

XML Expat Parser: A Comprehensive Guide

Introduction to XML Expat Parser

XML Expat Parser, commonly known as Expat, is a widely-used, stream-oriented XML parser written in C. It is known for its simplicity, efficiency, and ease of use. Expat is a popular choice for developers who need to parse XML data in their applications, as it is both lightweight and powerful.

Features of XML Expat Parser

  1. Stream-oriented Parsing: Expat reads XML data in a streaming manner, which means it can process XML documents of any size without loading the entire document into memory.
  2. Event-based Processing: Expat uses an event-based model, where it notifies the application about the parsing events (such as the start and end of elements, character data, etc.) as it encounters them in the XML data.
  3. Simplicity: Expat has a simple API, making it easy for developers to integrate XML parsing capabilities

本文标签: ExpatXMLParserGUIDEComprehensive