


After having used Windows 8 over the past few months, we’ve found a few ways Microsoft could immediately improve the Start Screen to make it less disorienting and more usable, not only for tablets but desktops and laptops as well.

在过去几个月中使用Windows 8之后,我们发现Microsoft可以通过几种方法立即改进“开始屏幕”,以减少混乱感和可用性,不仅适用于平板电脑,还适用于台式机和笔记本电脑。

It’s safe to say that the one thing Windows 8 doesn’t lack is criticism. Since the Consumer Preview debuted in February, it has proven to be one of the most polarizing Windows releases ever. But regardless of whether you love or hate it, Windows 8 is where Microsoft’s venerable operating system is headed. Portable computing is here to stay and if the company is to survive, let alone remain relevant, it has to change, adapt, embrace, and extend.

可以肯定地说Windows 8不缺的一件事就是批评。 自从消费者预览版于2月首次亮相以来,它已被证明是有史以来最两极分化的Windows版本之一。 但是,无论您是爱还是恨它,Windows 8都是微软古老操作系统的所在地。 便携式计算将留在这里,如果公司要生存,更不用说保持相关性,它就必须进行改变,调整,拥抱和扩展。

Perhaps the single most universally controversial change to Windows is Microsoft’s decision to remove the Start button (or orb, if you’ve moved beyond XP) and with it, what we know to be the Start Menu. In their place we now have a Start hot corner (a workable alternative) and the newly redesigned Metro Start Screen. The Start Screen is, if nothing else, different. Beyond a doubt, there has not been such a radical redesign of Windows’ Start functionality since it went to a two-column design with a nested “All Programs” menu in Windows XP.

Windows上最有争议的唯一更改可能是Microsoft决定删除“开始”按钮(如果您已经超越XP,则为orb),并删除它,我们称之为“开始”菜单。 现在,在它们的位置上有一个“开始”热角(可行的替代方法)和新设计的Metro起始屏幕。 起始屏幕(如果没有其他设置)是不同的。 毫无疑问,自从Windows XP的嵌套“所有程序”菜单进入到两列设计以来,Windows的“启动”功能就没有进行过如此彻底的重新设计。

The Start Screen can be a little jarring because it requires users to not only relearn what they’ve known for nearly two decades but to also rethink the way they interact with Windows. However, the Start Screen maintains its core elements: a Start “menu”, a place for all installed programs (All apps), and a search pane. The Start Screen is attractive, clean, bold, and very imperfect. Here are five changes we’d like to see in the Start Screen before Windows 8 goes gold …

“开始”屏幕可能会有点刺耳,因为它不仅要求用户重新学习近二十年来的已知知识,而且还需要重新考虑与Windows交互的方式。 但是,“开始”屏幕保留其核心元素:“开始”菜单,所有已安装程序(所有应用程序)的位置以及搜索窗格。 “开始”屏幕吸引人,干净,大胆且非常不完美。 在Windows 8变为金色之前,我们希望在“开始”屏幕中看到以下五项更改:

永久设置所有应用程序按钮 (Make the All Apps Button Permanent)

In its current form, when you open the Start Screen, you are presented with a selection of apps that have been pinned to it. There are many more apps than appear on the Start Screen but in order to see them, you first have to right click and move the pointer to the resulting “All apps” button in the bottom right corner.

在当前形式下,当您打开“开始”屏幕时,将显示一系列固定在其上的应用程序。 除了“开始”屏幕上显示的应用程序外,还有更多的应用程序,但是要查看它们,您首先必须右键单击并将指针移到右下角显示的“所有应用程序”按钮。

There’s little sense in this. Unless you’re planning on pinning every last app and program to Start, you’re likely to use “All apps” on a regular basis. After all, this is where you will find the calculator and paint shortcuts. And perhaps you don’t want every single app on the Start Screen but you still want them on your system.

这没有什么意义。 除非您计划将每个最后一个应用程序和程序都固定到Start上,否则您可能会定期使用“所有应用程序”。 毕竟,您将在这里找到计算器和绘画快捷方式。 也许您不希望每个应用程序都出现在“开始”屏幕上,但仍然希望它们出现在系统中。

“All apps” is the Windows 8 equivalent of Windows 7’s “All Programs” menu so it begs the question, why accomplish in two steps what you can easily do in one? Microsoft should just make all apps a permanent fixture on the Start Screen.

Windows 8的“所有应用程序”等同于Windows 7的“所有程序”菜单,因此引出了一个问题,为什么要分两步完成您可以轻松完成的一个步骤? Microsoft应该将所有应用程序永久固定在“开始”屏幕上。


放在上下文中 (Put in the Context)

We understand why there are no Windows-esque context menus on the Start Screen. Traditional drop down lists are hard to negotiate with a touch interface. It’s much easier to have large icons pop up that can be easily tapped with sausage-sized human digits. But, it just seems counterintuitive not to have some kind of context menu solution.

我们知道为什么“开始”屏幕上没有Windows风格的上下文菜单。 传统的下拉列表很难与触摸界面进行协商。 弹出大图标容易得多,可以用香肠大小的人类手指轻按。 但是,似乎没有某种上下文菜单解决方案是违反直觉的。

If Microsoft is really bent on making things big enough to tap, it doesn’t seem unreasonable that they can make a context menu that is accommodating to touch interfaces and mouse pointers. Instead of making us choose from a context bar at the bottom of the screen, have applicable options pop out wherever the pointer is, just like it does on the desktop. Use icons and text large enough to tap while retaining Metro UI elements and themes. There’s no need to reinvent the wheel, just make it better.

如果微软真的致力于将事情做得足够大,那么他们可以制作一个可以适应触摸界面和鼠标指针的上下文菜单似乎并不是没有道理的。 与其让我们从屏幕底部的上下文栏中选择,不如在指针所在的位置弹出适用的选项,就像在桌面上一样。 使用足够大的图标和文本来点按,同时保留Metro UI元素和主题。 无需重新发明轮子,只需使其变得更好即可。

关掉? 祝好运 (Shut Down? Good Luck)

Shutting down, restarting or putting your system to sleep isn’t difficult but it’s tedious and annoying. The way to accomplish this in Windows 8 is to mouse to the top or bottom right corner, open the charms bar, select Settings, then Power, then your option. Five steps to do what took two or three in previous Windows versions.

关闭,重新启动系统或使系统进入睡眠状态并不困难,但这既乏味又烦人。 在Windows 8中完成此操作的方法是,将鼠标移到右上角或右下角,打开超级按钮,选择设置,然后选择电源,然后选择您的选项。 五个步骤可以完成以前Windows版本中的两个或三个步骤。

Instead of making us jump through these hoops, put the power options next to the user profile picture or, if Microsoft doesn’t want to clutter up the Start Screen with another button, put it on the profile picture context menu. Right now when users click on their profile picture, they get the options to change their account picture, lock the device, or sign out of their account. It doesn’t seem unreasonable to add sleep, restart, and shut down options.

不用让我们跳过这些箍,而是将电源选项放在用户个人资料图片旁边,或者,如果Microsoft不想用另一个按钮使“开始”屏幕混乱,请将其放在个人资料图片上下文菜单中。 现在,当用户单击其个人资料图片时,他们可以选择更改其帐户图片,锁定设备或注销其帐户。 添加睡眠,重新启动和关闭选项似乎并不是没有道理的。

默认为桌面 (Default to the Desktop)

Another big complaint found in Windows 8 is that the Start Screen opens by default when the system starts. There’s no way every desktop and laptop user is going to want to boot into Metro each and every time their computer starts. While Metro may work well for tablet users as the go-to default interface, it’s really nothing more than a glorified app launcher and as such, interferes with Desktop-oriented productivity.

在Windows 8中发现的另一个大问题是,系统启动时默认情况下会打开“开始”屏幕。 不可能每个台式机和笔记本电脑用户每次启动计算机时都希望启动到Metro。 尽管Metro可以作为平板电脑的默认界面很好地适用于平板电脑用户,但它实际上不过是美化的应用启动器,因此会干扰面向桌面的工作效率。

One solution would be to have Windows’ setup ask a user what interface they want it to default to when the computer starts. The user could always change their preference in the settings later on. At the very least, Microsoft could give everyone the option. They don’t even have to make it easy, they can bury it in the Control Panel, just don’t make us start hacking the registry or install add-ons.

一种解决方案是让Windows的安装程序询问用户计算机启动时默认使用的界面。 以后,用户始终可以在设置中更改其首选项。 至少,Microsoft可以给所有人选择。 他们甚至不需要简化它,他们可以将其埋在“控制面板”中,只是不必让我们开始破解注册表或安装附加组件。

单击,单击,单击...,单击,删除? (Click, Click, Click … Click, Delete?)

One of the great things about the Start Menu when it matured was the ability to move, organize and best of all delete shortcuts directly from the Start Menu. That feature when incorporated was, is, awesome. You have to have used early Windows versions to understand just how much so.

“开始”菜单成熟时的一大优点是可以直接从“开始”菜单移动,组织和删除所有快捷方式的功能。 合并时该功能非常棒。 您必须使用Windows的早期版本来了解多少。

Now, that ability is once again gone. Instead of being able to easily right-click/delete a shortcut, there are several steps you need to take: click “All apps” then right-click on the shortcut, mouse to the menu bar at the bottom and select “Open file location”. Windows Explorer will open to where the shortcut is located and you can then delete the shortcut.

现在,这种能力再次消失了。 除了能够轻松地右键单击/删除快捷方式外,您还需要执行几个步骤:单击“所有应用”,然后右键单击快捷方式,将鼠标移到底部的菜单栏,然后​​选择“打开文件位置”。 ”。 Windows资源管理器将打开该快捷方式所在的位置,然后您可以删除该快捷方式。

So, why the rigmarole? True it’s not overly inconvenient to delete one of two shortcuts but if you have many shortcuts you want to delete, you have to keep opening the Start Screen, clicking on “All apps”, right-select the shortcut, open the file’s location, delete, and repeat as necessary. Why’s it so hard to allow users to press the delete button and/or add an option?

那么,为什么要花油呢? 确实,删除两个快捷方式之一并不是很不方便,但是如果您要删除很多快捷方式,则必须继续打开“开始”屏幕,单击“所有应用”,右键单击该快捷方式,打开文件的位置,然后删除,并根据需要重复。 为什么让用户按下删除按钮和/或添加选项如此困难?

第一步:修复。 第二步: 第三步:解决问题! (Step One: Fix. Step Two: it. Step Three: Fix it!)

There’s no doubt the Start Screen is progressive, attractive, and actually makes sense for Microsoft if they want to bridge Windows across tablets and desktops. But, as we’ve discussed, it could still use some work. While we think these five fixes would greatly improve the Start Screen, you might have even more ideas. Sound off in the comments and let us know what you would do to improve the Start Screen.

毫无疑问,“开始屏幕”是渐进的,有吸引力的,并且如果微软希望在平板电脑和台式机之间架起Windows的桥梁,那么对于微软来说实际上是有意义的。 但是,正如我们所讨论的,它仍然可以使用一些工作。 尽管我们认为这五个修复程序将大大改善“开始”屏幕,但您可能有更多想法。 在评论中说清楚,让我们知道您将如何改善“开始”屏幕。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek/116816/5-ways-microsoft-can-improve-the-windows-8-start-screen/


本文标签: 屏幕微软种方法surfaceMicrosoft