

英二-2020-Text 3 摘自卫报《The Guardian》2019年7月的文章《It can’t be left to Europe’s cities to clean up noxious air》。

Paragraph 1

  1. Madrid was hailed as a public health guiding light last November when it rolled out ambitious restrictions on the most polluting cars.

    • 翻译:去年十一月,马德里因针对污染最重的车辆推出限制规定,而被誉为公共卫生的榜样。
    • 解释:
      • Madrid 马德里
      • hailed v. 赞颂,原形 hail ,也有招手、打招呼的意思
      • public health 公共卫生,指关注和维护整个社会群体的健康和福祉的学科和实践
      • roll out 推出,roll v./n. 滚动
      • ambitious adj. 有雄心的
      • restriction n. 限制规定
      • polluting adj. 污染的,pollute v. 污染
  2. Seven months and one election day later, a new conservative city council suspended enforcement of the clean air zone, a first step toward its possible termination.

    • 翻译:七个月加上一个选举日之后,一个新的保守派市议会暂停了清洁空气区的实施,这可能会是其标杆身份终结的开端。
    • 解释:
      • election n. 选举
      • later adv. 以后
      • conservative adj. 保守的、保守派的
      • council n. 委员会,city council 市议会,指一个城市的行政机构,由选举产生的官员组成,负责处理该城市的政务
      • suspend v. 中止、暂停、暂缓
      • enforcement n. 执行、实施
      • clean air zone 清洁空气区,指划定的特定地区(要求车辆达到一定的排放标准以确保空气质量的区域)
      • termination n. 终止,terminate v. 中断、终止
  3. Mayor José Luis Martinez-Almeida made opposition to the zone a centrepiece of his election campaign, despite its success in improving air quality.

    • 翻译:市长在他竞选的核心中反对了该区域,尽管该区域成功地改善了空气质量。
    • 解释:
      • mayor n. 市长
      • opposition n. 反对
      • centrepiece n. 核心部分
      • election n. 选举,campaign v. 运动、战役,即竞选
      • despite prep. 尽管
      • improve v. 改善
      • quality n. 质量
      • a centrepiece of his election campaign 作为对zone的补充叙述/描述
  4. A judge has now overruled the city’s decision to stop levying fines, ordering them restored.

    • 翻译:一位法官现在推翻了该市停止征收罚款的决定,并责令他们恢复罚款政策。
    • 解释:
      • judge n. 法官
      • overrule v. (以权力) 否决
      • decision n. 决定,to stop levying fines 对“决定”的补充描述
      • levying fines 征收罚款,levy v. 征收,fine n. 罚款、罚金
      • order v. 命令、要求
      • restored v. 还原
  5. But with legal battles ahead, the zone’s future looks uncertain at best.

    • 翻译:然而,随着法律纠纷的逼近,该区域的未来充其量只能算是一个未知数。
    • 解释:
      • legal adj. 法律的
      • battle n. 斗争
      • ahead adv. 前面
      • uncertain adj. 不确定的
      • at best 最多、充其量

31)Which of the following is true about Madrid’s clean air zone?
[A] Its effects are questionable.
[B] It has been opposed by a judge.
[C] It needs tougher enforcement.
[D] Its fate is yet to be decided.

Paragraph 2

  1. Madrid’s back and forth on clean air is a pointed reminder of the limits to the patchwork, city-by-city approach that characterises efforts on air pollution across Europe, Britain very much included.
    • 翻译:马德里在清洁空气上的反复,是对欧洲各地(包括英国)在空气污染问题上采取的拼凑式、逐个城市的方法的局限性的明确提醒。
    • 解释:
      • forth adv. 向前、以后,back and forth 反复来回
      • pointed adj. 明确的、尖锐的
      • reminder n. 提醒
      • limit n. 限制
      • patchwork n. 拼凑物、拼缝物
      • city-by-city 逐个城市
      • approach n. 方法,patchwork, city-by-city approach 拼凑式的方法,即每个城市都采取自己的措施来解决问题,而不是有一个统一的解决方案
      • characterise v. 描绘、以…为特征
      • effort n. 努力、活动(有组织的)
      • very much included 起到了强调的作用,表示“英国”非常地、确实地被包括在内,在讨论的空气污染问题的处理方式上与其他欧洲地区相似,即都采用了这种城市逐个处理的方法。

Paragraph 3

  1. Among other weaknesses, the measures cities must employ when left to tackle dirty air on their own are politically contentious, and therefore vulnerable.

    • 翻译:在诸多不足之处中,城市在独立应对空气污染问题时必须采取的措施往往存在政治争议,因此容易受到抨击。
    • 解释:
      • weakness n. 弱点,-ness 名词后缀,weak adj. 虚弱的、无力的
      • measure n. 措施
      • cities n. 城市(复数),原形 city
      • employ v. 使用、雇佣
      • left to 留下来去做什么,指某个人或组织被安排或强制独自承担某项任务或责任
      • tackle v. 处理、解决
      • on their own 他们独自
      • politically adv. 政策地
      • contentious adj. 有争议的
      • therefore adv. 因此
      • vulnerable adj. 易受攻击的、易受批评的、脆弱的
      • the measures (...) are politically contentious 该举措是有政治上的争议的
  2. That’s because they inevitably put the costs of cleaning the air on to individual drivers — who must pay fees or buy better vehicles — rather than on to the car manufacturers whose cheating is the real cause of our toxic pollution.

    • 翻译:那是因为他们不可避免地将清洁空气的花销施加给开车的人(这些人必须支付费用或者购买更好的交通工具),而不是施加给那些真正造成有毒污染的汽车生产商们。
    • 解释:
      • inevitably adv. 不可避免地,inevitable adj. 不可避免的,evitable adj. 可避免的
      • the costs of …的花销,…的成本
      • individual adj. 个人的
      • driver n. 驾驶员,后面的两个横杠中间部分为对个人驾驶员的补充叙述,忽略后不会影响句意
      • put ... on to ... 将…施加给…
      • fees n.
      • vehicles n. 交通工具(总称)
      • rather than 而不是
      • car n. 小轿车
      • manufacturer n. 生产商、制造商,whose引导的从句到句号之前,是对生产商的补充描述
      • cheating n. 欺骗,原型 cheat v. 欺骗
      • the real cause of …的真正原因
      • toxic adj. 有毒的
      • pollution n. 污染
  3. It’s not hard to imagine a similar reversal happening in London.

    • 翻译:并不难想象一个发生在伦敦的相似的反转。
    • 解释:
      • imagine v. 想象
      • similar adj. 相似的
      • reversal n. 反转、颠倒
  4. The new ultra-low emission zone(Ulez) is likely to be a big issue in next year’s mayoral election.

    • 翻译:新的极低排放区(Ulez),似乎会是明年市长选举中的一个大问题。
    • 解释:
      • ultra-low adj. 极低的,ultra- 前缀表示极端
      • emission n. 排放,emit v. 散发、发射
      • likely adj. 可能的
      • issue n. 问题
      • mayoral adj. 市长的,mayor n. 市长
      • election n. 选举
  5. And if Sadiq Khan wins and extends it to the North and South Circular roads in 2021 as he intends, it is sure to spark intense opposition from the far larger number of motorists who will then be affected.

    • 翻译:而且如果Sadiq Khan竞选成功,并按计划将Ulez扩大至北环路和南环路,那么必将引发大量受影响的驾驶员的强烈反对。
    • 解释:
      • extend v. 扩展
      • the North and South Circular roads 指一个具体的区域范围
      • intend v. 打算、计划
      • spark v. 引发
      • intense adj. 强烈的,intensive adj. 密集的
      • opposition n. 反对、抗议
      • motorist n. 司机,motor n. 汽车、发动机,-ist 做某事的人
      • affect v. 影响、感染(核心意思)

32) What is considered a weakness of the city-level measures to tackle dirty air?
[A] They are biased against car manufactures.
[B] They prove impractical for city councils.
[C] They are deemed too mild by politicians.
[D] They put the burden on individual motorists.

33) The author believes that the extension of London’s Ulez will ___.
[A] arouse strong resistance —— 引起强烈反对
[B] ensure Khan’s electoral success ——确定Khan的选举的成功
[C] improve the city’s traffic —— 改善城市交通
[D] discourage car manufacturing —— 劝阻汽车生产

Paragraph 4

  1. It’s not that measures such as London’s Ulez are useless.

    • 翻译:诸如Ulez这样的措施并非无用。
    • 解释:
      • measure n. 措施
      • useless adj. 无用的、无效的、无价值的
  2. Far from it.

    • 翻译:恰恰相反。
    • 解释:实际与useless相去甚远
  3. Local officials are using the levers that are available to them to safeguard residents’ health in the face of a serious threat.

    • 翻译:面对严重的健康威胁,地方官员正在利用他们所能使用的手段来保护居民的健康。
    • 解释:
      • official n. 官员
      • lever n. 施压的行为、杠杆、操纵杆
      • available adj. 可用的
      • safeguard v. 保护、保障
      • resident n. 居民,s's's 的常规缩写形式
      • in the face of 面对
      • serious adj. 严肃的、严重的
      • threat n. 威胁
  4. The zones do deliver some improvements to air quality, and the science tells us that means real health benefits.

    • 翻译:这些区域确实改善了空气质量,科学研究告诉我们,那(改善的空气质量)意味着实质性的健康益处。
    • 解释:
      • zone n. 空间
      • deliver v. 不负所望、兑现、递送、传递、交付
      • improvement n. 改善、改进
      • science n. 科学
      • 在这句话中,“do”是一个助动词,用来强调主动词“deliver”。这种用法在英语中被称为“强调结构”(emphatic do)。当你想要强调某个动作确实发生了,或者想要反驳之前的否定陈述时,就可以使用这种结构。如果去掉“do”就变成了普通的陈述。
  5. Fewer untimely deaths.

    • 翻译:减少过早死亡。
    • 解释:
      • fewer adj. 更少的
      • untimely adv. 不合时宜地、过早地
      • death n. 死亡

Paragraph 5

  1. But mayors and councilors can only do so much about a problem that is far bigger than any one city or town.

    • 翻译:但是市长和议员们在一个远大于任何城镇的问题上只能做这么多。
    • 解释:
      • mayor n. 市长
      • councilor n. 议员
  2. They are acting because national governments — Britain’s and others across Europe — have failed to do so.

    • 翻译:他们正在行动,是因为英国和其他欧洲国家政府没有这么做。
    • 解释:
      • have failed to do 没有做

34) Who does the author think should have addressed the problem?
[A] Local residents. ——当地居民
[B] Mayors. —— 市长
[C] Councillors. —— 议员
[D] National governments. —— 国家政府

Paragraph 6

  1. Restrictions that keep highly polluting cars out of certain areas — city centres, “ school streets”, even individual roads are a response to the absence of a larger effort to properly enforce existing regulations and require auto companies to bring their vehicles into compliance.

    • 翻译:限制重度污染小轿车进入某些区域——市中心、“学校街道”,甚至个别道路——是对缺乏更大规模的行动来正确执行现有法规并要求汽车公司使其车辆符合规定的回应。
    • 解释:
      • restriction n. 限制法规
      • certain adj. 某某
      • auto n. 汽车
      • absence n. 缺席、缺乏、不在
      • effort n. 努力、有组织的活动
      • properly adv. 适当地
      • enforce v. 执行、实施
      • compliance n. 服从、遵从
      • 为了应对现有法规执行不力,政府采取了限制高污染小轿车进入特定区域——包括市中心、学校周边街道以及部分特定道路——的措施,作为对缺乏更全面行动的直接回应。
  2. Wales has introduced special low speed limits to minimise pollution.

    • 翻译:Wales引入了特殊的低速限制来最小化污染。
    • 解释:
      • introduce v. 引荐、介绍、引入
      • minimise v. 最小化
  3. We’re doing everything but insist that manufacturers clean up their cars.

    • 翻译:我们正在尽一切努力,但坚持要求制造商清理他们的汽车。
    • 解释:
      • insist v. 坚持
      • manufacturer n. 制造商

35) It can be learned from the last paragraph that auto companies ___.
[A] will raise low-emission car production
[B] should be forced to follow regulations
[C] will upgrade the design of their vehicles
[D] should be put under public supervision


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