

csharp:Microsoft.Ink 手写识别(HandWriting Recognition)


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using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.IO; using Microsoft.Ink; 引用:Micosoft Tablet PC //using Microsoft.Ink.Analysis;//Windows Vista       namespace XPTabletPC {      /// <summary>      /// 手写识别      /// </summary>      public partial class Form2 : Form      {          InkCollector ic;          RecognizerContext rct;          // Recognizer rc;          string FullCACText;            /// <summary>          ///          /// </summary>          public Form2()          {              InitializeComponent();          }          /// <summary>          ///          /// </summary>          /// <param name="sender"></param>          /// <param name="e"></param>          private void Form2_Load( object sender, EventArgs e)          {              //this.rct.RecognitionWithAlternates += new RecognizerContextRecognitionWithAlternatesEventHandler(rct_RecognitionWithAlternates);                ic = new InkCollector(PictureboxInk.Handle);              this .ic.Stroke += new InkCollectorStrokeEventHandler(ic_Stroke);                ic.Enabled = true ;              ink_();                //   this.ic.Stroke += new InkCollectorStrokeEventHandler(ic_Stroke);              this .rct.RecognitionWithAlternates += new RecognizerContextRecognitionWithAlternatesEventHandler(rct_RecognitionWithAlternates);                rct.Strokes = ic.Ink.Strokes;                       }          /// <summary>          ///          /// </summary>          /// <param name="sender"></param>          /// <param name="e"></param>          void rct_RecognitionWithAlternates( object sender, RecognizerContextRecognitionWithAlternatesEventArgs e)          {                string ResultString = "" ;              RecognitionAlternates alts;                if (e.RecognitionStatus == RecognitionStatus.NoError)              {                  alts = e.Result.GetAlternatesFromSelection();                    foreach (RecognitionAlternate alt in alts)                  {                      ResultString = ResultString + alt.ToString() + " " ;                  }              }              FullCACText = ResultString.Trim();              Control.CheckForIllegalCrossThreadCalls = false ;              textBox1.Text = FullCACText;              returnString(FullCACText);              Control.CheckForIllegalCrossThreadCalls = true ;            }          /// <summary>          ///          /// </summary>          /// <param name="str"></param>          private void returnString( string str)          {              string [] str_temp = str.Split( ' ' );              string str_temp1 = "shibie_" ;              string str_temp2 = "" ;              if (str_temp.Length > 0)              {                  for ( int i = 0; i < str_temp.Length; i++)                  {                      str_temp2 = str_temp1 + i.ToString();                      Control[] con_temp = Controls.Find(str_temp2, true );                      if (con_temp.Length > 0)                      {                          ((Button)(con_temp[0])).Text = str_temp[i];                      }                  }              }          }          /// <summary>          ///          /// </summary>          /// <param name="sender"></param>          /// <param name="e"></param>          void ic_Stroke( object sender, InkCollectorStrokeEventArgs e)          {              rct.StopBackgroundRecognition();              rct.Strokes.Add(e.Stroke);              rct.CharacterAutoCompletion = RecognizerCharacterAutoCompletionMode.Full;              rct.BackgroundRecognizeWithAlternates(0);          }          /// <summary>          ///          /// </summary>          private void ink_()          {              Recognizers recos = new Recognizers();              Recognizer chineseReco = recos.GetDefaultRecognizer();                rct = chineseReco.CreateRecognizerContext();          }          /// <summary>          ///          /// </summary>          private void ic_Stroke()          {            }          /// <summary>          /// 获取字          /// </summary>          /// <param name="sender"></param>          /// <param name="e"></param>          private void button1_Click( object sender, EventArgs e)          {              this .textBox1.Text = "" ;                textBox1.SelectedText = ic.Ink.Strokes.ToString();              /*  if (0 == rc.Count)                {                    MessageBox.Show("There are no handwriting recognizers installed.  You need to have at least one in order to recognize ink.");                }                else                {                      // Note that the Strokes' ToString() method is a                    // shortcut  for retrieving the best match using the                     // default recognizer.  The same result can also be                    // obtained using the RecognizerContext.  For an                    // example, uncomment the following lines of code:                    //                     RecognizerContext myRecoContext = new RecognizerContext();                     myRecoContext.CharacterAutoCompletion = RecognizerCharacterAutoCompletionMode.Full;                     RecognitionStatus status;                    RecognitionResult recoResult;                    //                     myRecoContext.Strokes = ic.Ink.Strokes;                    recoResult = myRecoContext.Recognize(out status);                    textBox1.SelectedText = recoResult.TopString;                    //                                     // textBox1.SelectedText = ic.Ink.Strokes.ToString();                }*/          }          /// <summary>          /// 清除          /// </summary>          /// <param name="sender"></param>          /// <param name="e"></param>          private void button2_Click( object sender, EventArgs e)          {               if (!ic.CollectingInk)              {                  Strokes strokesToDelete = ic.Ink.Strokes;                                 rct.StopBackgroundRecognition();                  ic.Ink.DeleteStrokes(strokesToDelete);                  rct.Strokes = ic.Ink.Strokes;                  ic.Ink.DeleteStrokes(); //清除手写区域笔画;                  PictureboxInk.Refresh(); //刷新手写区域              }                    }          /// <summary>          /// 选择颜色          /// </summary>          /// <param name="sender"></param>          /// <param name="e"></param>          private void button3_Click( object sender, EventArgs e)          {              colorDialog1.FullOpen = true ;              colorDialog1.ShowDialog();              ic.DefaultDrawingAttributes.Color = colorDialog1.Color;            }        } }

本文标签: InkMicrosoftRecognitionHandWriting