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Take the Developer Economics survey and have your say on what the next programming language Queen should be. You could win amazing prizes and gear. Discover more.

参加“开发人员经济学”调查,然后就皇后乐队应该使用的哪种编程语言发表自己的看法。 您可以赢得惊人的奖品和装备。 发现更多 。

Welcome to another update on programming language communities. The choice of programming language matters deeply to developers because they want to keep their skills up to date and marketable. Languages are a beloved subject of debate and the kernels of some of the strongest developer communities. They matter to toolmakers too, as they want to make sure they provide the most useful SDΚs.

欢迎阅读有关编程语言社区的另一个更新。 编程语言的选择对开发人员来说非常重要,因为开发人员希望保持其技能的最新性和适销性。 语言是辩论的热门话题,也是一些最强大的开发人员社区的核心。 它们对工具制造商也很重要,因为他们想确保提供最有用的SDΚ。

It can be hard to assess how widely used a programming language is. The indices available from players like Tiobe, Redmonk, Stack Overflow’s yearly survey, or Github’s Octoverse are great, but mostly offer only relative comparisons between languages, providing no sense of the absolute size of each community. They may also be biased geographically, or skewed towards certain fields of software development, or open source developers.

很难评估一种编程语言的使用范围。 Tiobe,Redmonk,Stack Overflow的年度调查或Github的Octoverse之类的公司提供的索引很好,但大多数情况下仅提供语言之间的相对比较,无法理解每个社区的绝对规模。 它们也可能在地理上存在偏见,或偏向软件开发或开源开发人员的某些领域。

The estimates we present here look at active software developers using each programming language, across the globe and across all kinds of programmers. They are based on two pieces of data. First, our independent estimate of the global number of software developers, which we published for the first time in 2017. Second, our large-scale, low-bias surveys which reach more than 20,000 developers every six months. In the survey, we consistently ask developers about their use of programming languages across nine areas of development1, giving us rich and reliable information about who uses each language and in which context.

我们在这里给出的估算值是针对使用全球各地以及各种程序员的每种编程语言的活跃软件开发人员的。 它们基于两个数据。 首先,我们对全球软件开发人员的数量进行了独立评估,并于2017年首次发布。其次,我们进行了大规模的低偏差调查,每六个月覆盖20,000多名开发人员。 在调查中,我们不断询问开发人员在九个开发领域中对编程语言的使用情况1,从而为我们提供了丰富可靠的信息,说明谁使用每种语言以及在哪种情况下使用。

JavaScript is and remains the queen of programming languages. Its community of 11.7M developers is the largest of all languages. In 2018, 2.5M developers joined the community: the highest growth in absolute numbers and more than the entire population of Swift, Ruby, or Kotlin developers, amongst others. New developers see it as an attractive entry-level language, but also existing developers are adding it to their skillset. Even in software sectors where Javascript is least popular like machine learning or on-device code in IoT, over a quarter of developers use it for their projects.

JavaScript是并且仍然是编程语言的王者。 它的1,170万开发人员社区是所有语言中最多的。 在2018年,有250万开发人员加入了社区:绝对人数增长最快,超过了Swift,Ruby或Kotlin开发人员的总数。 新开发人员将其视为一种有吸引力的入门级语言,但现有开发人员也正在将其添加到其技能中。 即使在机器学习或物联网中的设备上代码等Javascript最受欢迎的软件行业中,也有超过四分之一的开发人员将Javascript用于其项目。

Python has reached 8.2M active developers and has now surpassed Java in terms of popularity. It is the second-fastest growing language community in absolute terms with 2.2M net new Python developers in 2018. The rise of machine learning is a clear factor in its popularity. A whopping 69% of machine learning developers and data scientists now use Python (compared to 24% of them using R).

Python已达到820万活跃的开发人员,并且在流行度方面已经超过Java。 绝对而言,它是增长最快的语言社区,2018年有220万新的Python新开发人员。机器学习的兴起显然是其受欢迎程度的一个因素。 现在,多达69%的机器学习开发人员和数据科学家使用Python(相比之下,其中24%的人使用R)。

Java (7.6M active developers), C# (6.7M), and C/C++ (6.3M) are fairly close together in terms of community size and are certainly well-established languages. However, all three are now growing at a slower rate than the general developer population. While they are not exactly stagnating, they are no longer the first languages that (new) developers look to.

Java(760万活跃的开发人员),C#(6.7M)和C / C ++(6.3M)在社区规模方面相当接近,并且肯定是公认的语言。 但是,这三者的增长速度均低于一般开发商的增长速度。 尽管它们并没有完全停滞不前,但它们不再是(新)开发人员要使用的第一语言。

Java is very popular in the mobile ecosystem and its offshoots (Android), but not for IoT devices. C# is a core part of the Microsoft ecosystem. Throughout our research, we see a consistent correlation between the use of C# and the use of Microsoft developer products. It’s no surprise to see desktop and AR/VR (Hololens) as areas where C# is popular. C/C++ is a core language family for game engines and in IoT, where performance and low-level access matter (AR/VR exists on the boundary between games and IoT).

Java在移动生态系统及其分支机构(Android)中非常流行,但不适用于IoT设备。 C#是Microsoft生态系统的核心部分。 在整个研究过程中,我们发现C#的使用与Microsoft开发人员产品的使用之间存在一致的关联。 将台式机和AR / VR(Hololens)视为C#流行的领域也就不足为奇了。 C / C ++是用于游戏引擎和IoT的核心语言系列,其中性能和低级访问至关重要(AR / VR存在于游戏和IoT之间的边界)。

PHP is now the second most popular language for web development and the fifth most popular language overall, with 5.9M developers. Like Python, it’s growing significantly faster than the overall developer population, having added 32% more developers to its ranks in 2018. Despite having (arguably) a somewhat bad reputation, the fact that PHP is easy to learn and widely deployed still propels it forward as a major language for the modern Internet.

PHP现在是590万名开发人员,是Web开发中第二流行的语言,总体排名第五。 像Python一样,它的增长速度明显快于整个开发人员的数量,在2018年其开发人员的数量增加了32%。尽管(可以说)声誉有些差,但是PHP易于学习和广泛部署这一事实仍在推动它向前发展。作为现代互联网的主要语言。

The fastest growing language community in percentage terms is Kotlin. It grew by 58% in 2018 from 1.1M to 1.7M developers. Since Google has made Kotlin a first-class language for Android development, we can expect this growth to continue, in a similar way to how Swift overtook Objective-C for iOS development.

百分比增长最快的语言社区是Kotlin。 它在2018年从110万开发人员增长到170万开发人员,增长了58%。 由于Google使Kotlin成为Android开发的一流语言,因此我们可以预期这种增长将持续下去,就像Swift取代iOS开发的Objective-C一样。

Other niche languages don’t seem to be adding many developers, if any. Swift and Objective-C are important languages to the Apple community, but are stable in terms of the number of developers that use them. Ruby and Lua are not growing their communities quickly either.

其他利基语言似乎并没有增加很多开发人员,如果有的话。 Swift和Objective-C是Apple社区的重要语言,但就使用它们的开发人员数量而言,它们是稳定的。 Ruby和Lua也不Swift发展其社区。

Older and more popular programming languages have vocal critics, while new, exciting languages often have enthusiastic supporters. This data would suggest that it’s not easy for new languages to grow beyond their niche and become the next big thing. What does this mean for the future of these languages and others like Go or Scala? We will certainly keep tracking this evolution and plan to keep you informed.

较旧的和较流行的编程语言具有批评性,而新颖的,令人兴奋的语言通常具有热情的支持者。 这些数据表明,新语言要超越其利基市场并成为下一个重要事物并不容易。 这对这些语言以及Go或Scala等其他语言的未来意味着什么? 我们当然会一直跟踪这种演变,并计划使您了解最新情况。

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Have your say on which should be the next programming language Queen and you may win amazing prizes and gear. Discover more.

如果您对哪种编程语言皇后号有发言权,您可能会赢得惊人的奖项和装备。 发现更多 。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint/javascript-remains-the-queen-of-programming-languages/


本文标签: 仍然是王者编程语言JavaScript