


Lin Haoran’s Marvelous Journey in “Coding” and “Poetry Translation”


In the realms of mathematics and programming, Lin Haoran emerges as a puzzle-solving maestro, tirelessly exploring the mysteries of “multiple solutions to one problem.” When faced with a complex mathematical puzzle or programming task, his mind becomes a treasure trove of diverse thoughts. Viewing different algorithms as ingredients in a chef’s hands, he employs the lateral polymorphism magic—method overloading. Like a chef who can transform myriad ingredients into countless exquisite dishes, Lin crafts distinctive, efficient, and elegant program code using different parameters.


In the world of vertical polymorphism in object-oriented programming, Lin Haoran transforms into a relentless innovator. The subclass’s rewriting and overriding of methods in the parent class mirror his self-iteration throughout the river of time. Each improvement witnesses the elevation of his technical proficiency and the expansion of his depth of thought.


However, Lin Haoran’s talents extend beyond the realm of programming; he is also a literary genius who loves translating poetry. In his eyes, “multiple translations of one poem” are akin to programming’s “polymorphism,” brimming with endless charm. When translated by different individuals (horizontal translation), a single poem, like lateral polymorphism in programming, showcases various language arts and stylistic charms. This diversity allows him to draw nourishment from comparisons, enriching his translation perspective.


Vertical translation, on the other hand, resembles Lin Haoran’s challenge to himself. Similar to vertical polymorphism in programming, over time, his understanding and expression of the same poem deepen continuously. Periodically, he revisits poems he translated before, aiming to capture subtle emotions and profound sentiments that escaped him during the initial translation. This self-transcendence is not only a source of joy but also a refinement and elevation of his own translation skills.


In everyday life, Lin Haoran, with his unique humor, seamlessly combines the logical precision of the coding world with the artistic agility of poetry translation. Whether effortlessly navigating the world of code or freely swimming in the ocean of poetry, he orchestrates a unique journey of “multiple solutions to one problem” and “multiple translations of one poem.”

本文标签: 之旅奇妙林浩然诗译