


people persons ——Individuals (个人)Characters(人物);folks (人们pl.) (人


good、excellent ——Positive(积极的) Favorable(有利的,); Rosy (美好的);

Promising (有希望的); Pleasurable(快乐的,令人愉快的)

bad——Dreadful(可怕的,糟糕透的);Unfavorable (不宜的,不顺利的);

adverse (不利的,相反的,敌对的)

many——an army of; an ocean of; a multitude of;a host of ;

some——a slice of (一片,一份) several

I think—— harbor the idea that;take the attitude that;hold the view that;

it is widely shared that; it is universally acknowledged that;

Thing—— affair;matter

Opinion——perspective; standpoint;

in my opinion—— from my own; perspective;

more and more—— increasingly; increasing

helpful——Beneficial;rewarding;conducive;time-honored 时代赋予的

Sth is conducive to sb有助于

Help——accommodate/assist/ avail

E.g: I"ll endeavour to accomodate you。

very——Exceedingly;Extremely ;intensely

sb. be interested in——sth exerts a tremendous fascination on sb

want——desire; pay attention to; pour attention into;

remember——bear in mind that

disagree with sth ——frown on sth

for example for instance——to name only a few

Improve—— Promote; Enhance

Rich 富有的—— Wealthy; Affluent

Poor 贫穷的——Impoverished (穷困的,用尽了的, 无创造性的)

本文标签: 书面语替换口语人物相反