


Frequently Asked Questions on Spoken English



Frequently Asked Questions on Spoken English








Tips: 这个问题主要从两方面回答,一是要说明自己读研的目的,表达自己读研的意愿,如:希望获得在某专业某领域的深层次的知识;二是要说明XX大学好在哪,与上文呼应,即:XX大学正是注重学生在某领域的培养,因此十分向往。

Firstly, thank you for your question.

The reason why I choose to apply for the major of  XXX(某专业) in XX university is that, on the one hand, my study of statistics may be rich but lacking in depth in undergraduate school. So I am interested in further study and hope to learn the knowledge of data mining, data analysis and other fields. On the other hand, there has excellent academic style and strong teachers in campus. It pays attention to the cultivation of students' mathematical foundation and proficient in application of statistical softwares ability, which I am very longing for.

That’s all, thank you for your question.


Tips: 这个问题可以根据研究生阶段来概括性回答三年分别要做的事情(二年制的要酌情更改)。低年级主要涉及巩固专业知识,提高英语水平,阅读文献期刊等内容;高年级涉及发表高水平论文,进行下一阶段职业规划(如:攻读博士等)

Firstly, thank you for your question.

If I'm lucky enough to be admitted, I plan to work hard to learn professional knowledge and improve my English level at the first stage of my gradual school.

Then Reading a lot of top journals to find research interests and proficient in the application of statistical software in the second year of research. Meanwhile, I will do my best to complete a high-level paper.

In the third stage of my study, if I can get the recognition of my tutor, I hope to continue my studies, strive to purse a doctors degree, improving my professional quality and theoretical level.

That' s all , thank you for your question.


Tips: 这个问题的关键点在于最难忘的事情。并不是真的要挑选最难忘的事情,可以选择自己某次比赛、大创、写论文甚至上课等经历作为切入点,趁机展现自己的科研经验、学术水平以及获得的成果等。

Firstly, thank you for your question.

During my time in university, one of the things that impressed me the most was when I participated in the Mathematical Contest in Modeling, which was my first time participating in the mathematical modeling competition. In the process of the competition, we teammates found a lot of problems, constantly arguing and discussing. However we did not give up solving difficulties, but worked hard to think and seek solutions. Finally we won the outstanding prize in this contest, and gained valuable competition experience.

That' s all , thank you for your question.


Tips: 毕业规划问题对于专硕和学硕有一些区别,这里先以学硕为例,下一问以专硕为例。学硕方面主要是以攻读博士学位为导向,突出提高专业知识、学术研究能力。其中,加粗字体建议更换为自己所在专业领域,如:In the field of statistics

Firstly, thank you for your question.

After completing my graduate studies, I intend to pursue a doctoral degree to further augment my expertise and contribute significantly to the advancement of knowledge in my field. Acquiring a Ph.D. will not only refine my research capabilities but also broaden my opportunities to make substantial contributions to academia and society. This decision resonates with my overarching career aspiration of becoming a revered researcher and educator. I am genuinely enthusiastic about the prospect of embarking on this academic endeavor to advance my scholarly journey.

That' s all , thank you for your question.


Tips: 毕业规划问题对于专硕和学硕有一些区别,这里以专硕为例。专硕方面主要是以就业为导向,突出运用专业知识服务公司发展,服务社会进步。其中,加粗字体建议更换为专业相关公司、行业及工作内容。

Firstly, thank you for your question.

Upon completing my studies, my career plan involves joining a market research firm, specializing in roles centered around data mining and analysis. I'm attracted to this field for its dynamic nature and the opportunity it offers to derive insights from extensive datasets. My enthusiasm for uncovering patterns and trends, combined with the analytical skills I've cultivated during my academic journey, positions me as a strong fit for this career trajectory. I eagerly anticipate leveraging my expertise to contribute meaningfully to the company's objectives and provide actionable insights.

That' s all , thank you for your question.


Tips: 回答这个问题时,建议结合简历上提到的主要课程,挑选自己本科期间学习成绩比较好,且在面试时准备充分的科目来进行回答回答问题的重点要放在学习这门课程的收获,也就是自己的思考,而不是一味的讲述课程的主要内容其中,加粗字体建议更换为与本专业相关的课程内容。

Firstly, thank you for your question.

During my undergraduate studies, my favorite course was Statistics. Statistics enabled me to analyze and interpret data, providing valuable insights into complex phenomena. I particularly enjoyed learning about probability distributions, hypothesis testing, and regression analysis. This course not only honed my analytical skills but also enhanced my ability to make informed decisions based on data. Overall, Statistics played a pivotal role in shaping my academic interests and prepared me for future endeavors in research and analysis.

That' s all , thank you for your question.

本文标签: 英语口语问答常见考研复试保研