


  • 前言
  • 专业名词
  • 笔记
      • Network embedding 网络嵌入
      • The main distinction between GNNs and network embedding GNNs和网络嵌入的主要区别
      • graph kernel methods 图核方法
      • the notations used in this paper 本文中使用的符号
      • Spatial-Temporal Graph 时空图
      • Recurrent graph neural networks 递归图神经网络(RecGNNs)
      • Convolutional graph neural networks 卷积图神经网络(ConvGNNs)
      • Graph autoencoders 图形自动编码器(GAEs)
      • Spatial-temporal graph neural networks 时空图神经网络(STGNNs)
      • Frameworks 框架
        • Node-level 节点级
        • Edge-level 边缘级别
        • Graph-level 图级
      • Training Frameworks 训练框架
        • Semi-supervised learning for node-level classification 用于节点级分类的半监督学习
        • Supervised learning for graph-level classification 图级分类的监督学习
        • Unsupervised learning for graph embedding 图嵌入的无监督学习
      • Summary of RecGNNs and ConvGNNs.
  • 结语


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  • graph neural networks 图神经网络
  • graph convolutional networks 图卷积神经网络
  • graph representation learning 图表示学习
  • graph autoencoder 图自动编码器
  • network embedding 网络嵌入
  • pattern recognition 模式识别
  • data mining 数据挖掘
  • object detection 目标检测
  • speech recognition 语音识别
  • molecule 分子
  • classification 分类
  • clustering 聚类
  • Spatial-Temporal Graph 时空图
  • eigenvalue decomposition 特征值分解



We proposea new taxonomy to divide the state-of-the-art graph neuralnetworks into four categories, namely recurrent graph neuralnetworks, convolutional graph neural networks, graph autoen-coders, and spatial-temporal graph neural networks


  • 递归图神经网络 recurrent graph neural networks
  • 卷积图神经网络 convolutional graph neural networks
  • 图自动编码器 graph autoen-coders
  • 时空图神经网络 patial-temporal graph neural networks

A convolutional neural network (CNN)is able to exploit the shift-invariance, local connectivity, andcompositionality of image data [9]. As a result, CNNs canextract local meaningful features that are shared with the entiredata sets for various image analysis


Furthermore, a core assumption of existingmachine learning algorithms is that instances are independentof each other. This assumption no longer holds for graph databecause each instance (node) is related to others by links ofvarious types, such as citations, friendships, and interactions.


As illustrated in Figure1, an image can be considered as a special case of graphswhere pixels are connected by adjacent pixels.Similar to 2Dconvolution, one may perform graph convolutions by takingthe weighted average of a node’s neighborhood information.


2D Convolution. Analogousto a graph, each pixel in an imageis taken as a node where neigh-bors are determined by the filtersize. The 2D convolution takesthe weighted average of pixel val-ues of the red node along withits neighbors. The neighbors of anode are ordered and have a fixedsize


Graph Convolution. To get ahidden representation of the rednode, one simple solution of thegraph convolutional operation isto take the average value of thenode features of the red nodealong with its neighbors. Differ-ent from image data, the neigh-bors of a node are unordered andvariable in size.




Network embedding 网络嵌入

Network embedding aims at representing network nodes as low-dimensional vectorrepresentations, preserving both network topology structureand node content information, so that any subsequent graphanalytics task such as classification, clustering, and recom-mendation can be easily performed using simple off-the-shelfmachine learning algorithms (e.g., support vector machines for classification).


The main distinction between GNNs and network embedding GNNs和网络嵌入的主要区别

The main distinction between GNNs and network embedding is that GNNs are a group of neural network models which aredesigned for various tasks while network embedding coversvarious kinds of methods targeting the same task. Therefore,GNNs can address the network embedding problem througha graph autoencoder framework. On the other hand, networkembedding contains other non-deep learning methods such asmatrix factorization [33], [34] and random walks [35].

GNNs和网络嵌入的主要区别在于,GNNs是一组针对不同任务设计的神经网络模型,而网络嵌入涵盖了针对同一任务的各种方法。因此,GNNs可以通过图形自动编码器框架解决网络嵌入问题。另一方面,network embedding包含其他非深度学习方法,如矩阵分解[33]、[34]和随机游走[35]。

graph kernel methods 图核方法

Graphkernels are historically dominant techniques to solve theproblem of graph classification [36], [37], [38]. These methodsemploy a kernel function to measure the similarity betweenpairs of graphs so that kernel-based algorithms like supportvector machines can be used for supervised learning on graphs.


the notations used in this paper 本文中使用的符号

Spatial-Temporal Graph 时空图

A spatial-temporalgraph is an attributed graph where the node attributes changedynamically over time.




Recurrent graph neural networks 递归图神经网络(RecGNNs)

RecGNNs aim tolearn node representations with recurrent neural architectures.They assume a node in a graph constantly exchanges informa-tion/message with its neighbors until a stable equilibrium is reached


Convolutional graph neural networks 卷积图神经网络(ConvGNNs)

a ConvGNN for node classification 用于节点分类的ConvGNN

A ConvGNN with multiple graph convolutional layers. A graph convo-lutional layer encapsulates each node’s hidden representation by aggregatingfeature information from its neighbors. After feature aggregation, a non-lineartransformation is applied to the resulted outputs. By stacking multiple layers,the final hidden representation of each node receives messages from a furtherneighborhood.


aConvGNN for graph classification 用于图分类的aConvGNN

A ConvGNN with pooling and readout layers for graph classification[21]. A graph convolutional layer is followed by a pooling layer to coarsena graph into sub-graphs so that node representations on coarsened graphsrepresent higher graph-level representations. A readout layer summarizes thefinal graph representation by taking the sum/mean of hidden representationsof sub-graphs


Graph autoencoders 图形自动编码器(GAEs)

are unsupervised learningframeworks which encode nodes/graphs into a latent vectorspace and reconstruct graph data from the encoded infor-mation. GAEs are used to learn network embeddings andgraph generative distributions. For network embedding, GAEslearn latent node representations through reconstructing graphstructural information such as the graph adjacency matrix. Forgraph generation, some methods generate nodes and edges ofa graph step by step while other methods output a graph allat once.


  • 对于网络嵌入,Gaes通过重建图的邻接矩阵等结构信息来学习潜在节点表示。
  • 在图生成方面,有些方法一步一步地生成图的节点和边,而有些方法一次输出一个图。

A GAE for network embedding [61]. The encoder uses graph convolutionallayers to get a network embedding for each node. The decoder computes thepair-wise distance given network embeddings. After applying a non-linearactivation function, the decoder reconstructs the graph adjacency matrix. Thenetwork is trained by minimizing the discrepancy between the real adjacencymatrix and the reconstructed adjacency matrix.


Spatial-temporal graph neural networks 时空图神经网络(STGNNs)

aimto learn hidden patterns from spatial-temporal graphs, whichbecome increasingly important in a variety of applications suchas traffic speed forecasting [72], driver maneuver anticipation[73], and human action recognition [75]. The key idea ofSTGNNs is to consider spatial dependency and temporaldependency at the same time. Many current approaches in-tegrate graph convolutions to capture spatial dependency withRNNs or CNNs to model the temporal dependency.


A STGNN for spatial-temporal graph forecasting [74]. A graph convolu-tional layer is followed by a 1D-CNN layer. The graph convolutional layeroperates onAandX(t)to capture the spatial dependency, while the 1D-CNNlayer slides overXalong the time axis to capture the temporal dependency.The output layer is a linear transformation, generating a prediction for eachnode, such as its future value at the next time step


Frameworks 框架

With the graph structure and node content information asinputs, the outputs of GNNs can focus on different graphanalytics tasks with one of the following mechanisms:


Node-level 节点级

outputs relate to node regression and nodeclassification tasks. RecGNNs and ConvGNNs can extracthigh-level node representations by information propa-gation/graph convolution. With a multi-perceptron or asoftmax layer as the output layer, GNNs are able toperform node-level tasks in an end-to-end manner.

输出与节点回归和节点分类任务有关。RecGNNs和ConvGNNs可以通过信息传播/图卷积提取高级节点表示。通过使用多感知器或a softmax层作为输出层,GNN能够以端到端的方式执行节点级任务。

Edge-level 边缘级别

outputs relate to the edge classification andlink prediction tasks. With two nodes’ hidden representa-tions from GNNs as inputs, a similarity function or a neu-ral network can be utilized to predict the label/connectionstrength of an edge


Graph-level 图级

outputs relate to the graph classificationtask. To obtain a compact representation on the graphlevel, GNNs are often combined with pooling and read-out operations.


Training Frameworks 训练框架

Many GNNs (e.g., ConvGNNs) can be trained in a (semi-) supervised or purely unsupervised waywithin an end-to-end learning framework, depending on thelearning tasks and label information available at hand


Semi-supervised learning for node-level classification 用于节点级分类的半监督学习

Given a single network with partial nodes being labeledand others remaining unlabeled, ConvGNNs can learn arobust model that effectively identifies the class labelsfor the unlabeled nodes [22]. To this end, an end-to-end framework can be built by stacking a couple ofgraph convolutional layers followed by a softmax layerfor multi-class classification


Supervised learning for graph-level classification 图级分类的监督学习

Graph-level classification aims to predict the class label(s)for an entire graph [52], [54], [78], [79]. The end-to-end learning for this task can be realized with acombination of graph convolutional layers, graph poolinglayers, and/or readout layers. While graph convolutionallayers are responsible for exacting high-level node rep-resentations, graph pooling layers play the role of down-sampling, which coarsens each graph into a sub-structureeach time. A readout layer collapses node representationsof each graph into a graph representation. By applyinga multi-layer perceptron and a softmax layer to graphrepresentations, we can build an end-to-end frameworkfor graph classification. An example is given in Fig 2b


  • 图卷积层负责精确的高级节点表示
  • 而图池层则扮演向下采样的角色,每次都会将每个图粗化为一个子结构
  • 读出层将每个图形的节点表示折叠为图形表示


Unsupervised learning for graph embedding 图嵌入的无监督学习

When no class labels are available in graphs, we can learn thegraph embedding in a purely unsupervised way in an end-to-end framework. These algorithms exploit edge-levelinformation in two ways. One simple way is to adoptan autoencoder framework where the encoder employsgraph convolutional layers to embed the graph into thelatent representation upon which a decoder is used toreconstruct the graph structure [61], [62]. Another popular way is to utilize the negative sampling approachwhich samples a portion of node pairs as negative pairswhile existing node pairs with links in the graphs arepositive pairs. Then a logistic regression layer is appliedto distinguish between positive and negative pairs


  • 一种简单的方法是采用自动编码器框架,其中编码器使用图形卷积层将图形嵌入到最近的表示中,然后使用解码器来构造图形结构[61],[62]。
  • 另一种流行的方法是利用负采样方法,将一部分节点对采样为负对,而图中存在链接的节点对为正对。然后应用逻辑回归层来区分正负对

Summary of RecGNNs and ConvGNNs.



  • 参考《A Comprehensive Survey on Graph NeuralNetworks》



本文标签: SurveyComprehensiveNeuralNetworksGraph