

作者:陈宇文(牛津大学在读博士) 翁欣(清华大学在读博士)

Simple Bayesian Algorithms for Best-Arm Identification

In “Simple Bayesian Algorithms for Best-Arm Identification,” Russo considers the optimal adaptive allocation of measurement effort for identifying the best among a finite set of options or designs. An experimenter sequentially chooses designs to measure and observes noisy signals of their quality with the goal of confidently identifying the best design after a small number of measurements. Just as the multiarmed bandit problem crystallizes the tradeoff between exploration and exploitation, this “pure exploration” variant crystallizes the challenge of rapidly gathering information before committing to a final decision. The author proposes several simple Bayesian algorithms for allocating measurement effort and, by characterizing fundamental asymptotic limits on the performance of any algorithm, formalizes a sense in which these seemingly naive algorithms are the best possible.

01 找寻最佳臂的简单贝叶斯算法

作者:Daniel Russo




Reducing Delay in Retrial Queues by Simultaneously Differentiating Service and Retrial Rates

Customer retrials commonly occur in many service systems, such as healthcare, call centers, mobile networks, computer systems, and inventory systems. However, because of their complex nature, retrial queues are often more difficult to analyze than queues without retrials. In “Reducing Delay in Retrial Queues by Simultaneously Differentiating Service and Retrial Rates,” J. Wang, Z. Wang, and Liu develop a service grade differentiation policy for queueing models with customer retrials. They show that the average waiting time can be reduced through strategically allocating the rates of service and retrial times without

needing additional service capacity. Counter to the intuition that higher service variability usually yields a larger delay, the authors show that the benefits of this simultaneous service-and-retrial differentiation (SSRD) policy outweigh the impact of the increased service variability. To validate the effectiveness of the new SSRD policy, the authors provide (i) conditions under which SSRD is more beneficial, (ii) closed-form expressions of the optimal policy, (iii) asymptotic reduction of customer delays when the system is in heavy traffic, and (iv) insightful observations/discussions and numerical results.

02 通过同时进行服务和重试率差异化来减少重试排队的延迟

作者:Jinting Wang, Zhongbin Wang, Yunan Liu



客户重试通常发生在许多服务系统中,例如医疗保健,呼叫中心,移动网络,计算机系统和库存系统。但是由于其复杂性,重试排队通常比没有重试的排队问题更难分析。本文中,作者提出了一种服务等级区分策略,用于具有客户重试的排队模型。作者们展示了可以通过战略性地分配服务费率和重试时间来减少平均等待时间,并且无需增加额外的服务能力。作者同时表明,与直觉上更高的服务可变性通常会产生更大的延迟相反,这种同时进行的服务和重试差异(SSRD)策略的好处大于服务可变性增加带来的影响。为了验证新的SSRD策略的有效性,作者提供 (i) 使用SSRD更有利的条件,(ii) 最优策略的显式表达,(iii) 系统繁忙时客户延迟的渐近减少特性;以及 (iv) 有洞察力的观察/讨论和数值结果。

Technical Note—On the Optimality of Reflection Control

The so-called reflection control is easy to implement and widely applied in many applications such as inventory management and financial systems. To apply reflection control in a production-inventory system, for example, production will stop when the finished-goods inventory reaches a certain level. What is the best level for this control? In what sense is it optimal? In “Technical Note—On the Optimality of Reflection

Control,” Yang, Yao, and Ye have established the optimality of reflection control under an exponential holding cost in three settings—namely, a Brownian motion model, a single-server system, and a birth–death queue model. The study provides a thorough understanding of the control and extends significantly its domain of applications.

03 反射控制的最优性质分析

作者:Jiankui Yang, David D. Yao, Heng-Qing Ye




Optimistic Monte Carlo Tree Search with Sampled Information Relaxation Dual Bounds

In “Optimistic Monte Carlo Tree Search with Sampled Information Relaxation Dual Bounds,” Jiang, Al-Kanj, and Powell propose an extension to Monte Carlo tree search that uses the idea of “sampling the future” to produce noisy upper bounds on nodes in the decision tree. These upper bounds can help guide the tree expansion process and produce decision trees that are deeper rather than wider, in effect concentrating computation toward more useful parts of the state space. The algorithm’s effectiveness is illustrated in a ride-sharing setting, where a driver/vehicle needs to make dynamic decisions regarding trip acceptance and re

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