

Publishing options 发布选项

Transportation is a hybrid open access journal. Once the article is accepted for publication, authors will have the option to choose how their article is published:

  1. Traditional publishing model – published articles are made available to institutions and individuals who subscribe to Transportation or who pay to read specific articles.
  2. Open Access – when an article is accepted for publication, the author/s or funder/s pay an Article Processing Charge (APC). The final version of the published article is then free to read for everyone.
    开放获取 – 当一篇文章被接受发表时,作者或资助者支付文章处理费 (APC)。然后,每个人都可以免费阅读已发表文章的最终版本。

Authors may need to take specific actions to achieve compliance with funder and institutional open access mandates. If your research is supported by a funder that requires immediate open access (e.g. according to Plan S principles) then you should select the gold OA route, and we will direct you to the compliant route where possible. For authors selecting the subscription publication route, the journal's standard licensing terms will need to be accepted, including self-archiving policies. Those licensing terms will supersede any other terms that the author or any third party may assert apply to any version of the manuscript.
作者可能需要采取具体行动,以遵守资助者和机构开放获取的要求。如果您的研究得到了需要立即开放获取的资助者的支持(例如,根据 S 计划原则),那么您应该选择黄金 OA 路线,我们将在可能的情况下将您引导至合规路线。对于选择订阅出版途径的作者,需要接受期刊的标准许可条款,包括自我存档政策。这些许可条款将取代作者或任何第三方可能声称适用于稿件任何版本的任何其他条款。

Benefits of open access

Publishing open access offers a number of benefits, including greater reach and readership for your work:



Transportation is a peer-reviewed journal focused on the formulation of policy, the preparation and evaluation of plans, and the day-to-day operational management of transport systems.

  • Addresses the impacts of policies and systems on the social, economic and physical environment.
  • Improves the transportation of people and goods by providing better understanding to theorists, practitioners and policy makers.
  • Relevant globally, including industrialized, newly industrialized or developing regions.
  • Publishes carefully selected papers that contribute to the international body of knowledge.

Aims and scope 


In our first issue, published in 1972, we explained that this Journal is intended to promote the free and vigorous exchange of ideas and experience among the worldwide community actively concerned with transportation policy, planning and practice. That continues to be our mission, with a clear focus on topics concerned with research and practice in transportation policy and planning, around the world.

These four words, policy and planning, research and practice are our key words. While we have a particular focus on transportation policy analysis and travel behaviour in the context of ground transportation, we willingly consider all good quality papers that are highly relevant to transportation policy, planning and practice with a clear focus on innovation, on extending the international pool of knowledge and understanding. Our interest is not only with transportation policies - and systems and services – but also with their social, economic and environmental impacts, However, papers about the application of established procedures to, or the development of plans or policies for, specific locations are unlikely to prove acceptable unless they report experience which will be of real benefit those working elsewhere. Papers concerned with the engineering, safety and operational management of transportation systems are outside our scope.



Papers submitted for publication in Transportation should not have been published, accepted for publication, nor submitted for review elsewhere (whether previously or concurrently), in their present or any essentially similar form. If a paper has been submitted for publication elsewhere, the authors must provide details of that previous submission. Further, authors need to make clear the distinctive contribution of their paper relative to both their own previous work and that of others.

Papers published in Transportation are initially assessed for length and relevance. Papers considered suitable for review are then subjected to peer review in accordance with standard international practice for scholarly journals. They are only accepted for publication once the authors have responded adequately to advice given by the referees. Publication of a paper in Transportation therefore accords with the requirements of academic appointment and promotion panels.

Officially cited as: Transportation
正式引用为: 交通

Submission guidelines 




  • Instructions for Authors作者须知
    • Manuscript Submission 稿件投稿
    • Title Page 扉页
    • Text 发短信
    • References 引用
    • Tables 表
    • Artwork and Illustrations Guidelines插图和插图指南
    • Supplementary Information (SI)补充资料 (SI)
    • Editing Services 编辑服务
    • Ethical Responsibilities of Authors作者的道德责任
    • Authorship principles 作者原则
    • Research Data Policy and Data Availability Statements研究数据政策和数据可用性声明
    • After acceptance 验收后
    • Open Choice 开放式选择
  • Open access publishing开放获取出版
  • Mistakes to avoid during manuscript preparation稿件准备过程中应避免的错误

Instructions for Authors


Manuscript Submission 投稿
Manuscript Submission 投稿

Submission of a manuscript implies: that the work described has not been published before; that it is not under consideration for publication anywhere else; that its publication has been approved by all co-authors, if any, as well as by the responsible authorities – tacitly or explicitly – at the institute where the work has been carried out. The publisher will not be held legally responsible should there be any claims for compensation.


Authors wishing to include figures, tables, or text passages that have already been published elsewhere are required to obtain permission from the copyright owner(s) for both the print and online format and to include evidence that such permission has been granted when submitting their papers. Any material received without such evidence will be assumed to originate from the authors.

Online Submission 

        Please follow the hyperlink “Submit manuscript” and upload all of your manuscript files following the instructions given on the screen.

Source Files 

        Please ensure you provide all relevant editable source files at every submission and revision. Failing to submit a complete set of editable source files will result in your article not being considered for review. For your manuscript text please always submit in common word processing formats such as .docx or LaTeX.
可编辑源文件。未能提交一套完整的可编辑源文件将导致您的文章不被考虑进行审核。对于您的稿件文本,请始终以常见的文字处理格式提交,例如 .docx 或 LaTeX。

Submitting Declarations 

Please note that Author Contribution information and Competing Interest information must be provided at submission via the submission interface. Only the information submitted via the interface will be used in the final published version. Please make sure that if you are an editorial board member and also a listed author that you also declare this information in the Competing Interest section of the interface.

Please see the relevant sections in the submission guidelines for further information on these statements as well as possible other mandatory statements.

Language Editing 

Manuscripts should be written in clear, concise, and grammatically correct English. British or American English spelling and terminology should be used, but either one should be followed consistently throughout the article. If English is not your native language we strongly urge you to have the text of your paper checked by a native English speaker before submission. If required, language editing is available through the Journal, at a charge to the author.

Data Papers 

The Data Paper category allows researchers to report on substantial or innovative data collection exercises. These papers will allow the colleagues to get credit for this difficult work, but also support them in the further reporting of their respective studies, as the data questions have been answered already and do not need to be rehearsed again and again. These are reviewed research papers focussing on the data collection process and its content. A paper will be eligible, if it

a) reports a substantially innovative or large policy relevant data set
a) 报告重大创新或大型政策相关数据集

b) discusses the contents and the design, theory or modelling considerations behind it, including an a priori assessment and ex-ante measurement of the response burden
b) 讨论其内容及其背后的设计、理论或建模考虑因素,包括对响应负担的先验评估和事前测量

c) discus

本文标签: 期刊传统模式transportation