


The Call of Duty esports community is currently reeling, thanks to the recent announcement that next year, the Call of Duty League (CDL) will, in fact, be transitioning back to 4v4.

他使命召唤电子竞技社区目前晕晕的,由于最近 宣布 ,明年税联盟(民盟)的呼叫会,其实是转变回4V4。

It’s a controversial decision. Why? Simply because CDL moving from 5v5 has cascading effects on all the major players who engage with the CoD scene.

这是一个有争议的决定。 为什么? 仅仅因为CDL从5v5移出对所有参与CoD场景的主要参与者都具有连锁效应。

At a high level, I’d categorize these players into three groups:


  • Casual players

  • Competitive players

  • Fans and spectators


This announcement came just days after the successful close of the CDL Championships Weekend. Many have already begun to speculate what the next year of 4v4 CoD means to the community at large. There are mixed feelings, to say the least.

这项声明是在CDL冠军周末成功结束的几天后发布的。 许多人已经开始猜测明年的4v4 CoD对整个社区意味着什么。 至少可以这样说,百感交集。

Before I revisit the specific topic of the move to 4v4, I want to take a step back and look at the broader landscape. That landscape is important in the way it influences my thinking on the competitive changes.

在我重新讨论移至4v4的特定主题之前,我想退后一步,看看更广阔的前景。 这种风景很重要,因为它影响了我对竞争变化的看法。

在射击线上 (In the firing line)

It’s safe to say that many folks are nervously keeping their thumbs at the ready as they see what is in store for this year’s Call of Duty: Black Ops — Cold War.

可以肯定地说,许多人在看到今年的《 使命召唤:黑色行动-冷战 》即将到来时,总是紧张地准备就绪

Calm down, folks. Treyarch is developing the next Call of Duty. We should be in good hands.

冷静点,伙计们。 Treyarch正在开发下一个《 使命召唤》 。 我们应该掌握好。

Call of Duty has a long-standing history of being passed around between three different developers: Infinity Ward, Treyarch, and Sledgehammer Games. Each of these studios builds upon their colleagues’ work. Three studios also means the franchise can maintain an annual turnaround of new titles.

《使命召唤》拥有在三个不同的开发者之间传递的悠久历史:Infinity Ward,Treyarch和Sledgehammer Games。 这些工作室中的每一个都基于同事的工作。 三个工作室也意味着特许经营权可以维持每年新名称的周转期。

Although all these developers are in partnership — a thrupple, if you will — there are always arguments around which one produces the best games.


Of the three, Treyarch tends to naturally rise to the top at least among fans and esports competitors. I think this is partly because Treyarch is seen to cater to both casual fans and professional gamers.

在这三者中,Treyarch倾向于自然而然地上升到至少在粉丝和电竞竞争对手中名列前茅。 我认为这部分是因为Treyarch可以满足休闲玩家专业游戏玩家的需求。

Don’t forget that Treyarch were the ones who led Call of Duty Blackout into the booming battle royale scene to tremendous effect.

别忘了Treyarch是带领《 使命召唤停电》进入蓬勃发展的皇家战争现场的人。

Call of Duty: Black Ops — Cold War. Source: Push Square.
使命召唤:黑色行动-冷战。 资料来源:Push Square。

Treyarch对粉丝的承诺 (Treyarch’s commitment to fans)

There’s a deep relationship between Treyarch and fans, thanks to years of player and spectator interaction.


For the casual player simply looking for a fun game, Treyarch have always delivered, demonstrating multiple modes of entertainment. For example, their branching out into Call of Duty Zombies was a great way to broaden the appeal of the franchise. In fact, it remains a popular talking point that brings fans of all stripes together — both casual and competitive.

对于那些只想寻找有趣游戏的休闲玩家,Treyarch始终如一提供,展示了多种娱乐方式。 例如,将它们扩展为《 使命召唤僵尸》是扩大特许经营范围的一种好方法。 实际上,它仍然是一个流行的话题 ,它将各种风格的粉丝聚集在一起-休闲和竞技。

None of this has been achieved by simply “designing by committee”. Treyarch has always stuck to their guns, but at the same time, they’ve maintained close and open communication with players all the way through.

仅通过“委员会设计”,这些都无法实现。 Treyarch始终坚持不懈,但与此同时,他们一直与玩家保持着密切和开放的沟通。

融合休闲和竞技游戏玩法 (Blending casual and competitive gameplay)

One way that Treyarch has found an effective balance is not to think about “casual” and “competitive” gameplay as entirely separate. For example, they implemented 3-lane map layouts, which were inspired by other popular esports like Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.

Treyarch寻求有效平衡的一种方式是,不要将“休闲”和“竞争”游戏完全分开。 例如,他们实施了3车道地图布局 ,其灵感来自其他流行的电竞活动,例如《反恐精英:全球攻势》。

From one point of view, this structure actually benefitted casual players because it is inherently an easy-to-learn structure that supports a wide array of play styles. At the same time, this layout supported a healthy competitive meta that encouraged teamwork and smooth game mechanics as its foundation.

从一个角度来看,这种结构实际上使休闲玩家受益,因为它本质上是一种易于学习的结构,支持多种游戏风格。 同时,此布局支持健康的竞争元数据,鼓励团队合作和流畅的游戏机制作为基础。

In other words, the 3-lane structure worked well with casual gamers and made for an even more intense competitive scene.


The bottom line is that Treyarch remains mindful of different types of players, ensuring that each have the tools they need to get the most out of the game.


观众运动 (Spectator sport)

Treyarch is credited as being a major driver of the Call of Duty esports community, in terms of its growth and traction with audiences worldwide. The end goal for Treyarch is clear: build up the Call of Duty brand and viewing experience so that it’s worthy of a spectator’s attention.

就其在全球受众中的增长和吸引力而言,Treyarch被认为是“ 使命召唤”电竞社区的主要推动者。 Treyarch的最终目标很明确:建立“ 使命召唤”品牌和观看体验,以吸引观众的注意。

As important as it is to design games for players (both casual and competitive), it’s also important to think about and cater for spectators. Treyarch have attempted this through well-designed maps that effectively utilize coloring/design to enhance “watchability”.

为玩家(休闲和竞技)设计游戏非常重要,考虑和迎合观众也很重要。 Treyarch尝试通过精心设计的地图来有效地利用着色/设计来增强“观看性”。

In addition, Treyarch are integrating new movement abilities (wall-running, sliding, and special abilities) for both competitors and casual players to experiment with — all i an effort to add another dimension to gameplay.


In summary, Call of Duty as an esport is on the rise and the recent season is proof of its potential.

总而言之,《 使命召唤》作为电子竞技正在崛起,最近的赛季证明了其潜力。

最后的想法 (Final thoughts)

So, if we come back full-circle: what do I think about the move from 5v5 to 4v4? I’m cautiously optimistic.

因此,如果我们回到一个完整的圈子:我对从5v5到4v4的转变有何看法? 我谨慎乐观。

But even with Treyarch at the helm, there remain skeptics all over the CoDCompetitive subreddit that have no shortage of questions. Those questions will certainly continue to arise until we know more about the multiplayer gameplay.

但是,即使有Treyarch掌舵,在CoDCompetitive子目录中仍然有很多怀疑者,他们对此不乏疑问。 在我们对多人游戏玩法了解更多之前,这些问题肯定会继续出现。

What we do know for sure is that Treyarch has a longstanding history with its fanbase; it’s a generally positive history, and it should give us confidence in the future of Call of Duty multiplayer.

我们确实知道,Treyarch的粉丝群源远流长。 这是一个总体良好的历史,它应该使我们对《 使命召唤》多人游戏的未来充满信心。

翻译自: https://medium/super-jump/call-of-dutys-competitive-multiplayer-future-is-stirring-controversy-87070ab3c1a8


本文标签: 使命召唤竞争性未来游戏