

PHP FTP: A Comprehensive Guide


FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is a standard network protocol used for the transfer of files between a client and a server on a computer network. PHP, being a versatile server-side scripting language, provides built-in support for FTP, allowing developers to interact with FTP servers programmatically. This guide will delve into the details of how to use PHP's FTP functions to manage files on an FTP server.

Setting Up an FTP Connection

Before you can start working with an FTP server using PHP, you need to establish a connection. PHP provides the ftp_connect() function for this purpose. Here's a basic example:

$ftpServer = 'ftp.example';
$connId = ftp_connect($ftpServer) or die("Could not connect to $ftpServer");

Once connected, you'll need to authenticate with the server using ftp_login()

本文标签: FTPPHPGUIDEComprehensive