

We have turned the server status to "Busy" while we investigate an issue which is causing the matchmaking queue to back up.

Edit: 5:50pm (pst)-- Matchmaking has been turned off as we work on this issue. We will update when we have more information.

Edit: 6:18pm (pst)-- Matchmaking has been turned back on. Practice games will remain off for a bit, as we monitor the situation We will update when we have more information.


5:50pm(北京时间上午8.30) (pst)-匹配比赛关闭了,我们在解决这个问题。当我们有更多消息的时候我们会保持更新的

6:18pm (北京时间上午9.18)匹配比赛开启,练习赛还将持续关闭一会,因为我们还在监控情况。当我们有更多消息的时候我们会保持更新的.

本文标签: 服务器游戏无法启动公告lol