


I took topics from section «Innovation & Tech» as tags and parsed data by each day. For example, from such 我每天都将“创新与技术”部分中的主题用作标签和已解析的数据。 例如,从此类 link. Also I throw out from the list almost all articles by blockchain-cuties blog, otherwase the list would be contain only such articles. Have no idea why it rates so high and why it is popular. link 。 我也从列表中删除了区块链博客的几乎所有文章,否则列表中将仅包含此类文章。 不知道为什么它如此之高,为什么受欢迎。
  1. ShengWorld Launches SHENG Token Airdrop Campaign — 81K, tags: blockchain, cryptocurrency

    ShengWorld发起了SHENG Token空投活动 — 81K,标签:区块链,加密货币

  2. Zoom Is a Nightmare. So Why Is Everyone Still Using It? — 23K, tags: technology

    缩放是一场噩梦。 那么为什么每个人都还在使用它? — 23K,标签:技术

  3. The launch of Project Voting Competition: Round 2 — 21K, tags: blockchain, cryptocurrency

    启动项目投票竞赛:第2轮 -21K,标签:区块链,加密货币

  4. 10 Extraordinary GitHub Repos for All Developers — 16.9K, tags: programming, technology, javascript

    适用于所有开发人员的10个非凡的GitHub Repos — 16.9K,标签:编程,技术,javascript

  5. Atomars launches Quick Exchange — 16.1K, tags: cryptocurrency

    Atomars启动Quick Exchange — 16.1K,标签:cryptocurrency

  6. Roobee results for 2019! PART 2. — 14.6K, tags: blockchain

    Roobee的2019年结果! 第2部分 。— 14.6K,标签:区块链

  7. Coronavirus Might Attack the Brain, Too — 14K, tags: science

    冠状病毒也可能袭击大脑 — 14K,标签:科学

  8. Why Python is not the programming language of the future — 13.6K, tags: programming, software development

    为什么Python不再是未来的编程语言 -13.6K,标签:编程,软件开发

  9. The Covid-19 Pandemic Has Only Just Begun — 13.1K, tags: science

    Covid-19大流行才刚刚开始 -13.1K,标签:科学

  10. Introduction to Sheng — A global one-stop platform for wellness and lifestyle — 12.7K, tags: blockchain, cryptocurrency

    简介Sheng —一个全球性的一站式健康和生活方式平台 — 12.7K,标签:区块链,加密货币

  11. If There Was Ever a Time to Activate Your Vagus Nerve, It Is Now — 12.6K, tags: science

    如果有时间激活您的迷走神经,那就到了 — 12.6K,标签:科学

  12. How I went from zero coding skills to data scientist in 6 months — 11.5K, tags: programming, data science

    我如何在6个月内从零编码技能变成了数据科学家 — 11.5K,标签:编程,数据科学

  13. What Does Snowflake Wallpaper Do? — 11.5K, tags: blockchain, cryptocurrency

    雪花壁纸能做什么? — 11.5K,标签:区块链,加密货币

  14. Version 9 of Angular Now Available — Project Ivy has arrived! — 11.4K, tags: javascript

    Angular的第9版现已发布— Ivy项目已经到来! — 11.4K,标签:javascript

  15. 32+ funny Code Comments that people actually wrote — 11.1K, tags: programming, tech

    人们实际编写的 32+条有趣的代码注释 -11.1K,标签:编程,技术

  16. Social Media | Are We Already Living In A Simulation? — 10.9K, tags: technology

    社交媒体| 我们已经生活在模拟之中吗? — 10.9K,标签:技术

  17. Digital identity with AIre-chain — 10.4K, tags: blockchain, cryptocurrency

    带有AIre-chain的数字身份 -10.4K,标签:区块链,加密货币

  18. UI/UX|下次主管問你為什麼 UI 要用圓角的時候 — 10.4K, tags: UX

    UI / UX |下一届主管问你为什么UI要用圆角的时候 — 10.4K,标签:UX

  19. Unique Changelly Birthday Rabbit Joined BCU — 10.1K, tags: blockchain, cryptocurrency

    唯一的Changelly生日兔子加入BCU — 10.1K,标签:区块链,加密货币

  20. Simplified — Business Plan and Innovation Toolkit for Fintech Start ups — 9.8K, tags: technology

    简化—用于Fintech初创企业的业务计划和创新工具包 — 9.8万,标签:技术

  21. Can Crypto and KYC Coexist? — 9.8K, tags: blockchain, cryptocurrency

    加密货币和KYC可以共存吗? — 9.8K,标签:区块链,加密货币

  22. AIre-chain PoC update Feb 4, 2020 — 9.6K, tags: blockchain, cryptocurrency

    AIre-chain PoC更新于2020年2月4日 — 9.6K,标签:区块链,加密货币

  23. Sheng World Announces BApp Research & Development on Kakao’s Klaytn Blockchain — 9.2K, tags: blockchain, cryptocurrency

    盛世界宣布对Kakao的Klaytn区块链进行 BApp 研究与开发 — 9.2K,标签: 区块链,加密货币

  24. Be lazy is no shame. An Efficient Image Loading with React Hooks — 9.2K, tags: programming, javascript

    懒惰是没有耻辱的。 使用React Hooks高效加载图像 — 9.2K,标记:编程,javascript

  25. Top 7 Important Tips On How To Keep Your Business Data Safe And Secure Online — 9.1K, tags: cybersecurity

    有关如何确保在线业务数据安全的重要7条重要提示 — 9.1K,标签:网络安全

  26. How Much Longer Do We Have to Live Like This? — 9K, tags: science

    这样的生活需要多长时间? — 9K,标签:科学

  27. AIre-chain PoC development has started — 8.9K, tags: blockchain

    AIre-chain PoC开发已经开始 — 8.9K,标签:区块链

  28. Ugly Truths About Working From Home — 8.8K, tags: programming

    关于在家工作的丑陋真相 — 8.8K,标签:编程

  29. The chase for the hottest license for crypto businesses in Asia. — 8.8K, tags: blockchain

    追逐亚洲最热门的加密业务许可证。 — 8.8K,标签:区块链

  30. Automation Flow of Progressive Images Set Creation for Designers / Developers in 2020. — 8.8K, tags: javascript

    2020年为设计人员/开发人员创建渐进式图像集的自动化流程 。— 8.8K,标签:JavaScript

  31. If Programming Languages Had Honest Slogans — 8.5K, tags: programming, javascript

    如果编程语言有诚实的口号 — 8.5K,则标签:编程,javascript

  32. Google just published 25 million free datasets — 8.5K, tags: data science, machine learning

    Google刚刚发布了2500万个免费数据集 -8.5K,标签:数据科学,机器学习

  33. 7 Principles of Icon Design — 8.5K, tags: UX

    图标设计的7个原理 — 8.5K,标记:UX

  34. The Sober Math Everyone Must Understand about the Pandemic — 8.4K, tags: math

    每个人都必须了解的关于流行病的清醒数学 -8.4K,标签:数学

  35. 9 predictions for 2020–2029 — 8.4K, tags: machine learning

    2020 -2029年的9个预测 — 8.4K,标签:机器学习

  36. Meta-Analyses Reveal Who Should Be More Cautious of COVID-19 — 8K, tags: technology

    荟萃分析揭示谁应该对COVID-19更加谨慎 — 8K,标签:技术

  37. Big AI-driven Shifts to Happen in 2020 — 8K, tags: artificial intelligence, data science, machine learning

    大型人工智能驱动的转变将在2020年发生 -8K,标签:人工智能,数据科学,机器学习

  38. Bored? 7 Fun Things You Can Build — 7.9K, tags: programming, software development

    无聊? 您可以构建的7件事 -7.9K,标签:编程,软件开发

  39. We need to talk about AirPods Pro — 7.7K, tags: technology

    我们需要谈谈AirPods Pro — 7.7K,标签:技术

  40. The Horrifying Things I’ve Seen as an Office Manager in Silicon Valley — 7.6K, tags: technology


  41. Buy Bitcoin with PayPal | BitValve — 7.6K, tags: blockchain, cryptocurrency

    用贝宝购买比特币| BitValve — 7.6K,标签:区块链,加密货币

  42. Tokenizing Real World Assets the FinNexus Way: Part 3 — What We Do — 7.2K, tags: blockchain

    通过FinNexus方式对现实世界资产进行标记化:第3部分-我们的工作-7.2K ,标签:区块链

  43. My Top 5 Favorite Productivity Apps — 7.2K, tags: technology

    我的前5个最喜欢的生产力应用程序 — 7.2K,标签:技术

  44. Python Refresher — Data Structures — 7.1K, tags: artifical intelligence, machine learning

    Python刷新器—数据结构 — 7.1K,标签:人工智能,机器学习

  45. Go to secure 2FA on a Blockchain — 7.1K, tags: blockchain

    前往区块链上的安全2FA — 7.1K,标签: 区块链

  46. Full Stack Pronounced Dead — 7.1K, tags: programming, software development

    Full Stack发音为Dead — 7.1K,标签:编程,软件开发

  47. Reimagining a New Social Future with Artificial Intelligence — 7K, tags: machine learning, data science, artificial intelligence

    用人工智能重新构想新的社会未来 — 7K,标签:机器学习,数据科学,人工智能

  48. Python Refresher — Loops and Functions — 7K, tags: artificial intelligence. machine learning

    Python刷新器—循环和函数 — 7K,标签:人工智能。 机器学习

  49. The anatomy of a button — UI component series — 6.9K, tags: UX

    按钮的结构— UI组件系列 — 6.9K,标签:UX

  50. How is computer programming different today than 20 years ago? — 6.8K, tags: programming

    今天的计算机编程与20年前有何不同? — 6.8K,标签:编程

翻译自: https://habr/en/post/501210/


本文标签: 技术文章年来medium