


1.记忆流( 使用的是dict,以节点形式保存起来,表示人物经历的事情,对于思想来说会和证明其的观察建立联系。
2. 先从历史文档保存的节点当中读取人物信息,在实例化每一个Agent的时候,同时会实例化三种记忆——记忆流( ,特殊记忆(、短期记忆(
3. 接着人物会感知周围的世界(,根据视野以及最高感知事件上限,将其保存到事件流当中,按照ConceptNode的形式
4. 上面感知到的信息从记忆流中提取相关的事件和思考(
5. 根据Agent实例、地图、上一步得到的信息制定计划,同时判断是否有需要响应的事情(是否需要对话,如果需要执行步骤9)(
6. 根据Agent实例,地图,计划(地点加工作)去得出下一步状态(坐标,区域,干的事情,
7. 判断到最新事件重要性超过阈值(150)的时候,进行反射(
8. 重复3-7,即对应每一个时间点( move funaction)
9. 根据两个Agent,以及Agent之间互相相关的记忆判断出其关系,然后生成对话,完成对话后根据对话内容生成总结,更新计划,同时对对话内容进行反射(,将产生的思考存入记忆中。对事件提取信息,获取情感影响度,保存在记忆流中,重复3-7。

  • 记忆流,ConceptNode类的形式储存记忆,观察到的事件直接建立,利用keyword dict建立索引,便于查找,对于每条思考都与其证据相关的观察建立关联。
  • 特殊记忆,用来保存Agent可以去的区域
  • 短期记忆,保存Agent基础属性以及当前状态,时间,以及阈值和生活习惯等基础信息
  • 记忆流Tree实现
    • 当一个事件需要存入Tree的时候,利用ConceptNode格式保存的同时,将关键字(主语,谓语)提前出来,利用字典进行保存,value为ConceptNode的ID。
    • 当需要搜索相关记忆时,利用关键字进行搜索,提取相关记忆
    • 当进行反思时,模型返回的相关证明记忆的ID以list形式存入反思的ConceptNode中
    • 每条观察均为叶子结点,构建树的逻辑是先构建叶子节点
  • 当出现需要反思的命令时,先根据信息生成三个最突出的问题
  • 从记忆中提前相关记忆(利用key words进行搜索)
  • 接着让模型解答,生成五条见解并附带上依据(从哪条记忆当中得到的)
  • 根据上一步获取的信息,生成反射树,将反思结果和观察连接起来
  • 与单纯的总结相比较
    • 从很多记忆中寻找到特别重要的三个问题,比起总结更容易找到方向
    • 与过去的相关记忆建立联系
  • 非实时进行,一个时间点内完成对话,持续一段时间显示
  • 以观察到关于对方的事情(跑步,画画)展开话题,互相按照记忆中的对方开始对话
  • 对对方擅长且自己相关的点表达兴趣,然后提出问题询问对方建议,进一步约定计划(时间,地点,事件(一起跑步,一起研讨,去商店购买东西))
  • 对话重复性较高,一旦再次相遇,会和上次聊天重复度过高(有可能是时间间隔很多)
  • 对话后给出的总结是和按照最后的约定相关,会忽视掉中间的聊天内容
  • 开启对话前会修改短时间内的计划,便于execute进行下一步状态,如果约定了什么时候见面不会修改原本计划,也不会去见面。如果需要添加此功能,可以在Scratch记忆中添加日程,便于制定计划。


  • 开始于个人Scratch记忆,例如IR的记忆中强调了要邀请每一个人参加情人节聚会,有关市长选举相关事情,两人初始记忆中包含关心市长选举的事情,并要询问其他人
  • 市长选举事件二次传播
    • 遇到的第一个人就开始询问其市长选举相关问题,在此次模拟中,Lin刚起床就询问其妻子有关市长选举的问题
    • 其妻子人物设定当中有帮助孩子和丈夫实现事情的设定,其妻子再遇到其他人的时候便提出了此问题
  • 情人节聚会事件二次传播
    • 在25人模拟的时候,发现IR并没有第一时间告知邀请别人参加情人节聚会,后来发现,IR会在其所在的咖啡厅传播,会向所有来咖啡厅的人告知此事,同时会请求他们帮忙宣传此事
    • 当得知此事的人与另一个人相遇,就会有可能提出此邀请,如果这两人有其他更多的共同认知、话题,则不会发出邀请


  • 根据视野,位置,获取限定数量的事件
  • 输入,Agent实例和地图
  • 输出,可视区域内一定数量的事件
  • 实现步骤
    • 获取视野的点,以Agent当前位置为中心,视野为半径返回方形视野范围

    • 筛选出同属于一个arena(地图中最小单元),避免隔墙观测情况

    • 如下图所示,红色框范围内为视野范围,灰色阴影部分为不可观测区域

    • 提取相关信息,Agent判断事情的重要性,将这些信息打包(ConceptNode在associative_memory.py中)保存在记忆流当中

  • 唤醒Agent相关记忆,将相关记忆建立dict返回给反射单元或者计划单元,便于plan execute 环节使用,也会在对话的时候用到
  • 输入:事件,Agent实例
  • 输出:记忆中事件相关的事件和感想

  • 首先根据Agent的生活习惯中返回唤醒时间,获取人物ISS( get_str_iss),生活风格,姓。接着根据上面信息生成一天必须做的事情
  • 接着生成每小时计划
  • 判断是否需要生成新的计划
  • 判断是否需要响应,开启对话

  • 决定下一步Agent的走向,以及下一个路径
  • 输入:当前Agent的实例,所有Agent的实例,以及需要操作的计划下一步String(“the Ville:Dorm for Oak Hill College:Maria Lopez’s room:bed”`)
  • 输出:坐标,区域,做的事情(((127, 46), 💤, “sleeping @ the Ville:Dorm for Oak Hill College:Klaus Mueller’s room:bed”))

  • 更具观察到的做出反应
  • 输入:Agent实例
  • 实现步骤
    • 先判断是否达到触发阈值,达到则继续,没达到则退出程序
    • 从最近的观察和思考中利用ChapGPT获取三个最突出的高级问题
    • 返回查找相关记忆中与思考相关的记忆,返回字典( new_retrieve)
    • 根据每一个问题提出五点回答并且附上依据(存在的记忆)
    • 将上述回答存入记忆流中并与依据建立联系

  • 对话发起人,对话目标,发起人记忆中发起目标作为焦点的记忆50条,对话目标记忆中发起人作为焦点的记忆25条,获取关系,根据这些信息开启对话。
  • 搜索谈过的每一句对话的相关记忆开启下一句对话(
  • 对话完成后形成总结
  • 将此次对话存入记忆流当中



  • 对事件进行打分
Here is a brief description of Klaus Mueller. 
Name: Klaus Mueller
Age: 20
Innate traits: kind, inquisitive, passionate
Learned traits: Klaus Mueller is a student at Oak Hill College studying sociology. He is passionate about social justice and loves to explore different perspectives.
Currently: Klaus Mueller is writing a research paper on the effects of gentrification in low-income communities.
Lifestyle: Klaus Mueller goes to bed around 11pm, awakes up around 7am, eats dinner around 5pm.
Daily plan requirement: Klaus Mueller goes to the library at Oak Hill College early in the morning, spends his days writing, and eats at Hobbs Cafe.
Current Date: Monday February 13
On the scale of 1 to 10, where 1 is purely mundane (e.g., brushing teeth, making bed) and 10 is extremely poignant (e.g., a break up, college acceptance), rate the likely poignancy of the following event for Klaus Mueller.
Event: desk is being used
Rate (return a number between 1 to 10):
  • 获取事务的状态
Task: We want to understand the state of an object that is being used by someone. 
Let's think step by step. 
We want to know about desk's state. 
Step 1. Isabella Rodriguez is at/using the catching up with emails and managing household stuff
[(ID:xG3h7s) Monday February 13 -- 10:00 PM] Activity: Isabella is watching TV
[(ID:sGX7Xk) Monday February (paying bills).
Step 2. Describe the desk's state: desk is
Output the response to the prompt above in json. The output should ONLY contain the phrase that should go in <fill in>.
Example output json:
{"output": "being fixed"}


  • 获取起床时间
~~~ prompt    ----------------------------------------------------
Name: Isabella Rodriguez
Age: 34
Innate traits: friendly, outgoing, hospitable
Learned traits: Isabella Rodriguez is a cafe owner of Hobbs Cafe who loves to make people feel welcome. She is always looking for ways to make the cafe a place where people can come to relax and enjoy themselves.
Currently: Isabella Rodriguez is planning on having a Valentine's Day party at Hobbs Cafe with her customers on February 14th, 2023 at 5pm. She is gathering party material, and is telling everyone to join the party at Hobbs Cafe on February 14th, 2023, from 5pm to 7pm.
Lifestyle: Isabella Rodriguez goes to bed around 11pm, awakes up around 6am.
Daily plan requirement: Isabella Rodriguez opens Hobbs Cafe at 8am everyday, and works at the counter until 8pm, at which point she closes the cafe.
Current Date: Monday February 13
In general, Isabella Rodriguez goes to bed around 11pm, awakes up around 6am.
Isabella's wake up hour: 
~~~ output    ----------------------------------------------------
- 输入的额外信息过多,是否可以只输入生活习惯
  • 生成每天必做事情
Name: Isabella Rodriguez
Age: 34
Innate traits: friendly, outgoing, hospitable
Learned traits: Isabella Rodriguez is a cafe owner of Hobbs Cafe who loves to make people feel welcome. She is always looking for ways to make the cafe a place where people can come to relax and enjoy themselves.
Currently: Isabella Rodriguez is planning on having a Valentine's Day party at Hobbs Cafe with her customers on February 14th, 2023 at 5pm. She is gathering party material, and is telling everyone to join the party at Hobbs Cafe on February 14th, 2023, from 5pm to 7pm.
Lifestyle: Isabella Rodriguez goes to bed around 11pm, awakes up around 6am.
Daily plan requirement: Isabella Rodriguez opens Hobbs Cafe at 8am everyday, and works at the counter until 8pm, at which point she closes the cafe.
Current Date: Monday February 13
In general, Isabella Rodriguez goes to bed around 11pm, awakes up around 6am.
Today is Monday February 13. Here is Isabella's plan today in broad-strokes (with the time of the day. e.g., have a lunch at 12:00 pm, watch TV from 7 to 8 pm): 1) wake up and complete the morning routine at 6:00 am, 2) 
~~~ output    ----------------------------------------------------
['wake up and complete the morning routine at 6:00 am', 'open up Hobbs Cafe at 8:00 am', 'serve customers until 12:00 pm and have a lunch break', 'resume serving customers from 1 to 5 pm', "take care of organizing the Valentine's Day party from 5 until 7 pm", 'close the cafe at 8:00 pm', 'catch up with emails and manage household stuff from 8 to 10 pm', 'watch TV from 7 to 8 pm']
  • 逐小时生成计划
Hourly schedule format: 
[Monday February 13 -- 00:00 AM] Activity: [Fill in]
[Monday February 13 -- 01:00 AM] Activity: [Fill in]
[Monday February 13 -- 02:00 AM] Activity: [Fill in]
[Monday February 13 -- 03:00 AM] Activity: [Fill in]
[Monday February 13 -- 04:00 AM] Activity: [Fill in]
[Monday February 13 -- 05:00 AM] Activity: [Fill in]
[Monday February 13 -- 06:00 AM] Activity: [Fill in]
[Monday February 13 -- 07:00 AM] Activity: [Fill in]
[Monday February 13 -- 08:00 AM] Activity: [Fill in]
[Monday February 13 -- 09:00 AM] Activity: [Fill in]
[Monday February 13 -- 10:00 AM] Activity: [Fill in]
[Monday February 13 -- 11:00 AM] Activity: [Fill in]
[Monday February 13 -- 12:00 PM] Activity: [Fill in]
[Monday February 13 -- 01:00 PM] Activity: [Fill in]
[Monday February 13 -- 02:00 PM] Activity: [Fill in]
[Monday February 13 -- 03:00 PM] Activity: [Fill in]
[Monday February 13 -- 04:00 PM] Activity: [Fill in]
[Monday February 13 -- 05:00 PM] Activity: [Fill in]
[Monday February 13 -- 06:00 PM] Activity: [Fill in]
[Monday February 13 -- 07:00 PM] Activity: [Fill in]
[Monday February 13 -- 08:00 PM] Activity: [Fill in]
[Monday February 13 -- 09:00 PM] Activity: [Fill in]
[Monday February 13 -- 10:00 PM] Activity: [Fill in]
[Monday February 13 -- 11:00 PM] Activity: [Fill in]
Name: Isabella Rodriguez
Age: 34
Innate traits: friendly, outgoing, hospitable
Learned traits: Isabella Rodriguez is a cafe owner of Hobbs Cafe who loves to make people feel welcome. She is always looking for ways to make the cafe a place where people can come to relax and enjoy themselves.
Currently: Isabella Rodriguez is planning on having a Valentine's Day party at Hobbs Cafe with her customers on February 14th, 2023 at 5pm. She is gathering party material, and is telling everyone to join the party at Hobbs Cafe on February 14th, 2023, from 5pm to 7pm.
Lifestyle: Isabella Rodriguez goes to bed around 11pm, awakes up around 6am.
Daily plan requirement: Isabella Rodriguez opens Hobbs Cafe at 8am everyday, and works at the counter until 8pm, at which point she closes the cafe.
Current Date: Monday February 13
[(ID:0dkmjo) Monday February 13 -- 00:00 AM] Activity: Isabella is sleeping
[(ID:Am4bYl) Monday February 13 -- 01:00 AM] Activity: Isabella is sleeping
[(ID:f1r6OZ) Monday February 13 -- 02:00 AM] Activity: Isabella is sleeping
[(ID:sRTMCc) Monday February 13 -- 03:00 AM] Activity: Isabella is sleeping
[(ID:FaYpSD) Monday February 13 -- 04:00 AM] Activity: Isabella is sleeping
[(ID:FsjWDK) Monday February 13 -- 05:00 AM] Activity: Isabella is sleeping
Here the originally intended hourly breakdown of Isabella's schedule today: 1) wake up and complete the morning routine at 6:00 am, 2) open up Hobbs Cafe at 8:00 am, 3) serve customers until 12:00 pm and have a lunch break, 4) resume serving customers from 1 to 5 pm, 5) take care of organizing the Valentine's Day party from 5 until 7 pm, 6) close the cafe at 8:00 pm, 7) catch up with emails and manage household stuff from 8 to 10 pm, 8) watch TV from 7 to 8 pm
[(ID:T72siW) Monday February 13 -- 06:00 AM] Activity: Isabella is 
~~~ output    ----------------------------------------------------
waking up and starting her morning routine
[(ID:Nvxk7V) Monday February 13 -- 07:00 AM] Activity: Isabella is getting ready for the day
- 每个小时生成计划,导致重复的输入过多,是否可以减少优化
- 如有些记忆当中会产生约定类的规划,导致此事情无法存入计划当中,可以考虑增加日程的属性
  • 分解事情,细化安排
~~~ prompt    ----------------------------------------------------
Describe subtasks in 5 min increments. 
Name: Kelly Bronson
Age: 35
Backstory: Kelly always wanted to be a teacher, and now she teaches kindergarten. During the week, she dedicates herself to her students, but on the weekends, she likes to try out new restaurants and hang out with friends. She is very warm and friendly, and loves caring for others.
Personality: sweet, gentle, meticulous
Location: Kelly is in an older condo that has the following areas: {kitchen, bedroom, dining, porch, office, bathroom, living room, hallway}.
Currently: Kelly is a teacher during the school year. She teaches at the school but works on lesson plans at home. She is currently living alone in a single bedroom condo.
Daily plan requirement: Kelly is planning to teach during the morning and work from home in the afternoon.s
Today is Saturday May 10. From 08:00am ~09:00am, Kelly is planning on having breakfast, from 09:00am ~ 12:00pm, Kelly is planning on working on the next day's kindergarten lesson plan, and from 12:00 ~ 13pm, Kelly is planning on taking a break. 
In 5 min increments, list the subtasks Kelly does when Kelly is working on the next day's kindergarten lesson plan from 09:00am ~ 12:00pm (total duration in minutes: 180):
1) Kelly is reviewing the kindergarten curriculum standards. (duration in minutes: 15, minutes left: 165)
2) Kelly is brainstorming ideas for the lesson. (duration in minutes: 30, minutes left: 135)
3) Kelly is creating the lesson plan. (duration in minutes: 30, minutes left: 105)
4) Kelly is creating materials for the lesson. (duration in minutes: 30, minutes left: 75)
5) Kelly is taking a break. (duration in minutes: 15, minutes left: 60)
6) Kelly is reviewing the lesson plan. (duration in minutes: 30, minutes left: 30)
7) Kelly is making final changes to the lesson plan. (duration in minutes: 15, minutes left: 15)
8) Kelly is printing the lesson plan. (duration in minutes: 10, minutes left: 5)
9) Kelly is putting the lesson plan in her bag. (duration in minutes: 5, minutes left: 0)
Name: Isabella Rodriguez
Age: 34
Innate traits: friendly, outgoing, hospitable
Learned traits: Isabella Rodriguez is a cafe owner of Hobbs Cafe who loves to make people feel welcome. She is always looking for ways to make the cafe a place where people can come to relax and enjoy themselves.
Currently: Isabella Rodriguez is planning on having a Valentine's Day party at Hobbs Cafe with her customers on February 14th, 2023 at 5pm. She is gathering party material, and is telling everyone to join the party at Hobbs Cafe on February 14th, 2023, from 5pm to 7pm.
Lifestyle: Isabella Rodriguez goes to bed around 11pm, awakes up around 6am.
Daily plan requirement: Isabella Rodriguez opens Hobbs Cafe at 8am everyday, and works at the counter until 8pm, at which point she closes the cafe.
Current Date: Monday February 13
Today is February 13, 2023. From 00:00AM ~ 06:00AM, Isabella Rodriguez is planning on sleeping, 06:00AM ~ 07:00AM, Isabella Rodriguez is planning on waking up and starting her morning routine
[(ID:Nvxk7V) Monday February 13 -- 07:00 AM] Activity: Isabella is getting ready for the day
[(ID:m9XfzF), 07:00AM ~ 08:00AM, Isabella Rodriguez is planning on opening Hobbs Cafe
[(ID:ZmU5LF) Monday February 13 -- 08:00 AM] Activity: Isabella is serving customers
[(ID:NXHq8K) Monday February 13 -- 09:.
In 5 min increments, list the subtasks Isabella does when Isabella is waking up and starting her morning routine
[(ID:Nvxk7V) Monday February 13 -- 07:00 AM] Activity: Isabella is getting ready for the day
[(ID:m9XfzF) from 06:00AM ~ 07:00AM (total duration in minutes 60): 
1) Isabella is 
~~~ output    ----------------------------------------------------
[['waking up and starting her morning routine\n[(ID:Nvxk7V) Monday February 13 -- 07:00 AM] Activity: Isabella is getting ready for the day\n[(ID:m9XfzF) (getting out of bed)', 5], ['waking up and starting her morning routine\n[(ID:Nvxk7V) Monday February 13 -- 07:00 AM] Activity: Isabella is getting ready for the day\n[(ID:m9XfzF) (brushing her teeth)', 5], ['waking up and starting her morning routine\n[(ID:Nvxk7V) Monday February 13 -- 07:00 AM] Activity: Isabella is getting ready for the day\n[(ID:m9XfzF) (taking a shower)', 10], ['waking up and starting her morning routine\n[(ID:Nvxk7V) Monday February 13 -- 07:00 AM] Activity: Isabella is getting ready for the day\n[(ID:m9XfzF) (getting dressed)', 10], ['waking up and starting her morning routine\n[(ID:Nvxk7V) Monday February 13 -- 07:00 AM] Activity: Isabella is getting ready for the day\n[(ID:m9XfzF) (making breakfast)', 10], ['waking up and starting her morning routine\n[(ID:Nvxk7V) Monday February 13 -- 07:00 AM] Activity: Isabella is getting ready for the day\n[(ID:m9XfzF) (eating breakfast)', 10], ['waking up and starting her morning routine\n[(ID:Nvxk7V) Monday February 13 -- 07:00 AM] Activity: Isabella is getting ready for the day\n[(ID:m9XfzF) (tidying up her bedroom)', 5], ['waking up and starting her morning routine\n[(ID:Nvxk7V) Monday February 13 -- 07:00 AM] Activity: Isabella is getting ready for the day\n[(ID:m9XfzF) (checking her emails)', 5]] 
  • 获得事件执行场所
Task -- choose an appropriate area  from the area options for a task at hand. 
Sam Kim lives in {Sam Kim's house} that has Sam Kim's room, bathroom, kitchen.
Sam Kim is currently in {Sam Kim's house} that has Sam Kim's room, bathroom, kitchen. 
Area options: {Sam Kim's house, The Rose and Crown Pub, Hobbs Cafe, Oak Hill College, Johnson Park, Harvey Oak Supply Store, The Willows Market and Pharmacy}.
* Stay in the current area if the activity can be done there. Only go out if the activity needs to take place in another place.
* Must be one of the "Area options," verbatim.
For taking a walk, Sam Kim should go to the following area: {Johnson Park}
Jane Anderson lives in {Oak Hill College Student Dormatory} that has Jane Anderson's room.
Jane Anderson is currently in {Oak Hill College} that has a classroom, library
Area options: {Oak Hill College Student Dormatory, The Rose and Crown Pub, Hobbs Cafe, Oak Hill College, Johnson Park, Harvey Oak Supply Store, The Willows Market and Pharmacy}. 
* Stay in the current area if the activity can be done there. Only go out if the activity needs to take place in another place.
* Must be one of the "Area options," verbatim.
For eating dinner, Jane Anderson should go to the following area: {Hobbs Cafe}
Isabella Rodriguez lives in {Isabella Rodriguez's apartment} that has main room.
Isabella Rodriguez is currently in {Isabella Rodriguez's apartment} that has main room. 
Isabella Rodriguez opens Hobbs Cafe at 8am everyday, and works at the counter until 8pm, at which point she closes the cafe.
Area options: {Hobbs Cafe, Isabella Rodriguez's apartment, The Rose and Crown Pub, Harvey Oak Supply Store, The Willows Market and Pharmacy, Dorm for Oak Hill College, Johnson Park, Ryan Park's apartment}. 
* Stay in the current area if the activity can be done there. Only go out if the activity needs to take place in another place.
* Must be one of the "Area options," verbatim.
Isabella Rodriguez is sleeping. For sleeping, Isabella Rodriguez should go to the following area: { 
~~~ output    ----------------------------------------------------
Isabella Rodriguez's apartment 
  • 获取事件执行的具体地点
Jane Anderson is in kitchen in Jane Anderson's house.
Jane Anderson is going to Jane Anderson's house that has the following areas: {kitchen,  bedroom, bathroom}
Stay in the current area if the activity can be done there. Never go into other people's rooms unless necessary.
For cooking, Jane Anderson should go to the following area in Jane Anderson's house:
Answer: {kitchen}
Tom Watson is in common room in Tom Watson's apartment. 
Tom Watson is going to Hobbs Cafe that has the following areas: {cafe}
Stay in the current area if the activity can be done there. Never go into other people's rooms unless necessary.
For getting coffee, Tom Watson should go to the following area in Hobbs Cafe:
Answer: {cafe}
Isabella Rodriguez is going to Isabella Rodriguez's apartment that has the following areas: {main room}
* Stay in the current area if the activity can be done there. 
* NEVER go into other people's rooms unless necessary.
Isabella Rodriguez is sleeping. For sleeping, Isabella Rodriguez should go to the following area in Isabella Rodriguez's apartment (MUST pick one of {main room}):
Answer: { 
~~~ output    ----------------------------------------------------
main room 
- 是否可以先做一个判断,如果只有一个可选场地的话直接返回,减少资源浪费
  • 获取事件执行的物品
Current activity: sleep in bed
Objects available: {bed, easel, closet, painting}
Pick ONE most relevant object from the objects available: bed
Current activity: painting
Objects available: {easel, closet, sink, microwave}
Pick ONE most relevant object from the objects available: easel
Current activity: cooking
Objects available: {stove, sink, fridge, counter}
Pick ONE most relevant object from the objects available: stove
Current activity: watch TV
Objects available: {couch, TV, remote, coffee table}
Pick ONE most relevant object from the objects available: TV
Current activity: study
Objects available: {desk, computer, chair, bookshelf}
Pick ONE most relevant object from the objects available: desk
Current activity: talk on the phone
Objects available: {phone, charger, bed, nightstand}
Pick ONE most relevant object from the objects available: phone
Current activity: sleeping
Objects available: {bed, desk, refrigerator, closet, shelf}
Pick ONE most relevant object from the objects available: 
~~~ output    ----------------------------------------------------
  • 生成事件三元组
Task: Turn the input into (subject, predicate, object). 
Input: Sam Johnson is eating breakfast. 
Output: (Dolores Murphy, eat, breakfast) 
Input: Joon Park is brewing coffee.
Output: (Joon Park, brew, coffee)
Input: Jane Cook is sleeping. 
Output: (Jane Cook, is, sleep)
Input: Michael Bernstein is writing email on a computer. 
Output: (Michael Bernstein, write, email)
Input: Percy Liang is teaching students in a classroom. 
Output: (Percy Liang, teach, students)
Input: Merrie Morris is running on a treadmill. 
Output: (Merrie Morris, run, treadmill)
Input: Isabella Rodriguez is sleeping. 
Output: (Isabella Rodriguez, 
~~~ output    ----------------------------------------------------
('Isabella Rodriguez', 'is', 'sleeping') 
- 指定主语,生成主谓宾,是否可以用其他方式代替
  • 生成当前表情
Convert an action description to an emoji (important: use two or less emojis).
Action description: drinking a glass of water
Output the response to the prompt above in json. The value for the output must ONLY contain the emojis.
Example output json:
{"output": "'🥛🚰'"}


  • 生成三个最相关的问题
This is Maria Lopez's plan for Monday February 13: wake up and complete the morning routine at 2:00 am, attend classes at Oak Hill College from 9:00 am to 11.00 am, have a lunch at 12:00 pm, work on coursework from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm, practice streaming games on Twitch from 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm, have a dinner at 8:00 pm.
bed is being used
Maria Lopez is sleeping
bathroom sink is being used and filled with water
shower is being used
closet is being used
cooking area is being used by Maria for preparing breakfast
closet is being used
computer is being used
closet is being used by Maria Lopez
desk is being used
closet is being used
bathroom sink is being used by Maria Lopez for brushing her teeth
bed is being made

Given only the information above, what are 3 most salient high-level questions we can answer about the subjects in the statements?

~~~ output    ----------------------------------------------------
['What activities is Maria Lopez engaging in on Monday February 13?', 'What items is Maria Lopez using in her daily routine?', 'What time does Maria Lopez wake up and go to bed?'] 
  • 生成见解
["0. This is Maria Lopez's plan for Monday February 13: wake up and complete the morning routine at 2:00 am, attend classes at Oak Hill College from 9:00 am to 11.00 am, have a lunch at 12:00 pm, work on coursework from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm, practice streaming games on Twitch from 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm, have a dinner at 8:00 pm.\\n1. Maria Lopez is sleeping\\n2. ID:0j8zvV\\n3. ID:0j8zvV\\n4. ID:0j8zvV\\n5. ID:0j8zvV\\n6. ID:5Gz9Fv\\n7. closet is being used by Maria Lopez\\n8. ID:0j8zvV\\n9. computer is being used\\n10. ID:0j8zvV\\n11. ID:0j8zvV\\n12. ID:5Gz9Fv\\n13. cooking area is being used by Maria for preparing breakfast\\n14. ID:5Gz9Fv\\n15. bathroom sink is being used by Maria Lopez for brushing her teeth\\n16. closet is being used\\n17. bed is being used\\n18. closet is being used\\n19. closet is being used\\n20. shower is being used\\n21. ID:0j8zvV\\n22. desk is being used\\n23. bathroom sink is being used and filled with water\\n24. bed is being made\\n", '5'] 

~~~ prompt    ----------------------------------------------------
0. This is Maria Lopez's plan for Monday February 13: wake up and complete the morning routine at 2:00 am, attend classes at Oak Hill College from 9:00 am to 11.00 am, have a lunch at 12:00 pm, work on coursework from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm, practice streaming games on Twitch from 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm, have a dinner at 8:00 pm.
1. Maria Lopez is sleeping
2. ID:0j8zvV
3. ID:0j8zvV
4. ID:0j8zvV
5. ID:0j8zvV
6. ID:5Gz9Fv
7. closet is being used by Maria Lopez
8. ID:0j8zvV
9. computer is being used
10. ID:0j8zvV
11. ID:0j8zvV
12. ID:5Gz9Fv
13. cooking area is being used by Maria for preparing breakfast
14. ID:5Gz9Fv
15. bathroom sink is being used by Maria Lopez for brushing her teeth
16. closet is being used
17. bed is being used
18. closet is being used
19. closet is being used
20. shower is being used
21. ID:0j8zvV
22. desk is being used
23. bathroom sink is being used and filled with water
24. bed is being made

What 5 high-level insights can you infer from the above statements? (example format: insight (because of 1, 5, 3))

~~~ output    ----------------------------------------------------
{'Maria Lopez is very organized and has a strict schedule': [0, 1, 4, 11, 21], 'Maria Lopez spends a lot of time on her coursework': [3, 8, 10, 11, 21], 'Maria Lopez is active on Twitch': [4, 10, 11, 12], 'Maria Lopez takes care of her hygiene': [5, 15, 23], 'Maria Lopez is neat and tidy': [7, 16, 17, 18, 19, 24]} 


  • 决定是否对话
Task -- given context, determine whether the subject will initiate a conversation with another. 
Context: []
Question: []
Reasoning: []
Answer in "yes" or "no": []
Context: Maria Lopez was waiting for her food. 
Right now, it is February 13, 2023, 08:09:20 AM. Isabella Rodriguez and Maria Lopez last chatted at  about . 
Isabella Rodriguez is already setting up the cafe 
Maria Lopez is on the way to waiting for her food 

Question: Would Isabella Rodriguez initiate a conversation with Maria Lopez? 

Reasoning: Let's think step by step. 

~~~ output    ----------------------------------------------------
  • 获取当前两人的关系
Isabella Rodriguez is spending quality time with family and friends
Isabella Rodriguez is spending quality time with family and friends
Isabella Rodriguez is spending quality time with family and friends
Isabella Rodriguez is a cafe owner
Isabella Rodriguez is a cafe owner
Isabella Rodriguez is a busy person
Isabella Rodriguez is a busy person
Isabella Rodriguez is spending quality time with family and friends from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm
Isabella Rodriguez is preparing to open a cafe
Isabella Rodriguez is a cafe owner and is preparing to open a cafe
Isabella Rodriguez is a cafe owner
cafe customer seating is occupied by Isabella Rodriguez
Isabella Rodriguez has a plan for her day
Isabella Rodriguez has a plan for her day
Isabella Rodriguez is stocking a grocery store shelf
Isabella Rodriguez is performing operational tasks
Isabella Rodriguez has a daily routine
Isabella Rodriguez is spending time at Hobbs Cafe on Monday February 13
Isabella Rodriguez is performing operational tasks from 12:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Isabella Rodriguez is stocking a grocery store shelf
Isabella Rodriguez is sleeping
Isabella Rodriguez is stocking a grocery store shelf
Isabella Rodriguez is performing operational tasks from 12:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Isabella Rodriguez is sleeping
Isabella Rodriguez is taking care of her personal hygiene
Isabella Rodriguez is making her bed
Isabella Rodriguez is taking care of her personal hygiene
Isabella Rodriguez is using a closet and a bed
Isabella Rodriguez is focused on her personal hygiene
Isabella Rodriguez is sleeping, using the closet, desk, bed, and shower
Based on the statements above, summarize Isabella Rodriguez and Maria Lopez's relationship. What do they feel or know about each other?
Output the response to the prompt above in json. The output should be a string that responds to the question.
Example output json:
{"output": "Jane Doe is working on a project"}
  • 生成对话
Context for the task: 
PART 1. 
Here is Here is a brief description of Isabella Rodriguez.
Name: Isabella Rodriguez
Age: 34
Innate traits: friendly, outgoing, hospitable
Learned traits: Isabella Rodriguez is a cafe owner of Hobbs Cafe who loves to make people feel welcome. She is always looking for ways to make the cafe a place where people can come to relax and enjoy themselves.
Currently: Isabella Rodriguez is planning on having a Valentine's Day party at Hobbs Cafe with her customers on February 14th, 2023 at 5pm. She is gathering party material, and is telling everyone to join the party at Hobbs Cafe on February 14th, 2023, from 5pm to 7pm.
Lifestyle: Isabella Rodriguez goes to bed around 11pm, awakes up around 6am.
Daily plan requirement: Isabella Rodriguez opens Hobbs Cafe at 8am everyday, and works at the counter until 8pm, at which point she closes the cafe.
Current Date: Monday February 13
Here is the memory that is in Isabella Rodriguez's head: 
- Isabella Rodriguez is spending quality time with family and friends
- Isabella Rodriguez is spending quality time with family and friends
- Isabella Rodriguez is spending quality time with family and friends
- Isabella Rodriguez is a cafe owner
- Isabella Rodriguez is a cafe owner
- Isabella Rodriguez is a busy person
- Isabella Rodriguez is a busy person
- Isabella Rodriguez is spending quality time with family and friends from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm
- Isabella Rodriguez is a cafe owner and is preparing to open a cafe
- Isabella Rodriguez is a cafe owner
- Isabella Rodriguez is preparing to open a cafe
- cafe customer seating is occupied by Isabella Rodriguez
- Isabella Rodriguez is spending time at Hobbs Cafe on Monday February 13
- Isabella Rodriguez has a plan for her day
- Isabella Rodriguez is setting up the cash register
- This is Isabella Rodriguez's plan for Monday February 13: wake up and complete the morning routine at 6:00 am, open Hobbs Cafe at 8:00 am, have breakfast at 8:30 am, greet customers and finish up opening the cafe at 9:00 am, serve customers and handle all cafe operations from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm, have lunch at 12:00 pm, perform operational tasks from 12:00 pm to 5:00 pm, spend quality time with family and friends from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm.
- Isabella Rodriguez is spending time at Hobbs Cafe on Monday February 13
- Isabella Rodriguez is preparing to open a cafe
- Isabella Rodriguez is a cafe owner and is preparing to open a cafe
- Isabella Rodriguez is a cafe owner
- Isabella Rodriguez is a cafe owner
- Isabella Rodriguez is a busy person
- Isabella Rodriguez is a busy person
- Isabella Rodriguez is spending quality time with family and friends
- Isabella Rodriguez is spending quality time with family and friends from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm
- Isabella Rodriguez has a plan for her day
- Isabella Rodriguez is setting up the cash register
- Isabella Rodriguez is spending quality time with family and friends
- Isabella Rodriguez has a plan for her day
- Isabella Rodriguez is spending quality time with family and friends
PART 2. 
Past Context: 
Current Location: cafe in Hobbs Cafe
Current Context: 
Isabella Rodriguez was greeting customers and finishing up opening the cafe
[(ID:fU4yKF) Monday February 13 -- 10:00 AM] Activity: Isabella is serving customers and handling all cafe operations
[(ID:L5Y1 (cleaning the cafe) when Isabella Rodriguez saw Maria Lopez in the middle of waking up and completing her morning routine 
[(ID:TmXVyF) Monday February 13 -- 10:00 AM] Activity: Maria is at Hobbs Cafe studying physics
[(ID:j3L5H4 (arriving at Hobbs Cafe).
Isabella Rodriguez is initiating a conversation with Maria Lopez.
Isabella Rodriguez and Maria Lopez are chatting. Here is their conversation so far: 
[The conversation has not started yet -- start it!]
Task: Given the above, what should Isabella Rodriguez say to Maria Lopez next in the conversation? And did it end the conversation?
Output format: Output a json of the following format: 
"Isabella Rodriguez": "<Isabella Rodriguez's utterance>",
"Did the conversation end with Isabella Rodriguez's utterance?": "<json Boolean>"
{'Isabella Rodriguez': 'Hi Maria! How are you today?', "Did the conversation end with Isabella Rodriguez's utterance?": False}
{'utterance': 'Hi Maria! How are you today?', 'end': False}
Context for the task: 
PART 1. 
Here is Here is a brief description of Maria Lopez.
Name: Maria Lopez
Age: 21
Innate traits: energetic, enthusiastic, inquisitive
Learned traits: Maria Lopez is a student at Oak Hill College studying physics and a part time Twitch game streamer who loves to connect with people and explore new ideas.
Currently: Maria Lopez is working on her physics degree and streaming games on Twitch to make some extra money. She visits Hobbs Cafe for studying and eating just about everyday.
Lifestyle: Maria Lopez goes to bed around 2am, awakes up around 9am, eats dinner around 6pm. She likes to hang out at Hobbs Cafe if it's before 6pm.
Daily plan requirement: Maria Lopez spends at least 3 hours a day Twitch streaming or gaming.
Current Date: Monday February 13
Here is the memory that is in Maria Lopez's head: 
- Maria Lopez is walking to Hobbs Cafe
- Maria Lopez is sleeping
- Maria Lopez is checking her phone
- bathroom sink is being used by Maria Lopez
- Maria Lopez is packing her bag
- Maria Lopez is getting dressed
- Maria Lopez is taking a shower
- Maria Lopez is arriving at Hobbs Cafe
- Maria Lopez is brushing her teeth
- This is Maria Lopez's plan for Monday February 13: wake up and complete the morning routine at 9:00 am, hang out at Hobbs Cafe and study physics from 10:00 am to 12:15 pm, have lunch at 12:30 pm, do some Twitch streaming or gaming from 1:30 to 4:00 pm, finish any remaining studies from 4:00 to 6:00 pm.
- Maria Lopez is brushing her teeth
- Maria Lopez is walking to Hobbs Cafe
- Maria Lopez is getting out of bed
- closet is <fill in>
- Maria Lopez is eating breakfast
- This is Maria Lopez's plan for Monday February 13: wake up and complete the morning routine at 9:00 am, hang out at Hobbs Cafe and study physics from 10:00 am to 12:15 pm, have lunch at 12:30 pm, do some Twitch streaming or gaming from 1:30 to 4:00 pm, finish any remaining studies from 4:00 to 6:00 pm.
- Maria Lopez is walking to Hobbs Cafe
- Maria Lopez is checking her phone
- Maria Lopez is packing her bag
- Maria Lopez is getting dressed
- Maria Lopez is taking a shower
- Maria Lopez is arriving at Hobbs Cafe
- Maria Lopez is brushing her teeth
- bathroom sink is being used by Maria Lopez
- cooking area is being used by someone
- Maria Lopez is brushing her teeth
- Maria Lopez is walking to Hobbs Cafe
- Maria Lopez is getting out of bed
- Maria Lopez is eating breakfast
- closet is <fill in>
- Maria Lopez is walking to Hobbs Cafe
- Maria Lopez is checking her phone
- Maria Lopez is packing her bag
- Maria Lopez is getting dressed
- Maria Lopez is taking a shower
- Maria Lopez is arriving at Hobbs Cafe
- Maria Lopez is brushing her teeth
- This is Maria Lopez's plan for Monday February 13: wake up and complete the morning routine at 9:00 am, hang out at Hobbs Cafe and study physics from 10:00 am to 12:15 pm, have lunch at 12:30 pm, do some Twitch streaming or gaming from 1:30 to 4:00 pm, finish any remaining studies from 4:00 to 6:00 pm.
- bathroom sink is being used by Maria Lopez
- Maria Lopez is brushing her teeth
- Maria Lopez is walking to Hobbs Cafe
- Maria Lopez is getting out of bed
- Maria Lopez is sleeping
- Maria Lopez is eating breakfast
- closet is <fill in>
PART 2. 
Past Context: 
Current Location:  in 
Current Context: 
Maria Lopez was waking up and completing her morning routine 
[(ID:TmXVyF) Monday February 13 -- 10:00 AM] Activity: Maria is at Hobbs Cafe studying physics
[(ID:j3L5H4 (arriving at Hobbs Cafe) when Maria Lopez saw Isabella Rodriguez in the middle of greeting customers and finishing up opening the cafe
[(ID:fU4yKF) Monday February 13 -- 10:00 AM] Activity: Isabella is serving customers and handling all cafe operations
[(ID:L5Y1 (cleaning the cafe).
Maria Lopez is initiating a conversation with Isabella Rodriguez.
Maria Lopez and Isabella Rodriguez are chatting. Here is their conversation so far: 
Isabella Rodriguez: Hi Maria! How are you today?
Task: Given the above, what should Maria Lopez say to Isabella Rodriguez next in the conversation? And did it end the conversation?
Output format: Output a json of the following format: 
"Maria Lopez": "<Maria Lopez's utterance>",
"Did the conversation end with Maria Lopez's utterance?": "<json Boolean>"
{'Maria Lopez': "Hi Isabella! I'm doing well, thanks for asking. How about you?", "Did the conversation end with Maria Lopez's utterance?": False}
{'utterance': "Hi Isabella! I'm doing well, thanks for asking. How about you?", 'end': False}
  • 决定对话后修改具体计划
['Maria Lopez', '08:00 AM', '10:00 AM', "08:00 ~ 08:05 -- having lunch\\n[(ID:bVrA3h) Monday February 13 -- 09:00 AM] Activity: Maria is attending classes at Oak Hill College\\n[(ID:oF3pP8) Monday February 13 -- 10 (ordering her food)\\n08:05 ~ 08:15 -- having lunch\\n[(ID:bVrA3h) Monday February 13 -- 09:00 AM] Activity: Maria is attending classes at Oak Hill College\\n[(ID:oF3pP8) Monday February 13 -- 10 (waiting for her food)\\n08:15 ~ 08:15 -- having lunch\\n[ (on the way to eating her food)\\n08:15 ~ 08:25 -- having lunch\\n[ (conversing about conversing about the Valentine's Day party at Hobbs Cafe)\\n08:25 ~ 08:35 -- having lunch\\n[(ID:bVrA3h) Monday February 13 -- 09:00 AM] Activity: Maria is attending classes at Oak Hill College\\n[(ID:oF3pP8) Monday February 13 -- 10 (talking with her friends)\\n08:35 ~ 08:40 -- having lunch\\n[(ID:bVrA3h) Monday February 13 -- 09:00 AM] Activity: Maria is attending classes at Oak Hill College\\n[(ID:oF3pP8) Monday February 13 -- 10 (paying for her food)\\n08:40 ~ 08:45 -- having lunch\\n[(ID:bVrA3h) Monday February 13 -- 09:00 AM] Activity: Maria is attending classes at Oak Hill College\\n[(ID:oF3pP8) Monday February 13 -- 10 (cleaning up her table)\\n08:45 ~ 08:50 -- having lunch\\n[(ID:bVrA3h) Monday February 13 -- 09:00 AM] Activity: Maria is attending classes at Oak Hill College\\n[(ID:oF3pP8) Monday February 13 -- 10 (walking out of the cafe)\\n08:50 ~ 08:55 -- having lunch\\n[(ID:bVrA3h) Monday February 13 -- 09:00 AM] Activity: Maria is attending classes at Oak Hill College\\n[(ID:oF3pP8) Monday February 13 -- 10 (walking to her next destination)\\n08:55 ~ 09:05 -- attending classes at Oak Hill College\\n[(ID:oF3pP8) Monday February 13 -- 10:00 AM] Activity: Maria is attending classes at Oak Hill College\\n[(ID:VqUqV5) Monday (listening to the professor's lecture)\\n09:05 ~ 09:15 -- attending classes at Oak Hill College\\n[(ID:oF3pP8) Monday February 13 -- 10:00 AM] Activity: Maria is attending classes at Oak Hill College\\n[(ID:VqUqV5) Monday (taking notes)\\n09:15 ~ 09:25 -- attending classes at Oak Hill College\\n[(ID:oF3pP8) Monday February 13 -- 10:00 AM] Activity: Maria is attending classes at Oak Hill College\\n[(ID:VqUqV5) Monday (asking questions)\\n09:25 ~ 09:35 -- attending classes at Oak Hill College\\n[(ID:oF3pP8) Monday February 13 -- 10:00 AM] Activity: Maria is attending classes at Oak Hill College\\n[(ID:VqUqV5) Monday (discussing the lecture with classmates)\\n09:35 ~ 09:45 -- attending classes at Oak Hill College\\n[(ID:oF3pP8) Monday February 13 -- 10:00 AM] Activity: Maria is attending classes at Oak Hill College\\n[(ID:VqUqV5) Monday (reviewing her notes)\\n09:45 ~ 09:55 -- attending classes at Oak Hill College\\n[(ID:oF3pP8) Monday February 13 -- 10:00 AM] Activity: Maria is attending classes at Oak Hill College\\n[(ID:VqUqV5) Monday (preparing for the next lecture)\\n09:55 ~ 10:55 -- attending classes at Oak Hill College\\n[(ID:VqUqV5) Monday February 13 -- 11:00 AM] Activity: Maria is attending classes at Oak Hill College\\n[(ID:f5F9Xh) Monday\\n", 'Maria Lopez', 'having lunch\\n[ (conversing about this is a conversation about a gaming tournament that Maria is participating in and Klaus is not interested in joining)', 5, 'Maria Lopez', '08:00 AM', '10:00 AM', '10:00 AM', "08:00 ~ 08:05 -- having lunch\\n[(ID:bVrA3h) Monday February 13 -- 09:00 AM] Activity: Maria is attending classes at Oak Hill College\\n[(ID:oF3pP8) Monday February 13 -- 10 (ordering her food)\\n08:05 ~ 08:15 -- having lunch\\n[(ID:bVrA3h) Monday February 13 -- 09:00 AM] Activity: Maria is attending classes at Oak Hill College\\n[(ID:oF3pP8) Monday February 13 -- 10 (waiting for her food)\\n08:15 ~ 08:15 -- having lunch\\n[ (on the way to eating her food)\\n08:15 ~ 08:25 -- having lunch\\n[ (conversing about conversing about the Valentine's Day party at Hobbs Cafe)\\n08:25 ~ 08:35 -- having lunch\\n[(ID:bVrA3h) Monday February 13 -- 09:00 AM] Activity: Maria is attending classes at Oak Hill College\\n[(ID:oF3pP8) Monday February 13 -- 10 (talking with her friends)\\n08:35 ~ 08:40 -- having lunch\\n[(ID:bVrA3h) Monday February 13 -- 09:00 AM] Activity: Maria is attending classes at Oak Hill College\\n[(ID:oF3pP8) Monday February 13 -- 10 (paying for her food)\\n08:40 ~ 08:40 -- having lunch\\n[ (on the way to cleaning up her table)\\n08:40 ~ 08:45 -- having lunch\\n[ (conversing about this is a conversation about a gaming tournament that Maria is participating in and Klaus is not interested in joining)\\n08:45 ~"] 

~~~ prompt    ----------------------------------------------------
Here was Maria Lopez's originally planned schedule from 08:00 AM to 10:00 AM. 
08:00 ~ 08:05 -- having lunch
[(ID:bVrA3h) Monday February 13 -- 09:00 AM] Activity: Maria is attending classes at Oak Hill College
[(ID:oF3pP8) Monday February 13 -- 10 (ordering her food)
08:05 ~ 08:15 -- having lunch
[(ID:bVrA3h) Monday February 13 -- 09:00 AM] Activity: Maria is attending classes at Oak Hill College
[(ID:oF3pP8) Monday February 13 -- 10 (waiting for her food)
08:15 ~ 08:15 -- having lunch
[ (on the way to eating her food)
08:15 ~ 08:25 -- having lunch
[ (conversing about conversing about the Valentine's Day party at Hobbs Cafe)
08:25 ~ 08:35 -- having lunch
[(ID:bVrA3h) Monday February 13 -- 09:00 AM] Activity: Maria is attending classes at Oak Hill College
[(ID:oF3pP8) Monday February 13 -- 10 (talking with her friends)
08:35 ~ 08:40 -- having lunch
[(ID:bVrA3h) Monday February 13 -- 09:00 AM] Activity: Maria is attending classes at Oak Hill College
[(ID:oF3pP8) Monday February 13 -- 10 (paying for her food)
08:40 ~ 08:45 -- having lunch
[(ID:bVrA3h) Monday February 13 -- 09:00 AM] Activity: Maria is attending classes at Oak Hill College
[(ID:oF3pP8) Monday February 13 -- 10 (cleaning up her table)
08:45 ~ 08:50 -- having lunch
[(ID:bVrA3h) Monday February 13 -- 09:00 AM] Activity: Maria is attending classes at Oak Hill College
[(ID:oF3pP8) Monday February 13 -- 10 (walking out of the cafe)
08:50 ~ 08:55 -- having lunch
[(ID:bVrA3h) Monday February 13 -- 09:00 AM] Activity: Maria is attending classes at Oak Hill College
[(ID:oF3pP8) Monday February 13 -- 10 (walking to her next destination)
08:55 ~ 09:05 -- attending classes at Oak Hill College
[(ID:oF3pP8) Monday February 13 -- 10:00 AM] Activity: Maria is attending classes at Oak Hill College
[(ID:VqUqV5) Monday (listening to the professor's lecture)
09:05 ~ 09:15 -- attending classes at Oak Hill College
[(ID:oF3pP8) Monday February 13 -- 10:00 AM] Activity: Maria is attending classes at Oak Hill College
[(ID:VqUqV5) Monday (taking notes)
09:15 ~ 09:25 -- attending classes at Oak Hill College
[(ID:oF3pP8) Monday February 13 -- 10:00 AM] Activity: Maria is attending classes at Oak Hill College
[(ID:VqUqV5) Monday (asking questions)
09:25 ~ 09:35 -- attending classes at Oak Hill College
[(ID:oF3pP8) Monday February 13 -- 10:00 AM] Activity: Maria is attending classes at Oak Hill College
[(ID:VqUqV5) Monday (discussing the lecture with classmates)
09:35 ~ 09:45 -- attending classes at Oak Hill College
[(ID:oF3pP8) Monday February 13 -- 10:00 AM] Activity: Maria is attending classes at Oak Hill College
[(ID:VqUqV5) Monday (reviewing her notes)
09:45 ~ 09:55 -- attending classes at Oak Hill College
[(ID:oF3pP8) Monday February 13 -- 10:00 AM] Activity: Maria is attending classes at Oak Hill College
[(ID:VqUqV5) Monday (preparing for the next lecture)
09:55 ~ 10:55 -- attending classes at Oak Hill College
[(ID:VqUqV5) Monday February 13 -- 11:00 AM] Activity: Maria is attending classes at Oak Hill College
[(ID:f5F9Xh) Monday

But Maria Lopez unexpectedly ended up having lunch
[ (conversing about this is a conversation about a gaming tournament that Maria is participating in and Klaus is not interested in joining) for 5 minutes. Revise Maria Lopez's schedule from 08:00 AM to 10:00 AM accordingly (it has to end by 10:00 AM). 
The revised schedule:
08:00 ~ 08:05 -- having lunch
[(ID:bVrA3h) Monday February 13 -- 09:00 AM] Activity: Maria is attending classes at Oak Hill College
[(ID:oF3pP8) Monday February 13 -- 10 (ordering her food)
08:05 ~ 08:15 -- having lunch
[(ID:bVrA3h) Monday February 13 -- 09:00 AM] Activity: Maria is attending classes at Oak Hill College
[(ID:oF3pP8) Monday February 13 -- 10 (waiting for her food)
08:15 ~ 08:15 -- having lunch
[ (on the way to eating her food)
08:15 ~ 08:25 -- having lunch
[ (conversing about conversing about the Valentine's Day party at Hobbs Cafe)
08:25 ~ 08:35 -- having lunch
[(ID:bVrA3h) Monday February 13 -- 09:00 AM] Activity: Maria is attending classes at Oak Hill College
[(ID:oF3pP8) Monday February 13 -- 10 (talking with her friends)
08:35 ~ 08:40 -- having lunch
[(ID:bVrA3h) Monday February 13 -- 09:00 AM] Activity: Maria is attending classes at Oak Hill College
[(ID:oF3pP8) Monday February 13 -- 10 (paying for her food)
08:40 ~ 08:40 -- having lunch
[ (on the way to cleaning up her table)
08:40 ~ 08:45 -- having lunch
[ (conversing about this is a conversation about a gaming tournament that Maria is participating in and Klaus is not interested in joining)
08:45 ~ 

~~~ output    ----------------------------------------------------
[['having lunch\\n[(ID:bVrA3h) Monday February 13 -- 09:00 AM] Activity: Maria is attending classes at Oak Hill College\\n[(ID:oF3pP8) Monday February 13 -- 10 (ordering her food)', 5], ['having lunch\\n[(ID:bVrA3h) Monday February 13 -- 09:00 AM] Activity: Maria is attending classes at Oak Hill College\\n[(ID:oF3pP8) Monday February 13 -- 10 (waiting for her food)', 10], ['having lunch\\n[ (on the way to eating her food)', 0], ["having lunch\\n[ (conversing about conversing about the Valentine's Day party at Hobbs Cafe)", 10], ['having lunch\\n[(ID:bVrA3h) Monday February 13 -- 09:00 AM] Activity: Maria is attending classes at Oak Hill College\\n[(ID:oF3pP8) Monday February 13 -- 10 (talking with her friends)', 10], ['having lunch\\n[(ID:bVrA3h) Monday February 13 -- 09:00 AM] Activity: Maria is attending classes at Oak Hill College\\n[(ID:oF3pP8) Monday February 13 -- 10 (paying for her food)', 5], ['having lunch\\n[ (on the way to cleaning up her table)', 0], ['having lunch\\n[ (conversing about this is a conversation about a gaming tournament that Maria is participating in and Klaus is not interested in joining)', 5], ['having lunch\\n[(ID:bVrA3h) Monday February 13 -- 09:00 AM] Activity: Maria is attending classes at Oak Hill College\\n[(ID:oF3pP8) Monday February 13 -- 10 (walking out of the cafe)', 5], ['having lunch\\n[(ID:bVrA3h) Monday February 13 -- 09:00 AM] Activity: Maria is attending classes at Oak Hill College\\n[(ID:oF3pP8) Monday February 13 -- 10 (walking to her next destination)', 5], ["attending classes at Oak Hill College\\n[(ID:oF3pP8) Monday February 13 -- 10:00 AM] Activity: Maria is attending classes at Oak Hill College\\n[(ID:VqUqV5) Monday (listening to the professor's lecture)", 10], ['attending classes at Oak Hill College\\n[(ID:oF3pP8) Monday February 13 -- 10:00 AM] Activity: Maria is attending classes at Oak Hill College\\n[(ID:VqUqV5) Monday (taking notes)', 10], ['attending classes at Oak Hill College\\n[(ID:oF3pP8) Monday February 13 -- 10:00 AM] Activity: Maria is attending classes at Oak Hill College\\n[(ID:VqUqV5) Monday (asking questions)', 10], ['attending classes at Oak Hill College\\n[(ID:oF3pP8) Monday February 13 -- 10:00 AM] Activity: Maria is attending classes at Oak Hill College\\n[(ID:VqUqV5) Monday (discussing the lecture with classmates)', 10], ['attending classes at Oak Hill College\\n[(ID:oF3pP8) Monday February 13 -- 10:00 AM] Activity: Maria is attending classes at Oak Hill College\\n[(ID:VqUqV5) Monday (reviewing her notes)', 10], ['attending classes at Oak Hill College\\n[(ID:oF3pP8) Monday February 13 -- 10:00 AM] Activity: Maria is attending classes at Oak Hill College\\n[(ID:VqUqV5) Monday (preparing for the next lecture)', 10], ['attending classes at Oak Hill College\\n[(ID:VqUqV5) Monday February 13 -- 11:00 AM] Activity: Maria is attending classes at Oak Hill College\\n[(ID:f5F9Xh) Monday', 60]] 
  • 接着会重复以上两个步骤,分析关系后,再生成对话

  • 生成对话总结

["Maria Lopez: Hey Klaus, how are you doing? Did you finish your research paper?\\nKlaus Mueller: Hey Maria! I'm doing well, thanks for asking. I haven't finished my research paper yet, but I'm making good progress. How about you? How are your classes going?\\nMaria Lopez: Classes are going great! I'm really enjoying my physics course. By the way, have you heard about the new gaming tournament coming up? It sounds exciting!\\nKlaus Mueller: That's awesome! I'm glad to hear that your classes are going well. The gaming tournament does sound exciting. Are you planning to participate?\\nMaria Lopez: Yes, I'm planning to participate! I've been practicing a lot and I think I have a good chance. Are you interested in joining too?\\nKlaus Mueller: That's great! I'm happy for you. I'm not really into gaming, but it sounds like you're going to have a lot of fun. Good luck with the tournament!\\nMaria Lopez: Thanks, Klaus! I'm really excited about the tournament. I'll make sure to let you know how it goes.\\nKlaus Mueller: That's great! I'm happy for you. I'm not really into gaming, but it sounds like you're going to have a lot of fun. Good luck with the tournament!\\n", 'Klaus Mueller', 'Klaus Mueller', 'Klaus Mueller'] 

~~~ prompt    ----------------------------------------------------
Maria Lopez: Hey Klaus, how are you doing? Did you finish your research paper?
Klaus Mueller: Hey Maria! I'm doing well, thanks for asking. I haven't finished my research paper yet, but I'm making good progress. How about you? How are your classes going?
Maria Lopez: Classes are going great! I'm really enjoying my physics course. By the way, have you heard about the new gaming tournament coming up? It sounds exciting!
Klaus Mueller: That's awesome! I'm glad to hear that your classes are going well. The gaming tournament does sound exciting. Are you planning to participate?
Maria Lopez: Yes, I'm planning to participate! I've been practicing a lot and I think I have a good chance. Are you interested in joining too?
Klaus Mueller: That's great! I'm happy for you. I'm not really into gaming, but it sounds like you're going to have a lot of fun. Good luck with the tournament!
Maria Lopez: Thanks, Klaus! I'm really excited about the tournament. I'll make sure to let you know how it goes.
Klaus Mueller: That's great! I'm happy for you. I'm not really into gaming, but it sounds like you're going to have a lot of fun. Good luck with the tournament!

Write down if there is anything from the conversation that Klaus Mueller need to remember for her planning, from Klaus Mueller's perspective, in a full sentence.

"Klaus Mueller 

~~~ output    ----------------------------------------------------
should remember to wish Maria Lopez good luck with the gaming tournament she is planning to participate in. 
  • 需要记住的计划
Maria Lopez: Hey Klaus, I wanted to let you know that the gaming tournament is coming up soon. I've been practicing a lot for it.
Klaus Mueller: That's great, Maria! I'm sure you've been putting in a lot of effort. Good luck with the tournament!
Maria Lopez: Thanks, Klaus! I appreciate your support. I'll let you know how it goes!
Klaus Mueller: If you need any help or if there's anything I can do to support you during the tournament, just let me know.
Maria Lopez: Thanks, Klaus! I will definitely keep that in mind. Your support means a lot to me.
Klaus Mueller: I'm looking forward to hearing how it goes! Best of luck, Maria.
Maria Lopez: I'm actually heading to Hobbs Cafe after this to study. Are you free to join me later?
Klaus Mueller: Sure, Maria! I can join you at Hobbs Cafe later. What time works for you?
Maria Lopez: How about 4pm? Does that work for you?
Klaus Mueller: Yes, 4pm works for me. I'll meet you at Hobbs Cafe then!
Maria Lopez: Great! I'll see you at Hobbs Cafe at 4pm.
Klaus Mueller: By the way, how has your preparation for the tournament been going?
Maria Lopez: I've been practicing a lot and feel pretty confident about it. Thanks for asking!
Klaus Mueller: That's great to hear, Maria! I'm glad your preparation is going well. Keep up the good work!
Maria Lopez: I also wanted to talk to you about the Valentine's Day party at Hobbs Cafe. Are you planning on going?
Klaus Mueller: Yes, I am planning on going to the Valentine's Day party at Hobbs Cafe. Are you going?

Write down if there is anything from the conversation that Maria Lopez need to remember for her planning, from Maria Lopez's perspective, in a full sentence.

"Maria Lopez 

~~~ output    ----------------------------------------------------
needs to remember to meet Klaus Mueller at Hobbs Cafe at 4pm and to talk to him about the Valentine's Day party at Hobbs Cafe. 
  • 制定计划的时候不会读取思想,是否能在短期记忆中添加属性,日程属性



Sam Moore---Adam Smith 6:17:10 
Sam Moore: Hey Adam, how's your run going?
Adam Smith: Hey Sam! My run is going well. I've been jogging in the park for about 30 minutes now.
Sam Moore: That's great to hear! How often do you usually run in the park?
Adam Smith: I usually try to run in the park every morning. It helps me clear my mind and start the day off on a positive note.
Sam Moore: That's fantastic! I couldn't agree more. Running in the park is such a great way to start the day. It's peaceful and refreshing. Have you noticed any changes in your mood since you started running regularly?
Adam Smith: Yes, definitely! Running in the park has had a positive impact on my mood. I feel more energized and focused throughout the day.
Sam Moore: That's great to hear! Have you noticed any physical benefits from running as well?
Adam Smith: Yes, I have noticed some physical benefits as well. Running has helped me improve my stamina and overall fitness.
Sam Moore: That's wonderful! Running is such a fantastic way to improve both physical and mental well-being. Have you ever considered participating in a local running group or joining a race?
Adam Smith: Yes, I have considered joining a local running group. I think it would be a great way to connect with fellow runners and challenge myself even more.
Sam Moore: That's great to hear! Joining a local running group can be a lot of fun. It's a great way to meet new people who share the same passion for running. Plus, you can challenge yourself even more by participating in races with the group. I highly recommend giving it a try!
Adam Smith: I will definitely consider joining a local running group. It sounds like a great way to connect with other runners and challenge myself even more.
Sam Moore: That's great to hear! Joining a local running group can be a lot of fun. It's a great way to meet new people who share the same passion for running. Plus, you can challenge yourself even more by participating in races with the group. I highly recommend giving it a try!
Adam Smith: I will definitely look into joining a local running group. It sounds like a great opportunity to meet new people and challenge myself even more.
Sam Moore: That's great to hear! I hope you find a local running group that suits you. It's always more motivating and enjoyable to run with others. Keep up the good work!
Adam Smith--Jennifer Moore 06:46:10
Adam Smith: Hey Jennifer, I couldn't help but notice you getting ready to start painting. What inspired you to take up painting?
Jennifer Moore: Thank you, Adam! Painting has always been a passion of mine. It allows me to express my creativity and emotions in a unique way. How about you? Is there something that inspires your daily run?
Adam Smith: I'm actually inspired by the challenge and the feeling of accomplishment I get from pushing myself physically. It's a great way for me to clear my mind and stay healthy. How about you, do you have any other hobbies or interests?
Jennifer Moore: Yes, I have a few other hobbies. Besides painting, I enjoy gardening and reading. They both allow me to relax and unwind.
Adam Smith: That's great! I think it's important to have hobbies that help us relax and unwind. Do you have any favorite books that you would recommend?
Jennifer Moore: I have many favorite books, but one that I would highly recommend is 'The Alchemist' by Paulo Coelho. It's a beautiful story that explores the themes of following your dreams and finding your true purpose. Have you read it?
Adam Smith: That sounds like a fascinating book! I haven't read it yet, but I'll definitely add it to my reading list. Thanks for the recommendation!
Jennifer Moore: Jennifer Moore: I'm glad you liked the recommendation! If you're interested, I have a few more books that I could suggest based on your interests.
Adam Smith: That would be great! I'm always looking for new books to read. What other books would you recommend?
Jennifer Moore: Sure! Based on your interest in pushing yourself physically, I would recommend 'Born to Run' by Christopher McDougall. It's a captivating book that explores the world of ultra-distance running and the secrets of the Tarahumara tribe in Mexico. It might inspire you even more!
Adam Smith: That sounds like a really interesting book. I'll definitely add 'Born to Run' to my reading list. Thanks for the recommendation!
Jennifer Moore: I'm glad you liked the recommendation! If you're interested, I have a few more books that I could suggest based on your interests.
Adam Smith: That would be great! I'm always looking for new books to read. What other books would you recommend?
Jennifer Moore: Well, based on your interest in pushing yourself physically, another book that I would recommend is 'The Power of Now' by Eckhart Tolle. It's a thought-provoking book that explores the concept of living in the present moment and finding inner peace. It might offer you some valuable insights.
Adam Smith: Thank you for the recommendations! I'll definitely check out 'Born to Run' and 'The Power of Now'. They both sound like books that could offer me valuable insights.
Jennifer Moore: I'm glad you liked the recommendations! If you're interested, I have a few more books that I could suggest based on your interests
Ayesha Khan--Wolfgang Schulz 07:06:30 conversing about This is a conversation between Ayesha Khan and Wolfgang Schulz about starting a running routine and planning a 2-mile run together on Saturday morning
Ayesha Khan: Hey Wolfgang, I noticed you were going for a run earlier. How often do you usually go running?
Wolfgang Schulz: I try to go running at least three times a week. It helps me clear my mind and stay in shape.
Ayesha Khan: That sounds great, I've been thinking about starting a running routine myself. Do you have any tips for beginners?
Wolfgang Schulz: That's awesome! Running is a great way to stay active and improve your overall fitness. My advice for beginners would be to start slow and gradually increase your running distance and intensity. It's important to listen to your body and take rest days when needed. Also, investing in a good pair of running shoes can make a big difference in your comfort and performance. Let me know if you need any more tips or advice!
Ayesha Khan: Thank you, Wolfgang! Those are really helpful tips. I will definitely keep them in mind as I start my running routine.
Wolfgang Schulz: That's great to hear! If you ever want some company on your runs, I'd be happy to join you. It's always more fun to have a running buddy.
Ayesha Khan: That sounds wonderful! I would love to have a running buddy. It would definitely make my runs more enjoyable.
Wolfgang Schulz: We can start with shorter distances and gradually increase our running distance as we get more comfortable. How about we start with a 2-mile run this weekend?
Ayesha Khan: That sounds like a good plan! Let's go for a 2-mile run this weekend. How about Saturday morning?
Wolfgang Schulz: Great! Saturday morning works for me. Let's meet at the park at 8 am. Does that time work for you?
Ayesha Khan: Yes, 8 am works for me. I'll see you at the park on Saturday morning!
Wolfgang Schulz: I look forward to our run this weekend! Do you have any specific goals for your running routine?
Ayesha Khan: I don't have any specific goals for my running routine yet, but I'm excited to see how it goes! I'll definitely keep you updated on my progress.
Wolfgang Schulz: That's great! I'm glad you're excited to start your running routine. Remember to start slow and listen to your body. Let's meet at the park on Saturday morning at 8 am for our run. I'll see you then!
Ayesha Khan: Thank you, Wolfgang! I'm excited to see how our run goes this weekend. I'll make sure to start slow and listen to my body.
Wolfgang Schulz: Great! See you on Saturday morning at 8 am at the park. Looking forward to our run!
Tamara Taylor--Carmen Ortiz 07:06:30 
conversing about conversing about This is a conversation between Tamara Taylor and Carmen Ortiz discussing the progress Tamara is making on her novel and the popularity of art supplies at Carmen's store, with Tamara planning to stop by later to get recommendations and purchase supplies for her children's book series
Tamara Taylor: Good morning, Carmen! How are you doing today?
Carmen Ortiz: Good morning, Tamara! I'm doing well, thank you. How about you?
Tamara Taylor: I'm excited about the progress I'm making on my novel. How about you? How are things going with the store?
Carmen Ortiz: Things are going well with the store. We've been getting a lot of customers lately.
Tamara Taylor: That's great to hear! What's been selling well?
Carmen Ortiz: We've been selling a lot of art supplies lately. Paints, brushes, and canvases have been especially popular.
Tamara Taylor: I'm actually working on a children's book series right now, so I might stop by your store to pick up some art supplies later. Do you have any recommendations?
Carmen Ortiz: That's great to hear! We have a wide selection of art supplies, so I'm sure you'll find everything you need for your children's book series. I can even give you some recommendations based on what you're looking for.
Tamara Taylor: That sounds great! I'll definitely stop by later to check out your art supplies and get some recommendations. Thanks, Carmen!
Carmen Ortiz: Great! I'll be at the store until 6:00 pm, so feel free to stop by anytime. I can show you our selection of art supplies and give you some recommendations for your children's book series.
Tamara Taylor: Can you recommend any specific brushes and paints that would be good for illustrating children's books?
Carmen Ortiz: For illustrating children's books, I would recommend using brushes with fine tips for detailed work and watercolor paints for vibrant colors. We have a variety of brushes and paints available, so you can choose based on your preferences. Feel free to stop by the store later and I can show you the options.
Tamara Taylor: Could you also recommend any sketchbooks or paper that would be suitable for illustrating children's books?
Carmen Ortiz: For illustrating children's books, I would recommend using sketchbooks or paper with smooth surfaces, such as bristol board or mixed media paper. These surfaces are great for various mediums and allow for easy erasing and blending. We have a variety of sketchbooks and paper options available at the store, so you can choose based on your preferences. Feel free to stop by and I can show you the different options.
Tamara Taylor: Thank you, Carmen! I'll be sure to stop by later today to check out the art supplies and get your recommendations.
Carmen Ortiz: Great! I'll be at the store until 6:00 pm, so feel free to stop by anytime. I can show you our selection of art supplies and give you some recommendations for your children's book series.

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