


Lin Haoran’s Topological Adventure


In the distant mathematical land, there exists a mysterious realm called the “Kingdom of Infinity,” inhabited by a brave and clever explorer named Lin Haoran. Armed not with a sword, but with a magical geometric pen, he transforms the real number line into abstract mathematical castles.


The story begins with continuous functions and limit games on the real number line. Lin Haoran discovers that these concepts are not limited to the realm of real numbers; they can be copied and pasted into broader spatial domains like magical spells. Thus, he embarks on a fantastic adventure into point-set topology.

在一次冒险中,林浩然遇到了闭集合(Closed set)这个角色,它像是一个紧闭的大门,只允许符合条件的元素进入。起初,人们并未意识到这扇大门的重要性,但经过无数次尝试和失败后,才恍然大悟:原来开集(Open set)是连续性的基石,而闭集则守护着极限运算的秘密基地。

During one of his adventures, Lin Haoran encounters the character of closed sets, acting as a tightly closed gate that only allows elements meeting certain conditions to enter. Initially, people did not realize the importance of this gate. However, after numerous attempts and failures, they suddenly realized: open sets are the foundation of continuity, and closed sets guard the secret base of limit operations.

随后,林浩然与连续函数(Continuous function)这位好友携手共进。他们共同揭示了一个惊人的秘密:连续函数其实是个“极限守卫者”,无论数列如何变化,只要通过连续函数这道桥梁,极限就会被完好无损地传递下去。正如群论里的同态映射守护乘法运算一样,连续函数也在分析的世界里扮演着类似的关键角色。

Following that, Lin Haoran teams up with his friend, the continuous function. Together, they reveal an astonishing secret: continuous functions are “limit guardians.” No matter how a sequence changes, as long as it passes through the bridge of continuous functions, the limit will be perfectly preserved. Just as homomorphisms guard multiplication operations in group theory, continuous functions play a similarly crucial role in the world of analysis.

连通集合(Connected set)则是林浩然旅途中遇到的一片奇特领地。它像一张巨大的蜘蛛网,任两点之间都有路径相连,而不仅仅是直线相连那么简单。林浩然在此证明了中值定理,并借此深入到了代数拓扑、拓扑群论及李群论的核心地带,探寻根本群(Fundamental Group)的奥秘。

Connected sets become a peculiar territory Lin Haoran encounters during his journey. Resembling an enormous spider’s web, every pair of points is connected by a path, not just a straight line. Lin Haoran proves the Mean Value Theorem here, delving into the core areas of algebraic topology, topological group theory, and Lie group theory, exploring the mysteries of the fundamental group.


Finally, Lin Haoran stumbles upon compactness, a versatile enchantress. She endows finite powers to harness the infinite, ensuring that bounded sequences inevitably find convergent subsequences to belong to. With her assistance, the two great artifacts of calculus—the Extreme Value Theorem and the Uniform Convergence Theorem—are upgraded, becoming even more powerful.


In this grand adventure centered around the theme of “limits,” Lin Haoran, guided by point-set topology, leads us through abstract and profound mathematical jungles. He helps us understand the universal language and foundations underlying the modern discipline of analysis. His adventurous tale is not only filled with wisdom and humor but also showcases the splendor and enchantment of the mathematical world, allowing everyone following his exploration to feel the beauty and power of mathematics.

本文标签: 拓扑林浩然