e.g., text description of object labels or their attributes [3, 16, 40, 65]. A common strategy is to represent all classes as prototypes in the semantic embedding space and to learn a mapping from visual features to this embedding space using base class data; classification is then obtained using nearest distance to novel prototypes. This approach was expended to detection in [10, 27, 30, 46, 69, 72]. Bansal et al. [3], similarly, proposed method to deal with situations where objects from novel/unseen classes are present in the background regions. We too explore the setting where we are not provided with any instance data for novel classes, but in addition assume weak-supervision for novel object classes in the form of readily available [28] image-level annotations.


3  问题表述

Here we formally introduce the semi-supervised any-shot object detection / segmentation setup. We start by assuming image-level supervision for all the classes denoted by , where each image xi is annotated with a label , where if image xi contains at least one j-th object, indicating its presence; |being number of object classes.


We further extend the above image-level data with objectinstance annotations by following the few-shot object detection formulation [24, 63, 67]. We split the classes into two disjoint sets: base classes Cbase and novel classes Cnovel; ;. For base classes, we have abundant instance data Dbase = {(xi, ci, yi)}, where xi is an input image, are class labels, or are corresponding bounding boxes and/or masks for each instance j in image i. For novel classes, we have limited instance data , where data for k-shot detection / segmentation only has k bounding boxes / masks for each novel class in Cnovel. Note, these annotations are assumed only for images in the train data. Also, for semi-supervised zero-shot, k = 0 and Dnovel = ;.

通过遵循少样本目标检测公式[24,63,67],我们进一步扩展了具有目标实例注释的上述图像级数据。我们将这些类划分为两个不相交的集合:基类Cbase和新类Cnovel;。对于基类,我们有丰富的实例数据Dbase={(xi,ci,yi)},其中xi是一个输入图像,是类标签,或是图像i中每个实例j的相应边界框和/或掩码。对于新类,我们有有限的实例数据、 其中,对于Cnovel中的每个新类,k-shot检测/分割的数据只有k个边界框/掩码。注意,这些注释仅适用于列车数据中的图像。同样,对于半监督零样本,k=0,Dnovel=。

4  方法

We propose a single unified framework that leverages the weak image-level supervision for object detection / segmentation in any-shot setting. That is, our proposed approach can seamlessly incorporate arbitrary levels of instance-level supervision without the need to alter the architecture.


Our proposed framework builds upon the Faster R-CNN [43] / Mask R-CNN [20] architecture. Faster R-CNN [43] utilizes a two-stage pipeline in order to perform object detection. The first stage uses a region proposal network (RPN) to generate class-agnostic object region proposals for image i. The second stage is a detection network (Fast R-CNN [19]) that performs RoI pooling, forming feature vectorfor proposal j in image i, and learns to classify this RoI feature vector z (we drop proposal and image indexing for brevity for remainder of the section) into one of the object classes and refine the bounding box proposals using a class-aware regressors. Conceptually, an R-CNN object detector can be thought of as a combination of a classifier and regressor (see Figure 2). Mask R-CNN [20] is a simple extension to the Faster R-CNN framework, wherein an additional head is utilized in the second stage to predict the instance segmentation masks.

我们提出的框架基于Faster R-CNN[43]/Mask R-CNN[20]架构。Faster R-CNN[43]利用两步来执行目标检测。第一阶段使用区域建议网络(RPN)为图像i生成类无关目标区域建议。第二阶段是检测网络(Fast R-CNN[19]),该网络执行RoI池,形成图像i中建议j的特征向量,并学习将该RoI特征向量z(为了简洁起见,我们在本节剩余部分中删除了建议框和图像索引)分类为一个目标类,并使用类感知回归器优化边界框提案。从概念上讲,R-CNN目标检测器可以被认为是分类器和回归器的组合(见图2)。Mask R-CNN[20]是对Faster R-CNN框架的简单扩展,其中在第二阶段使用额外的头部来预测实例分割掩码。

Figure 2 details the proposed architecture. The model consists of two branches: i) the weakly-supervised branch that trains detectors using image-level supervision Dclass, and ii) a supervised branch that uses detection data Dbase/Dnovel to learn a refinement mapping from the weak detector to category-aware classifiers, regressors, and segmentors , which are used in the second stage of Faster / Mask R-CNN. Note that weak detectors simply output the proposal box of the pooled feature vector as the final location; while refined detectors are able to regress a better box. Here fW(·) is a learned neural network function parametrized by W. We jointly train both branches and the RPN, and learning is divided into two stages: base-training and fine-tuning

图2详细描述了提出的体系结构。该模型由两个分支组成:i)使用图像级监控Dclass训练检测器的弱监督分支,ii)使用检测数据Dbase/Dnovel学习从弱检测器到类别感知分类器、回归器和分段器的细化映射的监督分支,用于Faster/Mask R-CNN的第二阶段。注意,弱检测器只是将合并特征向量的建议框作为最终位置输出;而经过改进的探测器能够回归出更好的边界框。这里fW(·)是一个由W参数化的学习神经网络函数。我们联合训练这两个分支和RPN,学习分为两个阶段:基础训练和微调。

Base-training: During base-training, instances from Dbase are used to obtain a detector / segmentation network for the base classes Cbase. Specifically, for each, category-aware classifiers and regressors for the base classes are formulated as additive refinements to their corresponding weak counterparts. For region classifiers this takes the form of: ,where


 whereis a zero-initialized residual to the logits of the weakly supervised detector. The regressed object location is similarly defined as:


Finally, as there is no estimate for the segmentation masks in the first stage of Mask R-CNN [20], is aresidual over rbox learned directly from base annotations.

最后,由于在mask R-CNN[20]的第一阶段中没有对分割掩码的估计,是直接从基注释学习的rbox上的个体。

Novel fine-tuning (k > 0): In the fine-tuning phase, the detectors / segmentors of the base classes are used to transfer information to the classes in Cnovel. The network is also fine-tuned on Dnovel, which, for a value of k, contains k bounding boxes / masks for novel and base classes. Here we consider the case of k > 0; we later address k = 0 case, which does not require fine-tuning. The key insight of our approach is to use additional visual and lingual similarities between the novel and base classes to enable effective transfer of the network onto the novel classes under varying degrees of supervision. Contrary to existing work [22, 56, 26] that only consider information from base category-aware classifiers, our approach additionally learns a mapping from base category-aware regressors and segmentors to obtain more accurate novel counterparts. For a specific proposal rbox with features z, let denote similarity between base classes and novel classes. The dependenceon z stems from visual component of the similarity and is discussed in Section 4.2. Given this, for each proposal z, the category-aware classifier for the novel classes is obtained as follows: , where can be written as,

新的微调(k>0):在微调阶段,基类的检测器/分段器用于将信息传输到Cnovel中的类。该网络也在Dnovel上进行了微调,当值为k时,它包含k个用于新类和基类的边界框/掩码。这里我们考虑k>0的情况;我们稍后将讨论k=0的情况,它不需要微调。我们的方法的关键洞察是在新类和基类之间使用额外的视觉和语言相似性,以便在不同程度的监督下将网络有效地转移到新类上。与现有研究[22,56,26]只考虑基本类别感知分类器的信息不同,我们的方法还从基本类别感知回归器和分段器学习映射,以获得更准确的新对应项。对于具有特性z的特定建议框rbox,让表示基类和新类之间的相似性。依赖项z源于相似性的视觉成分,在第4.2节中讨论。鉴于此,对于每个提议z,新类的类别感知分类器如下所示:、 其中可以写成:

where which is computed along the columns in S(z), and denotes broadcast of vector similarity followed by element-wise product with lingual similarity . The interpretation of Eq.(3) is actually rather simple – we first refine the weak detectors for novel classes by similarity weighted additive refinements from base classes (e.g.,novel class motorbike may relay on base class bicycle for refinement; illustrations in supp. Sec. H.), denoted by “instance-level transfer from base classes”. We then further directly adapt the resulting detector with few instances of the novel class (last term). Similarly, for each z, the novel class object regressor can be obtained as.  


 Finally, the segmentation head can be obtained as follows (additional details in appendix Section A),


Semi-supervised zero-shot (k = 0): As we mentioned previously, our model is also readily applicable when Cnovel =. This is a special case of the formulation above, where fine-tuning is not necessary or possible, and we only rely on base training and apply novel class evaluation procedure. The predictions for novel classes can be done as in Eq.(3), Eq.(4), and Eq.(5), but omitting the “instance-level direct adaptation” term in all three cases.


 4.1. Weakly-Supervised Detector

As mentioned earlier, our approach leverages detectors trained on image level annotations to learn a mapping to supervised detectors/segmentors. We highlight that our approach is agnostic to the method used to train the weakly-supervised detector, and most of the existing approaches [2, 5, 54, 55] can be integrated into our framework. We, however, use the Online Instance Classifier Refinement (OICR) architecture proposed by Tang et al. [55] due to its simple architecture. OICR has R “refinement” modulesthat progressively improve the detection quality. These individual “refinement” modules are combined to obtain the final prediction as follows,


We use the same loss formulation described in [55], which compares predicted (aˆ) and ground truth (a) class labels, to train the OICR module (see Sect. 4.3). For additional details, we refer the reader to [55] 


4.2. Similarity Matrices相似矩阵

As described in Eq.(3), (4), (5), the key contribution of our approach is the ability to semantically decompose the classifiers, detectors and segmentors of novel classes into their base classes’ counterparts. To this end, we define a proposal-aware similarity , where each element captures the semantic similarity of novel class n to base class b. We assume S(z) can be decomposed into two components: lingual and visual similarity.


Lingual Similarity: This term captures linguistic similarity between novel and base class labels. The intuition lies in the observation that semantically similar classes often have correlated occurrences in textual data. For a novel class n and a base class b, ; gn and gb are 300-dimensiona lGloVe [38] vector embeddings for n and b respectively 

语言相似性:这个术语描述了小说和基类标签之间的语言相似性。直觉在于观察到语义相似的类在文本数据中经常有相关的出现。对于一个新类n和一个基类b,;gn和gb分别是n和b的300维a lGloVe[38]向量嵌入

Visual Similarity: Complementary to the lingual component, this proposal-aware similarity models the visual likeness of a proposal z to base class objects. For each z, we use the normalized predictions aˆ of the weak detector fWweak (z) (Eq. (6)) as a proxy for the likelihood of z belonging to a base class b. Specifically, let aˆb be the score corresponding to the base class b. For a novel class n and a base class b, the visual similarity is then defined as,


Note, computing this visual similarity does not require learning additional parameters. Rather, it is just a convenient by-product of training our model. As a result, this similarity can be efficiently computed. Our visual similarity formulation,in its essence, is similar to the one used in [56]. However,[56] use image-level scores aggregated over a validation set, lacking ability to adapt to a specific proposal. Additionally, our framework is extremely flexible and can easily utilize any additional information, akin to [26], to obtain a more accurate semantic decomposition S(z). However, as computing these might require additional datasets and pre-trained models, we refrain from incorporating them into our model.


4.3. Training

We now describe the optimization objective used to train our proposed approach in an end-to-end fashion. During base training, the objective can be written as,

where Lrcnn is the Faster/Mask R-CNN [20, 43] objective, and Lweak is the OICR [55] objective; α = 1 is the weighting hyperparameter. In fine-tuning, we refine the model only using Lrcnn. Note, our approach affords the flexibility to either use pretrained proposals or jointly train a RPN during the base-training phase using instance-level base class annotations. Fine-tuning only effects last term of Eq.(3), (4), and (5), while everything else is optimized using base training objective. Further details are in suppl. Sec. B.

其中,Lrcnn是Faster/Mask R-CNN[20,43]目标,Lweak是OICR[55]目标;α=1是加权超参数。在微调过程中,我们仅使用Lrcnn来优化模型。注意,我们的方法提供了灵活性,可以使用预先训练的方案,也可以在基础训练阶段使用实例级基类注释联合训练RPN。微调只会影响等式(3)、(4)和(5)的最后一项,而其他一切都会使用基本训练目标进行优化。更多详情请参阅补充资料B部分 

5  实验 

We evaluate our approach against related methods in the semi-supervised and few-shot domain. Comparison against work in the weakly-supervised literature is provided in supplementary Sec. E. Note, for base classes, across all experiments, the same images are used for both image and instance level annotations. This does not induce any additional cost as instance-level labels implicitly give image-level labels.


5.1. Semi-supervised Object Detection

Datasets. We evaluate the performance of our framework on MSCOCO [32] 2015 and 2017 datasets. Similar to [17, 26], we divide the 80 object categories into 20 base and 60 novel classes, where the base classes are identical to the 20 VOC [14] categories. For our model and the baselines, we assume image-level supervision for all 80 classes, whereas instance-level supervision is only available for 20 base classes. For few-shot experiments (k > 0) we additionally assume k instance-level annotations for the novel classes.


Semi-supervised zero-shot (k = 0). Table 1 compares the performance of our proposed approach against the most relevant semi-supervised zero-shot (k = 0) methods [22, 23,26, 56] on novel classes. As an upper-bound, we also show the performance of a fully-supervised model. To ensure fair comparison, we follow the experimental setting in the strongest baseline DOCK [26], and borrow performance for [22, 23, 56] from their paper. All models are trained using the same backbone: VGG-CNN-F [6] which is pretrained on the ImageNet dataset [11]. Similar to [26], we use the MCG [39] proposals instead of training the RPN. The models are evaluated using mAP at IoU threshold 0.5 denoted as AP50. 


Semi-supervised few-shot (k > 0). Table 2 compares the performance of our method with NOTE-RCNN [17], which is the only relevant baseline under this setting, on novel classes. We follow the experimental setting described in [17], and our model is trained using the same backbone as NOTE-RCNN: Inception-Resnet-V2 [53] pretrained on the ImageNet classification dataset [11], where the RPN is learned from the instance-level base data. Similar to [17], we assume k instance-level annotations for the novel classes, where k ∈ {12, 33, 55, 76, 96}. To ensure fair comparison, the performance of NOTE-RCNN [17] is taken from their published work . We report mAP on novel classes averaged over IoU thresholds in [0.5:0.05 : 0.95] 


UniT outperforms NOTE-RCNN [17] on all values of k, providing an improvement of up to ~23%. Contrary to NOTE-RCNN that only trains novel regressors on the k shots, UniT benefits from effectively mapping information from base regressors to novel regressors. In addition, UniT also has the advantage of allowing end-to-end training while simultaneously being simple and interpretable. NOTE-RCNN, on the other hand, employs a complex multi-step bounding box mining framework that takes longer to train on novel classes. Note that, in principle, one could incorporate the box mining mechanism into our framework as well.


5.2. Few-shot Object Detection and Segmentation

Datasets. We evaluate our models on VOC 2007 [14], VOC 2012 [13], and MSCOCO [32], as used in previous few-shot object detection and segmentation works [24, 62, 63, 67]. For both detection and segmentation, we consistently follow the data splits introduced and used in [24, 67]. In case of VOC, we use VOC 07 test set (5k images) for evaluation and VOC 07+12 trainval sets (16.5k images) for training. The 20 object classes are divided into 3 different class split sets, each with 15 base and 5 novel classes. For novel classes, images provided by Kang et al. [24] are used for k-shot fine-tuning.We report mean Average Precision (mAP) on novel classes and use a standard IoU threshold of 0.5 [14]. For MSCOCO [32], consistent with [24], we use 5k images from the validation set for evaluation and the remaining 115k trainval images for training. We assign 20 object classes from VOC as the novel classes and remaining 60 as the base classes. We report the standard evaluation metric on COCO [43]. In line with the baselines, for both VOC and MSCOCO, the RPN is trained jointly using base class annotations.

数据集。我们在VOC 2007[14]、VOC 2012[13]和MSCOCO[32]上评估了我们的模型,正如之前事业部目标检测和分割工作[24、62、63、67]中使用的那样。对于检测和分割,我们始终遵循[24,67]中介绍和使用的数据分割。对于VOC,我们使用VOC 07测试集(5k图像)进行评估,使用VOC 07+12训练集(16.5k图像)进行训练。20个目标类被分为3个不同的类拆分集,每个类有15个基本类和5个新类。对于新类,Kang等人[24]提供的图像用于k-shot微调。我们报告了新类别的平均精度(mAP),并使用标准IoU阈值0.5[14]。对于MSCOCO[32],与[24]一致,我们使用来自验证集的5k图像进行评估,并使用剩余的115k 训练图像进行训练。我们从VOC中指定20个目标类作为新类,剩余60个作为基类。我们报告了COCO的标准评估指标[43]。根据基线,对于VOC和MSCOCO,使用基类注释联合训练RPN。

PASCAL VOC Detection. Table 3 summarizes the results on VOC for three different novel class splits with different k-shot settings. Following [62, 67], UniT assumes Faster R-CNN [43] with an ImageNet [45] pretrained ResNet-101[21] backbone. UniT outperforms the related state-of-the-art methods on all values of k, including the scenario with no novel class instance-level supervision (k = 0), showing the effectiveness of transfer from base to novel classes. As UniT uses additional weak image-level data for novel classes, this is not an equivalent comparison (see Sec. 5.3 for comparisons under similar annotation budget). However, we highlight that such data is readily available, cheaper to obtain [4], and provides significant performance improvements.

PASCAL VOC 检测。表3总结了三种具有不同 k-shot设置的新类拆分的VOC结果。在[62,67]之后,该UniT采用了Faster R-CNN[43],带有ImageNet[45]预训练的ResNet-101[21]主干网。UniT在k的所有值上都优于相关的最新方法,包括没有新类实例级监控(k=0)的场景,显示了从基类到新类的转换的有效性。由于该UniT对新类别使用了额外的弱图像级数据,因此这不是等效的比较(类似注释预算下的比较见第5.3节)。然而,我们强调,此类数据随时可用,获取成本更低[4],并提供了显著的性能改进。

MS-COCO Detection. Table 4 describes the results on COCO dataset. Similar to [67, 62], we use ImageNet [11] pretrained ResNet-50 [21] as the backbone. We observe similar trends as above. In addition, our performance consistently increases with the value of k even on larger datasets, showing that UniT is effective and can easily scale to different amounts of instance-level supervision. The full table is in suppl. Sec. C. Figure 3 shows qualitative results, indicating our method is able to correctly detect novel classes.

MS-COCO检测。表4描述了COCO数据集的结果。与[67,62]类似,我们使用ImageNet[11]预训练的ResNet-50[21]作为主干。我们观察到与上述类似的趋势。此外,即使在更大的数据集上,我们的性能也会随着k值的增加而不断提高,这表明UniT是有效的,并且可以轻松地扩展到不同数量的实例级监控。Sec. C图3显示了定性结果,表明我们的方法能够正确检测新类。 

Figure 3: Qualitative Visualizations. Semi-supervised zero-shot (k = 0) detection (top) and instance segmentation (bottom) performance on novel classes in MS-COCO (color = category). See suppl. Section J for more examples.


MS-COCO Segmentation. Table 5 summarizes the results. Similar to [67], we choose an ImageNet[11] pretrained ResNet-50 [21] backbone. UniT consistently improves over[67], demonstrating that our approach is not limited to bounding boxes, and is able to generalize over the type of downstream structured label by effectively transferring information from base segmentations to novel segmentations. The full table is provided in supplementary Section D. Figure 3 shows some qualitative results on k = 0 for novel classes.


Ablation. A complete ablation study on MSCOCO [32] is provided in supplementary Section G. We report performance on the novel split used by [67], starting with only weak detectors and progressively adding the terms in Eq.(1), (3), (4), and (5). Weighting with visual and lingual similarity results in +1.4 AP50 improvement (Eq. (3)), transfer from base regressors (Eq. (4)) provides an additional +7 AP50 imrovement. Finally, transfer from base class segmentations (Eq. (5)) leads to an added gain of +7.5 on mask AP50.

消融。补充章节G中提供了MSCOCO[32]的完整消融研究。我们报告了[67]使用的新型分裂的性能,从弱探测器开始,逐步增加等式(1)、(3)、(4)和(5)中的术语。视觉和语言相似性加权导致+1.4 AP50改善(等式(3)),从基础回归(等式(4))转移提供额外+7 AP50改善。最后,从基类分段(等式(5))的转移导致在掩模AP50上增加+7.5的增益。

5.3. Limited Annotation Budget

Compared to approaches in the few-shot detection (and segmentation) domain like [24, 62, 63, 67], UniT assumes additional image-level annotations for novel classes. We argue this is a reasonable assumption considering that such annotations are readily available in abundance for thousands of object classes (⇠22K in ImageNet [11] and ⇠20K in Open Image v4 dataset [28]). Experiments in Section 5.2 further highlight the performance improvements possible by using such inexpensive data. However, this raises an interesting question as to what form of supervision is more valuable, if one is to collect it. To experiment with this, we conceptually impose an annotation budget that limits the number of novel class image-level annotations our approach can use. For object detection on VOC [13], we assume 7 image-level annotations can be generated in the same timeas 1 instance-level annotation. This conversion factor of 7 is motivated by the timings reported in [4] and is a conservative estimate (details in suppl. Sec. F). For each value of k in a few-shot setup, we train a variant of UniT, referred to as UniTbudget=k, that only assumes 7 * k image-level annotations for novel classes. We then compare the zero-shot performance of UniTbudget=k against the corresponding k-shot object detection benchmarks reported in [62]. Note, UniTbudget=k assumes abundant image-level annotations for base classes. However, as the same images are used for both instance and image level annotations, this does not impose any additional annotation cost when compared to baselines. This setting enables apples-to-apples comparisons with the baselines, while simultaneously contrasting the relative importance of image-level and instance-level annotations.


Please refer to Section 5.2 for details on the dataset and setup. Table 6 summarizes the results on VOC for three novel class splits assuming different k-shot settings. Following [62], all models use ResNet-101 [21] as the backbone. For each split and k-shot, 10 repeated runs of are averaged, each trained by selecting a different set of 7*k weakly-labelled novel class images. For a fixed budget, equivalent to 10 instance-level annotations, we further analyze the relative importance of the two types of annotations by varying the proportions of image and instance-level annotations used. This is summarized in Table 7 for the first novel split. Even under equal budget constraints, outperforms the state-of-the-art [62] on multiple splits. This highlights three key observations: i) image-level supervision,which is cheaper to obtain [4], provides a greater ‘bang-for-the-buck’ compared to instance-level supervision, ii) our structured transfer from base classes is effective even under limited novel class supervision, and iii) from Table 7, in a low-shot and fixed budget setting, it is more beneficial to just use weak supervision, instead of some combination of both. Furthermore, as our approach is agnostic to the type of weak detector used, employing better weak detectors like [54, 2] could further improve the performance of .


6 讨论与总结

We propose an intuitive semi-supervised model that is applicable to a wide range of supervision: from zero to a few instance-level samples per novel class. For base classes, our model learns a mapping from weakly-supervised to fully-supervised detectors/segmentors. By leveraging similarities between the novel and base classes, we transfer those mappings to obtain detectors/segmentors for novel classes; refining them with a few novel class instance-level annotated samples, if available. This versatile paradigm works significantly better than traditional semi-supervised and few-shot detection and segmentation methods


本文标签: 论文UnifiedKnowledgeTransferunit