




  1. They main purpose of this passage is to _____.
    A. discuss jogging as a physical fitness program
    B. describe the type of clothing needed for jogging
    C. provide scientific evidence of the benefits of jogging
    D. distinguish between jogging as a “common sense “fitness program and a cult (崇拜) movement
  1. The most useful kind of exercise is exercise that ______.
    A. trains the body for weigh lifting
    B. enables a person to run straight ahead for short distances with great power
    C. is both beneficial and inexpensive
    D. develops the heart, lungs, and circulatory systems
  1. We can conclude from this passage that ______.
    A. because of jogging, heart disease is no longer an American problem
    B. jogging can be harmful if the runner is not properly prepared
    C. warm-up suits are preferable to gym shoes and T-shirts
    D. jogging is bad for the ankles and knees
  1. The author’s tone ______.
    A. skeptical B. aggressive C. approving D. purely objective
  1. As used in this passage, the word “mystical “ means ________.
    A. awesome B. horrifying C. a spirtual discipline D. vicious


  1. Compared with their Millennial elders, the iGeneration kids
    A.communicate with others by high-tech methods continually
    B.prefer to live a virtual life than a real one
    C.are equipped with more modem digital techniques
    D.know more on technology than their elders
  1. Why did Larry Rosen name the new generation as iGeneration?
    A.Because this generation is featured by the use of personal high-tech devices.
    B.Because this generation stresses on an individualized style of life.
    C.Because it is the author himself who has discovered the new generation.
    D.Because it’s a mind-set generation instead of an age-set one.
  1. Which of the following is true about the iGeneration according to Rosen?
    A.This generation is crazy about inventing and creating new things.
    B.Everything must be adapted to the peculiar need of the generation.
    C.This generation catches up with the development of technology.
    D.High-tech such as wireless devices goes with the generation.
  1. Rosen’s findings suggest that technology
    A.has an obvious effect on the function of iGeneration’s brain development
    B.has greatly affected the iGeneration’s behaviors and academic performance
    C.has no significantly negative effect on iGeneration’s mental and intellectual development
    D.has caused distraction problems on iGeneration which affect their daily performance
  1. According to the passage, education has to __
    A.adapt its system to the need of the new generation
    B.use more technologies to cater for the iGeneration
    C.risk its system to certain extent for the iGeneration conducted online for iGeneration’s individualized need

UNIT 1 完形填空

As with any other important decision, you should continually question and rethink this one as well. After all, it will have an enormous impact on the rest of your life. By making this choice, you have in many respects chosen a lifestyle. If you’re entering graduate school, you are about to invest several years of intense effort, often resulting in a considerable financial burden. So it is necessary that you take the decision very, very seriously. You should try to avoid establishing potentially conflicting goals. Original research requires much self-reliance, perseverance, and intelligence as well as creativity. You also need self-discipline to complete the monotonous tasks that inevitably accompany even the most exciting research projects. And another thing: do not forget that your personal life should be consistent with your current aspirations. If you are married, it is important that your spouse fully supports your going to graduate school. Otherwise, you will have too many conflicts with which to cope, in addition to the sufferings encountered in your daily work. Your career choice will also put requirement on your spouse. You should be prepared for these changes in your life.

UNIT 2 完形填空

Most of us have felt “stressed out” at one time or another. When this feeling persists day after day,stress becomes chronic. Chronic stress can take a toll on our careers, on our quality of life and on our bodies, making us susceptible to a host of illnesses. In fact, what many of us don’t realize — and what medical researchers are confirming in study after study — is that our stress levels are directly linked to our physical well-being. Seventy-five percent of our visits to the doctor’s office concern stress-related ailments.
For many of us, stress is at an all-time high level. Some common sources of stress include financial worries, concerns about job security, heavy workloads and responsibility, job burnout, personality conflicts at work, the demands of work and family, troubled relationships, as well as caregiving for a sick loved one or an aging parent.
Whether the stress originates at the office or at home or a little of both — we take it with us wherever we go. The good news is that we now know that caring for our minds as well as our bodies can keep us healthier, happier and more productive in all aspects of life.

UNIT 5 完形填空

Evidence that calorie restriction boosts lifespan in rodents is solid. Christian Leeuwenburgh of the University of Florida’s Institute on Aging showed in 2006 that eating just 8 percent less and exercising a little more over a lifespan can reduce or even reverse aging-related cell and organ damage in rats.
Various studies have shown that cutting calories by 20 to 40 percent significantly both extends life and, with a little exercise, leaves old animals in better shape.
Eating fewer calories also reduces age-related chronic diseases such as cancers, heart disease, and stroke in rodents. That’s important because it suggests ways to not just make us live longer, but to allow us to age more gracefully, healthwise.
Research last year found that rats on a restricted diet are more physically fit in old age, apparently slowing the typical onset of physical disability. The rodents also looked and probably felt better: “Rats that ate a normal diet lost a significant amount of lean muscle mass and acquired more fat, while calorie-restricted rats maintained lean muscle mass as they aged,” said lead researcher Tongjian You from the University of Buffalo. The finding was published in the October issue of the Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences.

UNIT 6 完形填空

Happiness can mean different things to different people. For example, for one person, it may mean being in a relationship, whereas for someone else. it may mean feeling you have the ability to handle whatever life throws at you.
While you might think that there are certain things that make you happy, research has shown that there are certain common traits among happy people it and it isn’t necessarily what you might have thought.
You might think that happy people have lots of money, are physically attractive, have great jobs. Or, you might just think happy people are plain lucky, and are born that way.
Research suggests, however, that there are a number of variables that make a far greater contribution to happiness than external and more superficial factors.
In fact, a strong positive relationship between job status, income, wealth and happiness only exists for those who live below the poverty line and or who are unemployed.
What distinguishes happy people, is that they have a different a attitude—a different way of thinking about things and doing things. They interpret the world in a different way and go about their lives in a different way.

UNIT 7 完形填空*

The fact is, your calendar is full. You have no spare time. Your time is extremely valuable. Therefore, to do anything new, you will have to stop doing something old. In order to get into something, you will have to get out of something else. In order to pick something up, you will have to put something down. Before you make any new commitment of your time, you must firmly decide what activities you are going to discontinue in your personal life. If you want to spend more time with your family, for example, you must decide what activities you currently engage in that are preventing you from doing so.
A principle of time management says that hard time pushes out soft time. This means that hard time, such as working, will push out soft time, such as the time you spend with your family. If you don’t get your work done at the office because you don’t use your time well, you almost invariably have to rob that time from your family. As a result, because your family is important to you, you find yourself in a values conflict. You feel stressed and irritable. You feel a tremendous amount of pressure. You know in your heart that you should be spending more time with the important people in your life, but because you didn’t get your work done, you have to fulfill those responsibilities before you can spend time with your spouse and children.

UNIT 9 完形填空

Every organization has its own unique culture or value set. Most organizations don’t consciously try to create certain culture. The culture of the organization is typically created unconsciously, based on the values of the top management or the founders of an organization.
Hewlett-Packard is a company that has, for a long time, been conscious of its culture (The HP Way) and has worked hard to maintain it over the years. HewlettPackard’s corporate culture is based on respect for others, a sense of community, and plain hard work (Fortune Magazine, May 15, 1995). It has been developed and maintained through extensive training of managers and employees. HP’s growth and success over the years has been due in large part to its culture.
Another successful company that expends a lot of energy in maintaining its workplace culture is Southwest Airlines. Southwest is the only major airline in the U.S. that has been profitable in each of the last five years. It also has a good reputation as an employer.
In both of these examples, the top management of the companies are vigilant about maintaining their cultures. The behavior rules and boundaries are relatively clear and communicated often. However, this is not typical. I believe most organizations operate with a diversity of cultures. This is especially true considering the increasing worldwide mobility of people and cultures and values.

UNIT 11 完形填空

The business world is increasingly reliant on technology to supply information and communications facilities to staff, partners, and customers. Securing organizational information and the systems that are used to manage and transmit data has become high profile function. Failure to secure information can have a severe impact on business credibility.
Threats to an organization come in a variety a of forms, for example from hacking, viruses, and simple human errors. The types of threats change constantly, so managements must sponsor, design, and implement business and technical processes to safeguard critical business assets.
These activities must be coordinate within a well-defined strategy. An organization can manage risk to an acceptable level by developing security policies and making staff and commercial partners aware of their responsibilities within them. Security can also contribute to an organization’s bottom line, because customers value the a reliability of a supplier.


  • 一朝情意淡,样样不顺眼。

Faults are thick where love is thin.

  • 认真学习再强调也不为过。

I cannot overemphasize the importance of studying hard

can not … too + adj

  • 没有工具,人一事无成;有了工具,人无所不能。

Without tools man is nothing; with tools he is all.

  • posteriority(后时性)和priority(优先级)


  • Whether physical money will be replaced by electronic money

本文标签: 英语考试工程硕士