

@:It's sort of embarrassing.[ɪm'bærəsɪŋ]adj.令人为难的;尴尬的

@:She is a conscientious teacher.[ˌkɒnʃɪ'enʃəs]认真的;谨慎的;负责的

1:I can’t concentrate on my work when I’m tired.  美 [ˈkɑːnsntreɪt]

2:She became a celebrity overnight. 美 [səˈlebrəti]

3:Why don’t we open a bottle of champagne to celebrate?美 [ˈselɪbreɪt]

4:Acknowledge the custmor appropriately.  [ək'nɔlidʒ]  appropriately 英音:[ə'prəupri,eitli] 副词 adv. 适当地,合适地,相称地

5:   He was addicted to drug. 美 [ˈædɪkt]

6:The atmosphere changed as soon as she walked in. 美 [ˈætməsfɪr]

7:It was a great camaraderie. 美 [ˌkɑːməˈrɑːdəri]  同志间的友爱和忠诚

8:A certain man will visit you tomorrow. 某人

9:It’s certain that every effect must have a cause. 肯定的

10:Mr. lin claimed that he was right.要求 声称

11:The atlantic is a mighty ocean.美音:[ət'læntɪk] ['maiti] 巨大地 ['əuʃən] 海洋

12:She’s late a lot, she has attitude with certain teachers。['ætitju:d]看法  态度

13:The television has little attractionfor me.[ə'trækʃən]

14:Your computer has got a virus. ['vaiərəs]

15:I  drove to virginia yersterday.[və'dʒinjə]

16:Truck is a kind of vehicle.['vi:ikl]

17:We have a variety of electronic products.[və'raiəti]

18:This work is not urgent; we can do it tomorrow.['ə:dʒənt]

19:They retired and went to live upstate.北部偏远地区 ,州的北部

20:This is a comfortable place to live in.

21:This is a tough job.[tʌf]

22:I was surprised at his tone.[təun] 语气  声调

23:One car has four tires.['taiə]  n

I am a little tired.  adj        Don’ttireyourself too much. vt

24:It gave him a thrill to ride the horse.[θril]   n   vt  (使)紧张  激动

25:This party is boring.Let’s go! ['bɔːrɪŋ]

26:Each car has a steering wheel.

27:Having little physical or spiritualstrength.['spiritjuəl]  spiritual life

28:I’m not really settle down.定居 解决

29:Welcome to join my seminar.['seminɑ:]

30:I’ll undertake for your security.[si'kju:riti]安全 保护  证券

31:Saute the onions for five minutes.['səutei] 炒  煎

32:A restriction on a data type.[ri'strikʃən]

33:You can’t represent all chinese.[,repri'zent]

34:We rely on the strength of the people.[ri'lai]

35:You are a reliable person.[ri'laiəbl]

36:You will realize your mistake later.['riəlaiz]

37:It is a rare chance in the life.[rɛə]

38:The radiator gives out a lot of heat.['reidieitə]

39:How long does it take to qualify?['kwɔlifai] 取得资格  使有资格

40:Can you put out your cigarette?

41:Where did you purchase the car?['pɜːtʃɪs]

42:I must remember to pump my bike tires up. [pʌmp]

43:I have property in the country.['prɔpəti] 财产  属性

44:Please give me a piece of pie.馅饼      pillow 枕头

45:Don’t be so picky.

46:He works in the philosophy department [fi'lɔsəfi] 哲学

47:peanut ['piːnʌt]  花生

48:This store has many patrons.['peitrən]

49:You should have patience with children.['peiʃəns]

50:This is a golden opportunity.[,ɔpə'tju:niti]

51:Teaching is a good occupation.[,ɔkju'peiʃən]

52:I buy a magazine at a newsstand.

53:She looked a bit nervous.['nə:vəs]

54:Now I am afraid of getting anegative response.[ˈneɡətɪv]

55:A good teacher is one who can motivate his students. ['məuti,veit]

56:monument   ['mɔnjumənt] 纪念碑  memorial 英音:[mi'mɔ:riəl]纪念物;纪念碑;纪念馆;纪念活动

57:Minnesota 英音:[,mini'səutə]   minivan 英 [ˈmɪnivæn] 小货车

58:They also help us to maintain the machinery.[mein'tein] 维持;维修;保养;坚持;断言

59:He was too weak even to lift his hand.[lɪft]

60:It takes a lot of labor to build a railway.['leibə]

61:You should eat less junk food(KFC).[dʒʌŋk]

62:jelly果冻  jam果酱  堵塞  herb香草

63:The driver stopped to pick up a hitchhiker.['hitʃhaikə]

64:Who the hell do you think you are?   What the hell do you think you are doing?

65:Haul me out of the pool。[hɔ:l]

66:Halloween 英音:['hæləu'i:n]万圣节前夕

67:The gross of his income last year was $60,000.[grəus]

68:I am on my way to the grocery store.['grəusəri]

69:Would you like the salmon pan-fried or grilled?[grild]烤的

70:I hate the smell of garlic.['gɑ:lik]

71:They cleaned out the garbage.['gɑ:bidʒ]

73:He’s washing his car in the garage.['gærɑ:ʒ]

74:Coal [kəʊl] 煤 is used as fuel

75:These books come by freight.

76:There’s some ice in the freezerfridge).['fri:zə]

77:Glasses are fragile and must be handled with great care.['frædʒil]

78:He tried to flee from the police in a stolen car.[fli:]

79:The two families were long at feud with each other.[fju:d]世仇  长期不和

80:She is an excellent teacher.['eksələnt]

81:The old man left an estate of two million dollars when he died.[is'teit]

He owns a large estate in Scotland.

82:Young people are always full of energy.['enədʒi]

83:The emphasis is on written exercises.['emfəsis]

84:My emotion is very slight.:[i'məuʃən] 感情细腻

85:Eggplant  茄子   深紫色的

86:My parents ‘divorce had a big effect on me.  His parents gotdivorcelast year.

87:Truck runs on diesel. ['di:zəl]   Car runs on gasoline

88:My mother likes to decorate rooms.['dekəreit]

89:he’s a decent man.  Look for adecentrestaurant.['di:snt]正派的;合乎礼仪的体面的;像样的;还不错 亲切的;宽容的;乐于助人的

90:decade    ==  10 years

91:I have no criminal record in my whole life.['kriminəl]

92:Snakes creep on the earth.[kri:p]蹑手蹑脚地走;爬;渐渐出现;蔓延;毛骨悚然

93:Forget about all the crap I said before.[kræp] 废话;质量差的东西;垃圾;粪便

94:My room is at the end of the corridor.['kɔridɔ:] 走廊

95:I don’t like driving through London because there’s too muchcongestion.[kən'dʒestʃən]

96:The question is so hard, and we’re getting confused.[kən'fju:zd]

97:Shall we sign the contract?['kɔntrækt]

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